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Well I think af is looming too, have had very bad mood swings and completely knackered, haven't ested yet but am feeling the :witch: will get me first, now cramping... when are u gonna test then now?

as soon as i got in and saw that brown cm i went and tested cos thought she was gonna appear! infact i did 3 cheapies and they were neg of course.

so now im just waiting for her to get here properly!
How weird Samzi, does it normally stop mid flow?

After having lots of cramps this evening, absolutely zero now. Still not sure if it is my boobs that are sore or my chest. How un-intune with my body am I?

Hope that :witch:stays away mumtobewaiting. You aren't thinking of testing earlier are you????

Garkat, I just think lots of BD'ing should do the trick :rofl:

Sorry mumtobewaiting forgot to answer your question. I am still going to hold fire on the testing until the 4th May. If :witch: has not come by then I will be a couple of days late so can only be a positive thing.:laugh2:
well this is what happened when i got my BFP last time

27/11/08 - 4 days late.
still no Af, though im getting what i usually get just as she is finishing.. very odd
27/11/08 - 16.02
i have what i had last week but more red so i think she will be in full flow mode (excuse the pun) in a few hours.
17.30 -
all stopped now. what the hell is going on! stomach pains still mind you
well shes here.
maybe next month will be mine hey
(a friend asked me if af had been easy on me or not)
i havent been on like i usually am. its all very weird but the tests say neg. maybe shes just indecisive today
29/11/08 - 23.42
my friend who is preg with baby no 3 said i should test again cos i havent had a proper Af this month. am not sure tho as the last two i did were neg. what u think?
30/11/08 - 10.54
omg. maybe it my eyes playing tricks on me but im sure i can see a faint line. eerk!
well the second line is definetly there. im shaking lol
well i got a CB digial.
Keep those fingers crossed for you Samzi, maybe lightening is striking twice!!!
Blondie - can't wait to see your scan pic!

Samzi - sorry witch is on her way. happy holiday babymaking!

can't remember anything else, really sorry but i'm ill. got sore throat, headache and feel really tired.

well my temp went up loads today, one more high temp and ff should pinpoint ov on cd 15. i don't think temp would have gone up as much if i wasn't ill though so not sure how accurate my chart will be now. :hissy:

2 dpo today, AGES until testing!
im really pissed off :hissy:

all developments have COMPLETELY stopped!

stupid :witch:

and why the f**k is she smiling?! gah :hissy:
I agree. AF stopping can only be a good thing. How many dpo are you Samzi?
Flowertot, I don't envy you being at 2 dpo. This 2ww has been soooo long. God, I need a hobby to keep me entertained for the 2ww.
not a clue!

anywhere from 12-15dpo (i think)
I'm oooo confused girls it might be due to tiredness but i ovulated on cd 11 but i cant find a ticker to track when i should test now lol grrr i want my bfp i WILL GET my BFP!!!!!!xxxxxx
You never know Msmith it could be your turn. When is AF due to show up??

topazicatzbet sorry think i may have asked this already either on this or another thread how long were you using CBFM? You were temping this month though too weren't you?
Do you think it will matter me not temping, it's just impossible with work. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything possible this month.

Any tips anyone else??

x x x x

hey well i started using it in december to track my cycle then used in in jan (1st month ttc) and then i broke it, :dohh: so i went cycle 2 with out it but i took epo and it messed up my cycle so i bought another cbfm and used it on cycle 3 and got my bfp!:happydance:

in did temp this month but i dont think temping made a difference for ovulation, it just confirmed it but it did make the 2ww easier as i had something to do each day and i coukd see my temp go up and up and i had a good idea i was preg before testing just from my temp.

i hadnt done my temp before because of work but managed it really well that cycle, i didnt have any night shifts that month so that made it easier.
i just set my alarm for the time i get up for work and every day i woke up at that time and temped then went back to sleep if it was my day off.

hope this helps
Samzi - Sorry AF is playing with you again, seems like its the month for it with us ladies as she is doing the same to me!

CP still high and closed, temp is 36.86 but quite heavy bleeding. The thing is the blood is still watery and a lighter red colour. My normal AF at this stage is dark dark red with clots and stuff (sorry tmi) thin i will have to test tomorrow just to get that :bfn: and put my mind at rest.
well i am very confused.

i did a frer and it was neg so i took a pic but on the photo you can see a line? whats with that?!

there is no line visible irl :/
its a bit blurry but i think i can see a line too. and it looks pink!!

are you sure you cant see a line on the test?
yup, positive.

what im going to do is, if :witch: isnt herr by the time i finish work today, im going to get some more FRER before i head off to my boyfriends and keep them until the weekend.
who can invert my pic for me please? :)

edit: ok i managed to find a website
Morning ladies :)

Feeling pretty nervous and very excited about scan. Just under 2 hours to wait - I'm picking DH up from work on my way there as he has managed to get someone to cover his lesson for him. Fingers x'd everything is going to be ok :)

Samzi - very blurry photo so can't see much I'm afraid. Can you take a photo with it on a piece of paper so there is nothing in the background to draw the focus of camera?

Razcox - wish the :witch: would stop messing you around :hugs: fingers x'd you get a :bfp: tomorrow
Good morning all.
Hope you are all doing well.
Samzi - I'm so sorry that the :witch: is playing games with you again. It does look like there's a line there but it is hard to tell because it is so blurry. Can you get a clearer shot?
Razcox - Good luck! I really hope you get your BFP tomorrow.
Blondie - Good luck to you too! Can't wait to see the latest pics from your scan. You're lucky to get another one so soon after the last. We get one at 12 weeks here, and one at 20 weeks and that's it. It's always so exciting seeing your baby!

Hi to everyone else! Not too long now till May 4th. Are you still holding out MSmith & Mum2bewaiting? I really hope you both get your BFP!

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