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Thanks Torri and Beth.
I am keeping my fingers crossed but not feeling too positive. I have bought some HPTs today so will see if AF catches me before Monday.
I have not used HPTs before and bought some from Tescos with my weekly shop. Have you lot had any experiences with Tescos own ones? It does not say how sensitive it is, what is the norm?
i've used tesco ones before. think they are quite sensitive. most of the supermarket brands are sensitive.

i always buy asda/sainsburys ones because if you're using hpts every month it can get quite expensive. they are under £5.00 for 2 whereas Clearblue and First Response are over £10.00 for 2.

don't get me wrong if i get my :bfp: this month on a cheap test i will have to splash out on a digital test to make sure but i really don't think its worth buying them to begin with.

there is a downside to really sensitive test though, as i've learned over the past few months. they show positives really early so you know if you're having a chemical pregnancy like i have the past 2 times.

is af late now? if it is most tests should pick up the hcg by that time anyway.

good luck :hugs:
i miss my codine :hissy::hissy::hissy:

i have a problem with my jaw which gives me really bad headaches and the only thing that helps relieve it is codine.

i ve spent all night sleeping on a hot water bottle to try and relieve some of the pain, i want codine :hissy:
dont know how im gonna get through the next 8 months with out it.
Poor you Beth. I feel for you. I suffer with bad tooth ache regularly and need pain relief. Hope it subsides soon.

Thanks Flowertot. Since coming off the pill I have had a 30, 28 and 27 day cycle. So I used 27 days to plan this cycle. I got a positive OPK on cd14 so maybe this cycle will be anything from 27-30ish. I am now on cd28. I will keep waiting until May 4th to test and that way I would either anticipate the :witch: will have flown in or I will be fine to get a true result on an HPT.

Trying to stay positive but totally confused with all the weirdness my body is doing. I think being 'chesty' and poorly is making it even harder for me to judge what is AF, early preg signs or just being poorly.

Ta for the support guys.

morning ladies

still no sign of :witch: so i am officially late now! not done anymore tests, im going to do one on tues if still nothing as i still have loads of ic's!
wow cant believe you havent tested samzi

good luck msmith hope the :witch: stays away.

well i caved and googled codeine in pregnancy and netdoctors said it was ok to take in 1st n 2nd tri every so often so i decieded to take just 1. thought it was better that i got some sleep and wasnt in as much pain than be in agony not sleep be really stressed and feel too ill to eat. id put up with it for 16 hrs and had had enough. that 1 tablet let me sleep for a good 2 hours and i feel a lot better now which has to be better for kitten in the long run, feel guilty though.
Fingers crossed for u samzi!!! im soooo excited :) xxx
All very quiet on here today.
Are we all busy bees with it being a bank holiday weekend?
The minimal amount of spotting stopped yesterday so keeping my fingers crossed. Please stay away witchy.
ok so i went to the loo before and on wiping there was light pink! its gone back to browny cm now though.

hmm whats going on? AF 3 days late now!
Morning Leftovers.
Hope you're all well.

So I'm out again this month. :cry:
I'm feeling pretty down about it. I realise we've only been trying for 4 cycles, and that's not very long in the scheme of things, but we conceived Freya first time which makes it SO frustrating that it's not happening this time.
This morning was really hard for me. I take Freya swimming on Sunday mornings... all I really wanted to do was lie in bed and cry.
I'm starting to feel like it's just not going to happen for us.

Sorry I'm having such a pity party... I'll feel better tomorrow... and if it's really not going to happen for us then that's probably OK - after all, we already have Freya and she is brilliant.

Good luck for Monday msmith & mum2bewaiting. I hope you both get your :bfp:

And Samzi, what's going on there? Are you really going to hold out till Tuesday to test? You should join the others on Monday.
oh hun :hugs: so sorry the evil :witch: got you.

and yea re the testing, im going to wait a few extra days. A, because im at my boyfrineds and dont have any tests, and B, i want to wait just that bit longer, plus im very scared and want to be in 'denial' a bit longer.
Ohh, Freyasmum sorry the wicked :witch: arrived. I know it is annoying after conceiving Freya so easily but we all must be realistic that is bl00dy amazing that anyone falls pregnant, the odds are stacked against us. Saying that our time will come. I think the research says on average it takes about 9 cycles so keep up the PMA. :hugs:

Not sure what is happening my end. Thursday and Friday I had aches and cramps like I was going to come on and also some tiny bits of spotting (not noticed having that before) but still no sign of AF. I have to admit I caved in on Friday and tested and got a BFN so really not too sure what is going on. I am cd29 today. The last cycles have been 30,28 and 27 respectively after coming off the pill so not sure whether it is the nerves of wanting a BFP which is making me late or whether I am just having a longer cycle. If she is not here tomorrow I will test again in the morning. On Friday I tested early evening when I got in from work so fingers crossed there just was not enough HCG in my body.

Catch you later.
sorry witch go you Freyasmum and mum2bwaiting.

i know the feeling Freyasmum, as i concieved my daughter first month of trying with no problems at all. If witch gets me this month i will be going on to cycle 6. hang in there i'm sure it will happen soon :hugs:
Blondie, ur scan pics are fab!! Wel done ( and u will still love s/he even with ADHD!)
Can u put me for testing 1st June please for time being. ty
5 dpo today. its dragging so much!!! :hissy: :hissy:

its my wedding anniversary on tuesday so at least i have something else to think about.
Hi girlies!:hugs:

Freyasmum and Mum2be, sorry the :witch: got you. Fingers Xed this is your month!

Beth, can't wait to see kitty pics!

Samzi and MsSmith, looking forward to you testing, have a good feeling!:happydance:

:hug:to anyone I missed!!

Well, I had a bit of a scare yesterday. Woke up at 4am to cramping and spotting. Went to ER...seems the seahorse is fine, had a heart rate of 164, and was waving and kicking and wriggling around on the screen. Most importantly, my cervix is long and closed, and there was no active bleeding, so it looks like everything will be okay. I really freaked out, though. Didn't realize how attached I was already to this pregnancy until I was convinced I was losing it.

Then, today, we were dogsitting for my mom's pups and there was a fight and her 13 year old poodle got bitten, so spent this morning in the doggie ER. She's fine and home again, but what a crazy weekend!!:hissy::hissy:

Hope all you ladies are having a great day!:hugs:
Oh Caitlenc, what a scare. Glad all is okay. I bet it was lovely to see seahorse again on the scan!! You have done your quota of hospitals this weekend. Thank goodness your mum's dog is fine too.

Still no sign from AF. I am beating myself up about getting a BFN tomorrow. I suppose I am worrying about things that have not happened yet, where is my PMA?
For all you knocked up naughties, what symptoms did you have very early on, if any e.g. within the first week?
I know I should not symptom spot but need some to keep me going until tomorrows testing.

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