Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

OMG I'm so so so tired this morning - genuinely could curl up and cry. So tempted to close blinds to my office and have a snooze.

Boss isn't back from states until Thursday so a few more days to keep it quiet before I can officially tell work
Well, got nurse appt on Friday afternoon, I hoped for something sooner, but at least I should be able to see a doctor too if she thinks they would be useful, and they are unlikely to want to do blood tests before day 6 aren't they????
Jesus you girls have been busy over the long weekend,

Caitlenc so sorry about your scare hun, I think it's bad enough when we just worry but when you get cramps as well it must be very scary, glad that seahorse is well tho and your cervics are tight closed!

blondie congrates on the scan hun, it's really frecky how we can go from having our 8 week early scan that looks like a butter bean to having arms and legs 3 weeks later

Both congrates on getting to the 11 week make i'm now only 6 days apart from you guys

Samzi, that bloody witch is terrible to you hoping it's a sign tho to your :bfp:

Msmith how are you hun?

Telle once again your keeping the PMA up and running for us ladies even the ones who are knocked up naughty's lol

Mum2bewaiting; i think you shoudl go to the doctors and no it's not to soon 15months of trying must be so frustrating for you, when we started to ttcmy doctor said i would need to wait 12 months before they would intervene and put my on a ttc plan etc, so good luck with that chick

Beth: can't wait to see our little kitten :happydance: how you feeling now (apart from the nasty constipation)?

to all the lovely ladies i've missed :hug: and I'm so sorry but i've got a good dose of preggers head on today lol
So here is my update

well I've been to my mums this weekend which was lovely as we had all the family over (as my sister lives in my home town of sunderland so we have to organise visits months ahead of them selves)

Last night was the first time i really had all day sickness, it's now come to the point of were i can not convince myself to not be physicaly sick, it seems to just be certain things like mushrooms and spicy things so will stay away from them me thinks

and we have bought our first thing for George which was a bottle wash and soothers not very exciting but the emotions you go through when your buying it is amazing i think i must have picked it up and then decided against it (as it's so soon) about 50 times and then when i did buy it much to my DH relief we had to take it to his unit so not to bring it in the house lol

DH is a little confused at the moment with the lack of BDing as i don't want to in the 1st tri as feel if I start to spot afterwards i will just freak me out which he understands and has confirmed this a million times to me whn i go through my insecure part of "oh god i'm not pleasing my Hubby" phase. i think i just feel a little sorry for him at the moment.

Well that it from me so looking forward to the next 2 weeks as i'll be closer to going into the 2nd tri which will be a relief

lots of love

me and George
she finally came!

but that means ive missed out on that holiday baby :cry:

damn her! :hissy:
Morning all, been busy over the week end so not had a chance to get on here. I do however have a brand spanking new patio and raised bed though so i am very pleases.

:hugs: to all the :witch: got but on to the next cycle and feb baby. And Extra :hug: to those being messed about by the evil AF.

Samzi - Sorry its still so up and down for you and finger crossed for tomorrow xxx

Beth - Can't see the kittens cuz of my stupid work computer so i will have to wait to drool over them. Well done for hitting the 6 week mark and bet you cant wait to see the little kittens heart beating away.

Caitlenc - So sorry about your scare, this seahorse of yours does like to keep you on your toes thats for sure!

Blondie - Yeah for you hun, it must have been so nice to tell everyone at last.

As for me, well i tested on sat and it was a :bfn: my temps have gone back to a normal level for this time on my cycle but it has made my chart look a little odd! My CP is now low (it came down on Sun) so it seems everything is back to normal now. Very strange AF but hey ho. Can you put me down for testing on the 27th May please if my cycle goes back to its normal length.
So here is my update

well I've been to my mums this weekend which was lovely as we had all the family over (as my sister lives in my home town of sunderland so we have to organise visits months ahead of them selves)

Last night was the first time i really had all day sickness, it's now come to the point of were i can not convince myself to not be physicaly sick, it seems to just be certain things like mushrooms and spicy things so will stay away from them me thinks

and we have bought our first thing for George which was a bottle wash and soothers not very exciting but the emotions you go through when your buying it is amazing i think i must have picked it up and then decided against it (as it's so soon) about 50 times and then when i did buy it much to my DH relief we had to take it to his unit so not to bring it in the house lol

DH is a little confused at the moment with the lack of BDing as i don't want to in the 1st tri as feel if I start to spot afterwards i will just freak me out which he understands and has confirmed this a million times to me whn i go through my insecure part of "oh god i'm not pleasing my Hubby" phase. i think i just feel a little sorry for him at the moment.

Well that it from me so looking forward to the next 2 weeks as i'll be closer to going into the 2nd tri which will be a relief

lots of love

me and George

I was in Sunderland on Sunday evening Tori :) Only live 20 minutes away :)

As for BDing - we haven't since we conceived as been so nervous about possibilities of mc and now all I seem to do is feel crap and bloated and not the least bit sexy - told DH to find himself another woman for a few months as at this rate he will explode :) Really hoping second tri arrives with me feeling better and more in the mood for some serious BD to make up for the last 10 weeks :)

Exciting buying stuff for George :) I still haven't dared think about it - don't know when I will actually get round to buying anything - knowing me it will probably be the week before I give birth :)
Morning, my lovelies!:hugs:

Samzi, sorry :witch: arrived, hun. Roll on next month!

Tori and Blondie, I have also been withholding the big BD in the first tri, think we've only done it twice since my :bfp:. Poor hubby must be dying, but he doesn't complain, and seems to understand the fears I have.

Mum2be, I hope your appointment proves helpful and puts your mind at rest.:hugs:

Raz, glad things seem to be back to normal, what a strange af you had this month!:hugs:

:hug:to anyone I missed, as always!

As for me, not much to report. I am very tired today, as I woke up at 2:30 this morning to pee, and never got back to sleep properly after that.:hissy: It's also dreary and rainy here this week, which makes me feel even more tired. Yuk.

Otherwise, feeling okay. I think I might be over the worst of the first tri symptoms, though still some nausea and tiredness. BB's are less sore (although still painful to touch). So, hopefully the worst is behind me.

Have a fab day, my lovelies!:hugs:
i must take it back. shes here but isnt.

still no 'proper' flow and its browny red, not bright red. i know they can differ but COME ON.

aww i don't know what shes playing at hun! :( :hugs: xxx
Caitlenc - I'm glad I'm not the only zombie - I'm sick of waking up in the middle of the night to go for a wee - I know it should ease pretty soon when our uterus shift up out of the pelvis and stops squashing our bladders but I can't cope without an uninterrupted nights sleep - I'm dreading what it will be like with a baby :hissy:

Samzi - I wish :witch: would make up her mind :hugs:
Caitlenc - I'm glad I'm not the only zombie - I'm sick of waking up in the middle of the night to go for a wee - I know it should ease pretty soon when our uterus shift up out of the pelvis and stops squashing our bladders but I can't cope without an uninterrupted nights sleep - I'm dreading what it will be like with a baby :hissy:

Samzi - I wish :witch: would make up her mind :hugs:

At least with a new born baby though you wont be expected to drag yourself into work for 8 hours though . . . . I hear the 2 tri is the glowing/happy stage so i'm sure it will get better xxxxx
ok so ladies im scared.

this is too much like last time i got my :bfp: after being 5 days late and getting what looked like stringy brown blood as :witch: goes away. i have had NO proper flow at all, and what i have had has been brown/dark red almost.

should i do a test??
Samzi - :test:

Sat here at my desk about to fall asleep - can't believe how tired I am, it's ridiculous. Roll on 2nd tri and hopefully my second wind. I long for the days of glowing, having energy and just not feeling like death for a few hours :)

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