Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Morning girls.

i know i'm naughty but i just couldn't resist poas this morning at 9dpo. used a 10miu test, so very sensitive and........faint :bfp:

i can't get too excited though because i've also had :bfp: for the last couple of months and both were chemical pregnancies. i seem to have no problem getting pregnant, its keeping them that is the problem.

please be a sticky bean.

will test again tomorrow to make sure line is getting darker. af is due on tuesday, fingers x'ed she will get the message that shes not welcome.

hope everybody is ok today xx

OMG - I have got absolutely everything crossed for you Flowertot :)
Omg flowertot, I've got everything crossed for you and so has george. keep up the POAS so excited for you x x x
The doc told me to make an appointment to see her as soon as i get my next :bfp: and she will send me for bloods to and monitor me. will have to wait until af due date though or at earliest the day before. she stressed to me when i went to see her last month that i must stop testing early. think i will make an appointment for monday.
Morning ladies,

so sorry to here the :witch: has come to those that it has but keep up the PMA as i'm sure it's going to happen soon,

Well Thing are going well here i'm still very tired and doing lates this week which is hard as i just want to sleep all the time!

and i think it's night sickness now but still managing to keep everything down which is good.

Blondie: so sorry you feeling crap today, i throught this was the start of the good part of pregancy for you where you can just enjoy it with out having the whole sickness part. fingers cross it's coming soon to you!

lots of love to all of you lovely ladies
The doc told me to make an appointment to see her as soon as i get my next :bfp: and she will send me for bloods to and monitor me. will have to wait until af due date though or at earliest the day before. she stressed to me when i went to see her last month that i must stop testing early. think i will make an appointment for monday.

Thats easy for a doctor to say it's so bloody hard when you know they are in the bath room and hold the key to your future, I really hope this is the one for you this time flowertot

That's brilliant news flowertot!!!
Pretty eventful couple of hours! My uncles girlfriend has gone into labour 7 weeks early so waiting to hear from him, really hope the little ones ok being so early!!!!
Yesterday I had a call from the doctors about my smear test I have borderline changes so have to go back for another test in 6 months - not sure what that means in the whole ttc stakes!
Anyway a bit of good news I have had my first high on CBFM!!!
Hope you are all and fx'd for more BFP 's soon!!
x x x
Hi guys i'm a newbie here..hope it's ok to join you guys in the fight for a :bfp: I'm due for testing on the 29th so fingers crossed and fingers crossed for all of you guys!
My goodness Flowertot... Just quietly, without getting too excited too soon, that is fantastic news!! Fingers crossed for a sticky one this time!!
Good morning, my lovelies!:hugs:

Flowertot, that is fab news! I am keeping everything crossed for you, as is the seahorse, and even DH! Stick, beanie, stick!:happydance:

Blondie, sorry you're feeling green again. I know what you mean about those dreams, they are wacky! Feel better!:hugs:

Tori, I am sooo tired as well. This pregnancy stuff takes alot out of you!:sleep:

Garkat, congrats on getting that high! Keep BDing! And try not to worry about the smear, I had the same thing right before getting pregnant, turned out fine.:hugs:

MummySuzie, Welcome!! We always love having newbies join us. This is a great group of ladies, they give tons of support. Good luck on your TTC journey!:hug:

My love to all of you ladies, and anyone I missed! Have a fab day!:hugs:
Thank you caitlenc..just good being able to chat with poeple going through the same thing :D
Welcome Mummysuzie22. its alway nice to see new people joining us.

garkat- i hope everything is ok with the little one and i'm not sure about the smear test thing but i do know that my best friend had abnormal cells and had to have treatment. shes now 21 weeks pregnant.

my best friend just told me that shes having a girl. i knew it was!
to all you ladies who are already pregnant- do you think you will find out what sex you are having or leave it as a nice suprise?

i can't wait for it to be tomorrow so i can test again x
Hi Mummysuzie :) Welcome to the team :)

Flowertot - we are going to leave it as a surprise - i'm not bothered what I get so might aswell save some excitement for the birth :)

Just told my boss that I'm pregnant and he genuinely seemed really happy for me :happydance: - also broke the news that I am not allowed to fly (GP orders due to high DVT risk) and my work plan for year is now completely screwed (50% of my work is supposed to be in the states and Brazil) but we are having a meeting tomorrow to see how we can sort it (ie hire in somebody to do the overseas stuff for me :) )
welcome mummysuzie22, nice to hae you on the team.

flowertot, yay this one has to stick but here is some :dust: just to help.

i want to find out what kitten is, i ve even considered getting an intelagender test to do at 10 weeks.

Blondie glad your boss was happy, im sure you ll sort something out with the travel

garkat23 go get some :sex: in, that peak isnt far away
Flower, we are definitely leaving it as a surprise. Like Blondie, I'll be thrilled with whatever we have, and I figure it adds extra incentive and motivation during the birth! Alot of people I know wish we would find out, though--they say it makes it easier for them to shop for us. Oh, well, they'll just have to buy some gender neutral things!
Thanks for the reassurance guys!
Uncles baby is a boy at 4lb 5 - mother and baby are doing well! Can't wait to see them!
x x x
Welcome mummiesuzie
and quiet congrats flowertot :happydance:
Sorry ur symptoms are back again Blondie and good to see u well Tori!
Caitlenc, I'ld like to think that I wouldn't find out.. but I thnk that depends on if it is offered, I think that if it was I'ld jump at the chance :rofl:
Enjoy ur peak Garkat!!
Hey girls glad to see everyone is well :) welcome to our new member mummyzuzie
Im now 10dpo and got bad tummy pains like AF is arriving and TMI but feeling very wet dwn below like AF is here but she isn't :( xx
:happydance: I never thought I would be so pleased to see the :witch:
She arrived in full flow this morning.
I am a firm believer in fate. this month was not meant to be because my friend has asked me to be her bridesmaid for later this year. This way I will not be too bumped up :rofl:

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