Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Ooooh good luck for you scan tomorrow Caitlenc :)

Hmmm now wondering if there are any safety pins in the stationary cupboard at work :rofl:
oh i could seriously cry right now.

its going to be a disaster. so much for a relaxing holiday
samzi, sorry about the holiday, im sure you ll still have a good time, you might just have to change some plans.

caitlin, good luck for your scan tom, bet you cant wait to see seahorse again

unfortunatly i dont think my belly has anything to do with baby yet, i think its all fat. will def need to diet once :baby: is here, im hoping that breastfeeding with help me lose the weight.
We can start a "Beefed-Up Naughties" thread after the babies come, and do a weight-loss support group!:rofl:
feeling a bit better now about it, just sad that i wont get any hugs or anything all holiday :cry:

i love hugs!
Samzi - sorry about the holiday plans i'm sure it will still be great. warm weather will cheer you up x

Caitlen - can't wait to see you scan pic.

well i've just got back from the doctors. i've got a blood test at the hospital in the morning. i've got a really good feeling now because i was feeling brave on the way back from doctors and picked up a predictor hpt which is 50miu and got a good strong line - 13 dpo at 4pm.

don't think i need the blood test really because the hpt's speak for themselves but i really want to know what my exact hcg level is. i will be 4 weeks tomorrow and in jan when i had a blood test because of spotting my hcg was only 35 at 4.5 weeks then the miscarriage followed a week later. i think its expected to be anything over 60 for 4 weeks. i'm no doctor though so will have to see what they tell me.
Hope ur tests are good tomorrow Flowertot and ur DD sound like a little sweetie
Can't wait to see beanie Caitlenc, I would be really excited too after the last few weeks :hugs:
Glad u have the clothing issue sorted Beth, sounds like ur mum is the best!! :)
Did u find any safety pins Blondie :rofl:
i am sure u will have a fab holiday Samzi, just think of it as he won't be able to put up a fight when u jump him!! (I bet the :witch: was being kind this month as she forsaw this happening so gave him a few extra days of recovery time......)
Razcox, go jump ur man and enjoy.....:happydance:
How are u today msmith, found out the bloke opposite often has the police round in force and the neighbours think it may be to do with dodgy videos....
the ginel (sp) about 20 doors up was police cordoned off all day yesterday though, apparently a lass walking her dog at midnight on saturday was raped.... our street isn't generally bad... honestly... but u do not walk ur dog after 9pm on ur own, if fred has not been walked by 8pm either dh has to do it or he has to wait until the following morning.... oh well... even more reason to get DH running errands....
Hope everyone else is good
We have had a good day, spending it in the garden as DH managed to get today off, so I now have most of my bedding plants in, lettuces in grobags, courgettes tucked in and strawberries are about to flower, and lots of other little errands sorted. It is fab how much better a nice sunny day can make u feel.... and won't DH know about it later :blush:
OMG loads to catch up on today. Where to begin.
Samzi-Your holiday will still be great, if a little different than expected. Getting away from work etc and spending time with your man can only be a plus.
Blondie-There are some lovely Maternity wear out there. Embrace the body shape change.
Caitlenc-good luck with the scan tomorrow. Say hi to Seahorse from us all.
Mumtobewaiting-I totally agree with how good a sunny day can make us feel.
Beth-you will have to give us weekly photos of the little ones. Just for the ahhh factor.

The :witch: is on her way out. DH and I have had a heart to heart recently as he felt I was getting too intense with ttc and he did not like me being so upset when AF arrived. So all good here, I feel this month will be more chilled but hopefully as much :sex::rofl:
yeah, I know, not sure if it a publicity stunt though... just seems a bit randomed and rather stage managed
Rejected again, i am so furustrated and upset i couldn't sleep so i have come on here. Already feel like we are out this month and i haven't even OVed yet . . . Feeling pretty crappy at the min guys :(
oh sorry razcox - perhaps you need to speak with oh and see if therre is something on him mind.

i think the jordan and peter thing has been on the cards for a while, not suprised the way she talks to him.

msmith, will do with the weekly pics, one has her eyes open today and im sure it wont be long before the rest follow suit.

caitlin im def up for the weight loss support group, i will need it, im no good at dieting.
Hope ur tests are good tomorrow Flowertot and ur DD sound like a little sweetie
Can't wait to see beanie Caitlenc, I would be really excited too after the last few weeks :hugs:
Glad u have the clothing issue sorted Beth, sounds like ur mum is the best!! :)
Did u find any safety pins Blondie :rofl:
i am sure u will have a fab holiday Samzi, just think of it as he won't be able to put up a fight when u jump him!! (I bet the :witch: was being kind this month as she forsaw this happening so gave him a few extra days of recovery time......)
Razcox, go jump ur man and enjoy.....:happydance:
How are u today msmith, found out the bloke opposite often has the police round in force and the neighbours think it may be to do with dodgy videos....
the ginel (sp) about 20 doors up was police cordoned off all day yesterday though, apparently a lass walking her dog at midnight on saturday was raped.... our street isn't generally bad... honestly... but u do not walk ur dog after 9pm on ur own, if fred has not been walked by 8pm either dh has to do it or he has to wait until the following morning.... oh well... even more reason to get DH running errands....
Hope everyone else is good
We have had a good day, spending it in the garden as DH managed to get today off, so I now have most of my bedding plants in, lettuces in grobags, courgettes tucked in and strawberries are about to flower, and lots of other little errands sorted. It is fab how much better a nice sunny day can make u feel.... and won't DH know about it later :blush:

It was tori's daughter hun :rofl: i know its easy to get mixed up because there is so much going on in this thread. we are such a busy bunch x
I've not heard the Jordan and Peter news but i'm guessing they have split. she did seem very mean to him on their show.

Mum2bewaiting - how awful about the woman getting raped. it's horrible when bad things happen close to home.

Razcox - i think you will feel much better if you have a chat with OH, things are much worse when they are bottled up. hope things get better soon :hugs:

i'm feeling brave enough to change my sig. can anybody tell me how to become a knocked up naughty??

off to bed now, im staying up way too late but i'm sure that will change when tiredness kicks in!
Morning ladies :)

Internet wasn't working at home last night so couldn't have a proper catch up :(

Well yesterday saw my 5th throwing up of the pregnancy - I guess baby just didn't like the chips and cheese savoury I got from the chippy on the way back from dropping DH off at the snooker club :) Oh well it must vanish for good soon - hopefully very soon as my parents arrive tomorrow (they are staying for a week) and I'd quite like to not spend the entire week feeling crap :)

Flowertot - strong line on a 50miu sounds really good - I'm convinced that you have a sticky bean this time round :happydance: - will have a look back in thread in a moment and try and find link to the knocked up naughties sig :)

Beth - so jealous of your kittens - want to swap a couple for my thugs which are fast approaching a year old and are currently in the bad books for managing to open and raid the treat cupboard last night - :rofl:

Razcox - sorry about your DH, maybe the pressure is getting to him a little, time for a nice massage and tell him he can't have :sex: anymore - once they can't have it they soon change their minds :)

Caitlenc - good luck with scan today - I'm dying to see how the seahorse has grown :)

Samzi - your holiday will still be lovely :) I'm sure within a week he will be up to hugging you - I was out in the fields poo-picking with a wheelbarrow a week after breaking mine - but then again I'm a hard core equestrian :)

MSmith - glad :witch: is packing her bags - all systems go for a :bfp: cycle this month :)

Mum2bewaiting - scarey about the rape, horrible when things happen on your doorstep - just make sure you keep safe :hugs: I love hearing your street stories though - I don't need eastenders or corrie - just your updates on dodgy guy across the street :)

Right not sure who I have missed so apologies - it's still early and I'm half asleep after another night of freaky dreams :)
Morbing Ladies:

Well i'm now counting down the days to the scan on saturday i can't wait to see s/he as it will stop me worring as much as i am (i wonder when us knocked up naughty's will stop worrying is it the day the little un come out? :rofl: )

I've also got these sharpe pelvic pains which hurt when they come but i'm trying not to stress to much as my doctor says most cramps or sharpe pains are normal so taking his word for it!

Caitlenc - Good luck for your scan hun

Flowertot - I have a feeling this is a sticky one! was the :witch: due today (if my memeory serves me right?) if it is all you worries will relax a little by the end of the day

Razcox - My DH did this ages ago and i did get worried to be honest, and i did bug him as it's not normal for him and when push (and there was a lot of pushing trust me) came to shove he was extemely stressed but because we were TTCing at the time he felt he needed to keep it to him self. Are it may be he's just having a chilled month you never know!

Mum2bewaiting - OMG you street as blondie says is just like the soaps, it's strangely addictive reading about it but a little worrying that your in the middle of it :hugs: to you when ever you need it!

MSmith - Good luck with this month cycle Finger crossed this is the month for you!

Blondie - you up and down at the moment with this sickness arn't you hoping this is the end of it for you and you can go onto the blossoming 2nd tri with a smile!

lots of hugs to all
hello ladies.

blondie trust me these kittens will grow up into little ratbags so i dont think you want to swap.

flowertot, yay do it change your sig, and get yourself a ticker!

mum2be god i thought my estate was bad!

well i had my first scan dream last night, i dreamt the scanners came to you in a big semi truck, then it kind of turned into a tv show and there was another woman getting scanned and found out it was a boy. then there was another woman crying cos the baby had died.
i never saw my scan, cos the dream turned into someting else. what a wierd night of dreaming i had.
Whoah, you girls have been busy, will do my best to get everyone, but am already forgetting all the news!:rofl:

Blondie, sorry the sickness came back. Hopefully it was the last of it!:hugs:

Beth, the dreams will just keep getting stranger, believe me. It's always an adventure when you go to sleep!:rofl:

Flowertot, Yay, definitely change that ticker. Welcome to the knocked-up naughties!!:happydance: Can't wait to hear your test results!

Raz, try not to worry about DH. The guys can definitely react strangely to the whole TTC roller coaster. Try to have an honest chat with him about what he's thinking and feeling.:hugs:

Samzi, I'm sure your holiday will be wonderful, no matter what. Try to enjoy it!:hugs:

MsSmith, glad the :witch: seems to be leaving. Roll on :bfp: this month!:happydance:

Mum2be, crazy stuff going down on your street! Look out for yourself!:hugs:

Tori, Hope you are feeling good!!:hugs:

:hug: to all I have missed. Have a lovely day, ladies!!

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