Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Oooops, sorry pic is so big, I don't know how to make it smaller! :blush:
What an amazing pic, Caitlin!! When I first started scrolling down to it I actually thought it was a photo-shopped picture of a sky (with a baby-shaped cloud)!! :rofl:
In my defense I'm very tired and have had a very long, busy day. :)

Beth - I know everyone else has said it already, but STOP TESTING!!! I know it's easy for others to say... I'm sure you'll feel better once you've had your scan.

Honestly, there's just been so much to catch up on I'm not going to even pretend to be up to the challenge.
:hugs: to all...

My goodies arrived yesterday, so now OH and I are both taking maca, and I'm about to POAS (of the OPK variety)!! I'm also doing other things that reek of desperation - guzzling grapefruit juice, actually believing for a minute that the 'baby dust' enclosed with my OPKs was going to help :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's possible that I have lost the plot.
Hi Ladies!!

So sorry it took me so long, we had to go round to my Mom's to share our piccies. Everything was PERFECT!!!! Baby looked gorgeous, all measurements were spot on, and am still measuring at 12+2, due November 22nd!!

We even got a 3d one, which I'm not posting because the seahorse looks like a little alien in it, but it is so cool, he's rubbing his eyes and looks so sweet (in a creepy, alien, skelator kind of way!) We are soooo thrilled, and doctor says my chance of miscarriage is now less than 1%!! I think we're actually gonna have this baby! WOOHOO!!!!

Aww catielnc - that is fantastic news - we are now both officially due on the 22nd November :happydance: I can't see you pics on work computer annoyingly so will have to come back this evening and check it out. Is it starting to sink in yet that by Christmas we will be mums? :)
Morning ladies :)

Feeling quite perky and ok this morning - wonder how long it will last :rofl:

Beth - good luck with your scan today - will be thinking of you :)

Flowertot - I'm assuming that there has been no sign of :witch: ? Yaaayyyy! Think you have cracked it this time :happydance:

Freyasmum - ooh lots of goodies - I almost miss my routine of temping and poas religiously :) There is surely no way that you can avoid a :bfp: now :)

Mummysuzie - 2WW is a killer - it will drive you insane and you will soon become a zen master in the art of symptom spotting :rofl: Fingers crossed you manage to catch the eggy first time round so you will only have this one 2WW :)

My parents arrive this evening and are staying for a week so I don't know how much I'll be able to get online (ok well that's a lie as I will probably hide out in bedroom with laptop :rofl: ) Need to plan a few things for them to do whilst me and DH are at work - I was thinking of gardening, cleaning, decorating etc etc :rofl: :rofl:
Morning lovelys

Caitlenc congrates hunny on what is a very healthy "stop put" baby, i understand what you mean tho about finaly being pregnant this one as well all said at the beginning this one is a sticky one hunny

Beth: my best advice for POAS is to stop now as it was only a month ago i throught i had lost George because of those stupid sticks (oh but still get the urge every now and then :rofl: it an addiction!)

Flowertot : you've pastt the mile stone now hunny it's a big releif to get past the :witch: due date which is always a relief (i wonder how many times you went to the toilet yesterday "just to check" mine was at least 13 and then we lost count :rofl:)

Razcox: are you ok hunny?

To all you who are waiting to BD go catch those eggies

to all you that are in the 2 WW this si the exciting part keep up the PMA
What an amazing pic, Caitlin!! When I first started scrolling down to it I actually thought it was a photo-shopped picture of a sky (with a baby-shaped cloud)!! :rofl:
In my defense I'm very tired and have had a very long, busy day. :)

Beth - I know everyone else has said it already, but STOP TESTING!!! I know it's easy for others to say... I'm sure you'll feel better once you've had your scan.

Honestly, there's just been so much to catch up on I'm not going to even pretend to be up to the challenge.
:hugs: to all...

My goodies arrived yesterday, so now OH and I are both taking maca, and I'm about to POAS (of the OPK variety)!! I'm also doing other things that reek of desperation - guzzling grapefruit juice, actually believing for a minute that the 'baby dust' enclosed with my OPKs was going to help :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's possible that I have lost the plot.

Oh orange juice is really good for TTCing somthing i had a lot of in the month i got my :bfp: it has something to do with the vit c (not an expert tho)
Morning ladies :)

Feeling quite perky and ok this morning - wonder how long it will last :rofl:

Beth - good luck with your scan today - will be thinking of you :)

Flowertot - I'm assuming that there has been no sign of :witch: ? Yaaayyyy! Think you have cracked it this time :happydance:

Freyasmum - ooh lots of goodies - I almost miss my routine of temping and poas religiously :) There is surely no way that you can avoid a :bfp: now :)

Mummysuzie - 2WW is a killer - it will drive you insane and you will soon become a zen master in the art of symptom spotting :rofl: Fingers crossed you manage to catch the eggy first time round so you will only have this one 2WW :)

My parents arrive this evening and are staying for a week so I don't know how much I'll be able to get online (ok well that's a lie as I will probably hide out in bedroom with laptop :rofl: ) Need to plan a few things for them to do whilst me and DH are at work - I was thinking of gardening, cleaning, decorating etc etc :rofl: :rofl:

Is this the first time they've seen you since the news hun? first time i sore me mam she didn't know what to do with me bless (i've told her to get use to it tho as i want at least another 3 she did look a little faint when i told her that tho :rofl: )
Is this the first time they've seen you since the news hun? first time i sore me mam she didn't know what to do with me bless (i've told her to get use to it tho as i want at least another 3 she did look a little faint when i told her that tho :rofl: )

Oh my mum won't be too fussy about that - this will be grandchild number 7 and in our family it's always been the case that pregnancy isn't something to fuss over :) (Which I'm relieved about as I hate feeling suffocated :) )

They are more excited about seeing the new house as they haven't seen it yet and it will blow them away - it's a very big posh house and I think they will be a little awestruck at it. (All I need to do now is win the lottery so I can pay off the equally big mortgage :rofl: :rofl: )
Oh orange juice is really good for TTCing somthing i had a lot of in the month i got my :bfp: it has something to do with the vit c (not an expert tho)

Yeah, I've heard that before, but about grapefruit juice more than orange. A friend of mine swears that Berocca got her pregnant. Her doctor told her it was the fluctuating levels of vitamin C in her system that made her pill less effective. I'm counting on it working even better when there's no bcp to overcome!
Is this the first time they've seen you since the news hun? first time i sore me mam she didn't know what to do with me bless (i've told her to get use to it tho as i want at least another 3 she did look a little faint when i told her that tho :rofl: )

Oh my mum won't be too fussy about that - this will be grandchild number 7 and in our family it's always been the case that pregnancy isn't something to fuss over :) (Which I'm relieved about as I hate feeling suffocated :) )

They are more excited about seeing the new house as they haven't seen it yet and it will blow them away - it's a very big posh house and I think they will be a little awestruck at it. (All I need to do now is win the lottery so I can pay off the equally big mortgage :rofl: :rofl: )

Oh can we have piccies of you house hun I love looking at diffrent houses (being in Interior design it kind of becomes a obsession)
Will have to wait until I can get home tonight and upload some to photobucket or something as they won't load as bmp files on here as too big :)

I love my house :cloud9: was very lucky to find it and fell in love with it on the internet even before I stepped through the door :)
Morning guys, glad everyone seems well.

Cait - that picture is lovey! The seahorse is thriving and at last you can stop worrying now xxx

Beth - Its time to kick that POAS addiction now :)

Blondie - Hope all goes well with the parents xxx

Good look to those BDing to catch the egg, lots of baby dust your way xxx

As for me well i am feeling pretty low at the min. My OPK's are still negative but i think that will change today as i have lots of EWCM, my CP is high and i had a bit of pink mixed in with the EWCM last night. All of this though is for nothing as we didn't BD last night either and ended up having a falling out with DH, actully i am going to scrap the D part as there is nothing darling about my OH at the min :( He is being so confusing and once again i went to bed upset and in tears. He says he doesn't want to stop TTC but he thinks i am only interested in him for one thing 4 days a month (not true and i have the charts to prove it!). He doesn't want to BD if we are only doing it to make a baby ie when i am OVing but i hate to tell but we kind of have to if he wants a baby. So at the min i am not sure where that leves me so i feel pretty bloody low today :cry:
Good Morning Ladies :happydance:
how are we all today ? well the weather is kinda crap and i think im about too go insane this 2ww is driving me potty!!!! i couldnt sleep last night was still lying awake at 4am this morning with a bit of back ache and stingy nip nips:cry: so really not had alot of sleep :( i've started temping for my last week and i dont know if 94.4 is a good place to be i never done it orally :)
so i have one more week too keep busy before i even think about testing as i will be 13/14 dpo . my 4 1/2 year old is buzzing up and down the stairs saying he is flying he must be in a good mood this morning for a change :rofl::happydance:
well i managed to say to OH that i didnt want to go to the wedding and he was fine with it but to be honest i think he is getting frustraited with me :(:cry:
i cant see the pic cos im at work :cry:

:hugs so happy for you hun. ITS REAL!! :happydance:
jenny- how many dpo are you? i lay awake almost all night on 3 and 4 dpo. i've heard it can be a symptom. i got my :bfp: shortly afterwards anyway. fingers x'ed for you.

caitlen- what a great pic of little seahorse. i see you referred to the little one as 'he' is that a feeling you have or would you just rather say him than it??!

blondie- glad you are feeling good today and i hope you have a lovely yime with your parents.

beth- can't wait to hear all about your scan.

razcox- really sorry you feel so down at the moment. ttc is stressful and can put a strain on things with oh. i'm sure things will pic up soon just keep communicating with each other and maybe do something together away from ttc like a nice meal out or cuddle up and watch a dvd together and relax a bit. sorry can't be of much help hun :hugs:

to everybody else :hugs:

af is officially 1 day late girls, yay. this is it! i'm going to wait for blood results tomorrow and then get myself a ticker. i'm quite glad i'm due in January because its normally such a boring month!
caitlin, seahorse looks great what a cute little profile.

razcox :hug: so sorry your having trouble with oh.

im very nervous now, my scan is at 1840 so a good few hours yet. gonna keep myself busy with some house work then have a nice bubble bath (not too hot)

dont worry i have no more sticks to pee on, not even opk i gave them to my friend who is ttc.
jenny- how many dpo are you? i lay awake almost all night on 3 and 4 dpo. i've heard it can be a symptom. i got my :bfp: shortly afterwards anyway. fingers x'ed for you.

caitlen- what a great pic of little seahorse. i see you referred to the little one as 'he' is that a feeling you have or would you just rather say him than it??!

blondie- glad you are feeling good today and i hope you have a lovely yime with your parents.

beth- can't wait to hear all about your scan.

razcox- really sorry you feel so down at the moment. ttc is stressful and can put a strain on things with oh. i'm sure things will pic up soon just keep communicating with each other and maybe do something together away from ttc like a nice meal out or cuddle up and watch a dvd together and relax a bit. sorry can't be of much help hun :hugs:

to everybody else :hugs:

af is officially 1 day late girls, yay. this is it! i'm going to wait for blood results tomorrow and then get myself a ticker. i'm quite glad i'm due in January because its normally such a boring month!

Hi flowerpot im around 6/7 days as i had ov pain last wed/thus :) i dont mean too sound crude or nothing but im having a really weird pain i will try and not be too graphic well you know down below i feel quiet tingly its like a really weird sensation i dont know how to describe it has anyone else had that? i got bb pain on and off fun fun fun im not due my af till next sunday :) im looking through ebay to get poas whats the best ones too buy? xxx

Jenny - i've not had what you are describing, sorry. if its something you don't normally have then that is a good sign. i've never bought any hpt's from the internet but girls on here seem to talk about ic's?? i just buy cheap supermarket own brands to begin with as they are quite sensitive. i'm now 4 weeks 1 day and im going to get a clearbule digi with conception indicator. they are quite expensive but tell you how many weeks past conception you are. i think they are quite cool.
Morning all!!!
Well I'm now in the dreaded 2ww!!!! Arrrrr!!! I hate this bit!!
Need something to keep me occupied!! Well oh and i have really given it our best shot this month so am now keeping everything crossed and praying for that BFP!!!!!!!!!!
Been using CBFM this month and got peak on sun and mon, high yesterday and has now returned to low fertility!
Caitlenc- loving the pic!!!!! Am so pleased for you!
Beth - good luck for your scan, can't wait to hear all about it later!!
Hugs to you all
x x x x x x
Hiya Girlies!!:hugs: Thanks for all the lovely comments, we are very proud of our little seahorse!

Beth-Good luck at the scan today, can't wait to hear your update and maybe see a pic!!:happydance:

Blondie-Enjoy the visit from your parents, and can't wait to see pics of your house!

Flower, Yay for getting past that nasty :witch:!

Raz, so sorry you're feeling down, hunni. Just keep talking everything out with DH, and remember that most couples go through some ups and downs while TTCing. We are all here for you, hunni.:hug:

Tori, it does start to feel more real around now...entering that 2nd trimester soon, which is awesome. Go knocked-up naughties!!:happydance:

Garkat, Jenny, and everyone else in the TWW, fingers Xed for you!!

Samzi and everyone waiting to OV, get to that BDing!!!

:hug:to anyone I missed!!

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