Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Evening all,
Well the :witch: is causing a fair bit of discomfort. Had a crazy day so luckily that has taken my mind off it a bit.

Torri-cottier I had a quick trawl of the internet but could not find much to help you out when seeing your DH's dad-sorry. You have had a hectic weekend.
Hope you are feeling better soon, I suppose these are all good signs though.
Good luck with the AI Beth. What a success story if you get a :bfp: this month! I really hope you do.
Samzi, hope your body O's when you are with your bloke this weekend. It is hard enough to catch that egg when you live with your man, let alone when you live apart and only see each other at weekends. FX'd

We have got builders round tonight to give us some quotes on work that needs doing. Quite excited about getting the house sorted.

Any news ladies?
MUST get next week off work. Will be armed with OPK's and my bb therm plus man on tap, so should be good to go :rofl:

No one else is off so i should be allowed.

i started temping before af was due then got told i didnt need to while she was here lol. shes almost gone so il start again tomo

Has anybody seen my temps, they have gone bonkers throu af!!! :rofl: take a look before i discard them, they're crazy! Will try and catch upproperly when I'm off on Wednesday, as have just agreed to 2 overtime shifts tomorrow. AM planning on a pampering morning to get some PMA back.

Althou today has been quite a good day, person I was talking about before is awake, not hapy and in pain, but is obviously an incredabley tough cookie, and also I'm not off to court which is really good news as was off around the time I am forcast to O!!!

Blondie, ginger is really good for sickness and nausea, have u tried ginger tea to try and keep ur fluids up? I cannot remember much else so will have to catch up properly then :hug:
omg you were hypothermic this morning, did you bring out the bear hugger to warm yourself up. lol
I know, I didn't feel cold, infact I was so nice and snug I overslept!!! LOL
nope definitely out now!
af is well and truly here, im feeling ok though
it just means that april is the rest of the left overs month!!
Morning my lovely ladies :)

Sorry about :witch: meemee :hugs:

This next cycle will definitely be a bumper crop of :bfp: s now as we've had a bit of a drought over the last couple of weeks.

Still feeling rough this morning but hey ho - I suppose it's one of the joys of being pregnant so I can't complain too much (except to my DH of course :rofl: ) I'm surviving on ginger biscuits and water alone at the moment - a lovely varied diet for baby to develop on :rolleyes:

Right I'd better vanish and do some work - although starting at computer screens also makes me nauseous at the moment, as does driving - so work is one long ordeal :)

Have a nice day my lovlies :)
morning you lot :hugs:

:witch: almost gone and i started taking my temp again this morning. still havent managed to get next week off work, but im working on it!
Hi Freyasmum, We are cycle buddies as the :witch: caught us both today! How long are your cycles normally. Fingers crossed for this month. Hope the training day went well. Your Monday will nearly be over by the time we get up over here :rofl:

Hey msmith
I'm not sure about a 'normal' cycle for me. I started taking bcp when I was about 18 (many, MANY years ago) and only stopped when we had Freya. So far since stopping again at the end of December, I've had two 28 day cycles, and one 34.
How 'bout you?
Good morning Northern Hemisphere Leftovers!
What a lot there was to catch up on today. I will no doubt forget people, so sorry in advance!
Samzi - good that the witch has nearly gone. Good luck getting the week off work, that sounds a fab idea.
Blondie - SEVEN WEEKS!! Nice one! Sorry that you're still sick though.
Beth - good luck for the AI. I really hope you get your sticky bean this month. The reflexology sounds promising.
Meemee - sorry the witch got you :hugs:
Tori - I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'm sure you'll be able to find a level of contact that you are comfortable with without alienating anyone.
Goodness, I'm sure that's not everyone! :hugs: to everyone I've missed.
My turn now...
My PMA has returned!!! I just decided to look up on the magic due date calculator when Lola would be due if we get lucky this cycle (Jan 11 2010 if you're interested!) and it estimates the conception/ovulation date as 20 April... which just happens to be my birthday!! I've decided that has got to be some kind of a sign and this is definitely going to be my cycle.

My two days of training are done and dusted. It was really good, actually, but as usual when I attend training courses I now want to change careers and conduct training for a living. :rofl: Problem is I don't know enough about anything to teach anyone.:dohh:
O well. Guess I'll just go back to work tomorrow and carry on doing what I do.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all! How are we today?? Nearly 1/2 through my week as its good friday and i have the day off Horay!

Blondie - Sorry you feel rough but at least its a good sign all is well with the bean xxxx

AF seems to be tailling off a bit now so i think i may well ov early will have to wait and see.
Morning Ladies,

Mumtobewaiting: it's really good news you don't have to go to court! i can remember prevous post where i think you felt really sick just thinking about it. Plus if you were due to O around that time you'll be nice and relaxed for it!!
Also it's good news your patient/friend has pulled through the op, i know to well how nerve recking it can be, FX he'll be able to eat his cake at home soon.

Msmith: First of all i just love your photo it made me giggle, Thanks for searching the internet for me, i think i trip to the doctors is needed before the trip. and I hope the :witch: buggers off soon for you!

Samzi I hope you get your week off, as has been said it's hard enough when you live with your partner to try and catch those blumming eggs let alone when you live apart.

Beth: your story fasinates (sp?) me (in a nice way of cause) how do you unblock one of your tubes? and how did she see it? Good luck for AI tho so excited for you, have you got 3 course's this month?)

MeeMee: once again love the PMA

Caitlenc: where are you? missing you a little now

Blondie: So sorry your still feeling sick, Keep eating those ginger nuts (your very lucky i can't stand ginger,) tho they seem to be working for you.

Freyasmum: thanks for the support i think it will be a case of wait and see, But I've managed so far. As for you PMA you go girl! i like the name Lola and is that Lola on your picture?, (i have a 8 year old) keeping my fingers crossed for you

well as for me nothing really changed still pg and boobs are rock soiled now which is a littl euncomfortable when i go to bed but apart fom that I'm well.

I've made an appointment with the doctor with regards to me being in contact with my father in law. just to rest my mind so i can enjoy the week away. I really hope he can make it tho as i am really looking forward to seeing them all and telling them the news of George which will be good as they haven't had much good news of late, Oh apart from my Brother in law flitting off yesterday and getting married in Scotland which i through was very romantic, as they have been together for a long time and they didn't want anything big, but they are going to have a wedding breakfast in May, Which will be a good time to tell the reast of the family (as i wont be drinking), if mother in law doesn't get there first :rofl:

well i hope your all well :hug:
Good Morning, my Lovely Leftovers!!:hugs:

MsSmith, sorry :witch: is giving you a hard time, hope it passes soon!

Tori, you sweet thing, I'm here, never fear! Glad you're seeing the Dr, my gut tells me there will be no harm in contact with your FIL, but at least this can put your mind at ease!

Blondie, sorry you're still feeling ill, I've been quite nauseous as well, no vomiting though. I, too, feel guilty complaining, but I can't wait until 2nd tri, when we will supposedly be full of energy and feeling fabulous!:hugs:

Samzi, your week off plan sounds like a great one, hope it works out!

Meemee, love the PMA!

Freyasmum and mum2be, I know this will be your month!

Beth, hope that tube is good and clear--make way for that :bfp:!

Razcox, I have Friday off as well, and can't wait!

Okay, ladies, :hugs: to those I've missed! Have a fabulous day!
Okay, now that I have attempted to catch up, I'll give my update.:happydance:

I have another field trip today with my kids, 30 minutes in a bus, am hoping the body odor doesn't overwhelm me and turn my nagging nausea into full blown barfing!:rofl::rofl:

I'm counting down the days until my scan on Monday, but feeling confident that all will be well with my darling bean. Blondie, can't wait to see piccies from your appointment, which I know will go perfectly (if m/s is any indication!).

I am so bloated it is ridiculous....have gained 3 pounds in 2 days, don't know what to do...maybe I'm carrying an elephant baby?:rofl:

Well, my lovelies, off to work. Hope all is well in naughty-land!:hug:
Morning Ladies,

Beth: your story fasinates (sp?) me (in a nice way of cause) how do you unblock one of your tubes? and how did she see it? Good luck for AI tho so excited for you, have you got 3 course's this month?)

she coud feel crystals on my foot so rubbed it to break them down which apparently helps with the blockage. im hoping its bloked with :spermy: hanging out waiting for eggie to arrive :rofl: which should be some time soon, today is my normal ov day, but only got a + opk and peak on cbfm today so possibly tom, either way there should be plenty of :spermy: hanging our as have done AI for past 3 days, i hope this is my month im fed up of the 1hr drive there and back each time.

not looking forward to tonight, im going to my pg friends house, more baby talk to handle.
:rofl: was just on my way downstairs and one of the girls who is 34 weeks pregnant stops for a chat with me, anyway was asking all the usual things you chat to heavily pregnant women about and then she says - ohh you got married the same summer as us, have you got any plans - you should do - I'm so excited. I so so nearly slipped up and said I'm pregnant but I didn't as she is a huge gossip so I managed a "we'll see" and left it at that :rofl:

Well nausea seems to have eased up since this morning and actually doing well on the food front today - went to canteen and had eggy bread and beans for breakfast and now munching on a cheese sandwich and some crisps. Hmmmm.... so nice not to feel sick for a little while :)

Caitlenc - highly recommend somthing like fibresure and lots of water for the bloat - those once the nausea turns to sickness you'll end up eating so little there will be nothing to cause bloat :) Oh and peppermint tea seems to help alot aswell :)

Beth - hopefully the reflexologist will have unblogged the tube enough but I'm guessing that it was probably left ovary last month as you didn't get a :bfp: so this month it will be the right one :) Fingers x'd

Samzi - make the most of that week off :)

MeeMee - agree with everyone - your PMA is fantastic :)

Freyasmum - also excellent PMA :)

I was worried with all the :bfn: this month that we would be lacking in PMA but it's good to see everyone is still doingwell and feeling positive about the next cycle :hugs:
oh dear, have you taken a look at the front page recently, there arent many off us left ttc. i hope we all get our :bfp: this cycle, then we can go invade
1st tri as the knocked up naughties
my mother was cringeworthy this morning.

she came out with 'So its mating season while you are away then'

:blush: :lol:

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