Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Oh, Flowertot, I am so, so sorry!:hugs: I agree, you should see a doctor just for a bit of peace of mind. Hang in there, hunni, we're all here for you!

Thanks, girls, for the well wishes about my scan tomorrow...I am very nervous, and praying all is well with the Boo Bean. Less than 24 hours until we see our little one!

I hope all of you had a great Easter holiday!:hug:
Caitlen - good luck with the scan tomorrow. can't wait to see a pic if you can get one on here.

i've started spotting now and have cramp so i think :witch: will be here in full flow by tomorrow.

i'm going out for a nice family day out tomorrow to the beach. hopefully it will take my mind off things for a while.

going to try and book an appointment at the docs on tuesday, although not sure i will get in as they are always so busy after a public holiday.

has anybody had this kind of experience before, multiple m/c and chemical pregnancies? and if so do you know what kind of tests i should be asking for? i really don't want to be turned away and told to keep trying and i know i am within my rights to ask for certain things. i know that docs generally start looking into things after you have had 3 m/c but do you think that includes chemical Pregnancies? they will have a record at the surgery of my m/c but not the chem pregs.

thank you to all of you for being here for me, it means a lot x
Flowertot, I'm so sorry. :hugs: I have only had one m/c, so don't know about what kind of tests you could ask for. I do know that a friend of mine was told that they would only start looking for reasons after she'd had more than 3 m/cs. (luckily she got her sticky bean before then) That could be different here though.
Caitlen - Good luck for your scan! Make sure you post a pic for us to ooh & aah over!
Blondie - have I commented on your gorgeous wee Blondini yet? I haven't had much time to post over the weekend.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you are all well and happy. We have had a lovely lond weekend. The weather has been great, and we've had time together as a family which has been awesome!
Flowertot - so sorry to hear your sad news. Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.

Caitlenc - hope the scan goes well - so exciting!!
Morning all my lovely ladies! Not been about the last few days been really busy visiting people and working in the garden. Stuck at work today though and already bored so i will be living on here today :)

Blondie - Thats a lovely picture and it must have been so nice to hear that little heart beating away xxxxxxx

Flowertot - :hug: to you, seems like you have really had a rollercoster this weekend. I have only had one MC and the doctors really didn't seem to care. They basically treated it like the norm and a very common thing. I think you have to have 3 M/C's before the will test but i hope you have a more understanding doc then i did xxxxxxx

Cait - Good luck at the scan today, can't wait to see your little bean as well :happydance:

Beth - Sending lots of :dust: your way for a good sticky egg and that the :spermy: has done its job.

T'elle - I am hooked on twilight as well! Read all the books, saw it at the cinema and now have the two disc DVD. Watched it on thursday night and loved it again. Will not have to re read the books.

Samzi - Sounds like you have a very good plan there! We tend to do the same, BD everyother day and then when i get a + on the OPK its BD everyday until the day after my temps go up.

Well as for me started using the OPKS Sat and got a very faint line yesterday so i don't think OV is far away. Also got lots of EWCM which i don't normally get lots of so going to jump on the DH tonight and put his swimmers to work. Time to man the troops again, they are going in :rofl:
good luck razcox. hope you catch that egg.

im 6dpo today and my temp went down today.
Good Morning, my lovelies!:hugs:

Ooh, Beth, implantation dip??:happydance::happydance: I just know this is it for you, when will you start testing?

T'elle, Twilight rocks, I just love it! I teach reading to 12 year olds, and they are obsessed as well!

Thanks again for all the good wishes, ladies. My scan is at 3:30 today, so I suspect you'll all be in bed by the time I post! I am a nervous wreck, woke up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep, suddenly terrified that they'll find something's wrong in there.:hissy: :hissy:Fingers Xed it all goes as it should.

:hug: to you all, hope you have a fab day!!
morning ladies.

My OPK's seem to be getting darker :happydance: WIll do todays in a few hours and see if its darker still! Got :sex: in last night, like the round tomo :rofl:
Ooh, Beth, implantation dip??:happydance::happydance: I just know this is it for you, when will you start testing?

is it not too early for implantation dip though. not had any cramps or spotting. last night my boobs felt like they were burning a bit but that could have been the bra i as wearing, as it was a bit tight. nothing today.

will do a test on fri (10dpo) before i go on hol
Watcha ladies. Its been a while but I thought I'd see how you guys are all getting on?
Hows cycle 4 treating you?

I've gone through absolute misery at that first AF to nothing last month (when I didn't want an Xmas baby) but right back up to the highest of hopes for a January baby.

How're you finding it? Settling down to the new TTC lifestyle or slowly going mad with it all?!
msmith - a chemical preg is when the sperm meets the egg but doesn't manage to implant properly. you may get a positive test but then get af as normal or a couple of days late.

got a bit of pinky/brown cm this afternoon so think she is on her way :(

Thank you Flowertot. Feel stupid asking but now I know.
Hello Lovely Leftovers.
What a great weekend. I think every weekend should be 4 days long with back to back sunshine. It has been glorious!

I started using the OPKs today. cd9. it was negative but expected that this early. Going to keep using them as don't want to miss the big O this month. Mission sperm meet egg is being put into action!

Flowertot-I hope the day with your family took your mind off things.

Caitlenc-good luck with your scan today. Can't wait to see the sticky bean.

Cadz-not going too crazy (yet), but hoping for that January baby. My DH and I are just taking it in our stride. I have been on the pill for 15 yrs so fully aware it could take us a while. I have started with OPK just to check I'm ovulating.

Topazicatzbeth-keeping my fingers crossed for you. I love the way we symptom spot in the 2ww. Anything slightly different is always a good sign.

Samzi-all sounding good!

Raxcoz-love your phrase 'Time to man the troops again, they are going in' :rofl:

Sorry if I have missed anyone.
Enjoy the last few hours of the long weekend. The good thing is now we only have a 4 day week of work :happydance:

Hello all my lovelie :)

Well another busy day for me in the garden today - DH is really sunburnt (typical scottish fair skin :rofl: ) Been so busy hardly had time to catch up with everyone on here :(

Caitlenc - will be logging on first thing in the morning to see your scan piccies - fingers x's you get a lovely view of mini-cait :)

Topazicat - ooh implantation dip? never too early for symptom spotting - can't wait until testing comes around again. I can't get my fix anymore so I'm relying on you guys to keep my poas addiction going :)
congrats on the 8 weeks blondie.

im getting excited now, cant wait to see mini cait.
looking forward to seeing what my temp does tom.
beth - i really hope this is your month :hugs:

Blondie - Happy 8 weeks!

Caitlen - can't wait to see the pic!

Samzi, razcox and msmith - make sure those troops are ready and waiting!

as for me i had a really nice day out, very relaxing.

Still getting a bit of pinky/brown cm, not a lot at all, just spotting.

did an opk yesterday with fmu and there was a faint line on it. i decided to do one this morning too and there was another line but a little bit darker than yesterdays. i don't want to read anything into it though. does LH get detected so close to af or would it be leftover HCG?

i seem to be following the same pattern as last month symptoms wise, faint preg test, some mild preg symptoms, lighter preg test, cramps, pink/brown cm, negative preg test, af.

all pretty much the same but preg test was darker than last months and no af as of yet.

sorry to go on and on i just feel gutted. i know that i'm luckier than some as i already have a daughter. i guess thats why when we started trying again i just thought it would happen without a problem.

there are people out there still hoping for their first child so its time to stop feeling sorry for myself and be grateful for what i already have, a beautiful daughter and a lovely husband.

time to restore that PMA! it will happen for me, it might just take a little longer than expected!

hope you all enjoyed the weekend xx
i had ov pain earlier on my left, but my OPK's still arent dark enough to be pos :huh:

Here's Mini-Cait! (Otherwise known as lil' seahorse)

Our little one had a fantastic, strong heartbeat, and measured in at exactly 8 weeks! This moves our due date up to November 22nd, and I think that makes me and Blondie due date buddies as well as bump buddies!!


I am so relieved and happy, and am starting to believe that this is really going to happen!

Thanks for all the good wishes, girls!:hug:
flowertot dont apologise for feeling down. you have been on an emotional rollercoaster.

i ve never had a :bfp: but i would imagine its the greatest feeling in the world, then to have it taken away from you so soon must be horrible.

i know this probably doesnt feel like much comfort now but on a positive note. you know you are producing eggs, and hubbys troops can hit the target. now all you need is for beanie to stick.
its bound to happen sometime soon.

there are women on here that have had several chemicals and gone on to get their sticky bean.
i so hope this is you soon.

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