Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest


Here's Mini-Cait! (Otherwise known as lil' seahorse)

Our little one had a fantastic, strong heartbeat, and measured in at exactly 8 weeks! This moves our due date up to November 22nd, and I think that makes me and Blondie due date buddies as well as bump buddies!!


I am so relieved and happy, and am starting to believe that this is really going to happen!

Thanks for all the good wishes, girls!:hug:

congratulations cait, so happy for you :hugs: wow thats great that you and blondie are spot on together. happy 8 weeks.

Here's Mini-Cait! (Otherwise known as lil' seahorse)

Our little one had a fantastic, strong heartbeat, and measured in at exactly 8 weeks! This moves our due date up to November 22nd, and I think that makes me and Blondie due date buddies as well as bump buddies!!


I am so relieved and happy, and am starting to believe that this is really going to happen!

Thanks for all the good wishes, girls!:hug:

Oh no - silly work computer won't let me view your photo so I will have to wait until tonight to see it :hissy::hissy: But yay :happydance::happydance:

My EDD is 23rd November at the moment so I'm now a day behind you :rofl: but if we allow for time difference then we are probably due at the same time :happydance: :happydance:
beth - i really hope this is your month :hugs:

Blondie - Happy 8 weeks!

Caitlen - can't wait to see the pic!

Samzi, razcox and msmith - make sure those troops are ready and waiting!

as for me i had a really nice day out, very relaxing.

Still getting a bit of pinky/brown cm, not a lot at all, just spotting.

did an opk yesterday with fmu and there was a faint line on it. i decided to do one this morning too and there was another line but a little bit darker than yesterdays. i don't want to read anything into it though. does LH get detected so close to af or would it be leftover HCG?

i seem to be following the same pattern as last month symptoms wise, faint preg test, some mild preg symptoms, lighter preg test, cramps, pink/brown cm, negative preg test, af.

all pretty much the same but preg test was darker than last months and no af as of yet.

sorry to go on and on i just feel gutted. i know that i'm luckier than some as i already have a daughter. i guess thats why when we started trying again i just thought it would happen without a problem.

there are people out there still hoping for their first child so its time to stop feeling sorry for myself and be grateful for what i already have, a beautiful daughter and a lovely husband.

time to restore that PMA! it will happen for me, it might just take a little longer than expected!

hope you all enjoyed the weekend xx

Flowertot - don't ever apologise for feeling sad :hugs: - it doesn't matter whether it is your first child or your seventh, it still hurts :hugs: You will get that sticky bean soon I promise! :)
Morning my lovlies :)

Well another day and back in the office - it seems that ms only kicks in mornings when I'm up at 6am to go to work - when I am off work I get it in the evenings - so I've not been too bad over the long weekend :)

I weighed myself this morning and I'm still weighing in at 61kg which was my pre-bfp weight so no weight gain so far - wondering when the weight will start to pile on :rofl:

Only today and tomorrow morning at work and then me and DH are off down to London for 4 nights for a nice romantic break :happydance: Though how I will cope with no B&B for until next monday I don't know :panic:
can someone go check out my chart? i just put todays temp in it ( i did it vag this morn :blush:) and also it came up with i can have 5 days free as an my chart has gone all wee :rofl:
Morning all! Well only have a 3 day week and then its my sister in laws wedding on friday which will be CD14 and might be the day OV is due. Still my DH looks very spiffy in his posh suit so i am sure we will manage to do the deed :rofl: Then i have a whole week off which i am really looking forward to, we can finish the patio and get the garden sorted at last!

Blondie - Yeah on hitting the 8 week mark :happydance: looks like you have got a really sticky bean and i am sure the next 7 months will go really smoothly.

Cait - The pic is great and cant believe you and Blondie are going to be due date buddies! Thats so great :happydance:

Flowertot - You have everyright to feel down, it has been a real :muaha: for you xxxxxxxxx. I lost my PMA a few days ago but it will be back before you know it :hug: for you.

Temps are still low and only a very faint + on the OPKs so sticking to BD every other day until we get that +. So just plodding along over here.
ok so after reading that you shouldnt change the way you temp in a cycle (orally-vag) ive now changed my temp to what it was orrally and my chart is all back to normal again :rofl:

Here's Mini-Cait! (Otherwise known as lil' seahorse)

Our little one had a fantastic, strong heartbeat, and measured in at exactly 8 weeks! This moves our due date up to November 22nd, and I think that makes me and Blondie due date buddies as well as bump buddies!!


I am so relieved and happy, and am starting to believe that this is really going to happen!

Thanks for all the good wishes, girls!:hug:

Oh no - silly work computer won't let me view your photo so I will have to wait until tonight to see it :hissy::hissy: But yay :happydance::happydance:

My EDD is 23rd November at the moment so I'm now a day behind you :rofl: but if we allow for time difference then we are probably due at the same time :happydance: :happydance:

Or perhaps my Doctor can't add properly?:rofl::rofl: I think my dates were correct anyway, I used the fertility monitor and O'd on March 4th, which would make me 7+4...maybe our seahorse is just big for it's age!:rofl:
Morning Lovelies!!:hugs:

Flowertot, grieve as much as you need to, hunni. We're all here for you!:hugs:

Samzi, your temp shennanigans are hysterical!:rofl:

Razcox, a wedding sounds like a perfect time to hit that eggie! Good luck!!:happydance:

Blondie, your trip sounds lovely! We'll miss you, but go enjoy every second! And you lucky girl, not gaining any weight--I am green with envy!!:rofl:

I miss Tori:cry:

Sorry as always to those I've missed!!:hugs:
Okay, now for my update.

As always, I am utterly exhausted! How can something so small take so much out of you?:sleep:

On a good note, my nausea is tapering off for the moment, which is a relief...I was feeling pretty rough there for awhile. My DR said symptoms can peak and taper off between 8 and 12 weeks, so hopefully mine are just getting better on the earlier side of things.:happydance:

We are off to see a Dave Matthews concert in New York City tonight, so the lil' seahorse will get to hear it's first live gig! It's already been to a musical last's a very cultured bean!:rofl::rofl:

And, I'm taking tomorrow off of work for a mental health day--have some things to do before we leave for Florida, and I know I'll be exhausted after tonight's festivities, so am calling in sick! :blush:

Hope all of my lovelies are having a fabulous day!:hugs:
Hi All,
Wow, going back to work after a lovely long 4 days off is hard. Need an early night.
Just done OPK and negative. cd 10. Roll on that 2nd line!!

Fantastic pic Caitlenc. You must be over the moon seeing and hearing lil seahorse. AND how great that you and Blondie are due so close together.

Blondie-I think getting up early for work makes most people feel sick :rofl: BUT you have more of an excuse!

Flowertot-like the others said we are all here for you so never feel bad about expressing your feelings.

Samzi- lovin the chart antics.

Razcox-theres nothing like the romance of a wedding to get you in the mood for bding.

Have a good evening.
Catch up later.
Hey ladies glad to hear things are going well for some of u, so sorry to hear about ur roller coaster ride at the moment Flowertot i know how your feeling , its such a nasty world sometimes!!, hope everyone is doing well, i haven't really been TTC this month haven't even looked at an OPK so dont know how DPO or if iv OV'd lol naughty i know but just gone with it if u get me, if we BD we BD if we dont, then meh ! lol but still like to hear about all u lovely ladies and how ur all getting on :) xxxx lodsa love xxxx
Hey ladies glad to hear things are going well for some of u, so sorry to hear about ur roller coaster ride at the moment Flowertot i know how your feeling , its such a nasty world sometimes!!, hope everyone is doing well, i haven't really been TTC this month haven't even looked at an OPK so dont know how DPO or if iv OV'd lol naughty i know but just gone with it if u get me, if we BD we BD if we dont, then meh ! lol but still like to hear about all u lovely ladies and how ur all getting on :) xxxx lodsa love xxxx

hope the relaxed approach brings you some luck

well i ve been at work all day and work on the renal hdu, well today i had 2 separate calls from women wanting to book in for dating scans :saywhat:
its like they are rubbing it in, i had to redirect them to the right department. dont know who is giving them the wrong number but id like to give them :gun:
Hey ladies glad to hear things are going well for some of u, so sorry to hear about ur roller coaster ride at the moment Flowertot i know how your feeling , its such a nasty world sometimes!!, hope everyone is doing well, i haven't really been TTC this month haven't even looked at an OPK so dont know how DPO or if iv OV'd lol naughty i know but just gone with it if u get me, if we BD we BD if we dont, then meh ! lol but still like to hear about all u lovely ladies and how ur all getting on :) xxxx lodsa love xxxx

hope the relaxed approach brings you some luck

well i ve been at work all day and work on the renal hdu, well today i had 2 separate calls from women wanting to book in for dating scans :saywhat:
its like they are rubbing it in, i had to redirect them to the right department. dont know who is giving them the wrong number but id like to give them :gun:

Fingers crossed the calls about scans and babies is a sign of fate and you have implanted!!
Hi guys
Hope u are all well!!
Sorry just wanted to give another confusing update:
I am currently on cd21
Last months cycle was 28 days

I bought some OV tests off the internet and they appeared not be doing anything just control line everytime.
On CD13 and 14 had CM and what I thought was OV pains but no +ve on OPK.
So had plenty of bding just in case and continued with OPK's. I decided to also use Clearblue ones as well as the internet ones from CD19 and yesterday and today the CB ones are positive! Have not had any CM but stomach cramps.

What do you think is happening do you think I am ovulating now so late on or ovulated last week and the internet OPK's didn't pick it up? Am so confused! Could in the two week wait but am really unsure!!
fx'd for you all
x x x
Beth-I'm sure that's a sign that your :bfp: is around the corner!!

garkat- I would keep BDing just in case!! Maybe it's one of those months you Oed twice??

T'elle-they always say the relaxed approach brings on the bean! Fingers Xed for you!:hugs:

MsSmith-I agree, work after a long weekend is particularly painful!:hissy:
Hey ladies glad to hear things are going well for some of u, so sorry to hear about ur roller coaster ride at the moment Flowertot i know how your feeling , its such a nasty world sometimes!!, hope everyone is doing well, i haven't really been TTC this month haven't even looked at an OPK so dont know how DPO or if iv OV'd lol naughty i know but just gone with it if u get me, if we BD we BD if we dont, then meh ! lol but still like to hear about all u lovely ladies and how ur all getting on :) xxxx lodsa love xxxx

hope the relaxed approach brings you some luck

well i ve been at work all day and work on the renal hdu, well today i had 2 separate calls from women wanting to book in for dating scans :saywhat:
its like they are rubbing it in, i had to redirect them to the right department. dont know who is giving them the wrong number but id like to give them :gun:

Fingers crossed the calls about scans and babies is a sign of fate and you have implanted!!

i hope so, i have a tatoo on my shoulder that is the chinese symbol for fate, hopefully that is lending me a hand.
Crikey, so much to catch up on again!

Firstly sorry to Flowertot for ur news, as someone else said (although it may not help) I guess at least ur body is trying to do the right thing :hugs:

Congrats for hitting the 8 week mark and scans look fab :happydance: I want one!

Signs still look good Beth FX'ed

And to everyone else :hi:

Well, my brother started off my weekend by fixing my non broken laptop (don't ask) depriving my of B&B and FB for an entire weekend, I was not what u call amused. then on Sunday, the 2 days of the hioliday that my and DH had off together my parents decided to arrive unannounced for the rest of the weekend, thus completely destroying any hope of us time and.... , again although lovely to see them, and dad did get some odd jobs done for us, :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:

I am now on nights for the rest of the week. Good news is thou opks are firmly negative at the moment.

Hope everyone has a good week and will try and catch up when I can
Morning my lovely ladies :)

Well off to the big smoke this afternoon until Sunday evening so I won't be around to keep track of you all but I'm expecting big things from everyone so don't let me down :)

Feeling incredibly guilty this morning as I called in at drive-thru McDonalds on way to work and had an egg mcmuffin (no meat as I'm veggie), two hash browns and a cup of tea whilst driving into work. Was so so nice :) I tend to avoid McDs being a veggie but this morning I just NEEDED it :rofl: - feel very full and satisfied right now :) At least the baby isn't making me crave meat which I was a little worried about :)
have a lovely time blondie.
i guess beanie must have really wanted that egg muffin, so enjoy it.

my temp is back up to where it was before the dip now hope it goes up tom.
no symptoms though. this is the time where i usually start to lose my pma, but im gonna try and stay strong this cycle.

little beanie mummy would like a few signs your there please!

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