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Hi all
Think i may be out this month am due on tomorrow and have had period pains all day! Also tested on sat and got BFN. Just waiting for af to come now so I can try, try, try again!
x x x

Fingers crossed it isn't the :witch: yet Garkat :hugs:

I was always taught:

If at first you don't suck seed, try try try again - which I thought was rather pointless as sucking it isn't going to work is it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: - sorry dodgy pregnancy hormones humour :)

That :bfp: can't be far away now :)
Well ladies, I must apologies for not coming on to B&B so much,

but over the last few days i've just has this nigling feeling that something wasn't right, as my MS has settled down, BB's have stopped hurting and arn't as rock soiled as they were and i just got the all round feeling that i wasn't pregenant any more, So i took a clear blue and a FR and both came up strong then the CB said i was still 3 + so i was happy, that was on the Sat, I have had to re appoint my scan to this thursday due to the hospital giving me the appointment in Leeds not Barnsley, So by sunday evening i was past my self i was hoping i would be able to see little George and just get reassurence that he was ok. (i think a little frustration as well mix that up with the hormone issue and i was a bag of nerves)

so that ws sunday and then yesterday i had the same niggling feeling, So for some stupid reason i took a CB again (at 10pm at night i must add:dohh:) and it took forever for it to come up but this time it came up with 2-3 weeks, I really can't tell you how i felt but in the back of my head i kept thinking the test had to be wrong, I cried my heart out on DH and he is a very systimatic man so kept saying that until the ultra sound it wasn't 100% accurate) it didn't settle me down at all and i cried myself to sleep last night,

Then woke up at 7:30 to do some research (as last night reallydidn't indicate anything wrong with the CB)

when i found an article about in Pregancy your HCG levels decline between 8-10 Weeks which made me sign a little in relief, DH made me promise not to buy any more HPT which i did agree with my fingers crossed and as soon as he was out the door i've been to the chemist and bought both CB and FRER

CB result was 3+ plus very fast in response:happydance:
FRER was a really strong line:happydance:

So I am now very happy and very gratefull i could still cry and i still don't have any symptoms but i'm goign to stop looking at things as a huge crisis and also stop POAS so for you Knocked up ladies honestly don't POAS aain because it causes to much heart ache for no reason, Apart from you beth as your very early on and will be in full flow of POAS addiction

So once again i'm so sorry i haven't been around but really didn't know what to say to be honest

Lot of Love and hope you are all well

tori x
Well ladies, I must apologies for not coming on to B&B so much,

but over the last few days i've just has this nigling feeling that something wasn't right, as my MS has settled down, BB's have stopped hurting and arn't as rock soiled as they were and i just got the all round feeling that i wasn't pregenant any more, So i took a clear blue and a FR and both came up strong then the CB said i was still 3 + so i was happy, that was on the Sat, I have had to re appoint my scan to this thursday due to the hospital giving me the appointment in Leeds not Barnsley, So by sunday evening i was past my self i was hoping i would be able to see little George and just get reassurence that he was ok. (i think a little frustration as well mix that up with the hormone issue and i was a bag of nerves)

so that ws sunday and then yesterday i had the same niggling feeling, So for some stupid reason i took a CB again (at 10pm at night i must add:dohh:) and it took forever for it to come up but this time it came up with 2-3 weeks, I really can't tell you how i felt but in the back of my head i kept thinking the test had to be wrong, I cried my heart out on DH and he is a very systimatic man so kept saying that until the ultra sound it wasn't 100% accurate) it didn't settle me down at all and i cried myself to sleep last night,

Then woke up at 7:30 to do some research (as last night reallydidn't indicate anything wrong with the CB)

when i found an article about in Pregancy your HCG levels decline between 8-10 Weeks which made me sign a little in relief, DH made me promise not to buy any more HPT which i did agree with my fingers crossed and as soon as he was out the door i've been to the chemist and bought both CB and FRER

CB result was 3+ plus very fast in response:happydance:
FRER was a really strong line:happydance:

So I am now very happy and very gratefull i could still cry and i still don't have any symptoms but i'm goign to stop looking at things as a huge crisis and also stop POAS so for you Knocked up ladies honestly don't POAS aain because it causes to much heart ache for no reason, Apart from you beth as your very early on and will be in full flow of POAS addiction

So once again i'm so sorry i haven't been around but really didn't know what to say to be honest

Lot of Love and hope you are all well

tori x

I am so sorry that the hormones have got u Tori and u have not had a good few days :hugs: I was beginning to wonder where u were. It sounds as though u have a fab DH though, yay for good ones (and Mum's Beth!)
oh tori, how stressfull.
i thought ttc was bad enough.
i ve got a niggly stabbing pain in my right side towards my groin and im a bit stress, its probably just gas though.
work up this morning with a right headache and felt really sick.
just forced down some rice crispies and feel a bit better now.
stuck at work all day today and tom
Well I used OPKs for the first time this month to see IF I was actually ovulating. I got a faint positive line on Friday and Sat, then a really dark line on Sun and a faint one again today so all looks good. I had OV pains on Sat and Sun too so I am guessing I O'd over the weekend. We have been bd'ing alternate nights since last Sunday so hopefully caught that egg. I wish we had done it last night too to be on the safe side but just too shattered. Maybe tonight we'll squeeze a quickie in for the sheer hell of it :rofl:

2WW here we come.


OOooo, I think I ov'ed sunday too, my strongest line was then even though it was no where near a positive.... when r u gonna test? FX'ed!

I have not bought a HPT for the very reason of not wanting to test too early and be disappointed. I will try my best to last until the :witch: is due-May 2nd. This 2ww will be harder than previous months because we definitely bd'ed more and I know I O'd. Fingers crossed!!!
How about you?

Fertility friend has predicted AF arrival at may 9th (CD36) There is no way that I'll be able to hold out that long, may 1st is CD28, so more realistic and a good aiming for day, but am at work all day, starting holiday on May 2nd, so I may try and hold out til then too... my chart is really confusing, I don't think it'll pin an o day this month... if it don't work this month am going armed with my charts to see the GP, as I don't understand how they got that I was o'ing just from 1 blood test
oh tori, how stressfull.
i thought ttc was bad enough.
i ve got a niggly stabbing pain in my right side towards my groin and im a bit stress, its probably just gas though.
work up this morning with a right headache and felt really sick.
just forced down some rice crispies and feel a bit better now.
stuck at work all day today and tom

Drink plenty of water (but not too much :rofl:) and make sure u get ur breaks :hugs:
When r u gonna tell work?
Right then mumtobewaiting and Samzi, lets be really good and hold fire on the POAS and wait until 4th May. We can do it!!!!
Well ladies, I must apologies for not coming on to B&B so much,

but over the last few days i've just has this nigling feeling that something wasn't right, as my MS has settled down, BB's have stopped hurting and arn't as rock soiled as they were and i just got the all round feeling that i wasn't pregenant any more, So i took a clear blue and a FR and both came up strong then the CB said i was still 3 + so i was happy, that was on the Sat, I have had to re appoint my scan to this thursday due to the hospital giving me the appointment in Leeds not Barnsley, So by sunday evening i was past my self i was hoping i would be able to see little George and just get reassurence that he was ok. (i think a little frustration as well mix that up with the hormone issue and i was a bag of nerves)

so that ws sunday and then yesterday i had the same niggling feeling, So for some stupid reason i took a CB again (at 10pm at night i must add:dohh:) and it took forever for it to come up but this time it came up with 2-3 weeks, I really can't tell you how i felt but in the back of my head i kept thinking the test had to be wrong, I cried my heart out on DH and he is a very systimatic man so kept saying that until the ultra sound it wasn't 100% accurate) it didn't settle me down at all and i cried myself to sleep last night,

Then woke up at 7:30 to do some research (as last night reallydidn't indicate anything wrong with the CB)

when i found an article about in Pregancy your HCG levels decline between 8-10 Weeks which made me sign a little in relief, DH made me promise not to buy any more HPT which i did agree with my fingers crossed and as soon as he was out the door i've been to the chemist and bought both CB and FRER

CB result was 3+ plus very fast in response:happydance:
FRER was a really strong line:happydance:

So I am now very happy and very gratefull i could still cry and i still don't have any symptoms but i'm goign to stop looking at things as a huge crisis and also stop POAS so for you Knocked up ladies honestly don't POAS aain because it causes to much heart ache for no reason, Apart from you beth as your very early on and will be in full flow of POAS addiction

So once again i'm so sorry i haven't been around but really didn't know what to say to be honest

Lot of Love and hope you are all well

tori x

Oh Tori honey :hugs:

Glad you are feeling a bit better about things - fact: CB digi are unreliable after about 6 weeks as hcg levels just go insane and from 8 weeks onwards the placenta starts to develop so symptoms start appearing and disappearing. Sounds like everything is completely normal to me so please don't worry. I'm sure your little bean is doing somersaults in there by now :)

Only a couple of days til your scan and you will be able to watch him dancing around in there :)
Oh Tori, It sounds as if you have been really in an emotional mess with the hormones. From what you say the HPTs are showing positives so try not to stress yourself out too much. Your DH is being really supportive and that is great. Remember we are all here for you as and when you need us.
Take Care.
OK so back from docs - he said "why did you wait until now to come in and have you seen a midwife yet?" :dohh:

So I told them I came at 6 weeks and was told to come back after 8 weeks - stupid doctors. Anyway they were trying to squeeze me in a booking appointment with midwife and there wasn't anything available until about week 14 (see they should have referred me earlier when I first went in) but receptionist rang her for me and they have managed to squeeze me in for 10:15 tomorrow morning :happydance: - OMG I'm going to see a midwife!!!! That is so scarey!!!!
Right then mumtobewaiting and Samzi, lets be really good and hold fire on the POAS and wait until 4th May. We can do it!!!!

Can u change us all for the 4th May Blandie? how'd the dr's appt go? no worries already read!
Beth - welcome to the world of twinges, niggling pains and feeling downright crap :rofl: - and you thought TTC was stressful :) Everything you will feel is completely normal as is the paranoia :hugs:

My advice - keep drinking loads and try and relax (ok I know it's impossible :rofl: ) Oh and I find spending about 20 hours a day in bed is the best cure for everything :)
Evening ladies!
Beth-it all looks like you are well and truly preggers but I can fully understand why you are being wary. Did you say anything to your friends?
Mamawannabe-damn that :witch:
Samzi- I bet you are sad to be leaving your man. . How confusing with all the anomalies with the charts. CM sounds promising. Keeping my fingers crossed for you
Blondie-congrats on the 9 week mark. You have to get used to it....It is really going to have a baby in you...:rofl:
Pipkintyler-go catch that eggy.

Well I used OPKs for the first time this month to see IF I was actually ovulating. I got a faint positive line on Friday and Sat, then a really dark line on Sun and a faint one again today so all looks good. I had OV pains on Sat and Sun too so I am guessing I O'd over the weekend. We have been bd'ing alternate nights since last Sunday so hopefully caught that egg. I wish we had done it last night too to be on the safe side but just too shattered. Maybe tonight we'll squeeze a quickie in for the sheer hell of it :rofl:

2WW here we come.


Oooh sounds like you have made sure there were plenty of troops waiting MSmith - fingers crossed it's just the countdown to that :bfp: now :happydance:

I hope so..... only time will tell.
OK so back from docs - he said "why did you wait until now to come in and have you seen a midwife yet?" :dohh:

So I told them I came at 6 weeks and was told to come back after 8 weeks - stupid doctors. Anyway they were trying to squeeze me in a booking appointment with midwife and there wasn't anything available until about week 14 (see they should have referred me earlier when I first went in) but receptionist rang her for me and they have managed to squeeze me in for 10:15 tomorrow morning :happydance: - OMG I'm going to see a midwife!!!! That is so scarey!!!!

How exciting!!!! :happydance:
Hi all
Think i may be out this month am due on tomorrow and have had period pains all day! Also tested on sat and got BFN. Just waiting for af to come now so I can try, try, try again!
x x x

Fingers crossed it isn't the :witch: yet Garkat :hugs:

I was always taught:

If at first you don't suck seed, try try try again - which I thought was rather pointless as sucking it isn't going to work is it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: - sorry dodgy pregnancy hormones humour :)

That :bfp: can't be far away now :)


Ha ha ha ha!!!

I'm not very hopeful this month am still waiting for the :witch: to arrive. Had bad period pains last night but have lots of creamy cm is this normal???

x x x x

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