Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

bump buddies and due date buddies yay :happydance: :lol:

Hi all. I've just been reading about a zillion posts... It must have been longer than I thought since I logged in.

Beth - what fantastic BFPs you've got! You must be over the moon.
Tori - I hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Good lord. I really can't remember what else has been going on! Must be old age setting in.
I had a pretty rough day on Sunday - my sister's husband told her that he doesn't love her anymore. :( It was a pretty major shock to everyone (not least my sister). My sister is a bit older than me, and we didn't really grow up together. By the time I 'knew' her (or remember knowing her) she was already with him. It's hard to comprehend that it's all over. They've been like an extra set of parents to me. :cry:
Also on Sunday my father called to say that my grannie was likely to not make it thru the night. My grandfather died the same date (36 yrs ago) so it seemed kind of poetic. I spent the night half awake, thinking about my sister, and waiting for the phone to ring about Gran.:cry:

Monday was better though... had to be, because it was my birthday and there would have been trouble if anyone had ruined it for me!! :rofl:
Grannie has had some miracle recovery, and was last seen playing indoor bowls in the atrium of the home she lives in!! :rofl:

Sorry for unloading.

So it's back to PMA for me. Estimates show I ov'd on Monday. The :witch: is due about 4 May. (popular date around here!) I'm going to try to hold out till 7 May to test. That's my sister's birthday.

Good luck to the 4 May testers!!
morning ladies.

lots of twinges going on with me this morning!

Still got my PMA!
freyasmum, glad your gran is doing better. sorry about your sister how awfull.

samzi, how many dpo are you now, are you temping?

well i have booked in at the gp tom to confirm my bfp. another nice line this morning and i have told my donor who was really chuffer for me, im his first success story.
Hi Ladies!!:hugs:

Just popping in from sunny Florida to say a quick hello! I spent the last 20 minutes catching up, you ladies have been busy!

Tori, hang in there, sweetie, I just know that bean is a super sticky one, and all will be well at the Doctor's tomorrow.:hugs:

Beth, tests look great! I also told people at work almost right away, I was too excited to keep my mouth shut!:rofl:

Blondie, welcome back, glad your trip was fun!:hugs:

MsSmith, Mum2be, and Samzi, hope you get to be due date buddies!!:happydance:

Sorry to those that got :witch:. Roll on next month!!:hugs:

Well, we are having a lovely, restful vacation, and the weather is beautiful! I have passed the 9 week mark, which is exciting, and my nausea has been pretty manageable. I don't know how I'm going to wait until May 12th for my next scan and to know that everything is still okay in there! Had a horrible dream that I delivered at 19 weeks and lost the baby...hope it isn't a sign!

Have a lovely day, ladies!! :hug:
Freyasmum, sorry about your sister and grannie...sounds like it was a rough weekend!:hugs:
I stopped temping for this cycle as i was told in not so many words that its pointless as i havent been doing it every day etc.

Im 7/8dpo. Started thinking today about testing at the weekend but i know i shouldnt. I must be stopped :rofl: i may just pee on OPK's to feed my POAS addiction!

AF is due a week today too!
freyasmum, glad your gran is doing better. sorry about your sister how awfull.

samzi, how many dpo are you now, are you temping?

well i have booked in at the gp tom to confirm my bfp. another nice line this morning and i have told my donor who was really chuffer for me, im his first success story.

aww bless him :D
I had a pretty rough day on Sunday - my sister's husband told her that he doesn't love her anymore. :( It was a pretty major shock to everyone (not least my sister). My sister is a bit older than me, and we didn't really grow up together. By the time I 'knew' her (or remember knowing her) she was already with him. It's hard to comprehend that it's all over. They've been like an extra set of parents to me. :cry:
Also on Sunday my father called to say that my grannie was likely to not make it thru the night. My grandfather died the same date (36 yrs ago) so it seemed kind of poetic. I spent the night half awake, thinking about my sister, and waiting for the phone to ring about Gran.:cry:
.....Grannie has had some miracle recovery, and was last seen playing indoor bowls in the atrium of the home she lives in!! :rofl:

....So it's back to PMA for me. Estimates show I ov'd on Monday. The :witch: is due about 4 May. (popular date around here!) I'm going to try to hold out till 7 May to test. That's my sister's birthday.

Good luck to the 4 May testers!!

Crikey, I hope u had a nice relaxing day after all that,
Sorry to hear about ur gran but glad all seems steady atm... they are strange how they can bounce back... like kids in that respect :)
I'm sure ur sister will be grateful of ur support now :hugs:

I think u should come and join in the groups test date, it is the 1st spring BH here, so its a nice day for us all to test :happydance:
Sorry if there are any typos, the cat is nudging my hands as he wants to sit on my lap and for me to get rid of the laptop.
Good luck with the GP appointment tomorrow Beth. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly. How lovely that your donor was so chuffed.
Caitlenc, you have definitely sent some sunshine from Florida the last week has been amazing.
Freysamum, I think you should join me, Mumtobewaiting and Samzi and test on the 4th May. How great would it be for all of us to get :bfp: together.
Sorry that you had a bit of a sh#tty weekend. I am glad your birthday was fab though.
Mumtobewaiting, you have to feed my need for gossip and find out what has happened over the road.

We are out with friends tonight for dinner which should be lovely. I like a mid week outing.
:hug: to all.
:rofl:I really don't know what happened, he was back by 2, so he must have fessed fairly quickly????
I have got DH on the case as he works with the son of the bloke 3 doors down who generally is in the know.... I will keep u posted, on the plus side we won't have to move as if was anything to do with kids then his house would have been raided, it has nothing to do with his cars either otherwise they would have been taken....hhmmmm
But it all happens in 1 day though, got back from walking the dog and a bus is creating a traffic jam at rush hour, we only live on a slightly longer version of a culdesac :rofl:
Where's Blondie gone? I was expecting a full update on how she got on with the MW this morning!
Enjoy ur meal msmith x
Beth, tests look great! I also told people at work almost right away, I was too excited to keep my mouth shut!:rofl:

oh good glad im not the only one telling people so soon, i just feel better that people at work know so they dont expect me to move any patients or handle any dangerous drugs.
Lovely meal thanks Mumtobewaiting. Can't wait for the next instalment of your cul de sac saga.
What is your line of work Beth-Nursing?
snap me out of it ladies. got urge to POAS tomorrow but i shouldnt.
if you test tom you could get a chemical and then you would be upset
or it could be too early to get your bfp
hang on a few more days.
i only got a faint bfp at 10dpo
im back in the mindset of no testing till late again.

Just realised ive got a cold sore coming. anyone have one in their TWW at all?/
Thanks for all the kind words, ladies. It's nice to have some extra people I can vent to!
Grannie is still doing pretty well, considering... she is 93, so you can't expect miracles!
And my sister is slowly but surely coming to terms with the new direction her life is taking. She's a legend.

Samzi - you should definitely wait!! (although I'm sure Blondie will have something different to say... do you think she has shares in the HPT industry?)

I'd like to join you all in the group test date, but I just think it's too early. The :witch: was a week late for me this month... And, of course, I'd be half a day ahead of you all anyway :)
I'll see how I feel. Maybe I could be the first?
Morning ladies, I am still here don't worry :)

After midwife yesterday I decided I couldn't be bothered to go into work so I "worked from home" - ie fell asleep on sofa with cats zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

MW appointment was good - suddenly seems very real. I'm being referred to a consultant as concerns that I have had 2 dvt scares in the past and they want me to discuss with him which is fair enough - been banned from long haul flights which means my job is screwed - trying to figure out how to tell work that I can no longer cover Brazil, Australia and the USA :( I suppose they will just have to temp someone in to cover overseas and let me concentrate on the UK.

Just waiting for my scan appointment to come through now (she said it will def be in the next 3 weeks :happydance: and then hopefully I can finally start telling people :) DH last night was moaning about how slowly it is going :rofl: - like I need reminding :)

Right so where am I with everyone else:

Caitlenc - glad things are going ok bump buddy :) my nausea seems to be calming down a bit now thank goodness but its good to be over that 9 week mark isn't it :)

Tori - hope things still ok with you? good luck with the scan today - I will be thinking of you?

Beth - good luck at the docs - glad those lines are getting stronger - I have a good good feeling about you :) Glad your donor was chuffed aswell (I think it does wonder for the male pride - considering getting my DH a badge saying "I have fertile sperm" :rofl:

Freyasmum - glad your nan is doing ok - bowls at 93 is pretty impressive :) Hope your sister is ok - us women are super strong so I'm sure once she finds her feet again she will be back on form.

Samzi - you must NOT test :) Hold out as I want to turn up here on May 4th to a bumper crop of :bfp:

All the other May 4th ladies - I'm expecting great things this month :)

MSmith - know what you mean about cats and laptops - I have two trying to sit on my knee when I have laptop on at home - drives me insane but I secretly love it :rofl:

Right ladies off to see what else I missed on BnB yesterday :) Speak to you all later :)
morning ladies.

oh blondie bet your excited about the scan :happydance:

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