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ugh!!!!! I just want to Ovulate already!!!! I am such a roller coaster today it's horrible!!! blahhhhh. x-[
Sorry no, not really. I considered them but haven't tried them. I'm thinking of buying a home PH tests at the moment though as I heard cervical mucus can kill the sperm if it's too acidic but apparently this is quite easy to correct. I'm confused why the dr's never mention this though. xx[/QUOTE
PH test??? How do you correct that?? Can you give me more info on this, sounds like something I have never considered..I don't care for
How is everyone today? I am so frustrated I feel like my body gears up to ovulate and then it stops and goes backwards on cycle day 16 my cervix was high and kinda soft..then it went low 2 days later, and yesterday it was high and getting soft again, today it's lower and harder..ugh!!!!! What's going on with my body??? The good news is my opk is darker so I feel like I am taking a step in the right direction...I want to be pregnant so bad!!! I am super emotional today, anyone emotional before they O?
Having PCOS my cycles can be very different emotionally, one month I can be WAYYYYYY emotional (my husand is bipolar yet my mood swings are WORSE than his) another cycle I might sail through. I def am more emotional with my cycles since TTC though, perhaps as I'm paying so much attention to it. Last month I was very emotional right up till a/f and athen I felt okay again
Anyways, you're not alone! xx
Thank you sweetieI am sorry you have to go through that, sometimes I wish I could just not try just not think about it, I bet it would happen, but I can't I'm on a mission and I am going to get my BFP...My hubby is picking up some baby asprin and more pre-seed..He wants this as bad as I do..He is amazing I am lucky...My left side has been cramping the last 4 days I wonder why?
how'd you and your DH meet?my hubby and i met on myspace LMFAO. but i was already friends with his sister and thats the only reason we actually MET in person.
well i was on depo and was due for another shot on march 2010. didnt get a AF until december 2010.
actually using OPKs in march 2011. and then temping first cycle April 2011. and may was my first cycle using softcups and then this cycle i tried REAL hard and used SMEP, softcups, fertilitea, and temping annnd opks.
so ACTIVELY trying id say since feb 2011. but have been NTNP since i was off Depo.
id like to get it so that my daughter's Bio dad got his rights taken away and her real daddy=) could adopt her. but i dunno how to do that. he does heavy drugs and has not seen her in over a year.
if you dont mind me asking why is your ex in prison?
I listen to a wide range of music, on my birthday 3 years ago my g/f's from college took me out to a cowboy bar (I have never two stepped in my life, and I was wearing hills!!) I do own a pair of boots, I grew up with horses. This gorgeous cowboy came up and asked if I would like to dance, I replied, ' I don't know how to" he gave me this stunning smile that still gives me butterfly's and told me to stand on his boots and so ever since we have been living a fairytale sometimes it's so good I feel like I am dreaming. It's perfect his kids rarely see their mom and mine wont be seeing their dad any more my kids needed a full time dad and his needed a full time mom.
My ex was a high/middle school teacher for a small christian charter school he was arrested last month for having a sexual relationship with one of his 13 year old students..I have been doing lots of soul searching and I just don't know what the hell I saw in him..It's sick I don't even know him..So I am taking his rights away..I'm sorry about all your drama, I am happy you have a good man to take care of you and your angel. You should tell the courts your ex is doing drugs just do what you have to to keep your daughter safe our kids are number 1![]()
AW thats too cute. i am hoping to get his rights taken away... but even if i tell them about all the drugs and stuff and he hasnt seen her in a year, but hes texted about her... and we made several plans for him to see her and hes blown us off every time. would the courts grant me custody and actually take his rights away? or do you think that they will try giving him a chance and letting him take her alone!? bc i am very scared that they may say "he is her bio dad and has rights to see her" and i am terrified of him taking her alone!
i have all this stuff on him when we were together he left her in the car alone at 1 month old, he use to tell me not to feed her too much formula or she'd get "fat" so i had to sneak it at first...and ALOT of other shit.
Oh wow! Left her in the car?! Was she okay after that?? You need to document there a child support order? How does he feel about supporting her? I don't know about where you live and the laws but some places if the dad does not pay he can't see the child..I would be afraid to let him be alone with her too, maybe you should talk to a lawyer, ask them what they think you should this point he still has rights so you should do something..I'm sorry your dealing with this it can't be easy and stress is very bad when try for a baby..I don't know what judge would let a person like that around a child, but you will have to do what you can, for now right down everything and try to place it with dates. How are you feeling??
Heya ladies, hope you guys are doing good, im totally starting a new batch of vitamins and stuff for this month, stocked up on a ton of green tea and other natural more coffee unless its decaf, im going to temp this month in which i never did before. Heard it helps alot, are you guys going to try anything different for the new month?![]()
how'd you and your DH meet?my hubby and i met on myspace LMFAO. but i was already friends with his sister and thats the only reason we actually MET in person.
well i was on depo and was due for another shot on march 2010. didnt get a AF until december 2010.
actually using OPKs in march 2011. and then temping first cycle April 2011. and may was my first cycle using softcups and then this cycle i tried REAL hard and used SMEP, softcups, fertilitea, and temping annnd opks.
so ACTIVELY trying id say since feb 2011. but have been NTNP since i was off Depo.
id like to get it so that my daughter's Bio dad got his rights taken away and her real daddy=) could adopt her. but i dunno how to do that. he does heavy drugs and has not seen her in over a year.
if you dont mind me asking why is your ex in prison?
I listen to a wide range of music, on my birthday 3 years ago my g/f's from college took me out to a cowboy bar (I have never two stepped in my life, and I was wearing hills!!) I do own a pair of boots, I grew up with horses. This gorgeous cowboy came up and asked if I would like to dance, I replied, ' I don't know how to" he gave me this stunning smile that still gives me butterfly's and told me to stand on his boots and so ever since we have been living a fairytale sometimes it's so good I feel like I am dreaming. It's perfect his kids rarely see their mom and mine wont be seeing their dad any more my kids needed a full time dad and his needed a full time mom.
My ex was a high/middle school teacher for a small christian charter school he was arrested last month for having a sexual relationship with one of his 13 year old students..I have been doing lots of soul searching and I just don't know what the hell I saw in him..It's sick I don't even know him..So I am taking his rights away..I'm sorry about all your drama, I am happy you have a good man to take care of you and your angel. You should tell the courts your ex is doing drugs just do what you have to to keep your daughter safe our kids are number 1![]()
AW thats too cute. i am hoping to get his rights taken away... but even if i tell them about all the drugs and stuff and he hasnt seen her in a year, but hes texted about her... and we made several plans for him to see her and hes blown us off every time. would the courts grant me custody and actually take his rights away? or do you think that they will try giving him a chance and letting him take her alone!? bc i am very scared that they may say "he is her bio dad and has rights to see her" and i am terrified of him taking her alone!
i have all this stuff on him when we were together he left her in the car alone at 1 month old, he use to tell me not to feed her too much formula or she'd get "fat" so i had to sneak it at first...and ALOT of other shit.
Oh wow! Left her in the car?! Was she okay after that?? You need to document there a child support order? How does he feel about supporting her? I don't know about where you live and the laws but some places if the dad does not pay he can't see the child..I would be afraid to let him be alone with her too, maybe you should talk to a lawyer, ask them what they think you should this point he still has rights so you should do something..I'm sorry your dealing with this it can't be easy and stress is very bad when try for a baby..I don't know what judge would let a person like that around a child, but you will have to do what you can, for now right down everything and try to place it with dates. How are you feeling??
yep left her in the car... she was okay. but when i told him it was not cool and to never ever do it again he told me i was crazy and emotional and dramatic. i was like NO and thats around the time i left him. thats not even the half of the stuff he's done to her and to me. hes just not a good person.
there is no child support b/c i took him to court for it and he was lying about what he made i believe and only had to pay 50 a month! so i was suppose to go back after i got the child support granted and i didnt know that, so i missed the court date. so no child support. but whatever. if he cared about her he'd pay on his own.
I dont see how a judge would let him around her. i have documented everything in a journal with dates. i would like them to blood test him right then and there so that he wont have a chance to detox. b/c i know hes doing hard drugs. and no judge should allow him alone with her.
i am feeling okay. i do get pretty stressed out dealing with his and his GFs shenanigans but not much i can do besides talk to a lawyer which i do need to do soon. i should be testing in 3 or 4 days prob. lol.
how are you doing? where are at in your cycle?
yeah he really is a piece of work.
yeah i want to test NOW but i have had so many damn BFN that i feel stupid to test now. and almost every cycle i could swear im pregnant. i got nauseous last cycle and broke out real early but she still came. i have had every pregnancy symptom and i still get AF.
i am thinking Af will be here again. i broke out BAD early again and had some cramping... so i bet shes coming.
i hope that you get yourhun! FX for you