Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Okay so after a ton of reading about using a opk as a hpt here is what I have found out!!

They are 85% accurate in using as a hpt because they can detect the HCG alpha chain and the LH is 100% the same as the HCG alpha chain. HCG has 2 chains the Alpha chain that your body has more of in very early pregnancy and the Beta chain. We all know that the Beta chain is what HPT's & Dr's test for. The alpha chain is always there but the beta chain will get stronger then the alpha. So I feel safe to say that at this point I am 85% pregnant :happydance: Now my Dr. agrees with these facts but he said so much can happen between now and when beta chain gets stronger that women using opk's as hpt's will find out they are pregnant as soon as the day after the embryo implants and sometimes end up feeling the loss of the child because of finding out so early. So there we go, Here's to me being 85% pregnant :wine:
Picklepot - Aw I'm sorry you're feeling so down today :hugs: I'm sure we've all had or will have those days during this 2ww. I'm having one myself today as nothing significant has happened and I'm reading about everyone else with bigger symptoms. Hopefully we both start feeling something real soon!

Wantingbbbump - How exciting!!! I wish I had an OPK to use and check! But it's probably better if I just wait. I'm still super excited for you! Let's hope it sticks! :happydance:

I just woke up from another 2 hour nap (second this week) and have a dull headache again/still. Boobs not that sore. Nothing else going on. Kinda frustrated and impatient. EDIT - half hour later and I think I have some slight cramping on the left side.
Hi Ladies! I posted a couple days ago but then couldn't find the thread. Love the new name though! I think I'm 6 days dpo and don't really have any symptoms unfortunately. I did have pain around my right ovary the day of and the day following ovulation... and a few vivid dreams early on, but nothing today or yesterday. Despite the lack of symptoms, I can't wait for Saturday to get here so I can test! I'll be 10/11 dpo then. I don't have any cheapy tests, and the stores near me don't sell them, but will order them on-line if I don't get a BFP this cycle so that in the future I can start testing a bit earlier without worrying about spending too much $$!

Hope you're all have a great week so far & hope we all have good news in the coming week! :)
The twinges/cramps I thought I was feeling haven't gone away. I'm hoping it's the much-awaited implantation cramps but it could be nothing at all. They haven't been that sharp or anything just uncomfortable. And I've been mildly gassy (ewww.) Boobs not sore right now but very excited to be soon rolling into 6dpo.
I'm sure im out this cycle because i feel the same as i do any other day but thats okay because it gives me lil more room to drop a few more pounds to get ready :coolio: hows everyone else doing? :flower:
Well after the previous days having lots of cm today so far iv had none..don't know wat this means?? No other symptoms really my belly just 'feels' weird Almost butterfly like..I'm strange I know!'s everyone else xx
Woke up 6dpo and nothing going on. Before bed last night, I had a headache and felt like my glands were swollen but all is well today. It's bumming me out. I know I'm not out yet but I just feel like it. All my friends (that know) keep saying, "You're pregnant! I just know it!" but that doesn't help when I don't FEEL pregnant. It's too early for anything to be going on realistically. I just want some sign or symptom to just right out and wave it's red flag in my face to ease my anxiety about it. I just want to get my BFP this time around.

I got pregnant with my daughter the only time her father & I had sex unprotected, it was on my most fertile day. I had a second pregnancy resulting in a m/c where I had unprotected sex 3 or 4 days in a row but I didn't know if I was fertile or not. I didn't follow my cycle then. This time, I'm actively TTC and it's driving me crazy. I don't know how y'all do it month after month if you didn't succeed the first time or two.
To everyone not feeling any symptoms at the moment, dont give up hope! I know its easier said than done but I know a heap of my friends who never felt anything during their pregnancies! I remember two of my close friends saying to me if it wasnt for their growing tummies they would actual forget they were pregnant! No sickness, sore boobies or even back pain!!! I was so jealous because with my son i was SO sick for about the first four months! So there is hope yet! Everyone is different! Just hang in there and remember to keep sending those positive vibes to your uterus!! hehe!! xx
Hey girls,

Well after my mom begged me I broke down and took a HPT..BFN :cry: I know that it's really early because I'm only 7dpo but I thought that if a baby really did implant at 5dpo then it should show a faint line. I am really sad & I'm wishing that I never let my mom talk me into taking a test. It was a FRER 6 days before your missed preiod and tomorrow will be 6 days before so wouldn't you think that if I was pg it would have showed something? I don't know if I can do this again next cycle. How do you all do it cycle after cycle? Or is the first cycle the hardest because we let ourselves think that there is no way it won't work. I am just so down now...why the hell did I get my hopes up so high? I really wish I wouldn't of taken that dang test!!!! :growlmad: As for symptoms I have lower back pain, mild cramps, my bbs still feel heavier than normal and today they are mildly sore but all of this is also the same as af so I'm not feeling much hope there. I am sorry that I acted a fool by being so sure that I was pregnant. If I try again (I don't think I am going to though) next cycle then I am so not going to let my mind get so carried away like I did with this cycle!! I will still be praying for all of you to get your BFP'S!!! :dust: Gosh I feel just so dumb for getting my hopes up like I did knowing the slim chance of a bfp.
Oh Hun don't let your hopes get down just yet..your 7dpo not surprised you got a bfn! You might not even of implanted yet which means no hcg would show up, fingers crossed for our bfps!!! Xxx
HEY NOW LADY! Aren't you the one saying we're all PUPO??! You're not out until AF shows her ugly face? You haven't seen AF yet and you've had some seriously promising symptoms. You're not out yet. Just wait another 4 days and try testing again. We can both test Sunday or you can try and wait to see if AF shows. But you're not out. I know how depressing a BFN can be but this site alone is proof that so many women get dozens of BFN but still wind up getting their BFP. Don't give up yet :)
HEY NOW LADY! Aren't you the one saying we're all PUPO??! You're not out until AF shows her ugly face? You haven't seen AF yet and you've had some seriously promising symptoms. You're not out yet. Just wait another 4 days and try testing again. We can both test Sunday or you can try and wait to see if AF shows. But you're not out. I know how depressing a BFN can be but this site alone is proof that so many women get dozens of BFN but still wind up getting their BFP. Don't give up yet :)

You've got yourself a testing buddy :thumbup: I know that it's too early but man does seeing a bfn hurt! I am so going to hold off on testing until Sunday and maybe I will see a bfp then. I really don't know what I was thinking testing so dang soon, I knew it was going to be a bfn at this point :dohh: Just wishful thinking I guess :haha:
Sounds good to me. 10dpo is probably still too early to test for me but I'm going to do it anyway. Test Sunday, Monday & Tuesday with my dollar store tests, and if they're negative I'm going to wait until AF is supposed to show and then test with a FRER. If one of them shows a BFP then I'm going to use the rest to verify haha. Basically I'm setting myself up for a ton of BFNs but oh well. I'm feeling the need to POAS like crazy.

You tested soon because you're anxious. Nothing wrong with that. We're all guilty of it in one way or another. You'll get your BFP, just keep trying to wait.
My boobs have begun to hurt a little again and one of my nipples hurts. This better be something and not just my imagination.

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