Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Hi Leanne, I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's getting a bit ridiculous really!

Ok now I really really really need your advice PUPO pals! I just took the OPK test and got a positive result! But the test line is faint, def there and pink! What the heck does that mean! I'm freaking out here!

My DH is away until Monday...really need someone to talk too about all this :cry:

It means that you have LH or HCG in your system!! Welcome to being 85% pregnant..Lets run away from the other 15% that means it's wrong..:rofl:

I am 8dpo too and I can't help myself I bought 2 more FRER's and 2 CBE digital tests. Whats wrong with me..Oh and then I used one of my other FRER's and got another bfn, you'd think I learned from yesterday but NO. I just want to pee on everything and see if I can get 2 lines. I even heard that if you dip a hpt in apple juice you will get a bfp, I wanted to go and get some just to see the double lines..I need to go to poas rehab!!
Me too!! My body is really acting like I am going to get a BFP. If I don't I won't trust my body again!!

Seriously!!! Did you have Gail do your prediction? I've seen/read that she's pretty accurate but not always. I thought about getting a prediction done but I can't afford it right now and didn't want to be disappointed by what she would have to say. Hopefully she's wrong and you get your BFP this month!

As far as the FRER saying 6 days before a missed period... that can be slightly inaccurate if you ovulated later than you thought or if implantation happened later than you thought. Technically implantation can still happen for both of us (up to day 12, correct?) so if it hasn't happened yet or JUST recently happened, HCG wouldn't be high enough to come up on the test yet.

I bought a 2-pack of FRER today and have seriously resisted the urge to test. I now have 5 tests just laying around. It's going to drive me nuts but I don't want to be disappointed just yet or waste some of my tests. If I can hold out until Sunday/10dpo, my chances of a BFP are higher and hopefully I won't have to invest in anymore HPTs if I were to waste them this early on.

Hey ladies..

I know I just joined this thread today, but I am also out today. I have been proven not-pregnant.

Stupid blood tests and stupid eight day late period..

Gail predicted boy in September. That would put me at my third month without BC which is the normal amount of time for women to conceive after Nuvaring.

I used Jenny. I mean If she is right and i have to try until Oct. then so be it because then I will get a bfp. I just don't want to have to wait 3 months to do it. I am not going to do any more predictions because they are kind of a waste of money. If I get my af I will be okay with it because we only have a 25% chance of a bfp each month and most have to do 3 cycles for a bfp. Some 6 and others a year. My dr said that if it takes longer than a year then I need to go to a RE to seek IUI's or IVF. I can't afford IVF and I might be able to do 1 IUI with no meds or u/s because it's going to be like $600 and that's only if Dh say's yes. I think I am going to send my donor in for a sa if this cycle is a bust. He is 58 and I really want to know if everything is still going right. I don't want to have high hopes for 6 months if there is no chance of a bfp. Then I will just order frozen sperm if my donor now has issues. Does this make any sense? My mom keeps saying that I am 100% pregnant lol
Yeah, that all makes sense and I'd probably feel the same way if I have gone down your path this long. Hopefully none of it comes to that and your mom's right & you get your BFP! I'm really hoping that you do!!!!
TryinFor1- I am so sorry that you got a BFN!!:hugs: I would take september, I got Oct getting pregnant & Nov getting my BFP from Oct cycle with a boy by Jenny.

wavescrashove- I hope that your right!! Sunday is going to be fun!! I can't wait even if I get a BFN. It's going to be fun to see what you get. I think if I get BFN then I am just going to wait for af and call this cycle a bust with af due on Wednesday. If I am pregnant it should show on sunday 4 sure!!
I am 8dpo too and I can't help myself I bought 2 more FRER's and 2 CBE digital tests. Whats wrong with me..Oh and then I used one of my other FRER's and got another bfn, you'd think I learned from yesterday but NO. I just want to pee on everything and see if I can get 2 lines. I even heard that if you dip a hpt in apple juice you will get a bfp, I wanted to go and get some just to see the double lines..I need to go to poas rehab!!

haha so good to know I'm not the only one :headspin:
At 7 dpo I'm really OCD for two lines.
I've decided that it cant hurt to test every day (or even twice a day :blush:), as long as I am aware that it really is very early and a BFN isn't absolute at this stage.
I feel queasy and have pain in my right leg - GREAT! :mrgreen:
Hey ladies..

I know I just joined this thread today, but I am also out today. I have been proven not-pregnant.

Stupid blood tests and stupid eight day late period..

Gail predicted boy in September. That would put me at my third month without BC which is the normal amount of time for women to conceive after Nuvaring.


pesky pesky AF, so sorry she insisted on arriving for you TryinFor1.
Sincere best wishes for next cycle :hugs:
TryinFor1- I am so sorry that you got a BFN!!:hugs: I would take september, I got Oct getting pregnant & Nov getting my BFP from Oct cycle with a boy by Jenny.

wavescrashove- I hope that your right!! Sunday is going to be fun!! I can't wait even if I get a BFN. It's going to be fun to see what you get. I think if I get BFN then I am just going to wait for af and call this cycle a bust with af due on Wednesday. If I am pregnant it should show on sunday 4 sure!!

I hope I'm right too. I'm excited for Sunday as well but I'm expecting a BFN though. Just so that's out there and I can't be too disappointed when it happens. I hope that if you wind up with a BFN on Sunday and you decide to give up and wait for AF that you're surprised and wind up not getting her and pregnant after all!

I just took a shower and noticed my nipples were swollen too, mostly on the outer sides but swollen nonetheless. They hurt to let the water hit them, too. I can honestly say that's never been a PMS symptom for me.
Hey ladies..

I know I just joined this thread today, but I am also out today. I have been proven not-pregnant.

Stupid blood tests and stupid eight day late period..

Gail predicted boy in September. That would put me at my third month without BC which is the normal amount of time for women to conceive after Nuvaring.


pesky pesky AF, so sorry she insisted on arriving for you TryinFor1.
Sincere best wishes for next cycle :hugs:

The thing is.. she hasn't arrive. I am waiting for her to now so I can move onto my next cycle ttc. But thank you so much for the :hugs:

I am currently on cd37.
Was the blood test qualitative or quantitative?

Two cycles ago, my AF arrived 14 days late. My usual 26 day cycle became 42 days. I was so crushed. I really thought I was pg but I only ever produced BFNs.
I dont know what happened.
I think I made myself think I was pg and somehow gave myself psychosomatic symptoms or something.
I am 8dpo too and I can't help myself I bought 2 more FRER's and 2 CBE digital tests. Whats wrong with me..Oh and then I used one of my other FRER's and got another bfn, you'd think I learned from yesterday but NO. I just want to pee on everything and see if I can get 2 lines. I even heard that if you dip a hpt in apple juice you will get a bfp, I wanted to go and get some just to see the double lines..I need to go to poas rehab!!

haha so good to know I'm not the only one :headspin:
At 7 dpo I'm really OCD for two lines.
I've decided that it cant hurt to test every day (or even twice a day :blush:), as long as I am aware that it really is very early and a BFN isn't absolute at this stage.
I feel queasy and have pain in my right leg - GREAT! :mrgreen:

I agree. If I have them in my house then they are going to meet my wee. I had a few moments of gaging and queasy ness Also still cramping, back pain, nicer bbs that tingle/burn and are really hate being in a bra also my cervis is back at a med from being low, soft & still closed. CM is creamy like lotion. Gosh it's still weird to be talking about this..:haha: I am going to try and hold out until Sunday but..we'll see how well that holds because todays test wasn't taken with FMU.
TryinFor1- I am so sorry that you got a BFN!!:hugs: I would take september, I got Oct getting pregnant & Nov getting my BFP from Oct cycle with a boy by Jenny.

wavescrashove- I hope that your right!! Sunday is going to be fun!! I can't wait even if I get a BFN. It's going to be fun to see what you get. I think if I get BFN then I am just going to wait for af and call this cycle a bust with af due on Wednesday. If I am pregnant it should show on sunday 4 sure!!

I hope I'm right too. I'm excited for Sunday as well but I'm expecting a BFN though. Just so that's out there and I can't be too disappointed when it happens. I hope that if you wind up with a BFN on Sunday and you decide to give up and wait for AF that you're surprised and wind up not getting her and pregnant after all!

I just took a shower and noticed my nipples were swollen too, mostly on the outer sides but swollen nonetheless. They hurt to let the water hit them, too. I can honestly say that's never been a PMS symptom for me.

I am going to be surprised if you get a bfn with everything you have been feeling. Okay do you think we will symptom watch this hard if (please NO af) we get af??? I say we will because it will be a new cycle and we like being crazy. How could we not have symptoms whern we are PUPO...:rofl:
Was the blood test qualitative or quantitative?

Two cycles ago, my AF arrived 14 days late. My usual 26 day cycle became 42 days. I was so crushed. I really thought I was pg but I only ever produced BFNs.
I dont know what happened.
I think I made myself think I was pg and somehow gave myself psychosomatic symptoms or something.

I am assuming you are asking me and to be totally honest, I have no clue. I was so upset to hear it was negative I didnt think to ask.

I dont care if it is 14 days late because that would only be 6 more days till it arrives! I really want to start on my next cycle.
Sorry to hear about your test results TryingFor1, must have been really disappointing news, especially since AF is late :(

I think I am 8 or 9 dpo today. Was on a train last night and felt really nauseous afterwards (wouldn't say it happens all the time, but I do get motion sickness from time to time). I woke up feeling nauseous too and couldn't resist the urge to test (wish I had your willpower Waitingforbabybump!). I think part of it was that I was on the two week wait site and noticed that someone posted a BFP at 9 dpo, lol. Used a FRER. Unfortunately it was a BFN. My boobs aren't sore, and my CM doesn't seem any different from other cycles, but I've been having vivid dreams, gassy & have felts twinges in my ovary area so still hopeful! I'm planning to test again on Saturday when I should be 11 dpo...

It's so hard not to obsess!
Sorry to hear about your test results TryingFor1, must have been really disappointing news, especially since AF is late :(

I think I am 8 or 9 dpo today. Was on a train last night and felt really nauseous afterwards (wouldn't say it happens all the time, but I do get motion sickness from time to time). I woke up feeling nauseous too and couldn't resist the urge to test (wish I had your willpower Waitingforbabybump!). I think part of it was that I was on the two week wait site and noticed that someone posted a BFP at 9 dpo, lol. Used a FRER. Unfortunately it was a BFN. My boobs aren't sore, and my CM doesn't seem any different from other cycles, but I've been having vivid dreams, gassy & have felts twinges in my ovary area so still hopeful! I'm planning to test again on Saturday when I should be 11 dpo...

It's so hard not to obsess!

I'm sorry that you got a bfn today!! I did too :nope: I didn't use fmu either though, not that it would of helped at 8dpo. It's still just too early for both of us. I hope that you get a really bright BFP on Saturday! I am going to try and hold off until Sunday but those darn hpt's keep calling and asking to be wee'd on. It's very hard to not obsess over everything in the 2ww. With my other bfp's I swear I got me bfp's in a week but I have to be wrong about that!!! I really hope that you get your BFP this cycle!!
TryinFor1- I am so sorry that you got a BFN!!:hugs: I would take september, I got Oct getting pregnant & Nov getting my BFP from Oct cycle with a boy by Jenny.

wavescrashove- I hope that your right!! Sunday is going to be fun!! I can't wait even if I get a BFN. It's going to be fun to see what you get. I think if I get BFN then I am just going to wait for af and call this cycle a bust with af due on Wednesday. If I am pregnant it should show on sunday 4 sure!!

I hope I'm right too. I'm excited for Sunday as well but I'm expecting a BFN though. Just so that's out there and I can't be too disappointed when it happens. I hope that if you wind up with a BFN on Sunday and you decide to give up and wait for AF that you're surprised and wind up not getting her and pregnant after all!

I just took a shower and noticed my nipples were swollen too, mostly on the outer sides but swollen nonetheless. They hurt to let the water hit them, too. I can honestly say that's never been a PMS symptom for me.

I am going to be surprised if you get a bfn with everything you have been feeling. Okay do you think we will symptom watch this hard if (please NO af) we get af??? I say we will because it will be a new cycle and we like being crazy. How could we not have symptoms whern we are PUPO...:rofl:

Hahah :) Me too, honestly which is silly because I'm anticipating a BFN. I'm weird, I know. Honestly... if AF greets me, I'll probably symptom spot like crazy again the next time. Looking for something different than this one. has a neat little way of tracking all your cycle symptoms and then comparing them to each other (and other pregnant women at the same dpo as you.) I'll probably compare my cycles like crazy!

I've barely eaten anything all evening. Just got back from taking my DD to the ER (preforated eardrum due to an infection behind it that broke through, ear started bleeding like crazy) and grabbed a toasted breakfast bagel to eat and I barely ate half of it and now I can't finish it. I feel like I'll get sick if I keep eating. And I have to pee like crazy today.
I decided with all the symptom spotting that I would try to take a test 3 days early. There is a VERY FAINT line. I will re-test with morning urine tomorrow, fingers crossed :)
Well....i took one of those cheap internet tests today bfn!!! Af not due till we'd tho..o hope there's still hope,very disheartening :( x

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