Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Tested with an FRER this evening and.... omg, my :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! I posted a pic but it's a faint one :-D


Officially 3 days late today. Tested with a dollar store test and a Clear Blue Digital (apparently I used all my FRER) and both were BFN. DEFINITELY no testing until Friday. It's so disheartening to feel pregnant, to have your body tell you that you're pregnant and then this stupid stick blinks and blinks and then tells you that you're "Not pregnant."

Oh sweetie both of the tests you took need a pretty high hcg level. The day I got my BFP I also took a cbe digital and it said "not pregnant" That was at 10dpo but I took another cbe digital on 12dpo and then it said "pregnant". I believe you need at least 50miu of hcg to get it to say pregnant. And the dollar store is 25miu/ml. I hope that you get your bfp!! When do you think you will go in for a blood test?
I know... it just sucked seeing the words "not pregnant" when I know that I have to be. I finally found my unopened box of FRER after cleaning out my drawer of BFNs to throw away. I may attempt with SMU on a FRER but I'm not too hopeful. I gotta go though so we'll see! I'm waiting until Friday when I'll be a full week late to call the doc to set up an appt for a blood test. I only have next Monday/Tuesday off work though so hopefully they can get me in then. I don't have a doc yet as I just got my new insurance through work so I didn't think they'd take on a new patient who only just missed her period by a few days for a blood test. But I figure if I wait a week then they'll be more willing hahah.
Yay Vaurissa!!! I woke up at 3am and felt like I was going to burst, so I took a test. I was excited because I never wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I thought it was a good sign... but BFN.
I'm still hopeful though, since I have longer luteal phases. I'm not expecting my period until Thursday. I'll take another test then.
Thanks for the kind words, fumbles. I'm trying to stay positive.

Mine was not positive until the evening my period was due (so practically missed period) and it was a very faint FRER. Fx'ed!
Vaurissa - congratulations!! you give me hope, i am due in 3 days and have used 2 frer already both bfn... did u get bfn's before your positive?? I will wait till i am due and try again....

waves thats just how i feel - my body is screaming it at me!!! but the tests just wont listen!!
Vaurissa - congratulations!! you give me hope, i am due in 3 days and have used 2 frer already both bfn... did u get bfn's before your positive?? I will wait till i am due and try again....

Ooooh yes. I have been getting BFN's since 8 DPO, lol, I even threw a BFN OPK in there just for fun.... sheesh!
LOL!! guess what i got to pee on today along with more preg tests?? opk's!!! hahahah

i will be cross if i dont get 2 lines on one of them!! how many dpo did u finally get your bfp??
LOL!! guess what i got to pee on today along with more preg tests?? opk's!!! hahahah
i will be cross if i dont get 2 lines on one of them!! how many dpo did u finally get your bfp??

almost 12 HOWEVER, I have a short luteal phase... 11 DPO equaled the day my period was to start. So under a normal cycle I got it on 14 DPO
Hmm i am at least 13 dpo today, maybe more and still bfn's.... i may wait until af is late i cant handle any more of them!!
Girls ive been bleeding with what I thought was AF since Friday morning after spotting on and off since last Monday but today it just stopped I've had no clots or anything just blood on my pad but not loads by any means. So this afternoon my bbs were killing and felt heavy and full and my left nipple leaked a little so I though "oh I'll do and ic sod it I've ordered 50 lol!!"'so I did and I got a second line it's faint but straight away it's pink and it's defo there!! So I thought maybe it's an evap I'll dunk another and again a really faint || so I'm now thinking am I having a miscarriage or am I pg or am I just going crazy?!?
I'm going to take another test with FMU as the ones i did today are from the afternoon and are way watered down pee!!

Confused is an understatement!! I can load pics as hubby has got laptop sorry I'll load them in the am! So opinions girls what's happening to me!!??!! Xxxx:hug:xxxX
Mommacc that is crazy!? If you get a BFP tomorrow, I'd pop to the docs for some reassurance and confirmation. :hugs:

Well after all the drama and stick peeing, I'm out :growlmad:

I didn't have the highest hopes as I'm just off the pill and things aren't back to normal yet. Although I think I o'd this month and we managed to dtd around the right time.
Next time I think I'll take up charting and stock up on OPKs. But that won't be or a few months as now we're going back to WTT until Jan/Feb :cry:

I'm still going to be stalking all you girls though! Waves, I'd quit right now with the pee sticks, we both know you're pregnant! :hugs:
:happydance::happydance::happydance: I took a Clearblue Digital test yesterday (4 days early) and have a BFP, I've taken another two today (3 days early and both are BFP :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I still cant believe it's really right, this is our first month of trying:blush::blush:
:happydance::happydance::happydance: I took a Clearblue Digital test yesterday (4 days early) and have a BFP, I've taken another two today (3 days early and both are BFP :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I still cant believe it's really right, this is our first month of trying:blush::blush:

That ain't even right you lucky dog! Get outta my thread!! LOL, JK, that is awesome!!! Yay for not having to go through the crap a lot of the rest of us did. :thumbup:
Girls ive been bleeding with what I thought was AF since Friday morning after spotting on and off since last Monday but today it just stopped I've had no clots or anything just blood on my pad but not loads by any means. So this afternoon my bbs were killing and felt heavy and full and my left nipple leaked a little so I though "oh I'll do and ic sod it I've ordered 50 lol!!"'so I did and I got a second line it's faint but straight away it's pink and it's defo there!! So I thought maybe it's an evap I'll dunk another and again a really faint || so I'm now thinking am I having a miscarriage or am I pg or am I just going crazy?!?
I'm going to take another test with FMU as the ones i did today are from the afternoon and are way watered down pee!!

Confused is an understatement!! I can load pics as hubby has got laptop sorry I'll load them in the am! So opinions girls what's happening to me!!??!! Xxxx:hug:xxxX

Oh wow. Well I hope it's just a pregnancy and def not a m/c. I'll say some prayers for you. I hope you get your BFP!!!
Mommacc that is crazy!? If you get a BFP tomorrow, I'd pop to the docs for some reassurance and confirmation. :hugs:

Well after all the drama and stick peeing, I'm out :growlmad:

I didn't have the highest hopes as I'm just off the pill and things aren't back to normal yet. Although I think I o'd this month and we managed to dtd around the right time.
Next time I think I'll take up charting and stock up on OPKs. But that won't be or a few months as now we're going back to WTT until Jan/Feb :cry:

I'm still going to be stalking all you girls though! Waves, I'd quit right now with the pee sticks, we both know you're pregnant! :hugs:

Aww, why do you say you're out? I hope the witch didn't get you :( And thanks, hahaha. Gave me a chuckle. I wish I could leave it at that but I need this stupid pee stick to confirm it for me!
WHAT A CLEARBLUE DIGITAL POSITIVE EARLY? I'm so jealous. Here I am 3 days late and that dang thing told me no :/ Congrats though!!!!

Tonight at work, I went to confide in my TTC secret to a co-worker who I consider a close friend. I went up to her and said, "So I have a little secret to share with you but you gotta keep your mouth closed." She turned to me and completely serious goes, "You're pregnant!" I just stood there shocked for a second and went, "I hope so, I'm 3 days late... we're trying... how'd you guess?" And she said, "I had a dream that you were pregnant. And that it's a girl." Blew my mind. It's funny because I did one of those prediction things online and it predicted me another girl. She had NO idea I was even thinking of ttc. I haven't seen her in over a week and then before that, two weeks.

That would be the second time someone I work with had an accurate dream about someone at work. Another co-worker had a dream about my sister (whom I work with) and her health and it turned out to be true. That made my entire day hahaha. I just hope she's right and I get my stinkin' BFP already! Going on 4 days late, sore boobs and no sign of AF.
heya ladies i havent been on in a long time, hows it going? im officially onto cycle #17, i know its gonna happen, thank goodness we are taking it natural....i want that anti af pesticide spray for sure :haha:
UGH!!!!!!!!! Another BFN with FRER (FMU) this morning. This is getting to be absurd. My boobs are huge, this peeing more than normal is annoying, my boobs are also sore, my period is now 4 days late and I can't even get a freaking faint positive?!

I'm seconds away from breaking that stupid FRER apart to see if there's even the faintest of pink anywhere on that second line area. I thought I saw something but I know it wasn't there. I just gave myself line eye from my POAS addiction this past month. I'm so frustrated right now.

Why is my body acting pregnant and giving me BFN left & right? My body never acts pregnant unless it's pregnant. I mean, I've thought I was pregnant before and my body started acting like it a little (bloating and tender boobs) but I always got AF on time and my boobs never ever EVER grew, even a little.

I'm sorry ladies. This is just so frustrating. I know my body and I have no idea what's going on. When I told AF to go bother a pre-teen and leave me alone, I wanted a baby left in her place. UGH.

See? Nothing but a BFN. I thought I maybe saw a faint faint nearly invisible something where the second line should be but realistically there's nothing there. I'm starting to lose my mind. My co-worker who I always share a cycle with is nearly finished with her period and I still haven't gotten mine. This is ridiculous.
Good luck MommaC...

Waves its ridiculous isnt it. i mean, fair enough im not late yet but im due tomorrow and all iv'e been left with is bfn. loads of them!! i have never had a pregnancy so i dont know what it feels like all i know is iv never felt like this before in my life, its weird. im so convinced iv cut out the alcohol and cigarettes, which i always thought i wouldnt have the strength to do until i saw a bfp.

i cant not be pregnant... but i want a positive hpt!!!! god damn!!
Exactly... I'm right there with you. Other than the fact I've been pregnant before so I know what it can feel like, but every pregnancy is different. I just know my body. I'm going with the fact that I just won't test positive until later. I'm assuming I'm pregnant (I've cut out alcohol and caffeine since I started the 2ww) and will just test every Friday until I miss a 2nd period (so Aug 28 is when I'd consider it missed.) Once I miss the 2nd one, I'm going to make an appt to get a blood test and find out what's up.

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