Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Hi!!!! Someone please welcome me!!:flower: I am on 12dpo and almost threw up yesterday at 11dpo. It was at night after eating, around 2 hours after. BUT, I stopped myself cuz I had company! Also, Been having cramps since 10dpo. What do you ladies think? Oh, and also, I been having wet cm...???

WELCOME to Team PUPO!! I think that what you have been feeling is a good sign for a BFP!!!

Hi!!!! I just got home and seen that you responded to my post. Thank you soooo much, I thought no one would respond. :hugs: Why do you think it sounds like a BFP? I just ask because every single month I get a huge disappointment. Also, I was out the whole day with my husband and son and I feel like I was dizzy and lightheaded but I couldnt tell if it was from possibly being pg or something else like dehydration. I feel as if the "symptoms" were worse yesterday. I dont know why but I feel like I can tell more if im more at home. lol

Well your symptoms sound like mine did. I don't want to give you false hope, I just want to support you and help give you hope. I know how hard bfn's are and the pain of the witch showing up month after month. I tried for 6 years to get pregnant and had to turn to donor sperm when we found out that my Dh has no sperm. I have faith that you will get your bfp and will hold that sweet baby that you see in your head. I was given a 10~15% chance of getting pregnant with this baby and I beat the will too!!! :hugs:

Thank you!! You are so sweet. I am going to be 22yrs old in November and so is my Husband. We have 1 child, a boy, and he will be 2 in September and due to some difficulties, He is not in Daycare and theres no one he can play with. He is so lonely and im tired of crying and feeling guilty over it and that is why I NEED a sibling for him. I want a girl but just a baby would be good, lol. We have been having unprotected sex every month for almost 2 years but I just started tempting and charting this month.Today I woke up feeling sick, I hope its because im pg!!!!! :winkwink:
Hello Ladies, Im starting to think im not pg though I ask the Lord to please let me be. I took an HPT a few minutes ago and it was negative. I can see the line where the positive is supposed to be but I dont think its a faint. I just have good eyesight and can see where the positive is supposed to be. It is Dollar Store brand because I was there already getting an aluminum pan and I didnt want to spend money unless I missed my period. I am 13dpo today with af due by the end of the week...:shrug:....It is later on the day and I just wanted to add that I have a headache and feel dizzy and lightheaded. Soooo hopefully I am still in the running. STAY AWAY AF!!!!!!!!
Hello Ladies, Im starting to think im not pg though I ask the Lord to please let me be. I took an HPT a few minutes ago and it was negative. I can see the line where the positive is supposed to be but I dont think its a faint. I just have good eyesight and can see where the positive is supposed to be. It is Dollar Store brand because I was there already getting an aluminum pan and I didnt want to spend money unless I missed my period. I am 13dpo today with af due by the end of the week...:shrug:....It is later on the day and I just wanted to add that I have a headache and feel dizzy and lightheaded. Soooo hopefully I am still in the running. STAY AWAY AF!!!!!!!!

Stay away AF! You are not wanted here! Aunt Flow we are disowning you!
Ok, so here I am 9 dpo and decide to stop yet again at the dollar store I pass on the way home to get a hpt. I go up to the counter and tell the guy I need one. He looks at me and says, get this, "Ma'am, we don't have any more. You bought them all already. I told the manager and she ordered an extra case. She wanted me to ask you to let us know when you get pregnant so we can stop ordering so many. They will be here tomorrow."

Really? This is where I am now? I am the coo coo lady who POAS all the time? Nice...

So, how is everyone else doing today? Hope your sanity is holding on better than mine!
Hello, my lovely PUPO ladies! So, this is my first month TTC. I have been married a year to a wonderful younger...errr, ok, way younger man. I knew marrying him I would have to take one for the team and start over with having babies, although I have a 9 year old DD. So this cougar is trying to make a cub! My DH is a brain cancer survivor, and bc of radiation we don't know what this journey will be like, just hoping it isn't too long bc I am approaching 35 all too quickly. So now I am here to the part about where I admit I have gone off the deep end. I admit I have been POAS twice a day for 5 days, and I am only 8dpo. In a week's time I have started talking in accronyms about everything, and didn't have any idea what any of them were last week. I some how convinced my husband, who is an RN to check my CP last night. I figured he was more qualified than me. To say the least he is a good sport, but I am beginning to think if this 1st time didn't take he might change his mind. I started POAS bc 5 days ago I woke up and couldn't eat meat, and coffee tastes like bug spray. To say the least, if I am pg this baby and I are not going to have a lot in common, bc without these things I live in a lathargic state of hunger. I just don't think I could be symptom spotting with those 2 random things. I also swear several times a day I smell cinnamon. Maybe these re early signs of a stroke. :) I am probably going to be committed to a place with some kind of serene name, with padded walls and pudding if I don't get my BFP soon. Ok, so I am a numbers girl. Someone reassure me there is little chance of a BFP at 8dpos? Percentages and statistics would be a plus. Lie, make something up, just tell me something good. Please hurry, I have another stick and I am not afraid to use it. On a side note, will they let me have my laptop in the funny farm? I at least want to keep up with all my PUPO girlies! Congrats to all the BFP's! I am praying for you everyday! And to all the mothers-in-waiting, this thread seems to have good mojo, we are gonna get there, yo!

You have so made my day with your post!! A bfp is very possible for you!! I'm not thinking that they will let you have your laptop in the fun house but if you play nice they just might..:haha: I got a ghost line at 9dpo and a real in your face bfp the morning of 10dpo..I hope that it works for you!! That is great that your Dh checked your cp for was it in your favor??? I can't wait to read more of your posts!! Oh and welcome to Team PUPO!!!

Wantingbbbump, It was high and soft, according to him and I didn't even tell him what to look for. :) How are you feeling today? Morning sickness still?
Hello Ladies, Im starting to think im not pg though I ask the Lord to please let me be. I took an HPT a few minutes ago and it was negative. I can see the line where the positive is supposed to be but I dont think its a faint. I just have good eyesight and can see where the positive is supposed to be. It is Dollar Store brand because I was there already getting an aluminum pan and I didnt want to spend money unless I missed my period. I am 13dpo today with af due by the end of the week...:shrug:....It is later on the day and I just wanted to add that I have a headache and feel dizzy and lightheaded. Soooo hopefully I am still in the running. STAY AWAY AF!!!!!!!!

Stay away AF! You are not wanted here! Aunt Flow we are disowning you!

LOL!!!!!!! Thanks for chanting that with me!! :haha: AMAZING story by the way. How are you doing today?
Ok, so here I am 9 dpo and decide to stop yet again at the dollar store I pass on the way home to get a hpt. I go up to the counter and tell the guy I need one. He looks at me and says, get this, "Ma'am, we don't have any more. You bought them all already. I told the manager and she ordered an extra case. She wanted me to ask you to let us know when you get pregnant so we can stop ordering so many. They will be here tomorrow."

Really? This is where I am now? I am the coo coo lady who POAS all the time? Nice...

So, how is everyone else doing today? Hope your sanity is holding on better than mine!

Oh Goodness!! I jus read it and it was soo funny! When I go to the the Dollar store, I get in line when I know no one will be behind me because I am embarrassed. Why?? I have no idea! I have been married for almost 4 years! lol. I think its because I look so young, im afraid they are making up a story in their head. Or they are like "when is this lady going to get pg already?!?" :haha:
Ok, so here I am 9 dpo and decide to stop yet again at the dollar store I pass on the way home to get a hpt. I go up to the counter and tell the guy I need one. He looks at me and says, get this, "Ma'am, we don't have any more. You bought them all already. I told the manager and she ordered an extra case. She wanted me to ask you to let us know when you get pregnant so we can stop ordering so many. They will be here tomorrow."

Really? This is where I am now? I am the coo coo lady who POAS all the time? Nice...

So, how is everyone else doing today? Hope your sanity is holding on better than mine!


Before I knew that my Dh had a zero count my friend (who was very pregnant with twins) went to the dollar store to pick me up some hpt's and she bought me like 10 of them. Well the man behind the counter looked at he and said.."um I could save you some money..." she looked at him and said " are you calling me fat":haha: He thought he was on a hidden camera show. It was great!!! When I got my BFP with this baby my mom and I thought it would be funny to take the + test to rite aid and have the pharmacist take a look to see if it was +..You should of seen his face and how he was holding it up looking at it. He was like "um yes I think it's pretty safe to say that you are in fact pregnant but did you get a 2 pack so you could test again tomorrow? Women like to use more than 1 test" :haha: He was so serious!!!

My ms is about the same. Today I can't seem to stay awake for very long. I don't see how I can be sleeping as much as I am and still be tired.
Hi Ladies :hugs:

I know this an old thread but can I please join too as could do with some support?

Big congrats to those of you that got your :bfp:

We are on our 11th month of ttc and it feels like itll never happen :cry:

Need some of all your positive energy I think :thumbup:

:dust: to all still waiting xx
Hi and welcome. This thread is thankfully not old. It is alive and running! Welcome!!! Im new here too :hugs: And I know it feels like you have been trying for a while but it will happen, dont worry hun. Dont lose faith and try not to stress because I heard and read that it may interfere. Just think "it will happen!" I have been having unprotected sex with my husband for almost 2 years and no luck. But I just started tempting this month. Good Luck

Thank you :hugs:

How are you finding the charting? Ive started again this month too as not done it for a while. Took me a bit of getting used to it has to be said xx
Wanting lovely to see you hun! Wow nearly 6 weeks! It's amazing isn't it!

Well girls ive had two predictions both predicting a :bfp: late September early October so I'm getting excited for my next cycle before I've even oved in this one lol! I know it's only got fun but I love them. Although one said boy and the said girl so I'm a bit confused by that lol!!

Makes sense really cos we are going on holiday mid September and holidays = babies alot of the time hehe!!

Love and :hug: to all my gorgeous PUPO girlies xxxx

I did one that said I would get my bfp in November from my October cycle and it would be a boy. Well It's made for some worry with this pregnancy but I just remember that it's for fun only. I wonder if you will be like me and get your bfp now that they said that it's in September/

Oh I hope so we are trying extra hard this month lol!! I'm not going to give up and wait that would be stupid! Now I've just got to wait for a + opk and then it's tww time. X
Charityhope: omg! You have mad me giggle sooooo much this morning your posts are epic!!!! I do hope so much you get your :bfp: along with me and the girls so we can all move up to first tri together!! We would have a barrel of laffs!!

I'm excited to take today's opk but waiting till after 12pm so lh can synth up a bit. So I need to keep myself busy!
Hi Ladies :hugs:

I know this an old thread but can I please join too as could do with some support?

Big congrats to those of you that got your :bfp:

We are on our 11th month of ttc and it feels like itll never happen :cry:

Need some of all your positive energy I think :thumbup:

:dust: to all still waiting xx
Hi and welcome. This thread is thankfully not old. It is alive and running! Welcome!!! Im new here too :hugs: And I know it feels like you have been trying for a while but it will happen, dont worry hun. Dont lose faith and try not to stress because I heard and read that it may interfere. Just think "it will happen!" I have been having unprotected sex with my husband for almost 2 years and no luck. But I just started tempting this month. Good Luck

Thank you :hugs:

How are you finding the charting? Ive started again this month too as not done it for a while. Took me a bit of getting used to it has to be said xx

Well the first thing I do is run to the laptop and go on my chart! And even though the day hasnt started yet, I try to analyze every little thing to see if it tells me that I am pg somehow. Crazy right?? :wacko: I just want it to happen already!! How are you today? Any symptoms?
Hi can I join in :) This is my 6th cycle...I only bd'd once before a shock early ovulation but as this grp say I choose to be pregnant until proven otherwise. Love it!
Hi can I join in :) This is my 6th cycle...I only bd'd once before a shock early ovulation but as this grp say I choose to be pregnant until proven otherwise. Love it!

Hi!! Wecome!! :hugs: First month charting but been bd unprotected with Hubby for almost 2 years. I jus started paying attention to my ov now so Idk when im technically considered as TTC!! Get it? LOL. You have any symptoms?
heya ladies i havent been on in a few 4 or 5 dpo at this point, any of you guys on the same page with me? =)
I've been reading through this thread. May I join in? I consider myself pregnant until proven otherwise two weeks out of every month :).

Congrats to the ladies with the BFPs, it's inspirational reading the TWW before them. And hugs to those with chemical pregnancies, I had a m/c in June, it's a terrible feeling.

Gotsprinklz: I do the same thing to my chart, I analyze it like I'm a scientist, lol! I've got training in research and I feel like I'm my own project, goodness, the whole TTC thing makes me nuts, I swear.

Based on my OPKs and bbt chart, I seem to have ovulated yesterday but maybe it's happening today, I'll definitely BD tonight in case. Hopefully tomorrow will be at least 1 DPO.
Ermmmm ladies I'm not happy the PUPO thread was at the bottom of page 2!!!!! So massive BUMP here!!!!!!

I'm 1 dpo according to ticker but haven't actually had a + opk yet. So I'm a bit confused as to where I really am all I know for sure is I am PUPO!

Trying I'll buddy up with you hunni if you like we ate only a few days apart!

Had another reading and it said a baby girl born
In June 2012 which links with my other readings! So I'm thinking next month will be the month for me!!

Love you all xxxx
I've been reading through this thread. May I join in? I consider myself pregnant until proven otherwise two weeks out of every month :).

Congrats to the ladies with the BFPs, it's inspirational reading the TWW before them. And hugs to those with chemical pregnancies, I had a m/c in June, it's a terrible feeling.

Gotsprinklz: I do the same thing to my chart, I analyze it like I'm a scientist, lol! I've got training in research and I feel like I'm my own project, goodness, the whole TTC thing makes me nuts, I swear.

Based on my OPKs and bbt chart, I seem to have ovulated yesterday but maybe it's happening today, I'll definitely BD tonight in case. Hopefully tomorrow will be at least 1 DPO.

LOL!!! I thought I might have been the only one since im new to charting. My temp went below my coverline today, 15dpo. What does that mean?? Oh! And Welcome!!!!!!!!!!:hugs:
hi ladies can I join? I'm 3/4dpo :flower: not really got any symptoms apart from slight cramps and increased cm (tmi sorry) I wish I was 14dpo already! :sleep:

:dust: for everyone, I hope we all get a bfp!

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