Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Hey Ladies,
Have any of you had cervic pain at all? I have been getting pain here and there and I never have that
welcome new ladies, It's O time for me btw, hey waves are you okay? perhaps the nausea is a great sign! FX :dust:

:) Thanks dear! I'm okay, just waiting it out. The nausea comes and goes. The other day, however, it stuck around most of the day. I've not had any bouts of nausea today though so we'll see. It could be related or not. I don't want to get my hopes up. My boobs definitely hurt, but they haven't swollen up as much as they did last month. However at one point today while at work I thought to myself that my bra felt a bit too tight and uncomfortable. Nipples seem more sensitive but nothing like last month. Then again, last month things didn't work out so hopefully it all means things will this time around. I'll be genuinely bummed if nothing happens this month. But I'm trying not to think about it or get my hopes up. Seeing as I'm not 100% sure when AF is supposed to show (due to the chemical last month) I'm just trying to wait it out. I think Sunday is my expected AF due-date so we'll see! Just need lots of baby dust (STICKY baby dust) and FX.

Crossing my fingers for you as well! I hope you catch that egg! :hugs:
The bleeding has started again. Not normal for my period to stop and start over again in one day. Both times it was bright red with some clots in it. I have no cramps associated with a period. Could this still be implantation or my cervix being irritated from when I had sex last night?

I hope someone notices my posts. I'm feeling kind of lost on this forum.

Hey dear. It's easy to feel lost in the shuffle, especially at 109 pages or whatever we've got but I know I read. I just don't always reply because sometimes it's hard for me to keep situations straight.

However with your current post - I'd try to make a DR appointment. I had a chemical preg that ended a week after my missed period last month as well as a miscarriage at 6 weeks several years back. Both times the bleeding was a very heavy flow with the most terrible and painful cramps I'd ever felt. There weren't many clots but there was this purple-ish glob-like thing (I imagine it was the 'baby'.) But the bleeding was pretty non-stop and lasted for a week almost like a regular period. Good luck.
4 days late going slowly insane!!! :bfn:s so far but haven't tested today yet.
I'm feeling sick this morning not to badly but definitely niggles in my belly and a funny taste in my mouth :-( just wish I'd get a decent + now or af would show up so I'm fertile for our holidays :-(

How's everyone doing today? XxxX
Hi ladies! I've been stalking this site for a few weeks now as my new hubby and I have been in the not trying/not preventing boat. It's kind of morphed into the 'ttc' boat recently since the more we discuss it the more we want a baby! I love this thread and the name!! I've tried to have the same attitude each month. :winkwink:

Well, I am 16dpo today, and 3 days late. I've had a ton of different symptoms, but I had a :bfn: 14 dpo, the day I was supposed to start. I have a regular 28 day cycle, so being late is weird for me. I'm just so scared to test because I don't want to disappoint myself and hubby with another :bfn: Plus, I am cramping on and off. Sometimes it's sharp sometimes it dull like my normal a/f cramps. I've been keeping a close eye on things and a/f is no where in sight.

I was having really sore bbs. They aren't as sore today but they feel more firm. My lower back is achy, I've gotten dizzy while standing and teaching earlier this week, and I haven't been the insane witch I normally am right before I start. (Hubby knew something was up when he realized I was supposed to start and hadn't had a crying fit yet. haha!) I need some advice!!! I've got a test that I'm going to do tomorrow morning with fmu if a/f doesn't show her ugly face today.

What do you guys think?? Thanks so much and lots of sticky babydust to everyone!! Like everyone says here, you're not out till the :witch: shows!!
4 days late going slowly insane!!! :bfn:s so far but haven't tested today yet.
I'm feeling sick this morning not to badly but definitely niggles in my belly and a funny taste in my mouth :-( just wish I'd get a decent + now or af would show up so I'm fertile for our holidays :-(

How's everyone doing today? XxxX

Oh geez, been there before... I know how frustrating it can be! However I'm crossing my fingers for you. I'm 2 days late myself but haven't tested at all. I got nothing but BFN last month and it was pretty disheartening so I've decided to just keep waiting and see. I got about 6 days late last month before the chemical preg ended so I want to wait until I'm at least a week late to test.

I hope this is the month for you!
Hi ladies! I've been stalking this site for a few weeks now as my new hubby and I have been in the not trying/not preventing boat. It's kind of morphed into the 'ttc' boat recently since the more we discuss it the more we want a baby! I love this thread and the name!! I've tried to have the same attitude each month. :winkwink:

Well, I am 16dpo today, and 3 days late. I've had a ton of different symptoms, but I had a :bfn: 14 dpo, the day I was supposed to start. I have a regular 28 day cycle, so being late is weird for me. I'm just so scared to test because I don't want to disappoint myself and hubby with another :bfn: Plus, I am cramping on and off. Sometimes it's sharp sometimes it dull like my normal a/f cramps. I've been keeping a close eye on things and a/f is no where in sight.

I was having really sore bbs. They aren't as sore today but they feel more firm. My lower back is achy, I've gotten dizzy while standing and teaching earlier this week, and I haven't been the insane witch I normally am right before I start. (Hubby knew something was up when he realized I was supposed to start and hadn't had a crying fit yet. haha!) I need some advice!!! I've got a test that I'm going to do tomorrow morning with fmu if a/f doesn't show her ugly face today.

What do you guys think?? Thanks so much and lots of sticky babydust to everyone!! Like everyone says here, you're not out till the :witch: shows!!

Sounds promising, FX for you! I'd personally wait until I was a week late to test. Last month I had a chemical pregnancy that ended at 6 days late for AF and had tested non-stop since 8dpo getting all BFNs. I had read that it's best to test a week after your missed period though. Good luck!!
Hi girls!

Thought I'd join in here. My AF was due between Monday 29th and Thursday 1st, no sign of her so far. Took a poundland cheapie on thursday when she was due, and got this:

Worried it's an evap! Can't wait to get my hands on another test to use on Monday!
How we all doing?
Well I'm about 2 days late as of today. Still haven't tested, waiting until next week to test. I finally had to switch to my larger bra because my normal ones were too snug. Boobs pretty sore and generally feeling really tired and drained. Bouts of nausea that come and go but more so than last month. No sign of AF but we'll see. I don't want to get my hopes up.
Waves, I totally understand. Being late becomes a waiting game. I'm having a hard time not stressing. This would be #1 for us, so it's very new territory and seems like torture to just have to wait to see when there could be a baby growing inside me! I've also been extremely tired. I'm a teacher and so I got to sleep in till 8am this morning, haven't really done anything, and at 10am had to lay down and just woke back up at 12!

Trainspotting, I'm new to analyzing for lines- so my opinion is probably not the best. I could kind of see something, but not really. Again, though I'm not used to looking for lines. I'm getting there though. I learned how addicting poas could be! Hubby just doesn't get it. He better be lucky I buy the cheap ones. Haha!

Throughout it all at least we've got here to chat about symptoms and such. Definitely eases the stress some. :flower:
welcome new ladies, It's O time for me btw, hey waves are you okay? perhaps the nausea is a great sign! FX :dust:

:) Thanks dear! I'm okay, just waiting it out. The nausea comes and goes. The other day, however, it stuck around most of the day. I've not had any bouts of nausea today though so we'll see. It could be related or not. I don't want to get my hopes up. My boobs definitely hurt, but they haven't swollen up as much as they did last month. However at one point today while at work I thought to myself that my bra felt a bit too tight and uncomfortable. Nipples seem more sensitive but nothing like last month. Then again, last month things didn't work out so hopefully it all means things will this time around. I'll be genuinely bummed if nothing happens this month. But I'm trying not to think about it or get my hopes up. Seeing as I'm not 100% sure when AF is supposed to show (due to the chemical last month) I'm just trying to wait it out. I think Sunday is my expected AF due-date so we'll see! Just need lots of baby dust (STICKY baby dust) and FX.

Crossing my fingers for you as well! I hope you catch that egg! :hugs:

Hope you get a sticky bean! Im cheering for ya! Keep us posted! :dust:
4 days late going slowly insane!!! :bfn:s so far but haven't tested today yet.
I'm feeling sick this morning not to badly but definitely niggles in my belly and a funny taste in my mouth :-( just wish I'd get a decent + now or af would show up so I'm fertile for our holidays :-(

How's everyone doing today? XxxX

Hi MommaCC, did you see your doc to get a blood test done?
Hi ladies! I've been stalking this site for a few weeks now as my new hubby and I have been in the not trying/not preventing boat. It's kind of morphed into the 'ttc' boat recently since the more we discuss it the more we want a baby! I love this thread and the name!! I've tried to have the same attitude each month. :winkwink:

Well, I am 16dpo today, and 3 days late. I've had a ton of different symptoms, but I had a :bfn: 14 dpo, the day I was supposed to start. I have a regular 28 day cycle, so being late is weird for me. I'm just so scared to test because I don't want to disappoint myself and hubby with another :bfn: Plus, I am cramping on and off. Sometimes it's sharp sometimes it dull like my normal a/f cramps. I've been keeping a close eye on things and a/f is no where in sight.

I was having really sore bbs. They aren't as sore today but they feel more firm. My lower back is achy, I've gotten dizzy while standing and teaching earlier this week, and I haven't been the insane witch I normally am right before I start. (Hubby knew something was up when he realized I was supposed to start and hadn't had a crying fit yet. haha!) I need some advice!!! I've got a test that I'm going to do tomorrow morning with fmu if a/f doesn't show her ugly face today.

What do you guys think?? Thanks so much and lots of sticky babydust to everyone!! Like everyone says here, you're not out till the :witch: shows!!

Heya and welcome aboard! You should def test first thing in the AM! Hope the witch stays away from you, shes always tresspassing, arrghh!
pnutprincess-Where are you in your cycle hun, (sorry i didnt go back in the threads to see if you posted in case) sorry if i left anyone out, but i do wish you all the very best! Until then, PUPO! :haha::thumbup:
Hi ladies! I've been stalking this site for a few weeks now as my new hubby and I have been in the not trying/not preventing boat. It's kind of morphed into the 'ttc' boat recently since the more we discuss it the more we want a baby! I love this thread and the name!! I've tried to have the same attitude each month. :winkwink:

Well, I am 16dpo today, and 3 days late. I've had a ton of different symptoms, but I had a :bfn: 14 dpo, the day I was supposed to start. I have a regular 28 day cycle, so being late is weird for me. I'm just so scared to test because I don't want to disappoint myself and hubby with another :bfn: Plus, I am cramping on and off. Sometimes it's sharp sometimes it dull like my normal a/f cramps. I've been keeping a close eye on things and a/f is no where in sight.

I was having really sore bbs. They aren't as sore today but they feel more firm. My lower back is achy, I've gotten dizzy while standing and teaching earlier this week, and I haven't been the insane witch I normally am right before I start. (Hubby knew something was up when he realized I was supposed to start and hadn't had a crying fit yet. haha!) I need some advice!!! I've got a test that I'm going to do tomorrow morning with fmu if a/f doesn't show her ugly face today.

What do you guys think?? Thanks so much and lots of sticky babydust to everyone!! Like everyone says here, you're not out till the :witch: shows!!

Heya and welcome aboard! You should def test first thing in the AM! Hope the witch stays away from you, shes always tresspassing, arrghh!
pnutprincess-Where are you in your cycle hun, (sorry i didnt go back in the threads to see if you posted in case) sorry if i left anyone out, but i do wish you all the very best! Until then, PUPO! :haha::thumbup:

Thank you so much! I don't really have anyone to talk to because if I am we want to surprise our families after I've seen a doctor. DH tries to understand, but let's face it... men just don't get it. He's sweet, though.

I do have one other question, and I'm sorry for having so many. I'm still pretty new to this- I noticed earlier this week that I felt really hot. I took my temperature and it was 99.3! My regular temp is 97.5; so I've been keeping track of my temperature throughout the day this week and it hasn't fallen below 98. Is this a good sign? I was confused because I didn't feel sick (other than a stuffy nose). Thank you again for all the help and encouragement ladies!! PUPO! :hugs:
Waves, I totally understand. Being late becomes a waiting game. I'm having a hard time not stressing. This would be #1 for us, so it's very new territory and seems like torture to just have to wait to see when there could be a baby growing inside me! I've also been extremely tired. I'm a teacher and so I got to sleep in till 8am this morning, haven't really done anything, and at 10am had to lay down and just woke back up at 12!

Throughout it all at least we've got here to chat about symptoms and such. Definitely eases the stress some. :flower:

I will say that stressing doesn't do much for you. I know it's easier said than done but it's best to do whatever you can to get your mind off it until you decide to test again. Hopefully the first time is it for you guys :)
Well ladies... I was just proven otherwise! Darn :witch: Hahaha. It would be easy to get upset, but I got upset last month when she came around. Hubs and I have decided to let God give us a baby when His timing is right, so we are just enjoying the fact that we get 'try, try, again!!'. :happydance:

It's crazy how different I felt this time; I thought for sure! I guess I may still be getting used to the BD'ing (we've only been married 3 months and weren't active before).

I hope you all are feeling good. Keep your spirits up! Lots o' babydust to everyone! :dust:
Aw well good luck to you. It'll happen. Like you said you're probably still getting used to things. You're also probably more in tune with your body and some of these symptoms are 'normal' but you never had a reason to notice it before. Just don't lose hope :) FX for your next cycle!
Hey ladies! Im new here so looking for some buddies :) I've read through the previous posts and i just want to say you all sound amazing! And im loving the support you give each other! Im only 3dpo so still early days argggh!
The bleeding has started again. Not normal for my period to stop and start over again in one day. Both times it was bright red with some clots in it. I have no cramps associated with a period. Could this still be implantation or my cervix being irritated from when I had sex last night?

I hope someone notices my posts. I'm feeling kind of lost on this forum.

Hey dear. It's easy to feel lost in the shuffle, especially at 109 pages or whatever we've got but I know I read. I just don't always reply because sometimes it's hard for me to keep situations straight.

However with your current post - I'd try to make a DR appointment. I had a chemical preg that ended a week after my missed period last month as well as a miscarriage at 6 weeks several years back. Both times the bleeding was a very heavy flow with the most terrible and painful cramps I'd ever felt. There weren't many clots but there was this purple-ish glob-like thing (I imagine it was the 'baby'.) But the bleeding was pretty non-stop and lasted for a week almost like a regular period. Good luck.

Thank you. I went to the doctor today and pregnancy was ruled out, even though its still too early for my period. I've got a vaginal infection that caused the bleeding and symptoms. :( So it looks like I've been proven otherwise. But we will keep on trying next cycle. I'll be back!
Aw well I'm glad you got an answer. That's all you can do, move onto the next. FX for you :)

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