Team "Pregnant until proven otherwise", come join the fun ladies!

Hello, wow, I love this thread! I had a pregnancy test Monday morning-BFN, but AF isn't due until thursday so it's not over yet! I have been nauseous today and now my boobs are somewhat painful not so much to touch but just kinda a pulsing pain. Since I've been on clomid(4th cycle) my cycles have been exactly 32 days long. I'm not sure if getting the hcg trigger will effect that but I guess well see. I'll be testing on Friday morning! Good luck everyone! FXed for us!
Ok y'all I'm new to this thread, well and thread actually. My story is a bit weird to most people i know and they just don't understand me so hoping someone here does or at least can relate. I was pressured into getting my tubes tied 6 years ago by my ex hubby. I am now happily remarried and we are ttc. We know the chances are real low atm but we cant afford to get them untied yet so I'm trying the fertility tracking route. I figure it cant hurt. As of right now i'm 4 days late with 2 bfns. I just started tracking so not sure when i ovulated but from what i'm reading and what mydays app said i'm guessing around the 23 or 24 which was cycle days 14 and 15. On cd 21 i had some twinges on my right side, cd 22 thru 24 i had a lot of mild cramping which made me think AF was coming but when i woke up it was gone. According to FF i'm at 10dpo which i understand is a bit early still to test so i'm still hopeful. Ive also had a lot of nasusa the last few days, havent actually thrown up tho, along with headaches and peeing a lot. My CM has also increased which has me running to the restroom a lot thinking im starting. DH loves your "pregnant untill proven otherwise" and reminds me of it anytime i start feeling like im out. I guess i just needed to vent and get it off my chest to other women, i love my hubby but i think most of the time hes saying what he thinks i want to hear just to make me smile. Any ideas? I'm I just crazy or am I in the right place? LOL
Ok y'all I'm new to this thread, well and thread actually. My story is a bit weird to most people i know and they just don't understand me so hoping someone here does or at least can relate. I was pressured into getting my tubes tied 6 years ago by my ex hubby. I am now happily remarried and we are ttc. We know the chances are real low atm but we cant afford to get them untied yet so I'm trying the fertility tracking route. I figure it cant hurt. As of right now i'm 4 days late with 2 bfns. I just started tracking so not sure when i ovulated but from what i'm reading and what mydays app said i'm guessing around the 23 or 24 which was cycle days 14 and 15. On cd 21 i had some twinges on my right side, cd 22 thru 24 i had a lot of mild cramping which made me think AF was coming but when i woke up it was gone. According to FF i'm at 10dpo which i understand is a bit early still to test so i'm still hopeful. Ive also had a lot of nasusa the last few days, havent actually thrown up tho, along with headaches and peeing a lot. My CM has also increased which has me running to the restroom a lot thinking im starting. DH loves your "pregnant untill proven otherwise" and reminds me of it anytime i start feeling like im out. I guess i just needed to vent and get it off my chest to other women, i love my hubby but i think most of the time hes saying what he thinks i want to hear just to make me smile. Any ideas? I'm I just crazy or am I in the right place? LOL

5 days late and counting. Pretty much symptom free atm, other then headaches and a stuffy nose and of course peeing a lot.
hi babydusttoall

Afraid I can't help with your situation but I'm sure you'll find women on here who can relate and who will be able to give you some great advice or information.

In the meantime and apart from your specific situation I am also a few days late, CD28 of a normally 23 day cycle so I can definitely sympathise on that front! Good luck to you and I hope you get the answers you want!
Thanks readyornot. I hope you get your BFP soon :)

any idea why my ticker says i'm waiting to ovulate? lol
probably because AF was due 4 days ago so your ticker's probably assuming it arrived on time!

rant alert:
As I sit here awaiting AF with dread, I had told myself I would NOT symptom-spot this month after AF showed up 9 days late last month.
So I've been ignoring the bloating, nausea, headaches, back pain etc as I had all those things last cycle and clearly I wasn't pregnant!! However, I can't ignore the bloating this month as it is so bad that my husband actually said to me this afternoon: "you're not pregnant or something are you?"
I mean, I normally have a washboard-flat stomach and now I literally look several months pregnant :nope:... I happen to have weighed myself on Friday (the day the bloating began) and I was 110lb same as usual.
I normally get bloating (but not this bad) for 2 days before AF and last month I had it for 2 weeks leading up to (my late) AF.

Hi Ladies,

Oh my, I have soooooo loved reading through this thread....I have laughed and cried all the way through it!

Firstly massive congratulations to everyone who has there BFP' exciting!! yay!!

And to all who don't have them yet......lots and lots of luck to you!

I have no clue what is going on with me, my cycles have always been irregular and we aren't actually trying (wedding in 4 months, so we were waiting till after that) but we did have a bit of an accident on the 23rd Sept and since then I have been feeling sick most of the time with mild cramps on and off, 7 days later I had brown blood when I wiped (sorry tmi) that only lasted for one day and then nothing else since! And I am sooooo tired, I even had to get into bed at 8pm last night which is not like me at all! And, I don't know if this would be a symptom but I seem to be burping a lot more than normal! hahaha!!! Also, had a few dizzy spells and headaches but I think that is about it! Today would be 13days since the 23rd and I had a BFN this morning so I am super confused! is it still too early too tell? I know we weren't trying but I sooooo want it to be positive! fingers crossed :) xxxxx
good luck LyndsJohnson! It's crazy-making not knowing what's going on, so lots of sympathy and good luck to you!
I got proven wrong:( AF got me. good luck everyone! Maybe next cycle I'll get my BFP!
I will join in here .. as i need all the advise i can get
My AF was due 27th i got very faint pink when wiping..
but nothing else but i thought that was the start of AF ..
so used tampax.. when changing all that was there was brown
discharge on the tip.. :shrug: .. had this for 5days now no blood
or anything just brown/pink stuff .. and :bfn:'s :( .. iv looked it up
about this but not got many answers don't know whats going off
i never spot i always have a regular flow so i don't know what this is

I would be .. 18dpo today but i don't think i should say "im out"
as iv not have a red flow? or any flow

Hi! In a similar situation over here. I have had a bit of red but only on the tip, like you say... on day 6 now and just a little brown when i 'check'. i dont know what to think :shrug:
Heya ladies, hows everyone doing in their cycles? I totally forgot about babies and all, been so busy.....maybe its a good thing, to relax and chill, that would prolly bring us a surprise :p
Hi girls, I'm 4, almost 5 days late, haven't tested since the day before AF was due as I ran out of tests and money, testing tomorrow though!
I feel pregnant, look pregnant, sickness, constipation, hungry, the whole shebang! Ugh, I don't want to get my hopes up :(
I love the name of this thread. Hope it's okay if I join.
well ladies, i'm hoping i can join this thread too! My situation: On CD56 now, no bleeding whatsoever. Symptoms: hungry, peeing alot, tired super tired. cranky, stuffy nose, headaches, and HOT flashes every day, all day, for the last few weeks. All tests point to BFN though. a bit confused. i am 42, was wondering if I'm going through the change already. but then last night, after the shower, blue veins!!! all over my breasts. so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what do you think ladies? i'm going to make an appointment for the doc, to have a physical, maybe some tests, to see where I am at. I just can't imagine, that i am going through the change just all of a sudden. also, very hungry, and had what i believe was IB around 10 days after we BD's (around O time).help i'm so confused. do you think a doctor would run tests to see where I am? any suggestions?
well ladies, i'm hoping i can join this thread too! My situation: On CD56 now, no bleeding whatsoever. Symptoms: hungry, peeing alot, tired super tired. cranky, stuffy nose, headaches, and HOT flashes every day, all day, for the last few weeks. All tests point to BFN though. a bit confused. i am 42, was wondering if I'm going through the change already. but then last night, after the shower, blue veins!!! all over my breasts. so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what do you think ladies? i'm going to make an appointment for the doc, to have a physical, maybe some tests, to see where I am at. I just can't imagine, that i am going through the change just all of a sudden. also, very hungry, and had what i believe was IB around 10 days after we BD's (around O time).help i'm so confused. do you think a doctor would run tests to see where I am? any suggestions?

I am still getting all the symptoms with bfns too. So frustrating. Im getting really upset because I feel so pregnant yet the tests say no... researching online didnt help cos there are women out there who never test positive the whole way through their pregnancy!! its rare but happens. some also finally tested positive at about 10 weeks. :shrug:

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