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Teen mom last night

I'm confused about something...a few episodes ago, Maci said her car broke down on the way home from Nashville, so she was having to drive a rental car. She's still driving that same car....hasn't it been a really long time? How long does it take to get your car fixed? Did I miss something? Did she buy a new car?

I noticed that too! And the funny thing is that if you look carefully when Maci gives Bentley to Ryan, you SEE her car in the background? Haha

Good eye! I totally didn't catch that!
Wooohoo! :thumbup: teen mom tonight! Is it embarassing or what that I've been looking forward to it ALL DAY!! hahaa.

Farrah; I love how she let Sophia dump Starbucks all over her and then asked, "Are you okay?" Haha. Good for Farrah though trying to get social security to benefit Sophia, she needs it! Disappointing that Sophia's dad's sister didn't come through but apparently she does in the next episode. I love when Farrah set fire to whatever she did, it was funny! "Smother the fire! Smother it!"

Amber; Oh my Godddd. Just shut up! Honestly, the fighting is just old and I'm sick of it. That's all there is now, scream scream scream, fight fight fight, get the eff out of my apartment. Bleh.

Catelynn; Yay for her mom April being nice. Boo for Butch not coming home. $1500? That's expensive! Hope things work out for them.

Maci; Her new apartment is so nice. There really wasn't much on Maci this episode but I hope she's making the right decision!

This week was pretty quiet, next week looks quiet too. Still a good episode though! :thumbup:
... I have to wait like 20 minutes still :cry:
Amber I felt bad for her because it seems like she's really trying to distance herself from Gary but then again she kept letting him back in the house, which I probably would do if FOB lived with me but I'd try my best to ignore him. Either way they need to just leave each other alone, there's no way they love each other.

Farrah I liked her this episode! Probably cus her mom wasn't involved so there wasn't too much drama. But what I noticed is she's always trying to blame other people for stuff.. like when she was saying the reason why she's afraid to approach her FOB's family is because they were never supportive of their relationship. how does she not know that they would want something to do with her and Sophia now that their son passed away? She just needs to make an effort!!

Maci Haha, I felt bad for Ryan because even though he's shit, I felt bad that like, he will barely see his son as much as he used to. But then again the drive is only like 2 hours away so it's not like their moving states or whatever. Her new apartment is nice though I can't get over how much Kyle loves Bentley it was adorable when he was picking him up and making him laugh :)

Catelynn Same old same old.. Butch and her mom are both weirdos. I feel sorry for her.
i can't find last night episode on the sire, is it not up yet, or am i just crazy?
For those who haven't seen the episode yet...SPOILER ALERT! :)
Someone needs to get Amber into anger management. She is just ridiculous. I agree with her that if Gary is going to have roommates, she should know who they are since Leah will be living with them part time too...but the way she freaked out when Gary didn't want to talk about it was WAY over the top. I felt really, really bad for Gary in this episode - I think Amber is abusive.
I thought Farrah's idea of saving money was hilarious!!! Of all the ways you can save money, why would you decide to order a sewing machine to make your own clothes when you've clearly never sewed a day in your life?? I mean, if you were GOOD at sewing, it would be a good way to save money, especially when you have a baby. But if you don't know what you're doing, it's kind of a waste of time! Sewing isn't something most people who have no experience at can be good at right away.
It was nice to see Farrah have a civilized conversation with her Dad. I'm so used to her being rude to him. But then she was kinda rude to her lawyer. It seems like when someone tells her something she doesn't want to hear, she just gets rude with them. But I feel bad for her, it must have been difficult for her to reach out to her FOB's sister. I hope that all works out and she gets the financial support she should have.
I feel bad for Maci that Ryan was so mean to her...but it wasn't exactly surprising. That's probably why she left telling him until the very last minute. It's kind of his own fault she's moving though, if he hadn't tipped her off about not being able to move once the court process started, she may have waited. I couldn't believe he accused her of never thinking of Bentley. Coming from him of all people, that was hilarious!
I don't have much to say about Catelynn and Tyler this week, other than that is one messed up family! Hopefully Butch gets out soon so Catelynn's mom can be less of a biotch!
Amber you have an issue.
I heard her talking about how she takes "meds"...wonder what those are.
Every episode she gets SO close to hitting Gary its frightening.

Then the next episode she legitimately punches him in the face...HARD!
She also smacked him on the last season.
I feel bad for Gary, he is in an abusive relationship and yes! Men can be in abusive relationships too.
He is being physically and verbally abused my Amber. So much, that even after she does all this to him he keeps crawling back.

Amber needs to get custody of Leah taken away from her before she ends up hitting her own daughter like she does to her dad.
Amber needs to go to therapy...not karate class where she can learn how to beat the shit out of even more people.
I am at the point where I think someone should do something about Amber. She needs to be taken off the show, or advised to get some help. I understand being stressed out, but honestly she is overboard. There are definitely more issues there, so it needs to be addressed. Gary is realizing this I think, because he wants to take Leah each time he leaves. I don't really blame him. Its all getting out of control.

I thought this was a good episode for Farrah, despite her constant attitude. I hate that, but I suppose some people are just like that. But I will say its a good thing Sophia is a smart baby and usually stays where her mother sits her at. Because my son will not sit still on a couch or anything, whereas Farrah is constantly leaving Sophia on elevated places. :wacko:

I feel sorry for Butch to be honest. & Carly is so cute!

I love Maci's new place. I hope things work out for her and Kyle. I feel bad for Ryan, but I would feel worse for him if he did more with his son while he had him. You usually just see his paretns with Bentley.

So I watched previews for '16 and Pregnant', and I got all emotional. :| Eh, hormones.
:rofl: i love the lawyer hes like `what type of drama you guys live` :rofl:

wow the way garys friend explained thier relationship. it really seems like gary is in abusive relationship if a guy was doing that to girl people would be in an up roar! poor gary!

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