tell me something weird about you? I put half the sofa in our bed when we go to sleep

I have loads too!

I have to sleep in just my knickers.
I have to make sure there are no soapy suds on any dishes before I put them on the draining board.
I have to do a pee before going to sleep - even if I have been lying in bed reading or just talking, and even if it's only been 10 minutes since I last went - I still make sure I pee.
When I turn my engine off in the car, the windscreen wipers must be lying flat and, when it was a 3 door, the front seats had to be in the upright position, not pushed forward to allow access to the back.
I sleep in the recovery position - one leg straight, the other bent at the knee.
I sleep almost halfway down the bed - often I wake up and my feet are dangling out, and I'm a short-arse!!
I sleep 'cuddling' my pillow, on my left side, with my left arm straight and my head resting on it over the pillow.
If I kick the kerb or a step with one foot, I have to do the same with the other foot so that they are equal. Same with chewing food - both sides have to be even.
If I make a cup of tea, it has to be JUST boiled water. No more than 10 seconds off the boil.
I HAVE to pick all the fluff out from in between my toes before I go to sleep at night, its actually one of my favourite things to do.

I know there are more, but thats my lot for now. x

OT - I'm a Jacqueline too!!
I HATE it when someone splashes water from the top all in the sink and over draining board if there are no dishes on there:blush:

I have to turn all my washing the right side out and all pegged out front facing.

I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs. (nothing rude btw:blush:)

I cant stand being in the same room as someone who is crunching food.

I chew loo roll (clean ofc)!
^^ I sleep with a pillow between my legs too, also nothing dirty :haha:
O my washing is a big thing for me my peg colours have to match i do it in order LOs tops pj tops bottoms pj bottoms vests DHs tops trousers never hang underwear or my clothes out i dont like people seeing them LOL and they all have to face the house the logos and i never leave pegs on the line i alsi have a colour order i use my pegs in LOL freak that i am xx
O i have another one i cant stop reading a book unless its at the start of a new chapter xx
I have a few more...

I can't drink tea if it has bubbles in it, I get a spoon and smush them all until there's none left, sometimes this takes ages and my tea is cold!

I also have to have my pegs the same colour on the line, or if I can't then the same design and similar colour!

I make lists, if I am not making lists I am thinking of making lists!
I'm the same with my pegs and my washing - the pegs have to be matching colours on the clothes, I start from little clothing at the edges, up to the larger items in the middle of the line, then back to small - does that make sense?? lol

Also, when hanging out OHs clothes, I never give him the pink pegs.

With ketchup, I also always have to have a wee dod on the side, never over my stuff - it's just too much commitment!!

Also, as soon as I'm at the refridgerated section of Tescos or wherever, I have to pee!!
I have loads too!

I have to sleep in just my knickers.
I have to make sure there are no soapy suds on any dishes before I put them on the draining board.
I have to do a pee before going to sleep - even if I have been lying in bed reading or just talking, and even if it's only been 10 minutes since I last went - I still make sure I pee.
When I turn my engine off in the car, the windscreen wipers must be lying flat and, when it was a 3 door, the front seats had to be in the upright position, not pushed forward to allow access to the back.
I sleep in the recovery position - one leg straight, the other bent at the knee.
I sleep almost halfway down the bed - often I wake up and my feet are dangling out, and I'm a short-arse!!
I sleep 'cuddling' my pillow, on my left side, with my left arm straight and my head resting on it over the pillow.
If I kick the kerb or a step with one foot, I have to do the same with the other foot so that they are equal. Same with chewing food - both sides have to be even.
If I make a cup of tea, it has to be JUST boiled water. No more than 10 seconds off the boil.
I HAVE to pick all the fluff out from in between my toes before I go to sleep at night, its actually one of my favourite things to do.

I know there are more, but thats my lot for now. x

OT - I'm a Jacqueline too!!

Haha, I think there might be a lot in a name - I went to school with a few Jacquelines and some of them were right weirdos!! :haha:

Not all though, of course x
I have really weird thumbs...!

Put your thumb next to your finger and you will find it reaches your second knuckle, mine only reaches my first :)

I have weird little fingers - everyone always tells me they're weird cos they're so tiny, mine only reaches first knuckle too (the other hand is my OH)IMG_0032.jpg
I wrap my feet up in bed and my oh always flaps the covers which uncovers my feet.
I open doors in public toilets with a leg, foot or with my elbows.
I always have to have music or something calming playing in the background when i try and go to sleep.
I always pick the food from the back of the fridge in supermarkets to get the products with the longest date.
I won't eat until i have washed my hands.
I do pick my nose.
I always washed my lady areas when i go to the loo, as i frequently get utis.
Alright... be warned! I'm nuts.
(I have high anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Behavior.)

-I absolutely HATE feet. My biggest pet peeve is when men wear flip flops - it actually makes me want to vomit. Baby feet, however, are the best!
-I am terrified of going in the ocean - I've been swept out to sea before and it's one of my biggest fears. I get overwhelmed just looking at it. Love the sounds of the waves, though!
-I won't go swimming in lakes or rivers anymore, either. If I can't see the bottom, I will not go in. Even if there is a dark spot in a swimming pool, I will not go in.
-I also hyperventilate when I stand on docks, especially if they don't have rails.
-I cannot sleep with my feet uncovered (this only applies when its dark). I think aliens will get me. Not monsters. Just aliens.
-Did I mention I'm terrified of aliens?
-Every time the phone used to ring at school, I would have this overwhelming sense of dread that my mom had died. And then I would start breathing really quickly and imagining having to take care of my sister by myself or having to move in with my grandparents, etc. until the teacher would call up whomever the call was about.
-I can't eat things that have the "wrong" texture. Like... onions. I love the flavor, but won't eat them because of the weird crunchiness. Same with chopped up celery in tuna salad or something - totally grosses me out!
-I smell my partner's armpits every day. I love the smell of his deodorant, and I really love the smell of his sweat mixed with it, like after he works out... Mmm manly goodness!
-When my OH is out of town, I have to wear his deodorant to bed, along with one of his shirts as a nightie. I also sometimes spray his cologne on his pillow and cuddle it, even though I don't cuddle him to sleep when he's actually in bed with me.
-I have to sleep on my stomach in a straight line, with my hands straight down and under my hip bones. I also prefer to sleep in just panties.
-I also pick my nose (in private). If I feel something in my nose whilst out in public, I use the fact that I have a nose piercing to disguise my picking. Lol
-I like that weird smell that your ears get when you stretch them, or when you have a piercing in them. People call it ear cheese (not wax - this is something different), and for some reason I don't mind the smell. I also play with my nose ring for this reason. I just pull it out and push it back in over and over throughout the day.
-I am afraid of getting my hair cut. I really need it cut again but I don't trust people with it and it's my favorite feature lol. Right now it's below my butt crack.
-I fart in my sleep. Mostly because my OH doesn't like to believe that girls fart, so I hold them in or fart when he's away. He also doesn't like to know that I poo, so I run the sink water rather loudly while I'm doing my business.
-I get claustrophobic in the car if I don't have control of one of the windows, or am not allowed to roll one down as I please.
-I am afraid of driving. I'm 20 and just have gotten my permit, but refuse to practice driving on actual roads because I think everyone is going to run into me.
-I freak out a lot when I'm the passenger in a car. I think that everyone else is going to run stop signs or lights so I am constantly looking around me all the time. I am always gasping because I think people won't stop at their stop sign, even if they roll over the line just a tiny bit.
-I like popping zits (mine and my OH's). It makes me feel like I'm winning.
-I have to ask my OH if he loves me all the time. I know that he does, but I ask anyway. It annoys the hell out of him. I can't help it.
-I collect Barbie movies... and I sincerely enjoy watching every single one, and can sing the songs to them as well.
-I am tongue-tied and therefore have a tiny lisp when I talk. It's barely noticeable. I sometimes wish it was more prominent, as I have a slight fetish with speech impediments.
-I hate when I'm making a sandwich with mayo or mustard and its not completely spread out very thinly. It has to cover all of the bread. If I'm putting tuna or meat on it, no part of the bread can be uncovered, as I hate when I take a bite of sandwich and it's just bread (makes me sick). I also cannot get the mayo/mustard/ketchup on my hand and lick it off. I have to wipe it off or wash my hands. For some reason it just really disgusts me.

Weird things my OH does:
-He sucks on the cotton swab before putting it in his ear. I think it's the weirdest thing, and I tried it, and I hate the sensation.
-He has the same texture issues with food as me. He likes those weird protein shakes that are really chalky and gritty (so do I).
-He will NOT wear a shirt without a "wife beater" (tank top) under it.
-He has to wipe down the toilet before he sits on it to go poo. Even if it's just at home. When we're someplace else, he puts toilet paper on every exposed part of the toilet before sitting down.
Alright... be warned! I'm nuts.
(I have high anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Behavior.)

-I absolutely HATE feet. My biggest pet peeve is when men wear flip flops - it actually makes me want to vomit. Baby feet, however, are the best!
-I am terrified of going in the ocean - I've been swept out to sea before and it's one of my biggest fears. I get overwhelmed just looking at it. Love the sounds of the waves, though!
-I won't go swimming in lakes or rivers anymore, either. If I can't see the bottom, I will not go in. Even if there is a dark spot in a swimming pool, I will not go in.
-I also hyperventilate when I stand on docks, especially if they don't have rails.
-I cannot sleep with my feet uncovered (this only applies when its dark). I think aliens will get me. Not monsters. Just aliens.
-Did I mention I'm terrified of aliens?
-Every time the phone used to ring at school, I would have this overwhelming sense of dread that my mom had died. And then I would start breathing really quickly and imagining having to take care of my sister by myself or having to move in with my grandparents, etc. until the teacher would call up whomever the call was about.
-I can't eat things that have the "wrong" texture. Like... onions. I love the flavor, but won't eat them because of the weird crunchiness. Same with chopped up celery in tuna salad or something - totally grosses me out!
-I smell my partner's armpits every day. I love the smell of his deodorant, and I really love the smell of his sweat mixed with it, like after he works out... Mmm manly goodness!
-When my OH is out of town, I have to wear his deodorant to bed, along with one of his shirts as a nightie. I also sometimes spray his cologne on his pillow and cuddle it, even though I don't cuddle him to sleep when he's actually in bed with me.
-I have to sleep on my stomach in a straight line, with my hands straight down and under my hip bones. I also prefer to sleep in just panties.
-I also pick my nose (in private). If I feel something in my nose whilst out in public, I use the fact that I have a nose piercing to disguise my picking. Lol
-I like that weird smell that your ears get when you stretch them, or when you have a piercing in them. People call it ear cheese (not wax - this is something different), and for some reason I don't mind the smell. I also play with my nose ring for this reason. I just pull it out and push it back in over and over throughout the day.
-I am afraid of getting my hair cut. I really need it cut again but I don't trust people with it and it's my favorite feature lol. Right now it's below my butt crack.
-I fart in my sleep. Mostly because my OH doesn't like to believe that girls fart, so I hold them in or fart when he's away. He also doesn't like to know that I poo, so I run the sink water rather loudly while I'm doing my business.
-I get claustrophobic in the car if I don't have control of one of the windows, or am not allowed to roll one down as I please.
-I am afraid of driving. I'm 20 and just have gotten my permit, but refuse to practice driving on actual roads because I think everyone is going to run into me.
-I freak out a lot when I'm the passenger in a car. I think that everyone else is going to run stop signs or lights so I am constantly looking around me all the time. I am always gasping because I think people won't stop at their stop sign, even if they roll over the line just a tiny bit.
-I like popping zits (mine and my OH's). It makes me feel like I'm winning.
-I have to ask my OH if he loves me all the time. I know that he does, but I ask anyway. It annoys the hell out of him. I can't help it.
-I collect Barbie movies... and I sincerely enjoy watching every single one, and can sing the songs to them as well.
-I am tongue-tied and therefore have a tiny lisp when I talk. It's barely noticeable. I sometimes wish it was more prominent, as I have a slight fetish with speech impediments.
-I hate when I'm making a sandwich with mayo or mustard and its not completely spread out very thinly. It has to cover all of the bread. If I'm putting tuna or meat on it, no part of the bread can be uncovered, as I hate when I take a bite of sandwich and it's just bread (makes me sick). I also cannot get the mayo/mustard/ketchup on my hand and lick it off. I have to wipe it off or wash my hands. For some reason it just really disgusts me.

Weird things my OH does:
-He sucks on the cotton swab before putting it in his ear. I think it's the weirdest thing, and I tried it, and I hate the sensation.
-He has the same texture issues with food as me. He likes those weird protein shakes that are really chalky and gritty (so do I).
-He will NOT wear a shirt without a "wife beater" (tank top) under it.
-He has to wipe down the toilet before he sits on it to go poo. Even if it's just at home. When we're someplace else, he puts toilet paper on every exposed part of the toilet before sitting down.

Me too, I thought everyone did it!
I can't have any part of my body hanging over the edge of the bed incase there's someone under my bed and they try to grab me, they can't get you if you're under the duvet :haha:

When Im in bed or laying down I have to have the duvet or a sheet in between my boobs, sounds weird but I don't like them being squashed together, it feels horrible! (my dh thinks that's really weird)

I have to tuck the duvet under my feet.
I have loads too!

If I kick the kerb or a step with one foot, I have to do the same with the other foot so that they are equal.

:shock: OMG! i thought this was just me! :rofl: Thank god!

Thought of some more:

I will constantly check my bag for my phone,ipod,purse and keys. Literally over and over :blush: I dont believe myself that i have seen it :rofl:

Also, if im shopping in tesco or something i have to walk in (with OH)and walk to the opposite end of the store straight away and then start looking down aisles :dohh:.
When I eat burgers, sandwiches or hotdogs, I don't eat them like a normal burgers, sandwiches or hotdogs.

Especially with McDonalds, I eat the bun first, then I eat the gherkins, then i scrape the cheese off with my fingers, then I pull apart the burgers, then I scrape the cheese from between that, then I dunk my burger in BBQ sauce and eat it. :D
I like to feel the bed sheets in between my toes. Really weird but it's actually quite comforting. :lol:

Ahhh I do this too! OH thinks im a freak lol especially when i try to 'twiddle' his trousers haha!!
I hate dry hands, use washing up gloves to do the dishes, i'd bath in rubber gloves if OH would let me! I use hand sanitizer all the time!!

I have to arrange the dishes on the draining board in a certain order, I wash bottles first then cups/glasses, plates, bowls, knives and forks then pots and pans.

When at home I always have to have material in between my feet or fingers, I have even been known to 'twiddle' peoples curtains!

Cant have the TV volume on a odd number.

Check doors and windows at least 5 times before I go out or to bed.
When I eat burgers, sandwiches or hotdogs, I don't eat them like a normal burgers, sandwiches or hotdogs.

Especially with McDonalds, I eat the bun first, then I eat the gherkins, then i scrape the cheese off with my fingers, then I pull apart the burgers, then I scrape the cheese from between that, then I dunk my burger in BBQ sauce and eat it. :D

My brother does that too, separates everything first.

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