Tens machine?


Pregnant with 2nd
Apr 4, 2008
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Just wondering how many people planning to use TENS machine? I wasn't going to after being told by a few people it didn't help them-but at the last minute have decided to hire one anyway-worth a shot. x
I have one I use for my neck injury and am going to give it a go in labor as i dont really want the pain killers i take reactions and get sick. Its worth a try anyway.
I have hired a tens machine, I was alo the same under much debate as to wheter to hire one due to some peoples reviews on them.

My auntie hired one and she said as long as you use it right from the start no matter how small the contractions are then she found it worked.

It apprently defeats the object to use start using it much later in the labour and your body hasn't released enough endorphins by this time to help with the pain. My midwife also agreed that someones they do not work for women as they have been used to late on the labour. x x
I used one with both my previous labours, I found it did help. Gave me something else to focus on during contractions. Didnt realise just how much till I had to take it off! lol
It did work better with my son as most of the pain was in my back, with my daughter it was all at the front but still helped.
As long as I can have a natural delivery this time round I will be hiring one again.
I've hired one too, think it's got to be worth a try!
Its on my "to buy" list, i'm gonna give it a try i'm willing to try anything if there's a chance of it taking pain away!!
Ive bought one as my friend swore by hers...she said it got her through to about 7 cm!
I have hired a tens machine, I was alo the same under much debate as to wheter to hire one due to some peoples reviews on them.

My auntie hired one and she said as long as you use it right from the start no matter how small the contractions are then she found it worked.

It apprently defeats the object to use start using it much later in the labour and your body hasn't released enough endorphins by this time to help with the pain. My midwife also agreed that someones they do not work for women as they have been used to late on the labour. x x

Ahh-I'll be using it from early on then x
I'm hoping to get and use one - just not sure how early i'll need to use it?!

apparently there are two types, one is particularly designed for labour, so that's what I'll be going for. Think we'll rent rather than buy though.... my HB list of 'wants' is getting rather lengthy!
I'm going to give it a go - I've ordered one from boots to buy, because I figured we'd like to have more than one baby, so it would be more cost effective to buy it. Also, I get back pain quite a lot so can probably use it when I'm not pregnant too.

Only thing that bothers me as you (obviously!) have to take it off to have a bath, and I think I might want to have a bath when in labour so then you have to put it back on and start again...

Hey ho, I'll give anything a try!
Maybe it's different here in the US or maybe I'm just a dippy, but what is a TENS machine?
I'm considering getting/renting one but I'm not sure as I want to be as mobile as possible - I don't want it to get in the way of me changing position, lol.

When I went to antenatal classes the midwife said that it's not effective for everyone but to give it a chance as it needs an hour on at least to start working fully.

ccombes, hope this answers ur q -

"TENS machines deliver small electrical pulses to the body via electrodes placed on the skin. TENS machines are thought to affect the way pain signals are sent to the brain. Pain signals reach the brain via nerves and the spinal cord. If pain signals can be blocked then the brain will receive fewer signals from the source of the pain. We may then feel less pain."

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