The **1+ and still not walking** thread

I'm having a real down day about this today... I was so looking forward to breaking up and spending lots of time taking Grace to groups and clubs but the more I do this the more it depresses me about what she can't experience still on her hands and knees. Grace still will not pull herself to standing or allow me to hold her standing, even leaning against a table or walker. She's nearly 18 months. :cry:

The most recent development has been an ability to climb onto low objects- like the trampoline at toddler group and the stairs. I've just encouraged her to climb from bottom to top of our stairs three times in a row in a desperate attempt to strengthen her legs... but I don't know what else I can physically do to help her, especially as she point blank refuses to let me help her stand.

I do know she'll get there eventually but with the current progress we're looking at at least another year before she's walking... and I'm due a newborn in October so will have less time to help her (not that I know how!) It's the lack of opportunities she has that gets me down... :cry:
have you seen the gp to check her hips? my lo crusies and climbs but if hes still not walking at 18 months im going to take him to the g just to check. does any one elses baby have really loose hips? my lo can pull bothe his feet behind his head and also sits and watches telly in flat box splits im hyper mobile in my legs and so his oh so was just wondering if this is whats holding him back from walking x
Yes, she sees a consultant at the hospital every couple of months. Hips are fine and he says not to worry as she is making progress- be it very slow-
12 months- started shuffling on bum
14 months- started crawling
14.5 months- rolled over from back to front and pushed up to sitting for first time
17.5 months- started climbing on to low objects

He does say however that he has never seen a child of her age refuse to stand with support.
oohh sweetie its awful isnt it - I have two of them so really feel your pain.

I have had some real progress this week thankfully but I dont want to harp on about that as that will make you feel worse.

IMO you cant do anything to help them - you kjust need to bide your time. if she has had all the checks then she just isnt ready.

Have you anyone around who can come visit you a lot? I have found that when the boys are around walkers they are more keen to try.

You are doing fabulously sweetie - all it takes is time xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Vicky... she will get there I know... but it's such a nasty feeling to think that you've failed them in some way (even though you know deep down you haven't)- I know you know what I mean :flower: And she's started to get funny looks and comments from other mothers who can see how much blatantly older she is than others and is still just sat on the floor playing. I've even said to her myself 'look at that little boy walking, he's much younger than you...' and then feel thoroughly horrible about saying it :cry:

...Up until recently she was with a childminder on weekdays and spent all day with other walking children who she loved playing with but even the evident frustration she encountered never propelled her mobility development along any quicker.

We have another hospital appointment on Thursday so will see if the consultant has any more thoughts. :shrug:
I know what you mean on the failure front definitely!!!!!!

Ask to be referred for physio - they are really good apparently. The boys have been referred for a total pedeatric check over but it will be a few months before that comes through.

My boys are totally different, Fynn climbs cruises crawls doesnt sit still for a minute, is up and down the staurs on the wondow ledge you name it! But doesnt walk

Sam - bless him he just has noooooo onclination to walk or move really, he commando crawls but not on all fours but he can get on all fours. (he was hipscanned at birth too as he was breech) he has now discovered standing this week and will walk holding hands (yay) he walked all acrross blockbusters today hehe bless him with a big smile. But as for pulling up to stand or anything else - forget it!
Amy took her first unaided steps the day before she turned 19 months. She spent 5 months in a pavlik harness when she was a baby and I have heard that that time is generally added on to the time before they walk - not sure how true that is though.

It felt like it was never going to happen at the time and all the other children I know started walking quite early so I used to get a bit upset at hearing yet another younger child was walking, even though it was completely irrational.

She's never blooming still now!
Ah bless them... well done to little Sam. :hugs:

I will ask about physio... As a mum you just want to feel that you're doing all that is physically possible to help them... and I can't help worrying I've missed an opportunity along the way.

They do all have mobility in some sense though so we'll get there in the end... :thumbup:
Harry still isn't properly walking and I was expecting him to be fully mobile AGES ago!

At 9 months he pulled himself to stand, and within a few days was cruising around the furniture. By 10 months he was pulling to stand, going from standing to sitting with control, going from crawling to cruising and back again...I was convinced he'd walk before he was 1!

Anyway, he started to let go and shuffle a couple of steps at 14 month, then by 15 months he got a little braver and we managed to get him to take 12 steps across the room between us.

On Sunday he actually pulled to stand using a toy, let go and walked around the room! Well, there was no stopping him after that, he keeps having a go and toddling off around the living room!

He still falls onto his bum a lot and still has to pull himself up to stand, he can't stop when he starts toddling, he has to use us or furniture instead!

Out of all our mummy/baby friends only Harry and one other are not walking - the baby is a couple of weeks younger than Harry. This friend was as mobile as Harry when we saw them last week.

I feel guilty, like I haven't encouraged Harry, that it's my fault that he's a late walker. Having said that, he has a better vocabulary that most, if not all of his friends and catches on so much quicker when learning how a new toy works, how to get round an object etc.
Yes, she sees a consultant at the hospital every couple of months. Hips are fine and he says not to worry as she is making progress- be it very slow-
12 months- started shuffling on bum
14 months- started crawling
14.5 months- rolled over from back to front and pushed up to sitting for first time
17.5 months- started climbing on to low objects

He does say however that he has never seen a child of her age refuse to stand with support.

How horrible of the consultant to say that - my GP also seemed really shocked when she saw Jacob at 17.5 months and he would not stand up at all no matter what we did, it seemed to hurt him if we tried to get him to do so.
We got referred to an orthapedic pediatritian and he referred us for physio and honestly she is so so nice, we had been seeing her once a fortnight although in reality he's only really had 3 sessions as 2 of them he wasn't playing ball at all, we've had a break over the summer and we're back in August with her. II'm with you on the failure thing too, but please try not to blame yourself, you are doing a great job. I too have the worry that when toddler group starts again in September that he wont be walking by then and people will talk and stare as I've been getting comments since he was around 13 months and even now my Mum keeps saying "time he was on his feet"! It's also killing me when I have to carry him about as he is heavy and I have a weak shoulder too. I get a bit upset at the park, soft play etc as he can't do what the other kids his age and much younger can. I just feel like he and we are missing out.
Thank you so much, craftymum...

Back to the hospital today and we are finally making some progress in terms of investigation... she was sent for an x-ray and had a blood test (was so brave, poor thing) to rule out hip or muscle problems. She has also been referred to a physio as a 'high-priority' case :thumbup:
Thank you so much, craftymum...

Back to the hospital today and we are finally making some progress in terms of investigation... she was sent for an x-ray and had a blood test (was so brave, poor thing) to rule out hip or muscle problems. She has also been referred to a physio as a 'high-priority' case :thumbup:
That's fantastic news, I hope you get some help now. It is so hard when everyone else's lo's are running around by now and our almost 2 year olds still aren't walking.
I console myself by the fact that Jacob is so intelligent for his age and his speech is excellent too so I tell myself he can't do it all :)
Thank you so much, craftymum...

Back to the hospital today and we are finally making some progress in terms of investigation... she was sent for an x-ray and had a blood test (was so brave, poor thing) to rule out hip or muscle problems. She has also been referred to a physio as a 'high-priority' case :thumbup:
That's fantastic news, I hope you get some help now. It is so hard when everyone else's lo's are running around by now and our almost 2 year olds still aren't walking.
I console myself by the fact that Jacob is so intelligent for his age and his speech is excellent too so I tell myself he can't do it all :)
They do say they either walk or talk early.

Amy was a very late walker but her vocabulary is fantastic. My mum's neighbour commented on it last week and asked if she was 4, mum said no she's not even 3 yet :haha:
Weel done Ollie!!!

Oh Bluehorse thats brilliant - did you get the hipscan results immediately? Sams newborn ones were there and then. When do you get blood results?

News from us we have massive progress from both boys

Fynn - cruises crawls you name it etc etc just doesnt want to walk but he will now walk accross the whole room holding your hands but really doesnt put any pressure on them at all. We went to toddler group today and Fynn and I spent ages 'chasing' one of their walking friends around which he LOVED so fingers crossed the penny is dropping.

Sam - my little cant be bothered to move boy LOVES walking. He wasnt even moving his feet or anything two weeks ago now he toddles accross the room albeit slowly holding hands with a MASSIVE smile on his face. He also 'cruised' (I use the term very loosely as it took him forever) along the sofa and side unit today.

We are getting them cruiser shoes to see if that helps with a bit of protection on their feet.

*sigh* I feel a lot better now but jeezzz I am exhausted!
Congrats Ollie!

Brilliant news, Vicky! The x-ray confirmed her hips are fine... not got the bloods back yet. I'm so glad she's going for physio... at least it might give me an idea how to help her.
Congrats Ollie!

Brilliant news, Vicky! The x-ray confirmed her hips are fine... not got the bloods back yet. I'm so glad she's going for physio... at least it might give me an idea how to help her.

Excellent re the hips!! How long before the bloods come back?

Yes indeed - its so hard isnt it to know how to help. We are in the positon where we dont know how far to push as we think we put Fynn off when he tried standing at 13 months. I am waiting for the boys pediatric assessment which is likely to be September - so would you mind sharing with me what the physio says to you assuming you get ther before then? Either on this post or by pm? I know every case is individual but I would still be very interested.
They are going to either write to me or phone through the results...depending on what they are. They have said it's very unlikely that there is anything wrong with her muscles as she has good control in other areas. Of course I'll let you know what the physio says. :thumbup: It will be interesting to find out what her experiences of this sort of thing are...

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