Hello, ladies! I've been quietly stalking several of the BnB threads for a couple of months now and finally decided to come in and say hello!
My husband and I have been ttc with purpose but without aid since April of this year. After showed up today marking the beginning of cycle six I decided to sign on to this and a few other sites I've been devouring for a while.
Mid cycle (about 10 days ago) I started on B50 complex after reading enough and suspecting I had a shorter luteal phase. I started OPing after af last month immediately and was so confused I eventually said to hell with it and gave up for the month. It would be a moderately dark line looking like the next day was going to be a +opk, that night I tested again to see if I could catch an equally or darker test line than control only to find it TOTALLY non-existant. Repeat for a couple days=Me, giving up!
I bought my bbt about 10 days ago as well and have been trying to get into the hang of things before the upcoming cycle(the one starting today)but I work all different shifts throughout the week and dh works overnights, so my waking time is ALWAYS different, and to be honest occasionally I don't get four consecutive hours.
I was certain some of the signals I've had recently were leading me to a BFP in a few days but the brown spotting that started last night became light menstrual flow today.
So, this cycle will be the first one hopefully NOT stopping on the OPKs, attempting to monitor my BBTs, and having a full month of B complex (B6 obviously in there) to extend my luteal phase (can't hurt, right!?

Quick question though for you other ladies moderately new ttc: my cycles over the past few months went for 23 days, then 25, last month 28, this month 25/26 (I couldn't make up my mind on what day flow offically started in August, today being CD1 of the next phase). Any suggestions on what to do to lock that down for O date purposes?
Nice to meet you all, I look forward to hearing everyones stories unfold!
(sorry so long, clearly I must like talking about myself...)