My levels I think are high, I didn't have an HCG test done but had a dark line on 14dpo with IC then today it was so super dark super fast. And my frer 16dpo test is much darker then another friend of mine who did one at 16dpo. SO I feel ok about it. WHere are these forums? I feel lost in the pregnancy section lol.
i dont do the levels things as when i read in the 1st tri everyone starts flapping about them and i just think it is more important to enjoy your pregnancy day by day
I agree, just seeing the lines getting darker was good enough for me. I knew they were going up and thats all I cared about. I wasn't even tested for my levels. Still got 2 hpts left will have to decide when to use em!
lol when i ran out of hpts lol i used the rest of my ovulation tests you should see the line you get on those the best positive on an opk i ever got lol
I used a opk yesterday and it would have been considered negative. I never got a really dark line with the other two pregnancies either even further into them. So maybe I don't make a huge amt of hcg? Normally my doc doesn't test levels either. I just wondered what mine were.
Kelly - Sometimes if you have high levels it can signify a multiple pregnancy
Right now I'm mad at my OH cuz I made dinner and he kinda complained abt the way I made it. I was so angry I wanted to throw the steak at his head. If it weren't for DS sitting at the table I probably would have lol. My hormones must be out of whack already lol. This is gonna be a long 9 months...
Well I would welcome multiples but would prefer one. I think it is just one.
Ok DMN questions for you, what were your cramps like when you had them? Also did you get the runs? I have had the runs twice now since getting my BFP. My cramps are pretty mild with the occasional one that makes me wonder but they go away fast.
As for peeing on an opk I will do that tomorrow I have a few left. I always got really positive opks so we will see.
Kelly the cramps just felt like af was on her way but sometimes they could be a bit sharper she just never shows i had the runs for a couple of days but that soon changed once the folic acid kicked in lol
Well I have been taking my folic acid every day since BFP I do hope they go away cause they give me a whole different kind of cramp. I did pee on an opk today and yup very positive! Line appeared before the control line. I must admit it is still so much fun to watch them both pop up. I normally get super dark opks when they are positive but you were right nothing quite as dark as this! Still cramping a bit. Haven't been able to sleep but I have been going to bed around 10 or 11 and getting up at 4!
the cramping will stop mine did after a couple of weeks try eggs or something with fibre in it to help bind the bowels a bit i find the opks more fun when pg as like you say the test line appears just before the control line makes me laugh lol
Well ladies O found me Friday didn't give me any warning at all! I usually get the ewcm but no not this time! I have been having some pinkish brownish when I check cp or cm and if I have a BM could defo be from O or from me taking low dose aspirin which the Dr recommended after I asked.
Sarah hope the bag leaves soon!
Hope your all doing well and Kelly quit worrying! Just enjoy this gift!
DMN I have been eating scrambled eggs cause my book recommended them for protein. Still cramping but half the time now it is cause I am farting! Ugh. Hahaha. At least they aren't smelly I must let 20 of them go in class I can't hold them in. Haven't had nausea in 2 days! Whoot! But only just nearing 6 weeks.
Mrs N I sure hope your soy works! It is looking promising!
Hey everyone! How are you all? Mrs_N - Good luck with the soy.
Csunshine - Hope you caught that eggy.
Kelly - Just drop your book on the floor when you gotta fart.
Chris - How are you doing?
AFM - I called the doc today and Dec. 18th is our first appt. Its kinda the boring one. The 2nd appt is when we get to hear the hb. DS has strep throat so he's kinda fussy. Other than that not much to report here. Feeling good so far. Hoping I miss m/s for the 3rd time lol.
BTW - Kelly I haven't forgot you in my siggy. You are still my bump buddy lol. I work tmw and know I'll be messing with it all day so I'll add you.
Dmn - How are you doing?
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