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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I did the bath thing the other day and Caitlyn found it hilarious! She came out the water giggling her head off covered in bubbles and I was mortified!
Ok my turn to add to this , Ive been good so far ...but just a few minutes ago I was on the phone with a friend who is going through a ruff time and had max on my lap ..he likes to play with the keyboard ..i was tring to hold the phone and him and well he bonked his head on the desk :( he didnt dry he just giggled but I felt so bad ..poor lil thing
Ffion bashed her head.. or rather i bashed it.. in playgroup today in front of everybody :S
Angelynn has fallen off the couch.. 3 times.... the one time she landed in the diaper bag so it cushioned her fall.. I came into the living room to see her laying on the floor with her head in the bag. She was just laying there chewing on the strap.. lol... she fell off last night and had a really good cry.. bonked her head pretty good. I had left her laying down and Kira was playing with her, sat her up and left.. then I heard a bonk... but thats about the worst so far. :(
We went away for the weekend last weekend and Lilia was crawling around the room while we unpacked. She started crying so i picked her up to see blood all over her hand, she'd sliced her finger on a cupboard edge. Had to get a plaster from the hotel (which was a nice blue foodsafe one!) as it wouldn't stop bleeding but she kept trying to bite it off so the only thing i had with me to put over it was a sock so we put that over her hand. Lost count of how many times people asked us why she had one bright pink sock over her hand!! :dohh:
my turn now...
yesterday, (we are staying at mums btw whilst my nans in hospital) i thought maddi might like to play with her huge stroller bar whilst we are at mums, as most of her usual toys are at home. i accidentally drop the bloody thing on her face, she has a small scratch and bruise :cry: god i feel awful! she cried cos mummy cried! but was fine a few minutes later, still feel awful for it :cry: x x x
Let's see here are mine.....
When Khloe was a couple weeks old she passed out on my chest and I must have nodded off only to wake up and just miss her rolling off me, off the bed and onto the floor. She landed face up but not before bumping her little forhead off my desk. Later on before she began crawling (so I thought) she was still a sleep so I ran downstairs leaving her surrounded by pillows and blankets so she wouldn't roll over them to make her cereal and bottle. Just as I was finishing I hear a loud bang, apparently she knew how to crawl she was just hiding it and had crawled herself off the bed (later that day she would sneak and crawl when she thought I wasn't looking) did the same thing with Keira as well (should have learned my lesson right)
We had a bit of a dunking incident on holiday... very scary :(

I was in the swimming pool holding him so he was on his tummy and he got a bit too excited, very nearly slipped out of my hands, but went face first into the water. I shreiked and pulled him up and he sort of coughed and spluttered a bit and then started giggling his little head off. Cheeky lil sod, I was devastated, had to give him to Matt so I could get out, I just ddint trust myself.

Oh, I dropped my phone on his head too while I was feeding him. Didnt seem to phase him.

Poor boy, had so many knocks to his head he'll probs turn out like me.

Lol these are hilarious, I don't have my own stories but I could share some of my mum's stories haha.
When my brother was 4 she and my dad were down stairs and all they could hear was thud thud thud..And they kept coming up and telling him to get into bed etc.
Until thud thud THUD *cry* my brother had been jumping from his bed to the window sill and on the floor then back again, but he missed the windowsill and gave himself a nice fat lip.
Another time my brother was running round with his toothbrush in his mouth and fell over..Oops. He was ok, after a trip to A+E.
My mum had many trips to A+E with my brother haha
Okay...I was sitting Charlotte up in her crib today and letting her try to sit on her own...she toppled over and whapped her little head on the aquarium toy thingy on the side of the crib. She has a big red bump, but she didn't cry or whimper or anything...and the other day I dropped the diaper bag on her little head while I was carrying her into the house! She didn't cry then either, but...yikes I felt bad!
reading some of your posts has really made me smile :) it shows that we are all human and no matter how careful we try to be little accidents do happen.

I told my daughter and her best friend that if they didnt stop bickering i was going to bang their heads together, they are 6 and never stop bickering at one another, so i was joking around with the 2 of them and got hold of them round the shoulders to give them a hug and ended up bumping their heads together:blush: I felt awful!

i once fell UP the stairs with my son in my arms too, thank god i didnt hurt him!! :dohh:
ON sunday Angelynn faceplanted in the tub :dohh: I felt like shit. :( She was mostly scared. Didn't inhale any water but was quite upset with her mum :(
aww charlie was wiggling around the bedroom i went out the room to put a glass of water in the kitchen and heard a bang and cry hes pulled the lead on my straightners off my dresser and they hit him on the head luckly they wasnt turned on :cry: i feel so bad he only cryed for 3 secs though bless him, hes getting everything now i think im gonna have to start being more carefull xx
went to give callum a lovie yesterday.. stuck my arms out for a squeeze an slapped him in the head :dohh:
My baby brother was born when I was twelve, and my mum had post-partum psychosis and was in hospital a lot, so I looked after him mostly until he was one or so. He was a bit clingy, and used to cry if I didn't carry him around. When he was about nine months old I wanted to go do something (can't remember what nearly twenty years later), so I propped him up on the piano stool (he could sit up fine) and left him happily bashing away. Couple of minutes later I hear this almighty scream, and dash back to find him flat on the floor, where he'd obviously wriggled and fallen off backwards landing on his head. I haven't even told him about it, but he just started uni, so I don't think I damaged him permanently. He never did like playing the piano afterwards though.
Oh god does this thread have to be guilt-free confessions??

I let Anna fall of the bed the other day... no mark on her head but I heard a donk on the floor as she hit it, though! :( She SCREAMED and I tried offering her loads of things that she is not allowed (baby wipes, mobile phone etc) and even that didn't cheer her up! I felt like such a shit mum!

And then the day before yesterday I was at an Ann Summers party and there was laminate flooring, this is the worst one... she was skidding around on this floor and I was playing with her, I decided to give her a little push around the skiddy floor... which was all fine and fun until she whammed her hands down on the floor and that stopped her going forward and her little nose hit the floor and her hands got twisted under her tummy! :cry: I felt so guilty! PLUS everyone was looking at me like I was the worst mum in the world - but it was just an accident! Ahhh that was very bad... She didn't cry much but I felt so guilty!

...... [edit: I hope you don't all hate me now! I feel bad enough already - am I the worst mum or what?!]
I always bang Caitlyn's head. She's practically immuned to it now. I forget she's there and bash her into door frames. Whoops.
As Sam gets taller I keep finding myself opening drawers that he used to be shorter than...but now whack him in the head. EEK. I'm getting better tho. And I think he's getting wise and keeps out the way when I go to open a drawer. The next one I'm watching out for is the fridge door on the fridge freezer.

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