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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I was playing with Amy on the bed and she likes it when I rub my head on her chest, but she moved abruptly and I headbutted her. :(

I did not think she could roll, she had never done it before, so went into her room to get something and heard a thud and she had rolled off the bed, I had left her in the middle and she chose then to roll. :( She has never fallen off the bed since though.
Tom had a drink out of the toilet yesterday. I was in the shower and looked up to see the pair of them peering into the loo and Tom scooping the water up with his hands into his mouth. :sick: Damnit! Didn't know they had figured out how to lift the lid.

At least there wasn't any bleach down it!
ok bad mummy today i was letting jack do his 'dancing' and walking and he slipped out of my hand and whacked his head on the floor he was fine i was a wreck crying for ages i felt sobad :cry:
oh god ide be here all night puttin mine down, im such a dopey git.

i was in town last week just gave rio her lunch, was puttin her snowsuit back on i had her feet in so i picked her up grabbed the top of the snowsuit an she rolled over my arm an fell head first into her pushchair my god i felt so bad good job her pushchair was there!

She was toddling round the furniture in my bedroom and she tripped on somthing an banged her head of the tele stand i went sick and rang nhs, she was fine though!

And best one she was havin some nappy off time poo'd on the floor and sat in it stood in it put her hans in it and went to eat it before i even noticed.

Im a terrible mother!!!
was letting Rhiannon practice her standing by the kitchen chairs when she launched herself out of my hands and before i knew it had banged her head on the floor :(
she had such a fright her weetabix came straight back up...

i feel awful :(
Caitlyn wouldn't eat her dinner tonight so I skipped it and went to desert.. :blush:
Kyle had some Irn-Bru! From the flooor, out of a glass my mum had left sitting and forgot about. He was rifting all day! :lol:
I took Savannah into town and when I got there I found that one of her buckles came undone :cry: I have done this twice, so I check that they're clicked in properly now! :(
Think this thread is brilliant and has given me a good chuckle. My eldest who is now 7 when he was about a year old put him in a bath without checking temperature and you guessed it was too hot and screamed the place down (wasnt scalding though!). When he was about 4 I put him under the shower and again (I was naughty mummy hungover!) it was way too hot and he screamed and to this day still brings it up!!
With my youngest left Dylan on the sofa, whilst I went outside to have a cigarette, came back in and somehow (considering he cant roll over yet) was hanging off the sofa doing a spiderman impression (I had to laugh). Have also banged his head on doors a couple of times when entering rooms :-(. Put him on his playmat a couple of weeks ago and my hand didnt make contact with his head in time and banged it on the floor. Naught mummy!!!
I had my first proper one this morning. Pierre was in his bouncy chair playing with a remote. He's started to sit totally upright in it. He must have dropped the remote on the floor and leaned forwards to get it because I looked over to see him up-side-down with one leg still stuck in the chair. He wasn't even crying.
I had my first proper one this morning. Pierre was in his bouncy chair playing with a remote. He's started to sit totally upright in it. He must have dropped the remote on the floor and leaned forwards to get it because I looked over to see him up-side-down with one leg still stuck in the chair. He wasn't even crying.


Sorry. That just made me laugh so hard I spit cola all over my keyboard. Don't even know why! lol :flower:
I have another... this was the most stupid thing i've done and I feel like a fool
I was sorting out my buttons on the floor and Angelynn grabbed a small plastic green one. She had her sucky in her mouth and was just passing the button from hand to hand. I look away for one second and it was in her mouth. :dohh:
I tried to fish it out but it was already being swallowed. She choked on it a little bit but managed to swallow it down. I was terrified. I had her upside down and was patting her back but it was already gone. SHe scared herself too.
It came out in her poop yesterday :(
She could have choked :(
:shock: that's scary! I would have freaked out big style!!!

PS what where you doing with buttons :rofl:

Glad she's ok

I was scared and felt like an idiot. still do.. :hissy:
I was sorting through the buttons looking for green ones for a craft project.
im a bad mum :cry:

Jack fell off the bed last night.:cry:

i laid him on there whilst i got my PJ's on i turnt my back for a second to pick up my bottoms and he kind rolled and jumped and fell off the bed. i feel terible. he was fine though didnt even cry and hasnt a mark on him thank god.
Not a bad mother story, but a bad daddy one! The other morning Kaya was awake between me and Barry. I must have fallen back asleep because Barry suddenly lunged and there was a thump. He had been asleep and Kaya had climbed onto his belly and she just slid off! He felt her go and was able to break her fall a little. She was fine and I found it really funny lol.
This thread is soooo funny. Not when it happens to you though. Stupid daddy moment today, he left the baby gate to sons room open. I turned round and he had gone, god he's quick. Luckily he had walked past the top of the stairs and was playing in our room.

Also this moring I was going to chase him when he turned and bumped into the door, thin end. He bounced off and fell on the floor. All I could do was laugh but he now has a red line down his forehead. Good job he can't talk yet or I would be soooo ashamed.
Yesterday Hannah was awake at 6:30, fed her a bottle, and put her back in her crib because I wasn't ready to get up, thinking she was safe enough and happy I laid back down. 15 minutes later I hear her whining. Go in to check on her and she's managed to rotate 90 degrees and stick both legs between the bars of the crib :rofl: and somehow shuffled down so that there was no hope of her freeing herself. Was going to take a pic but her daddy rescued her before I could get the camera :blush:
im a bad mum :cry:

Jack fell off the bed last night.:cry:

i laid him on there whilst i got my PJ's on i turnt my back for a second to pick up my bottoms and he kind rolled and jumped and fell off the bed. i feel terible. he was fine though didnt even cry and hasnt a mark on him thank god.

Aww bless you sweetie, Seth did that a few weeks ago and I cried like a baby lol he was fine after a minute or two but its so scary!

This thread is fantastic! I can see it will get much used by me in the future now that I'm a mummy. What a relief to be able to confess somewhere!

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