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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I left Caitlyn on the rug in the living room whilst I went to do the washing up, SUPER NAUGHTY now she can crawl and is pulling herself up on things, she crawled into the kitchen and was splashing her hands in the cat water bowl!!!
I love this thread.. A while ago, when Erica really started pulling up on things, I was letting her have a crawl around the house, pull up on what she wanted.. Then she went to pull up on the ottoman for the rocking chair. :dohh: Should have thought about it, but it moved and she fell and hit her head on the part underneath that it moves on. I felt so bad, but she was totally fine. I'm sure I can think of more, I'll post em when I do.
Ok not sure if i have posted in here before but my first real feel bad thing...
It was the middle of the night and she had woken for her feed, anyways i was at my bed and trying to turn her around to face me and accidently dropped her face down onto the bed! She was and is totally fine she didn't make a sound, but omg i felt so bad!!
so im ill yeah??

kids had pizza an chips for tea...

callum is wearing chloes leggings.....

there both playing with bobbles clasps an hairbands...

bad mum!! *hide*
ok, so earlier I had just gotten done bf-ing Harley and was burping her, and I lay her on her stomach on my chest to do so. Anyways she kept lifting her head up, and like all newborns do, dropping it back down, anyways my face was really close to hers and all of a sudden she lifts her head up and then drops it back down head-butting me in the nose. Poor baby let out a wail and then just cried, she got over it within a couple minutes but still has a little mark. i feel so terrible for not having been more careful.
This one is about my aunt:) My LO is still inside me so no funny stories yet!

Anyways my aunt, you must understand, is the cleanest, most sanitary woman I know and hates germs and dirt. One day when she was only about 1 or 2 (back in the late 50s lol) my grandma left her outside on the front lawn while she ran inside to get something.. came outside and she had a huuuuge worm hanging out of her mouth, she proceeded to swallow it too before my grandma got it out of there hehe!!
Ooh just thought of another one about my friend's little boy!!

LOVES to hit their dog, lol, he's not hitting her hard but just whacking her with his lttle hands.. and also likes to crawl into the kitchen and eat the dog food like so many of your LOs lol
This is a really good thread! I haven't laughed like this in awhile! There are so many posts I'll have to go through them again later!

I have loads of stories to tell as well but for some reason I just cant think of any right now. Might still be a bit early for me but as soon as I think of any I'll post them for sure! :D

Thanks guys for sharing!

I've never admitted this to anyone, but it's been haunting me.... I was 19 when my mum had my baby brother (he's 5 now) and she went back to work when he was a few months old and I used to look after him full time, his crib was in my room and everything. I hadn't had a good nights sleep in ages because he was teething and was so tired, he was snoozing on my bed and I was sat up watching Eastenders but struggling to keep my eyes open when I felt a shift on the bed and turned to find my brother falling off the bed. I dived forward and managed to catch his legs but his face already hit the floor. He banged his nose pretty bad and it bled as he screamed the house down. I managed to calm him down but he had a carpet burn on his nose and had the biggest scab on it for weeks, over his first christmas! I told my mum i'd let him crawl on the floor and he'd just banged it, I couldn't admit i'd let him fall off the bed.

And then the second one, which again, I haven't told anyone... he was a tall baby and I took him to Alton Towers for a day out when he was about 18 months old and we went past the runaway train ride and he kept saying 'choo choo'. So as he was tall enough to go on it I took him on, as soon as it started moving he freaked out and grabbed hold of my leg and buried his face in it. He wouldn't look up and was clinging on so tight. On the ride photo they take he looked petrified. He got off though and was absolutely fine, no tears or anything, he continued to say 'choo choo' all day too. Again, haven't told my mum that one either. I'm a bad big sister, lol.
I scratched my nieces chin the other day, I feel so terrible!! shes 3 months old and she did that little lip wobble and massive cry. awww :(
:rofl: Caitlyn is SO quick, she got into the kitchen before I even stood up to catch her earlier and she was this | | (literally!) close to eating cat food!
I love this thread and I finally decided to post on it. I have a lot of things. Here it goes:

- The other day my OH and I were giving Aiden a bath, and my OH added way too many bubbles. Aiden decided he was going to eat those bubbles and kept sticking his hands in them and putting them in his mouth. I had no idea what to do.

- We live with my family and my younger brother was hanging out in my room with my OH, me, and Aiden. My brother grabbed my leg and I screamed. Aiden just started screaming his head off and I felt so bad. He wouldn't stop crying for 10 minutes.

- My OH has let Aiden fall off the couch and the bed numerous times.

- I've hit Aiden's head so many times, everytime I feel so bad. The first time I cried for like 3 hours because I thought he was going to be brain damaged :shy:

- Aiden loves playing with the doors to our computer cabinet and has wacked himself in the head a few times.

- And just now he was eating dog food. :dohh:
I'm the worst mum in the world. Caitlyn burnt the top of her hand on the straightners this morning. :|
This is one from my parents. My dad has a potty mouth :) And my grandma and aunt were over at my house babysitting me. I wanted to watch Beauty and the Beast, so I walked up to my grandma (at 2 years old:blush:) and said: "Grandma, can you put on fucking Beauty and the Beast?" !!! My aunt heard it, luckily my grandma didn't understand what I was saying, and put on the Beauty and the Beast movie right away!!

My aunt had children after my parents did, and must have heard some awful stories from my parents, because she told me I once asked my mom to "Please shut off the fucking light".. :rofl:

Lesson to be learned ~ don't swear infront of your kids, they'll repeat it all!! Oh, and when you get pregnant.. be prepared to hear EVERY bad/embarassing story EVER from your own childhood/infancy.
Thought my little one had a dirty nappy so flung him over my shoulder to have a sniff, like you do, and whacked his head on the wall. Opps. Lucky its a false wall and he didn't even bother.
Caitlyn fell off the bed once.. i've only just plucked up the courage to confess. She was fine, didn't even cry. I, on the other hand, cried my face off :(
Ok, hopefully it'll make me feel better.

Josh has escaped from his jumperoo this afternoon while I was busy doing laundry... fell on the floor, head first I guess because he's got a tiny tiny bruise on his forehead now! :dohh:

Another one... He woke up crying last week in the afternoon.. I tried to comfort him as I thought he looked like he was in pain... I thought he was teething again or something, so put some baby oragel on his gums and kept on comforting him for about 15-20mins... Until I realized he needed a bottle! :dohh: I felt so stupid!
Update from my friend, her son can now open the lid on the toilet seat, so they have to leave the door shut. He likes to splash in it! :dohh:
Caitlyn fell off the bed once.. i've only just plucked up the courage to confess. She was fine, didn't even cry. I, on the other hand, cried my face off :(

I did when Seth did it too, I felt awful and he wasnt really arsed.

I banged Hallie's head on the banister coming down the stairs.

I always trap her thumb in her sleeve too like bent back :S as soon as its free though she stops crying.

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