The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Haha, I haven't tried an ice pop yet, must keep that in mind for the next grumpy day!

Another one from me -

LO has started throwing tantrums and they are making me laugh and I've been joking with friends about them :haha: :blush:

It IS funny though, if she doesn't get her own way she dramatically drops to the floor sobbing, lies face down kicking her legs and if I try to pick her up she goes all floppy and wobbly so I can't! Little drama queen xx
Another bad mummy moment - i am currently watching American Pie is my 17 week old baby... typical boy cant keep his eyes off hehe xx
When LO doesn't settle I "Grrrrrr" at her and feel like shouting (and sometimes do) "What do you want?!?!" I feel terrible for getting so frustrated as I use to be such a relaxed person. Now I sometimes feel like I have no patience at all. *sigh* She is asleep now though. Phew!
not sure if its too bad but, I put Leo in his pushchair this morning and didnt strap him in :blush: OH was sat on the sofa next to the pushchair and I was making his bottle to take with us. I looked over and Leo is leaning forwards on his own! He was sat back but had somehow pulled himself up and forwards and was leaning over holding onto his feet :haha: he sat himself back when I shouted "Leo!" at him though :haha:
When LO doesn't settle I "Grrrrrr" at her and feel like shouting (and sometimes do) "What do you want?!?!" I feel terrible for getting so frustrated as I use to be such a relaxed person. Now I sometimes feel like I have no patience at all. *sigh* She is asleep now though. Phew!
I spoke too soon. She is going to be exhausted tonight. I know i am :(
Oh the amount of times I've forgotten to strap Maria in and then turned around just in time to see her standing up looking like she's gonna throw herself out..!
I had to leave the girls to fuss about 4 am, I was SO ANGRY! as I had had NO sleep at that point- and bless hubby's heart, instead of going in to console them, he came outside and rubbed my back and shoulders while I had a smoke to calm down- of course it took me about 3 minutes to not only calm down but worry about them and run back in... and the cheeky little monkeys were asleep! :dohh: :haha:
Just wanted to say thanks for posting this, I've spent years thinking I was just a horrible person. Think it's time to have a chat with my Dr. :)

^^^ have you thought about getting help? It doesn't sound like you're coping well! Hugs x

Yeah, I've been seen for it, and it turns out my anxiety can be linked to low estrogen... Apparently, you can even have psychotic thoughts with an estrogen imbalance!! Fortunately I'm not that bad!
And unfortunately, I can't be treated for my hormone imbalance until my LO is done breastfeeding, because the risk that she'd get the hormone is too high.
So, LO over my own wellbeing, for the next 8.5 months at least.. :wacko:

(Btw, had to mention, I love the name Elsie.. It was on my list!)

I have horrible thoughts...espeically when LO was really tiny for example when i was bathing him i would be thinking about all the things i read of people drowning their babies...its a horrible thort i know but i was thinking how awful it wud be if i jus held him under the water that wud be it ! i know i know wtf am i thinking!!!!!! i wud never do it obviusly and i hate myself for thinking horrible thoughts...i think ive watched too much tv and read too many horror stories about people doing such f***ing horrible horrible stuff to babies...why is it i thought of these things?? i am so ashamed to say i feel like the worst mum in the world and i feel like i am the only one that thinks these things!! i love my baby more than anything in the whole world!!! wtf is wrong with me :( xxxx

I just wanted to tell you there is something called pure O OCD, which is just obsessive thoughts. A very common one is the thought of harming ones child, but it's more like a fear of the thought of harming ones child. It works like this - you are bathing your baby and you think, what if I drown my baby? This is normal as thoughts come and go in our brain, for example, as you mention, due to tv shows etc. A healthy brain then thinks - what a horrible idiotic thought, I'd never do that! and changes subjects. An OCD brain thinks - omg, why did I just think that? does that mean I want to harm my baby? and a vicious cycle of thoughts, guilt, fear and obsessive thinking begins. People with this OCD would never actually commit the act they are obsessing over, it doesn't mean they want to do it, it's like a brain hiccup. Another common one is the thought of running someone over while driving or steering into oncoming traffic, jumping off a bridge or tall place, etc.

Anyway, I bring this up because I had pure O ocd issues a few years ago and it took me a while to find out what it was since I didn't have any compulsions and I thought that I was just a horrible person. I'm not saying you have this, I just thought I'd write this down in case someone might find it helpful.

I was going to say the same thing before your reply. Also known as obsessive thoughts or intrusive thoughts. It can also include unwanted sexual thoughts (including things that you find revolting) just incase anybody has these too and was too ashamed to say. It's not your fault, you're not a horrible person and it's simply a chemical inbalance in the brain - a medical illness.

I first remember O thoughts when I was about 17 and my nephew was born, I was always obsessed with cot death and used to think that if I talked about it or researched I would make it happen. It was horrendous and I used to sob myself to sleep everynight thinking he was going to die but too afraid to say anything incase I made it happen.

I get the oncoming traffic thing too. It's not an urge but more like a sudden "What would happen if I just swerved out in front of those cars?" it repeats over and over in my head, I can barely think about anything else until my hearts pounding and I can barely breathe! Also things like crossing the road with LO I grip the pushchair really tightly incase I let go or push the pram onto the road.

Anyway, when I was on Citalopram most of the thoughts went away (or maybe they were still there but just not as noticeable for me). xx

Yes i have the unwanted horrible sexual thoughts towards LO and also towards other men lol but i think the 2nd one is natural :) and i also get the "what happens if i swerve" i also get the "if i let go of the buggy"
i used to think that if i deleted pictures of my LO on my phone or camera, he would die...geese what are we like? xx

You are like my long lost twin! I've taken crappy/blurry pics of my LO and been terrified to delete them incase I make something bad happen. I took one of LO sleeping in the bath which was supposed to be cute but when I printed it it came out blue as I had ran out of ink. LO looked dead and I thought it was a message or a warning and was too frightened to rip up the pictures. The ladies on here convinced me to rip it up and throw it away.

I've also had when LO was born thinking I had to go in and check on her at exactly certain times to stop something bad happening to her.

I have read a lot on the OCD thoughts and I have never come across anyone who has acted on them. When I get the thoughts about swerving etc. I play out a whole horrible scenario in my head of crashing, getting LO out, being airlifted to hospital, intensive care, funeral etc. It's awful.

Don't be frightened of the thoughts, we just have faulty brains! Don't push the thoughts away but don't dwell on them too much either. They are only thoughts and can't hurt you, once a particular thought stops causing you panic and anxiety it will go away.

Citalopram manages my OCD very well but I think what's helped more is reading hundreds of articles on obsessive thoughts. Now as soon as I get one I think "No, that's just OCD talking" and it passes. The thoughts don't scare me anymore as I know what they are. If it's really frightening or obsessing I find that saying it outloud or writing it down until it doesn't scare you really helps.

If they ever interfere with your life you should speak to your DR, citalopram or sertraline can really help these thoughts. Hugs xx

Back on topic, my bad Mummy confession of the day -

LO is learning to walk and has been walking holding onto one of my fingers. But sometimes she goes too quick for me and falls and I don't catch her quickly enough so she is covered in bumps and bruises! xx
I didnt put the seat belt around my baby's car seat to asda and went to lean over to unclip and...omg!!! thats the first time i had ever done it...:(
Just wanted to say thanks for posting this, I've spent years thinking I was just a horrible person. Think it's time to have a chat with my Dr. :)

^^^ have you thought about getting help? It doesn't sound like you're coping well! Hugs x

Yeah, I've been seen for it, and it turns out my anxiety can be linked to low estrogen... Apparently, you can even have psychotic thoughts with an estrogen imbalance!! Fortunately I'm not that bad!
And unfortunately, I can't be treated for my hormone imbalance until my LO is done breastfeeding, because the risk that she'd get the hormone is too high.
So, LO over my own wellbeing, for the next 8.5 months at least.. :wacko:

(Btw, had to mention, I love the name Elsie.. It was on my list!)

I have horrible thoughts...espeically when LO was really tiny for example when i was bathing him i would be thinking about all the things i read of people drowning their babies...its a horrible thort i know but i was thinking how awful it wud be if i jus held him under the water that wud be it ! i know i know wtf am i thinking!!!!!! i wud never do it obviusly and i hate myself for thinking horrible thoughts...i think ive watched too much tv and read too many horror stories about people doing such f***ing horrible horrible stuff to babies...why is it i thought of these things?? i am so ashamed to say i feel like the worst mum in the world and i feel like i am the only one that thinks these things!! i love my baby more than anything in the whole world!!! wtf is wrong with me :( xxxx

I just wanted to tell you there is something called pure O OCD, which is just obsessive thoughts. A very common one is the thought of harming ones child, but it's more like a fear of the thought of harming ones child. It works like this - you are bathing your baby and you think, what if I drown my baby? This is normal as thoughts come and go in our brain, for example, as you mention, due to tv shows etc. A healthy brain then thinks - what a horrible idiotic thought, I'd never do that! and changes subjects. An OCD brain thinks - omg, why did I just think that? does that mean I want to harm my baby? and a vicious cycle of thoughts, guilt, fear and obsessive thinking begins. People with this OCD would never actually commit the act they are obsessing over, it doesn't mean they want to do it, it's like a brain hiccup. Another common one is the thought of running someone over while driving or steering into oncoming traffic, jumping off a bridge or tall place, etc.

Anyway, I bring this up because I had pure O ocd issues a few years ago and it took me a while to find out what it was since I didn't have any compulsions and I thought that I was just a horrible person. I'm not saying you have this, I just thought I'd write this down in case someone might find it helpful.

I was going to say the same thing before your reply. Also known as obsessive thoughts or intrusive thoughts. It can also include unwanted sexual thoughts (including things that you find revolting) just incase anybody has these too and was too ashamed to say. It's not your fault, you're not a horrible person and it's simply a chemical inbalance in the brain - a medical illness.

I first remember O thoughts when I was about 17 and my nephew was born, I was always obsessed with cot death and used to think that if I talked about it or researched I would make it happen. It was horrendous and I used to sob myself to sleep everynight thinking he was going to die but too afraid to say anything incase I made it happen.

I get the oncoming traffic thing too. It's not an urge but more like a sudden "What would happen if I just swerved out in front of those cars?" it repeats over and over in my head, I can barely think about anything else until my hearts pounding and I can barely breathe! Also things like crossing the road with LO I grip the pushchair really tightly incase I let go or push the pram onto the road.

Anyway, when I was on Citalopram most of the thoughts went away (or maybe they were still there but just not as noticeable for me). xx

Yes i have the unwanted horrible sexual thoughts towards LO and also towards other men lol but i think the 2nd one is natural :) and i also get the "what happens if i swerve" i also get the "if i let go of the buggy"
i used to think that if i deleted pictures of my LO on my phone or camera, he would die...geese what are we like? xx

You are like my long lost twin! I've taken crappy/blurry pics of my LO and been terrified to delete them incase I make something bad happen. I took one of LO sleeping in the bath which was supposed to be cute but when I printed it it came out blue as I had ran out of ink. LO looked dead and I thought it was a message or a warning and was too frightened to rip up the pictures. The ladies on here convinced me to rip it up and throw it away.

I've also had when LO was born thinking I had to go in and check on her at exactly certain times to stop something bad happening to her.

I have read a lot on the OCD thoughts and I have never come across anyone who has acted on them. When I get the thoughts about swerving etc. I play out a whole horrible scenario in my head of crashing, getting LO out, being airlifted to hospital, intensive care, funeral etc. It's awful.

Don't be frightened of the thoughts, we just have faulty brains! Don't push the thoughts away but don't dwell on them too much either. They are only thoughts and can't hurt you, once a particular thought stops causing you panic and anxiety it will go away.

Citalopram manages my OCD very well but I think what's helped more is reading hundreds of articles on obsessive thoughts. Now as soon as I get one I think "No, that's just OCD talking" and it passes. The thoughts don't scare me anymore as I know what they are. If it's really frightening or obsessing I find that saying it outloud or writing it down until it doesn't scare you really helps.

If they ever interfere with your life you should speak to your DR, citalopram or sertraline can really help these thoughts. Hugs xx

Back on topic, my bad Mummy confession of the day -

LO is learning to walk and has been walking holding onto one of my fingers. But sometimes she goes too quick for me and falls and I don't catch her quickly enough so she is covered in bumps and bruises! xx

Thats ok :) no probs!! cant believe its been years for u!! i am scared to go 2 the doctors...what would they say?x
This morning I was on the phone,not for long just a few minutes,and when I went to find Owen afterwards he had red stuff all round his mouth.He had eaten all of the strawberries out of the fruit bowl,complete with the leaves

I am not looking forward to the oncoming nappies:haha:
This morning I was on the phone,not for long just a few minutes,and when I went to find Owen afterwards he had red stuff all round his mouth.He had eaten all of the strawberries out of the fruit bowl,complete with the leaves

I am not looking forward to the oncoming nappies:haha:

:ROFL: Haha lucky you!

My LO is eating a yoghurt, without a spoon!! Cos she keeps throwing the spoon out and getting the carpet manky so I just gave her the yoghurt tub and she's squeezing and sucking it instead. Poor thing is covered head to toe in yoghurt! xx

Girls just tell the DR's you are having obsessive thoughts that are interfering with everyday life and ask to be referred to the Community Mental Health Team (there might be a different name for this in England as I'm in Scotland). GPs aren't very knowledgeable about it xx
Sophia fell asleep when we were on our way home in the car. She stayed asleep on the journey from the car to the house and she is currently still sleeping in her car seat. I didn't think I should wake her and I can get stuff done, I still feel guilty though! :dohh:
:shrug: She ended up waking up so I put her in her swing and she went back to sleep.
Mine sleeps in her car seat if she's asleep from the car!
I'm such a bad mom! I noticed my LO wet through his diaper when I picked him up out of his crib this morning...I changed him and gave him a bath but I didn't have any more clean sheets and during the morning rush around I forgot to do a wash :( he wanted to nap so I tried to get him settled in my bed (with a fortress of pillows around him so he wouldn't roll off haha) but that didn't happen. I doubled up a blanket and put it over the dry pee spot :( :( :( i feel so bad he had to sleep on a dirty sheet :( his crib is all clean and changed now but I still feel terrible...
^^ I've had that happen too! What I did was take off the pee sheets and fold up one of our normal ones and tuck it in lol.
I had to pack up my baby and a bunch of stuff for a mini road trip with my mom... I carried baby + carseat, diaper bag, a box of food and accessories, and a duffle bag of clothes down 3 flights of stairs to the car. Got everything packed in, and realized I had forgotten my wallet. :dohh: :dohh:

Bad mommy that I am, I left the baby in the car, locked it, ran upstairs, dug around til I found my wallet, and then went back downstairs. (It was 40 degrees and raining).

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