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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

:rofl: Caitlyn is SO quick, she got into the kitchen before I even stood up to catch her earlier and she was this | | (literally!) close to eating cat food!


I banged Hallie's head on the banister coming down the stairs.

I always trap her thumb in her sleeve too like bent back :S as soon as its free though she stops crying.

I always do that with Sam's thumbs too!
Omg I love this thread! And I thought I was the only one and every other mom was perfect! Where do I start . . . ?

When the girls were about 3 or 4 months I used to lay them in the boppy pillow on the couch, until Kyleigh fell off, DH thought it was hilarious because she fell on her head and was stuck looking like she was doing a headstand with her head on the floor and her legs and feet propped up in the air against the couch, I didn't think it was that funny . .

About 7 months they were outside with me in the grass and I went to check on Kyleigh to find her covered in dog poop, everywhere, screaming because she put it in her mouth and im sure it didn't taste too good . .

1 month ago both the girls had the flu, I put Kyleigh in her crib and was cleaning her up because she got sick on her clothes, i sat on the floor next to her crib to fill a bottle with Pedialyte and thought "I should put the side of her crib up so she doesnt fall out", low and behold I turned around just in time to see her midair, falling out of her crib.

Almost daily it happens that I forget to put the dog's water bowl up when the girls are in there and I find them banging it on the floor soaked in water.

I could go on and on!
:rofl: Caitlyn is SO quick, she got into the kitchen before I even stood up to catch her earlier and she was this | | (literally!) close to eating cat food!


I banged Hallie's head on the banister coming down the stairs.

I always trap her thumb in her sleeve too like bent back :S as soon as its free though she stops crying.

I always do that with Sam's thumbs too!

The girls have put dog food in their mouths too! Don't know if they actually ate it though . . .

And I always do that with the thumbs! Sometimes it's a different finger though!
Im new and thought I should start posting somwhere. This thread sounds like a good place to begin. My guilt free bad mum thing at the moment is that my 17 month old angel has started learning my tone off voice and commands I use for the dog when its been bad. Sadly my little one is using the newly learnt phrases on everybody. So Iam regularly being told 'NO' and 'STOP IT'
When i have a bit of a bad day, these words seem to come out of my mouth that shouldnt! :blush:

Anyway Leigha has obviously heard some of these naughty words and yesterday she came running down the stairs "Mummy, Mummy -- MOTHER"
"i broke my fucking toy!"

Um...i had to look away and try my hardest not to burst out laughing whilst explaining that that word is very naughty.

"well u say it.."

"yes well mummy is naughty sometimes"

"sometimes? sometimes my ass"

:shock: but :rofl::rofl:
:rofl: i shouldnt laugh really but this thread is kinda funny!!!

My son has a wardrobe in his room with a full length mirror, and a few drawers just underneath...i keep my hair straightners in the drawer and do my hair in his bedroom...anyway one day we were in his room straightneing my hair, i put them down to comb my hair and kian fell back and sat his arse cheeks right on the straightners, :shock: i felt so guilty he screamed and had a burn blister on his ass...it's quite funny looking back now but at the time i felt so bad. i think he may still have a very slight scar...

oh, wow i've had loads of these moments over the years. A few that stick in my mind are:
mw told me that if liams crying became too much i should put him in his cot and go outside for some fresh air. So this one day hed been up all night screaming, and wouldnt go down for a nap either. So getting rather frustrated put him in his cot and run down stairs slam front door behind me, and breathe a sigh of releif. Then realise that my front door has a yale lock and my keys were on the windowsill :dohh: took me and a locksmith 45 mins to get in the house!!!! by which time he was fast asleep!!!

another time i left him in the post office!!!

another time he was screaming blue murder for his bottle, so in a fluster took the bottle from microwave and stuffed it into his mouth :blush:

might i add that i was a teenage single mum, with postnatal depression and 100's of miles away from any family. no exuse i know!!! i'll post more as i think of them

My twins were rolling on the bed when Tyler fell off, i was in tears never been so scared in my life. He cried then started to laugh when i picked him up.

He was then playing in his walker and went so fast he tipped it again i got upset but he just laughed.

Im sure ill jhave to put some reins on that boy lol
Oh no, I feel so bad!! Not only did poor Oliver have to deal with me falling up the stairs with him the other day, But He just hurt himself on me and now I feel so awful!! I was cuddling him against me and he was pushing himself back, then flopping onto my chest. I didn't think about the necklace I had on, when suddenly, he smacked his forehead striaght onto it!!! There were lots of tears and crying (still is!!) and daddy had to take over to calm him down!!!:cry:
I feel so bad that I still had my necklace on. Poor little man.
I was planning to fold washing on the bed with Jasper laying also on the bed as I tipped the washing out of the washing basket I dropped the basket and it half landed on his head, bruising his forhead a little and causing a teenie tiny scratch on the side of his head...

... he looked really startled and then cried and cried and cried... :cry:

I couldn't believe it... I felt so bad :dohh:
just thought of another one, we were in skeggi walking along the streets shopping, when i noticed liams trousers were falling down. So i pulled at the back of his trousers and acidently picked him up he flopped over and nutted the pavement with me still holding the back of his kecks :rofl: i got lots of the OMG you are such a bad mother looks!!!!

i am seriously starting to wonder whether i should be alowed to have another LO hehehehehe :muaha:
This morning I woke up after a full nights sleep for the first time probably since I found out I was pregnant, even on the occasion when he's slept through ive woken a few times because I was worried that he hadn't waken up (if that makes sense). Anyway, so this morning I woke up and said to Matt "Did he sleep through?!" and Matt said "Yeah, I didnt get up to him", then we realised I hadn't had the baby moniter ducketty thing plugged into the wall, and our end of the baby moniters battery ran out at some point through the night.

So I dont know if he slept through or if he was crying all night. He was fine when he came round this morning but I just feel so awful :( Anything could have happened to him and we were none the wiser.

But I did feel much better today for having the sleep!!

She dived out of her Catapiller chair/rocker/ride on thing and smacked her head on the laminate floor!

She only 9 months and has a bump!
Now I've one of my own to add - I've been meaning to give some attention to my face for months and this morning finally got round to doing a little facial bleaching :blush: Byron started crying so I picked him up being careful to keep him away from my face only he did his new-baby-with-limited-head-control headbang right on to the bleach getting a big smear on his forehead! I put him down and dashed for cotton wool and water to get it off and while I was wiping his head he looked up and noticed the silly white stuff I was wearing all my face and found it hilarious!
Yesturday, I was changing eden's bum and instad of wiping her with a baby wipe i cought her with my engagement ring and she was pissing out with blood:dohh:
and 2 days ago i went to put eden in the highchair and i hurt her leg , she has a massive bruise across her thigh :dohh:
maybe im just crap parent :cry:
I went shopping today with Leo in the pram and my purse was tucked in the pram next to him and when i took it out it slipped out of my hand and landed on his nose :(
He didnt even flinch though haha I felt really bad and the woman on the till saw it :(


just thought of another one, we were in skeggi walking along the streets shopping, when i noticed liams trousers were falling down. So i pulled at the back of his trousers and acidently picked him up he flopped over and nutted the pavement with me still holding the back of his kecks :rofl: i got lots of the OMG you are such a bad mother looks!!!!

i am seriously starting to wonder whether i should be alowed to have another LO hehehehehe :muaha:

omg tht is the funniest thing ever!! sorry but :rofl:
just thought of another one, we were in skeggi walking along the streets shopping, when i noticed liams trousers were falling down. So i pulled at the back of his trousers and acidently picked him up he flopped over and nutted the pavement with me still holding the back of his kecks :rofl: i got lots of the OMG you are such a bad mother looks!!!!

i am seriously starting to wonder whether i should be alowed to have another LO hehehehehe :muaha:

omg tht is the funniest thing ever!! sorry but :rofl:

:rofl: I agree, that made me laugh, Bless. x
just thought of another one, we were in skeggi walking along the streets shopping, when i noticed liams trousers were falling down. So i pulled at the back of his trousers and acidently picked him up he flopped over and nutted the pavement with me still holding the back of his kecks :rofl: i got lots of the OMG you are such a bad mother looks!!!!

i am seriously starting to wonder whether i should be alowed to have another LO hehehehehe :muaha:

omg tht is the funniest thing ever!! sorry but :rofl:

:rofl: I agree, that made me laugh, Bless. x

My husband nearly peed himself laughing when I read this out! He had tears streaming down his face!!:rofl:
I am trying to get Poppy to put herself to sleep rather than relying on the boobie/me rocking her, and I have just let her cry in her cot for the first time. She went to sleep in eight minutes though and it wasn't like proper crying just "I'm putting myself to sleep" crying. My stomach was churning the WHOLE TIME.

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