my laziness to change her diapers some nights.. when i'm too sleepy... feel so guilty and bad at times about tht...
hehe i never change LO's nappies overnight unless theres poo involved (he makes such a fuss over poo you KNOW when there's poo!)
When he wakes for feeds i just give it a squeeze and if it's not at bursting point then i don't bother!
On saying that, most nappies are designed to take moisture away from the skin and absorb 12 hours of a small babies pee - says on the packets anyway =D plus if he properly wakes up then he's awake all day...doesn't nap....
Confession: Put him back in carseat after he'd had a mega-tantrum going round asdas, he instantly woke up and started screaming again - automatically i told him "ohmygod you've been carried about for over an hour my arms are dead my back's fucked for christ's sake stop behaving like a spoiled brat!"
no idea where it came from, was one of these odd moments when i sort of forget he's mine and think that obviousy "the parent" is just spoiling him....uh huh then feel really stupid when it suddenly dawns on me that "the parent" spoiling him is only going to be me
I need a brick to the head sometimes....