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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Seth pulled the clothes horse with loads of wet washing on top of him this morning, just popped out the room for 2secs to get his bottle and I come in and see his little hands and feet sticking out from underneath. He didnt cry or seem too bothered, I just felt awful.

I'm going to put this down to pregnancy brain.... I went to my Mum's yesterday and so I put C and T in disposables. Later in the morning and Charlotte came and sat on my knee and left a wet spot. Damn I thought, a leaky disposable. Tsk! Went to change her to discover.... no nappy at all! :dohh:
Congrats on you BFP!!! I didnt even see you had got one.


Ok i feel really really bad ... i caught Brookes foot on the edge of a chair when i was getting up and boy did she scream :cry:

Infact she has been in a grump now for the entire afternoon and evening and has only just gotten off to sleep :cry:
I was cutting Archie's finger nails for the first time and I nicked the edge of his thumb and made it bleed. :cry: I felt terrible but he hardly even noticed!
This morning I propped olivia up on the sofa surrounded by pillows so she could watch me whilst i did some tidying up, when i turned back round she had flopped over and was lying on her face kind of being smothered by the pillows.... I have no idea how long she was like that for!
summer was really tired the other day and kepyt playing up when i put her down for a nap so in the end i thought i would out her down and let her cry abit as she was getting over tired, so i left her and she was screaming her little heart out :( so after a couple of mins i went up to reasure her and she had leg stuck in the cot bars.... eek! she now has a little bruise on her leg, theres me thinks it was a safe place to leave her for a few mins!!!
First off I should mention Colton is deathly afraid of the vacuum cleaner.. he crawls away as fast as he can screaming every time it is turned on!! :shock:

The other day he was playing with the phone, after we told him "no" many times, he just kept knocking it off. Well, the vacuum cleaner normally sits next to the endtable the phone is on. So...

I walked over and switched it on.

Lets just say Colton crawled away!
I put C in his pram the other day and im not really sure what happened but i went into the kitchen for something, not realising i hadnt fastened the straps to hold him in. Next thing i heard was my friend screaming for me to come help her.. i actually think my heart stopped as i thought of the main road outside my house!

I ran out and found my friend desperately trying to get past the pram whch was lodged in the doorway and Caeden face down on the floor outside, his legs still in the cosy toes :sad1: Im not really sure what happened next it went so fast lol i must have leaped over the pram to pick him up. I imagined his face being all cut but he was fine just shocked! Dont think ill ever forget to fasten him in his pram again!!
these did make me chuckle!! I haven't got any kids, but I am sure i will be able to add my own when the time comes! In the meantime... one from my mum.

So, I was only a matter of days/weeks old and my mum took me to the shop. It was the days when you'd leave the baby outside the shop, no problems. Anyway, she did her shopping and when she was home unpacking the bags she had a feeling she had forgotten something... was it the milk, bread maybe.... no, it was her brand new daughter!! Thanks mum! I still have rejection issues!! hahaha!
I put Hannah on the floor with me today with some of her toys (she was slightly behind me and off to the left) and I turned to go check my computer for messages and I hit her above the eye with my elbow! She even has a little bruise :cry:
The very first night in the hospital with LeeAnne I was changing her diaper and for some reason felt very rushed (when in the hospital I used to change her diaper like it was a friggin race, no idea why I felt the need to rush LOL) and when I went to pick her up and I smacked and I mean SMACKED her head on the corner of the bin they put the babies in..she didn't cry but turned purple in the face..to this day I feel as tho I might have done some damage or at least left a dent because it was right in the middle of the top soft spot! Oops!
The very first night in the hospital with LeeAnne I was changing her diaper and for some reason felt very rushed (when in the hospital I used to change her diaper like it was a friggin race, no idea why I felt the need to rush LOL) and when I went to pick her up and I smacked and I mean SMACKED her head on the corner of the bin they put the babies in..she didn't cry but turned purple in the face..to this day I feel as tho I might have done some damage or at least left a dent because it was right in the middle of the top soft spot! Oops!

Why are they putting babaies in the bin??!!!!:dohh:
The very first night in the hospital with LeeAnne I was changing her diaper and for some reason felt very rushed (when in the hospital I used to change her diaper like it was a friggin race, no idea why I felt the need to rush LOL) and when I went to pick her up and I smacked and I mean SMACKED her head on the corner of the bin they put the babies in..she didn't cry but turned purple in the face..to this day I feel as tho I might have done some damage or at least left a dent because it was right in the middle of the top soft spot! Oops!

Why are they putting babaies in the bin??!!!!:dohh:

I was wondering that too!:rofl:
So glad its not just me

- My dh trapped my ds's thigh in the highchair strap and drew blood(they are juicy thighs)

- have deffo banged a few heads on doors when in a rush

- caught ds (16 months) playing with my very sharp fabric scissors while i was putting on make up

Sure there will be more to come
Ok Im here :hi:

In the space of 24 hours Ive managed to let my DD whack her head on the wall and smack her face on the floor :cry:

My poor lil girl, she didnt cry for long though but I felt so guilty!!
went 2 pick LO up earlier and poked my finger straight in her eye!! she screamed the house down and her eye is still a bit red!! :( bad mummy!!
OMG how much of a shit do i feel...after my previous moaning post about how rhiannon has been pure evil these last 2 days i brought her into bed with me this morn at 2 am coz she was crying, well i woke at 6am and she was totally zonked, so i put the baby monitor on and came downstairs to have a coffee and chill for 5 in front of the tv.. well and hour later, i heard a huge thump come over the monitor and rhiannon letting out this massive cry..i rushed up and the poor thing was on her back on the floor.. she'd landed on the exstention plug and must have bit her tongue as she had a little blood on her dummy

i just want to crawl under a rock... my 101 cuddles dont feel like they've made up for it either...


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