The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

We just got home from church...the kids were in the nursery and they just handed LO in her car seat unstrapped to us. When we got home, i noticed DH had forgotten to strap LO in! We drove the whole way home like that! I am just so thankful we didn't have an accident!
Ohh, we did that, we put the car seat on the pushchair base and forgot she wasn't strapped in, and put her straight in the car! So at least you're not alone!
LO had a cold a few weeks back and I was giving him calpol. I have colpol and ibuprofen. One night a grabbed the calpol, gave it to him, then realised I'd given him ibuprofen! The dose is half what calpol is! I'd given him a double dose! He was fine but will double check I have the right bottle in future.
Caught LO with a handful (and mouthful) of dogfood today... I swear, he's a puppy at heart. :haha:
Caught LO with a handful (and mouthful) of dogfood today... I swear, he's a puppy at heart. :haha:

Haha my little girl crawled to the dog biscuits in the dog's bowl today and got a handful and started dropping them onto the floor. The dog was wondering what was going on! :haha:
LO is suffering from a little bit of a cold at the moment...mostly just nasal congestion, but its bothering him, so I suction his nose quite frequently.

Developmentally he is also turning onto his tummy in his sleep and wakes up screaming until I come in and turn him over.

Yesterday morning he woke at about 530 screaming so I went in, lights still off, turned him off his belly on to his back and left the room, hoping he would settle in a couple minutes like he normally does. He kept fussing and whining for a while, but not crying, so i thought I'd just leave him go for a bit. He didn't stop for 20 minutes so I went in to get him up for the day, thinking that was that...

The poor one was lying in a puddle of drool with snot streaked across his cheeks and smeared into his hair! I must have suctioned 4 kleenexes worth of snot out of him then! Oh I felt just terrible - the poor boy couldn't breathe!! :dohh:
Holly banged her head :( she was kneeling up and had her hands on the patio window to support herself. She tried moving sideways on her knees and she fell to the side and banged her forehead on the white PVC corner bit. She's got a big red bump on her forehead now with a scratch down it :(
Caught LO in the plant today...turned my back for like a min and she was in the plant trying to eat the dirt and rocks. All the plants have now been moved temporarily into the garage and are being unceremoniously evicted from the house
We just got home from church...the kids were in the nursery and they just handed LO in her car seat unstrapped to us. When we got home, i noticed DH had forgotten to strap LO in! We drove the whole way home like that! I am just so thankful we didn't have an accident!

This just happened to me tonight! We were out shopping just me an LO. I had unstrapped him but had bundled him back up to walk to the other store. He ended up falling asleep so I just put him in the car didn't even realize I hadn't buckled him til we got home! :dohh: I am SO THANKFUL we got home safe and sound tonight!
i havent got my own story yet.. hoping i never do lol..

but i do have a story about my mom and my niece (i was there too i suppose so it's kiindof my story too)

we were taking a drive up to check out my new highschool when my niece was about 3-4 and we stopped the car just to look at the front of the building. we didnt get out of the car or anything.. just looked and whatnot. then after a minute or so mom just put the car in drive again and started to drive away and we hear this blood curdling scream of "GRAAAMMMAAAAA" and my mother slams on the brakes having not the sweetest clue whats going on. jazmyne (my niece) comes running up BEHIND the car!!!! she'd undone her carseat straos somehow and just opened the door and gotten out, because she thought we were going inside! she'd never undone herself before in the past and needless to say. hasnt done it since, even know at age ten she asks if it's okay to unbuckle (poor thing lol).. she was pretty messed up about it for days.. she thought we were trying to leave her there. oh my.
feeling like i need a break, to sleep, to do my hair, to leave the house without a trolop of babies and kids. my OH doesnt help with any of the common things, like ANYTHING. with christmas fastly approaching and me being in dyer need of shopping therapy all i want to do is go out and get things done, go to those little shops i used to...Hands free, or even just with baby and have the time to do it. we have such a hecktic schedual. we'r up early and i walk my son to school with my daughter and baby all bundled in snow gear, get home, clean, or shower, mayby fold laundry pick up son for lunch again bundling kids all up there and back an hour later. get home, might finish cleaning/organizing, sit for a few minutes then get my kids bundled up and go pick up my son then back home to do dishes, cook dinner clean up after dinner, might sit for a minute then kids in bed then me and baby in bed then morning and starting all over again with a few sleepless nights and zero help from OH in doing anything, even taking out the garbage is too big a chore. my familiy has been great my mom is super helpful but i dont really expect her to watch all my kids so i can galivant around shops, she does a lot of that with me so she'd probably just come with me instead. ahhh.
Just sat lo against the arm of the chair to see how her sitting up is progressing and she managed a good 10 seconds leaning forward slightly (so supporting herself) but she faceplanted afterwards (on the armchair so perfectly soft and bouncy) and as I picked her back up I may have been laughing. Such a mean, bad mummy!
I finally have a story to add. I was in the kictchen preparing chilli for hubby.. LO was in his bouncer watching me.. He lost his pacifier and I went to replace it in his mouth forgetting I had just been cutting hot peppers. Well he started crying (not too bad of a cry) so I picked him up thought he was hungry and so started to feed him. He kept unlatching which Is when I saw his chin and cheek were bright red. Poooor baby. Hubby came in and gave him a bath without my help (first time) changed him then gave him a bottle of expressed milk bexause I was too scared to touch him again. Baby was fine as soon as he got in the bath but ive never felt so horrible.
My Lo started refusing savoury foods a couple of weeks ago - no other issues -so took him to HV and she said to be super strict with him and not to offer him anything else including milk if he refused it. I wans;t that strict as I thought that was just mean but I did just give him milk if he was refusing his meals - turns out he;s been really really poorly :( he;s had such a bad cough he;s been throwing up with it and choking it;s been awful. i felt really bad -when you;re ill you just wnat what you want don;t you! Luckily he is better now and back on the svaoury things
My LO has had an awful cold the past week. Her sleeping pattern has been: 7pm-9pm,11pm-1230am, 130-330am, 430am-5am then she's awake for the day. In between times where she's sleeping she will cry and cry and I have to pick her up and walk around or give her a bottle change her ect. Well at 230 this morning (I had just fallen asleep 15mins earlier) she woke up crying. Her bed is right next to mine, so I rolled over and went to put her pacifier in her mouth and hope she fell back asleep...I was so tired I didn't realize I tried shoving it into her eye:( I picked her up and comforted her and she fell back asleep but I felt so bad! I tried poking her poor eye out! :(
We've had the bad colds here too, Flynn started with it Sunday, by Monday he had a temp of 103! He wouldn't let me put him down at all, no one else would do either, literally from Monday to Thursday last week I had him in my arms 24 hours a day, I even had to sleep cuddling him and take him to the loo with me, I had to blow him bubbles while there to distract him lol. Friday he was a little better and accepted cuddles with his aunties so I went out for the whole day, I had tickets to the good food show and didnt want to miss it so left my still poorly baby all day (with his aunties) he had a brill day and didnt even care I was gone lol
While he was ill I was so tired and achy from holding a toddler all the time, not being able to do anything at all and just the whole stress of it one of the nights at about 3:30 I just picked him up And held him up and said "why the fuck won't you just sleep?" I then burst into years and cried for an hour or so, I cried a few times last week. It's awful when they're sick and nothing helps them.
Now I have the flu I can't just lie down for a few days tho, I'm considering packing him off with his aunties for a day lol
I feel so bad... yesterday I cut noels nails and later on saw some blood on his leg.... turns out I'd cut his little finger and he didn't even cry. that's the last time I do it while he's awake.
Bad mommy AND bad wife confession....

So today I was carrying Callum and OH's camera and I dropped the camera. It broke. So I called OH at work and told him while I was taking pictures of Callum, he kicked the camera, it fell out of my hands and it broke. I knew if I told him it was Callum, he wouldn't be mad. I was right...he laughed and was like "oh that's okay, it was an old camera anyway, it had a good life"...he was totally cool about it! He said he would just tell his parents we wanted a new camera for Christmas...and said it should upset me more than him because I can't take daily pictures of Callum until we get a new camera! Which is true, I am sad about that. He said he'd have a look at it and maybe he can fix it, but if not, it's just an excuse to get a new camera. I'm terrible, haha.
Recently C has ripped his gum on a salt dough disc my son made, I only noticed after 5 minutes because well, he was playing, didn't cry, came toddling over, gave me the fright of my life with blood streaming down his face.

He eats dog food at least 3 times a week. No matter where I put it. He finds it. (and bloody loves it).

Accidently smacked him full force in the face with a well aimed kick of a ball.

Took a video of his first steps outside, got too excited and was focusing on keeping camera right to notice he was poking a stick in the grid outside, and sticking it in his mouth. Finally clicked on, needless to say that video didn't make it onto YouTube.

Left C in the car after a shopping trip, as in forgot he was in the back. Good job our parking is quite literally our back garden.
My god I feel bad!! Today took lo who is only 4 weeks to asda. Put him in the trolly and off I went. As I walked around the shop there was a tanoy anouncement stating the owner of a silver Toyota with my registration come to reception so I went to discover in my rush to get lo sorted I left my passenger door wide open!

I already had shopping in my trolly so the lady at the customer service desk said she would watch lo and I left him with her !!!! She could have been anyone! I was only gone a second but feel guilty as when I recited my story to my husband he said I should have taken lo with me : ( oops.

Have I done bad!


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