feeling like i need a break, to sleep, to do my hair, to leave the house without a trolop of babies and kids. my OH doesnt help with any of the common things, like ANYTHING. with christmas fastly approaching and me being in dyer need of shopping therapy all i want to do is go out and get things done, go to those little shops i used to...Hands free, or even just with baby and have the time to do it. we have such a hecktic schedual. we'r up early and i walk my son to school with my daughter and baby all bundled in snow gear, get home, clean, or shower, mayby fold laundry pick up son for lunch again bundling kids all up there and back an hour later. get home, might finish cleaning/organizing, sit for a few minutes then get my kids bundled up and go pick up my son then back home to do dishes, cook dinner clean up after dinner, might sit for a minute then kids in bed then me and baby in bed then morning and starting all over again with a few sleepless nights and zero help from OH in doing anything, even taking out the garbage is too big a chore. my familiy has been great my mom is super helpful but i dont really expect her to watch all my kids so i can galivant around shops, she does a lot of that with me so she'd probably just come with me instead. ahhh.