The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I couldn't be bothered to make a bottle a few weeks ago from scratch so opened a pre sterilized carton and put it in the microwave to warm up and went to help oh change a poonami lol...

Cut to about 8 minutes later and i run to the kitchen realising the microwave is still on! The bottle was empty! All the milk had boiled over and evaporated AND the bottle was half melted and sticky!

Needless to say, that bottle went in the bin. Oh couldn't stop laughing
A few weeks ago I posted about our travails with sleep training and how we were engaged in a battle of wills with our (then) 7 month old - and were employing the full extinction method. I got A LOT of 'bad karma' feelings from lots of BnB users but this morning I remembered why it's better for us and Baby for him to be crying safely in his crib.

3.5 months of sleep training down the drain this morning. In my exhaustion and sleeplessness induced stupor (of the kid not sleeping more than 3 hrs in a row without having a crying/screaming fit in his crib for 2-3 hrs between each cycle- coupled with the fact that I'm a super light sleeper with insomnia) at 3am when the baby started crying I insisted that DH just bring him into our bed.

This seemed to signal to Buzz that playtime had arrived (even though it was pitch black, freezing, and nobody was talking let alone smiling.) Anyway he crawled around ripping out my hair and enjoying a wild rumpus until he finally conked out at about 5am. I had to pee terribly but held it - afraid to wake the sleeping monster.

I finally managed to fall back asleep at 5:45am and just as I'm in a deep sleep DH decides he needs the bathroom (and it's gonna be a while.) So he sneaks off to the bathroom down the hall (he didn't even use the en-suite) leaving the baby 'sleeping' with an entire side of unguarded bedside...(you see where this is going...?)

At 5:55am I'm woken to a loud thud abd a SCREAMING baby. He must've woken up, not seen his father and tried to go find him. But our beds are a good 2-feet off the ground!

He landed on his front, but wasn't bleeding and didn't seem to have really hurt himself besides for the shock. (Poor baby!!!) DH comes running back in freaking out! ("Ohmygod wtf was that?!" Then realized what happened "I was on the toilet and I heard a gawdawful thud but he was SLEEPING when I left!") by then the little explorer wasn't even sobbing anymore. We lay back down with him and after trying to go over the side another two times (face palm) he finally fell asleep.

So - lesson learned. Hearing him cry in his crib might suck but at least he's safe in there! :-/
This isn't too terrible, but I gave my DD a taste of chocolate the other day. She only just turned 20w and well... I dunno, I was eating some and she was sitting on my lap watching me so I thought... why not :p
Oh another...

About 2 weeks ago, I was trying to get DD in to her door jumper. The damn thing is difficult especially with a squirming baby. Not sure how it happened exactly but DD kinda flipped out of it backwards. I only just caught her from hitting the floor head first. It wouldn't have been a terrible fall, but it still made my heart skip a beat or 2.
I rugby tackled my toddler last night
(To you Americans it's basically a football tackle)
I was getting him ready for his bath and he set off running for the top of the stairs (we don't have a stairgate there yet) I ran after him to catch him so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself but my sock slipped on the carpet and I tripped over the bottom of my trousers fell down bouncing off the wall on the way down and couldn't stop myself tackling him to the ground, he thought it was funny and dh was laughing at me too but I'm hurt. My ankles hurt my wrists hurt, my knees hurt, My hips hurt and one elbow.
I think it was a mixture of luck and instincts that stopped me hurting him coz I should have landed right on him and I'm not small, but I somehow managed to get myself arranged so I landed on my hands and knees which saved Flynn. From injury but has ruined my wrists. Worth it tho, at least he's not hurt.
i am typing this with lo on the lap using the on screen keyboard with the mouse lol.
My partners father got me some cherry liquor chocolates for Christmas, I don't like them I just left them under the tree with my other chocolates, while I was sorting out old bibs yesterday I look over at my son being suspiciously quiet and he was eating them :O it really surprised me because they're horrible but he seemed happy enough. I thought he was playing with his new toys, I felt awful :(
Novel has been teething since about 6 weeks old and still yet to cut a tooth(it's JUST there!) .bt at first sign of trouble I reach for the bonjela and calpol. Also I sometime leave him in his jumperoo longer then the allotted 20 mins. He just loves it so much.
I let him chew on a carrot stick and gave him mash and sprouts for xmas dinner (loved it and ate it all).
I go back to work on the 21st but am dreading it incase I feel relieved to leave some mornings.
LO got baby soap in her eyes today during her bath, i felt awful. also she was sitting up on her mat today, tipped over and landed on a plastic toy. she had a little red bump
LO got baby soap in her eyes today during her bath, i felt awful. also she was sitting up on her mat today, tipped over and landed on a plastic toy. she had a little red bump

Emily had lasagna sauce stained on her face a few days ago and my OH rubbed soap all over her mouth and then she accidentally touched the soap and rubbed her whole face so the bubbles ended up going up her nose and she was sneezing for about an hour afterwards :rofl:
Had lo laid in the middle of the bed whilst I was getting dressed today and I turned my back for literally 2 seconds before she is on the floor crying her eyes out. She is fine but never been so scared or felt so bad in my life! She had showed not even the slightest hint towards rolling until it happened today.
My son was playing on the bed this morning with my 6 year old niece and as soon as I turned my back crawled and fell off. He was fine, few tears with shock but was laughing a few seconds later. I bribed my niece with Pringles and chocolate not to tell my OH lol!
I was wearing lo in my sleepy wrap when I was opening the fridge door and opened it into his head! I felt horrible, my heart jumped into my throat thinking I could have killed him! He cried for a few seconds and is fine thankfully.
Micah was asleep on a beanbag in the living room so we started watching The Royle Family on iPlayer. I looked up halfway through and Micah was not only awake but was craning his neck to stare at the screen!
I picked him up but he screamed til I sat him back facing the tv, he immediately stopped and smiled! Why are northern slobs more interesting than his mummy?!! lol
A couple days ago I was letting my little girl play with a Mickey Mouse rattle that a friend had given us. Seemed harmless - the rattle part is shaped like a Mickey Mouse head with ears. Well, Josephine suddenly squawked, I looked down and her mouth was wide open with the ear crammed in her mouth sideways. Her mouth was stuck like that, she couldn't open or close her mouth. I pulled at it and for a moment I thought it really was stuck, and almost had a heart attack. I got it loose, and Josephine screamed like I've never heard! Poor thing. I think it hurt her gums, and she's been showing signs of teething. I felt soo bad!
I just had the biggest scare thus far in my life! Put DD in her car seat with a stretchy hat because it was cold out. I heard her let out a shriek but she isn't a fan of the car so I thought she was just wanting out. Arrive at our destination a few minutes later, grab the car seat out of the base...and see her with the hat pulled down all the way down her head and down her neck...nose and mouth totally covered! I freaked! She was laying lifeless too. I ripped off the hat and pushed her face a few times...turns out she was asleep but I was terrified! After the fact my husband told me it was a breathable hat but I couldn't imagine the consequences if it wasn't. I shook for 10 minutes after.

No more hats in the car.:nope:
I was boiling a dummy to sterilise it , but fell asleep sitting on the couch. ----it melted the dummy away, and the place was full of smoke still can smell it in kitchen, I hope I haven#t effed up my girls lungs or brain or whatwever plastic fumes can do :(

This is old, but I just wanted to say that I can remember my mother doing this multiple times with my brothers' pacifiers when I was little. We all turned out just fine :flower:

I want to give everyone on this thread a hug! :hugs:
My baby fell off the bed :(

I was making him a bottle in the kitchen, and my OH came in looking for the medicine syringe. He was rushing around, and as I walked past he said something like "baby's on the bed." It took me a second to realize the idiot just laid our rolling, crawling, MOBILE baby on the bed while he left the room. I guess he figured it was ok, since the kitchen and bedroom are just a few feet from each other. I was two seconds too late and heard him plop to the ground and start to cry. The bed is just a foot off the ground and he had no marks, but he must have been so scared to just suddenly drop to the floor like that!
My first bad mummy moment:cry:

LO was lying on her playmat entertaining herself, I went over to play with her but her foot was just off the mat and I stepped on it. She let out an almighty scream and had actual tears in her eyes which I've never seen from her before. I just feel terrible, she's fine and was all smiles once she'd calmed down but naughty mummy needs to look where she's going in future:(

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