The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

So, our house isn't exactly 'baby proofed' yet since Eli is still not fully crawling. Well, today he was sitting up and I was trying to take a picture of him, but he was trying to get onto his belly. Next thing I know he fell forehead first into the corner or our tv stand :cry: I feel so bad, I could've easily stopped it but I was trying to take a picture :cry: he only cried for less then a minute, and we had a cuddle, but I feel so bad he has a bruise on his forehead now :cry::cry:

Logan is constantly hitting his head on the tv stand :wacko: It shows his reflection so he rolls over to it and tries to get the baby and just keeps banging his head. Usually not hard enough to hurt him but sometimes he will scoot too far and bonk his head on the corner and will cry a little :(
Wait till they're walking and you need 50 pairs of eyes all the time or they're getting into trouble, flynns got a ting for head butting at the moment, occasionally people but mostly stairgates or his toy box, if he bumps his head on something (a little tap on the way past) 9 times out of 10 he goes back and bangs it again harder, he's always got bumps and bruises but the more we react the more he does it, it must look terrible me sat pretending I'm not bothered that he's repeatedly smashing his head into a steel gate! He doesn't do it as a tantrum he just seems to like it!
It's a phase he will grow out of eventually. (I bloody hope lol)
About 2 weeks after coming home from the hospital, I was walking around the house BFing while chit chatting with OH. I went to switch sides and not paying attention and dropped my little boy! i caught him about halfway down. I think my heart stopped for a good 10 seconds. He was so cute... didnt cry but way just rooting away at my belly! also... right after i started to express OH was doing a night time feed and it my my turn to burp him... OH fell asleep and dropping the half full bottle onto LO's head! I was scared but the two of them stayed fast asleep... the next day i was all over the internet looking up infant head trama lol
Here's my confession:

I'm ferberizing my 2 month old.

I didn't set out to.

But lately she has been so hard to get to sleep that I was getting angry, and nearly hurt her.

I walked out of the room after screaming at her to just go to sleep.

She screamed for 12 mins, and then fell asleep.

I feel like the worlds worst Mumma, because even I believe she's wayyyy too young to do this to. But every time I try and put her down, she screams bloody murder for hours until I feel angry and frustrated with her, and have ended up crying WITH her so many times, and on more than 1 occasion, feeling like I needed to hurt her. So I have had to resort to Ferberising. :cry: I have looked into all the CIO research, and studies suggest that whilst it doesn't interfere with development (TG...) it does make them quite stressed if you are not WITH them while they cry. So I am a mummy-fail with that.

BUT...she's getting some sleep and hasn't been thrown out the window, so I guess that's a win?

(Don't worry, I have not ever hurt her, and am currently in counselling for this stuff...she's a reflux/milk protein intolerance/unable-to-latch baby...she's been hard work :wacko:)
Here's my confession:

I'm ferberizing my 2 month old.

I didn't set out to.

But lately she has been so hard to get to sleep that I was getting angry, and nearly hurt her.

I walked out of the room after screaming at her to just go to sleep.

She screamed for 12 mins, and then fell asleep.

I feel like the worlds worst Mumma, because even I believe she's wayyyy too young to do this to. But every time I try and put her down, she screams bloody murder for hours until I feel angry and frustrated with her, and have ended up crying WITH her so many times, and on more than 1 occasion, feeling like I needed to hurt her. So I have had to resort to Ferberising. :cry: I have looked into all the CIO research, and studies suggest that whilst it doesn't interfere with development (TG...) it does make them quite stressed if you are not WITH them while they cry. So I am a mummy-fail with that.

BUT...she's getting some sleep and hasn't been thrown out the window, so I guess that's a win?

(Don't worry, I have not ever hurt her, and am currently in counselling for this stuff...she's a reflux/milk protein intolerance/unable-to-latch baby...she's been hard work :wacko:)

:hugs: you're not a bad mom just going through a rough time. It's better you are getting out of the room rather then harming her or stressing yourself out more then you already are. Do you have family or OH that could give you some support? I'm glad you are in counseling! Hugs to you, it's by far better to just walk away sometimes, and the fact that she is falling asleep during that time is a plus. :hugs:
Hapi2behealthy- you sound like you've had it rough. Mine is refluxy and quite high needs. I had horrendous days during the first months where I thought I was going to lose it.

Well done for heading to counselling and for being open about it. Baby phase will pass before you know it, in the meantime call on all support available.

You're doing a fab job.

Joy x
Here's my confession:

I'm ferberizing my 2 month old.

I didn't set out to.

But lately she has been so hard to get to sleep that I was getting angry, and nearly hurt her.

I walked out of the room after screaming at her to just go to sleep.

She screamed for 12 mins, and then fell asleep.

I feel like the worlds worst Mumma, because even I believe she's wayyyy too young to do this to. But every time I try and put her down, she screams bloody murder for hours until I feel angry and frustrated with her, and have ended up crying WITH her so many times, and on more than 1 occasion, feeling like I needed to hurt her. So I have had to resort to Ferberising. :cry: I have looked into all the CIO research, and studies suggest that whilst it doesn't interfere with development (TG...) it does make them quite stressed if you are not WITH them while they cry. So I am a mummy-fail with that.

BUT...she's getting some sleep and hasn't been thrown out the window, so I guess that's a win?

(Don't worry, I have not ever hurt her, and am currently in counselling for this stuff...she's a reflux/milk protein intolerance/unable-to-latch baby...she's been hard work :wacko:)

I had never even heard of ferberizing until i just looked it up on google! when emily was 5 months old we would take her to bed when she was tired and for the first three nights she cried blue murder but after the third night she clicked on and went to sleep straight away. Im not sure how it will work with a two month old, but there is no harm in trying it! emily cried for 40 minutes the first night, 20 minutes the second night, about 10 minutes the third night and afterwards went straight to sleep once she realized mummy wasnt giving in to her screams of protest. A good routine also helps. For months we have had dinner at 4pm, bath time straight after usually around 04:30 - 05:00pm and bed time at 6pm. emily knows that bedtime isnt so far away after bath time so its as if her body is telling her to become tired after bath time, because she knows it is almost bedtime xx
Here's my confession:

I'm ferberizing my 2 month old.

I didn't set out to.

But lately she has been so hard to get to sleep that I was getting angry, and nearly hurt her.

I walked out of the room after screaming at her to just go to sleep.

She screamed for 12 mins, and then fell asleep.

I feel like the worlds worst Mumma, because even I believe she's wayyyy too young to do this to. But every time I try and put her down, she screams bloody murder for hours until I feel angry and frustrated with her, and have ended up crying WITH her so many times, and on more than 1 occasion, feeling like I needed to hurt her. So I have had to resort to Ferberising. :cry: I have looked into all the CIO research, and studies suggest that whilst it doesn't interfere with development (TG...) it does make them quite stressed if you are not WITH them while they cry. So I am a mummy-fail with that.

BUT...she's getting some sleep and hasn't been thrown out the window, so I guess that's a win?

(Don't worry, I have not ever hurt her, and am currently in counselling for this stuff...she's a reflux/milk protein intolerance/unable-to-latch baby...she's been hard work :wacko:)

I had never even heard of ferberizing until i just looked it up on google! when emily was 5 months old we would take her to bed when she was tired and for the first three nights she cried blue murder but after the third night she clicked on and went to sleep straight away. Im not sure how it will work with a two month old, but there is no harm in trying it! emily cried for 40 minutes the first night, 20 minutes the second night, about 10 minutes the third night and afterwards went straight to sleep once she realized mummy wasnt giving in to her screams of protest. A good routine also helps. For months we have had dinner at 4pm, bath time straight after usually around 04:30 - 05:00pm and bed time at 6pm. emily knows that bedtime isnt so far away after bath time so its as if her body is telling her to become tired after bath time, because she knows it is almost bedtime xx

Oh wow! Bedtime at 6??? When does LO wake up in the morning? How does she sleep at night? I would be up all hrs if I put LO down at that time!:dohh:
Here's my confession:

I'm ferberizing my 2 month old.

I didn't set out to.

But lately she has been so hard to get to sleep that I was getting angry, and nearly hurt her.

I walked out of the room after screaming at her to just go to sleep.

She screamed for 12 mins, and then fell asleep.

I feel like the worlds worst Mumma, because even I believe she's wayyyy too young to do this to. But every time I try and put her down, she screams bloody murder for hours until I feel angry and frustrated with her, and have ended up crying WITH her so many times, and on more than 1 occasion, feeling like I needed to hurt her. So I have had to resort to Ferberising. :cry: I have looked into all the CIO research, and studies suggest that whilst it doesn't interfere with development (TG...) it does make them quite stressed if you are not WITH them while they cry. So I am a mummy-fail with that.

BUT...she's getting some sleep and hasn't been thrown out the window, so I guess that's a win?

(Don't worry, I have not ever hurt her, and am currently in counselling for this stuff...she's a reflux/milk protein intolerance/unable-to-latch baby...she's been hard work :wacko:)

I had never even heard of ferberizing until i just looked it up on google! when emily was 5 months old we would take her to bed when she was tired and for the first three nights she cried blue murder but after the third night she clicked on and went to sleep straight away. Im not sure how it will work with a two month old, but there is no harm in trying it! emily cried for 40 minutes the first night, 20 minutes the second night, about 10 minutes the third night and afterwards went straight to sleep once she realized mummy wasnt giving in to her screams of protest. A good routine also helps. For months we have had dinner at 4pm, bath time straight after usually around 04:30 - 05:00pm and bed time at 6pm. emily knows that bedtime isnt so far away after bath time so its as if her body is telling her to become tired after bath time, because she knows it is almost bedtime xx

Oh wow! Bedtime at 6??? When does LO wake up in the morning? How does she sleep at night? I would be up all hrs if I put LO down at that time!:dohh:

We've had a very good routine with emily since she was a few months old! I'd give her dinner around 4pm and bath straight after and it was usually 6-7pm by the time she was knackered and at first she would fall asleep in her bouncer around that time but after a few weeks we decided to put her to bed while she was still awake. She has always been a brilliant sleeper so we cant complain! She goes to bed at 6pm every night and she gets up around 9am every morning xx
Oh wow. LO takes a nap around that time :haha: Then he goes back down around 10pm. No matter if I keep him up with no nap and put him down sooner or not he still would wake up around midnight ready to go. He's been going down around midnight and up at about 730am. But he sleeps pretty much straight through. He wakes up to eat but he doesn't open his eyes if you get to him in time and goes right back down :haha: But if you don't feed him he gets pissed and wakes up for the day :dohh: I always try to put him down by 10 tho he just doesn't stay asleep lately.
Thanks ladies :flower:

She's been tough. But weirdly, after having to let her cry for a bit, she is actually starting to self I guess it's worked out better?

I mean she's crying now but I just started lunch, so I need to at least eat something...she has been crying a little and then going to sleep.

It's still hard to listen to her cry but I get so cross having to go in and out in and out in and out, or sit in there for hours, that I need to let her have a little whine. If I know she is just tired, and not hungry or in pain, I let her go a little.
we were at my mum's and her partner has grandkids already so has toys around the place including a doll's pushchair. well, as lo is still tiny i thought i'd try her in it...i couldn't stop laughing, she seemed to enjoy it although her arms were a bit squashed but i ffelt terrible at the same time..she just looked so cute..
Well, looks like I'm joining the ranks of those who have cut their LO's fingers while cutting their nails. I was happily snipping Robyn's yesterday after noticing she'd scratched her eye, and one of the nails didn't make that snip noise. When I took the clippers away, her poor finger was bleeding. She just looked at me and went 'ehhhh', she didn't even cry (though I did).
Well, looks like I'm joining the ranks of those who have cut their LO's fingers while cutting their nails. I was happily snipping Robyn's yesterday after noticing she'd scratched her eye, and one of the nails didn't make that snip noise. When I took the clippers away, her poor finger was bleeding. She just looked at me and went 'ehhhh', she didn't even cry (though I did).

ive done this a few times. although i dont clip them with clippers anymore, i bite her nails instead xx
Today I was moisturizing Callum's skin (has to be done 4 times a day because of his eczema) and then I put vaseline on his chin afterwards so his excessive drooling doesn't wash the moisturizer away, and it also helps his chin from getting too chapped because of the drool. So I was putting the lid on the vaseline and my hands were still greasy from the moisturizer and the tub of vaseline slipped out of my hands and hit him in the head. He made the saddest pout face and started crying...I felt so bad! He stopped crying the second I picked him up though.
Today I was moisturizing Callum's skin (has to be done 4 times a day because of his eczema) and then I put vaseline on his chin afterwards so his excessive drooling doesn't wash the moisturizer away, and it also helps his chin from getting too chapped because of the drool. So I was putting the lid on the vaseline and my hands were still greasy from the moisturizer and the tub of vaseline slipped out of my hands and hit him in the head. He made the saddest pout face and started crying...I felt so bad! He stopped crying the second I picked him up though.

I have a habit of dropping things on J's head lately :haha: Well, not really dropping, just managing to bump his head with things- phone, iPod, his toys, my knee, to name a few! He never cries though... I'm like 'ooops, sorry baby', and he just looks at me like 'what?' :rofl:
I dropped my phone on Micah's head this morning! Luckily I was nursing him in bed so it wasn't from very high. He cried but went straight back on the boob and seems ok now.
^^ I did that in our first night in hospital after she was born lol, felt terrible.
Just a little bit ago I noticed LO was drooling a lot and it looked like she was chewing on something. I pinned her down and fished around in her mouth and after a moment I pulled out a ROCK! A perfectly round piece of gravel that could've easily choked her had I not gotten it out when I did.

I have no idea how a rock ended up in my living room since I go out of my way to keep it babyproofed. I feel awful that she got a hold of it and keep thinking what would've happened if I hadn't noticed or if I had come back into the room a minute later :nope:
Today I was moisturizing Callum's skin (has to be done 4 times a day because of his eczema) and then I put vaseline on his chin afterwards so his excessive drooling doesn't wash the moisturizer away, and it also helps his chin from getting too chapped because of the drool. So I was putting the lid on the vaseline and my hands were still greasy from the moisturizer and the tub of vaseline slipped out of my hands and hit him in the head. He made the saddest pout face and started crying...I felt so bad! He stopped crying the second I picked him up though.

Haha, aw, poor guy. Babies have hard heads though! Sounds like no harm was done :)

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