The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Mazzy i remember doing the same with kieron and a few days later he was really poorly in hospital with bronchiolitis i couldnt of felt more guilty he obv wouldnt settle because he wasnt well plus hes always hated his moses basket (i didnt know at the time lol) could you not speak to your hubby and tell him how bad his mam and sister coming round is making you feel? I would of went off it if my oh had of done that lol
Bad mum confession! This afternoon while clipping Aria into her carseat she leaned forward to grab her toes right as I was doing up the chest clip & it pinched one of her chins and poor mite just HOWLED! :'( Poor thing... I stroked her cheek and kissed her beautiful flubby baby fat chins and felt awful.
My LO fell off the couch today :( I feel soooo bad . I was there with her but I leant over to get the remote and she wriggled forward and fell off . She screamed so much then I started crying . I had just fed her her bottle and she threw it all back up again . She was fine after about 5 minutes. And is happy and eating now but got a little red bump on her head :( I feel awful .
Bad mum confession! This afternoon while clipping Aria into her carseat she leaned forward to grab her toes right as I was doing up the chest clip & it pinched one of her chins and poor mite just HOWLED! :'( Poor thing... I stroked her cheek and kissed her beautiful flubby baby fat chins and felt awful.

"one of her chins" Hah hah!! My lo has a lot of flub too so this made me laugh. :haha: Poor sweet baby though. :hugs:
Well I did well to get to nearly 6 months without posting on here. Oh how things can change in a day! Lol. So far today I've made lo bleed when cutting her toenails, I've watched her topple over and bump her head when she was sitting up and her mobile fell on her head whilst she was asleep! Bad luck can only come in threes, right?!?
Keyval, I'll join you on a falling mishap. My son was on our bed Sunday morning. Our cat jumped on the bed, spotted F and jumped back off again. F clocking the cat starts doing a super fast commando crawl just at the point I had my back to him while I put on my dressing gown. I turn round in time to see him near the end of the bed I grabbed a foot of his babygro, but the poppers started to unpop and he 'fell' into all the tummy space in his babygro and nosedived for the floor bungee jump stylie. He screamed but no bump or red mark. I think he must have a head of steel!
Today I was washing dishes with LO at my feet. I heard some excited squealing, and turned around to find her munching on this morning's coffee grounds! OH put them in a bag on the floor beside the full trash can instead of just taking the trash out. Apparently they were good because she was very angry when I took them away. She's currently crawling around like crazy and I fear she may never sleep again!
Today I was washing dishes with LO at my feet. I heard some excited squealing, and turned around to find her munching on this morning's coffee grounds! OH put them in a bag on the floor beside the full trash can instead of just taking the trash out. Apparently they were good because she was very angry when I took them away. She's currently crawling around like crazy and I fear she may never sleep again!

:rofl::rofl: poor you!! Your probably in for a long night. That's men for you though, making life easier for them and harder on us!
Today I was washing dishes with LO at my feet. I heard some excited squealing, and turned around to find her munching on this morning's coffee grounds! OH put them in a bag on the floor beside the full trash can instead of just taking the trash out. Apparently they were good because she was very angry when I took them away. She's currently crawling around like crazy and I fear she may never sleep again!

I bit his nail and it gave him a slightly ingrown fingernail! :( it we t red and. Swollen.. Also took me a week to take him to drs for a chest infection because I thought it was just a cold..

This ones not bad but I put him in his bumbo even though he's not old enough. He has head control but I wanted to see what he looked like in it! - he stayed asleep so just flopped forward snoring away lol!
I feel so guilty :cry:

Amy was crying and wouldnt settle no matter what i tried last week so i shouted at her to shut up (this is the first and only time) She looked at me as if to say "what have i done". :nope:

Hubby wasnt impressed so he had text his mum and sister told them and now i have them coming round on alternate days to check im ok...making me feel like im a terrible mum

Gosh, that seems a bit much! Having a new baby cry inconsolably is incredibly stressful and I would think most us have done something similar when sleep deprived, I know did and OH did too. They won't remember and I'm sure you made up for it with cuddles later. :hugs:

Maybe your OH is just a bit paranoid about PND or something? It's nice of his family to care and all but I'd calmly explain that while you and LO love seeing them, you really are fine and maybe every day is a bit much. xx
Today I was washing dishes with LO at my feet. I heard some excited squealing, and turned around to find her munching on this morning's coffee grounds! OH put them in a bag on the floor beside the full trash can instead of just taking the trash out. Apparently they were good because she was very angry when I took them away. She's currently crawling around like crazy and I fear she may never sleep again!

Thank-you so much for making me smile. The picture I just got in my head is priceless.

I yelled at poor LO this afternoon. She's been so fussy the past couple of days and I don't think it's her teeth. Other than drool she's not showing any other signs of teething, much less cutting teeth. Anyway, she was wailing for 45 minutes straight and wouldn't eat at all. Wouldn't calm down no matter what I tried. Yelled at her to shut up and then her bottom lip stuck out and she cried even harder (didn't even know that was possible).

I feel so horrible. How could I yell at my little girl?

Yelled at my husband too because, after I had finally calmed her down (I was upstairs) he comes home and shouts a question to me two or three times and I ended up having to shout a reply back to him because he wasn't getting the hint. Then LO woke up and started all over again.

I just can't do anything right today.
I feel so guilty :cry:

Amy was crying and wouldnt settle no matter what i tried last week so i shouted at her to shut up (this is the first and only time) She looked at me as if to say "what have i done". :nope:

Hubby wasnt impressed so he had text his mum and sister told them and now i have them coming round on alternate days to check im ok...making me feel like im a terrible mum

that is ridiculous!! everybody yells at their kids once in awhile from frustration. i could see why he was upset but there was no need to tell people and have them pop in to see you!

i would tell them to eff off!
My boy was on our laminate flooring today, he was on all fours and was kind of moving his head up and down (think what you would do if you were at a heavy metal concert), me and my husband were giggling away because it looked really funny, he was really going for it then whack! he hit his head of the floor :dohh:. He immediately started crying and i felt so bad, after a hug from me and his dad he was laughing again.
Today I was washing dishes with LO at my feet. I heard some excited squealing, and turned around to find her munching on this morning's coffee grounds! OH put them in a bag on the floor beside the full trash can instead of just taking the trash out. Apparently they were good because she was very angry when I took them away. She's currently crawling around like crazy and I fear she may never sleep again!

:haha: Laughed out loud and woke DH up reading this!

My confession.... DD was in her walker behind me while I was doing dishes. We have 2 cats and they have a special chair that they scratch and sleep on. Its an old padded office chair and some of the stuffing is hanging out. LO was jabbering away at the cat and then went quiet. Turned just in time to see her cramming a fist full of chair stuffing in her mouth like it was cotton candy! Ran to her and tried to fish it outta her mouth and she bit me hard then swallowed the lot of it!! She must have liked it because she cried when I took the chair away! Yuck!
On Saturday, we were hanging out in bed taking pictures of the babies. I was trying to get a cute picture of them next to each other, and I accidentally bonked their heads together! Lilja only cried for a second, but Gunnar cried real tears and had to be cuddled for a minute before he was happy again. I felt terrible!
I had a really bad mommy moment today. Lo is getting his two bottom teeth - they just broke through the gums, he had his 4 month vaccines a couple days ago and has had a fever since, and is struggling with bad gas issues. So needless to say, he is extremely fussy lately and I have been really patient with him but I kind of lost it today. Last night he only gave me 30 minutes of sleep so I am extremely sleep deprived right now which I think contributed to my snapping. So anyways, today I was trying to get him to go down for a nap. He was crying because he was overtired but he would not go to sleep. After an hour of him fussing, spitting out his pacifier then crying for it back, I kind of lost control and snatched him up pretty aggressively from his swing and right in his face very loudly I screamed at him "shut the fuck up and sleep already you little shit!!"
He looked at me like I just broke his heart and immediately started wailing which quickly turned to a whimper I had never heard him do. Like when you cry so hard you can't really catch your breath. Well I felt like an ass immediately!!! I hugged him and apologized and tried to have him nap in my arms instead and he fell asleep right away. So to make me feel even worse, all he wanted was his mommy to hold him and then I went and did that to him :cry:
Corgankidd we've all been there right at the end of your tether, I've had to walk out and leave my lo more than once, I've just left the room and let him cry because in the long run its better if he's alone for a few mins than me snapping.
We've just hit the terrible twos, I told him rather loudly in a busy supermarket today that if he didn't start behaving better I'd either be sending him down to the orphanage or leave him where he was laid in the toilet paper aisle!
I'm still expecting social services to come knocking lol
I went to change his nappy and my mil said to the woman on the checkout " you watch he will come out with a black eye" she was joking but that was the most careful and safety conscious nappy change ever lol, can you imagine if he'd mfallen and bumped his head? I'd've been in prison lol!
I woke up in such a bad mood this morning... the bedroom was a mess, emilys bedroom was a mess, the whole of downstairs was a mess! and i knew fine well it would be me cleaning everything up even though almost everything was OH's bloody mess! i was downstairs trying to get everything done (OH was upstairs getting ready) and there was nathan in his crying and then there was emily following me everywhere like a little love sick puppy and what made it worse was that her nose was streaming and she was crying her eyes out because i wouldnt pick her up (the poor soul has the cold) because i was trying to get things done as fast as i could and she just kept crying and whinging and with her and nathan crying at the same time and me stressed out my head with frustration and anger at the housework needing done i shouted at her to 'just shut up' :cry: which of course made her cry harder and then i started crying because everything was just so overwhelming! OH has taken her to his parents house for the day to give me time to myself and to do the housework in peace! i feel so awful for shouting at her and i cant wait for her to come home later so i can focus all my attention on her and pap nathan on his daddy!

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