The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

This is a follow up to my last post about just giving in and letting my LO have free reign with the dog toys (tired of fighting both my LO and my dog!).

I just bought my LO his OWN dog toy to take on his first airplane ride and I thought to myself...what if someone recognizes that it's a dog toy that my almost 9 month old is chewing on?

It does have a description that fits for my LO right now tho! I feel like the worst mom right now for giving him dog toys lol.

"Designed to massage the gums and satisfy the urge to chew"

Omg love it! If it works who cares "haha"
I feel like Corey ALWAYS has a bruise on at least one knee and on his forehead... he's constantly falling down, tripping over nothingness, and running into things that have been in the same place FOREVER. :haha:
Please tell me I'm not the only one who has a constantly bruised toddler...
Mommie2b we were at a&e (er) the other day because Flynn managed to bump heads with another boy at playgroup then when I'd calmed him down and he was ok (bump and a bruise no biggie) I let him go play again only for him to immediately trip over and fall HARD into the edge of a metal chair leg, I tried to be all cool and calm and put a compress on it and manages to calm him down only to take the compress off and see all his forehead going black and swollen and a ridge down the middle! He seemed ok but a bit subdued (I would have been sat sobbing in the corner! He went down really badly) on the way home I couldn't settle and he was still a bit whingey which isn't like him so I went I I out local doctors to get him checked, they sent us straight to the children's hospital with warnings of X-rays and brain scans so then my calm exterior broke and I rang dh who didn't answer coz he was driving to work and ended up ringing my mil in hysterics that we had to get too the hospital NOW!! Needless to say everyone panicked and sil drove us to the hospital where dh met us and basically they gave him some paracetamol and said "he's fine, he's gonna have a lovely black eye" stupid gp scaring me :-( when he got up the next day it's mostly gone.
I feel like Corey ALWAYS has a bruise on at least one knee and on his forehead... he's constantly falling down, tripping over nothingness, and running into things that have been in the same place FOREVER. :haha:
Please tell me I'm not the only one who has a constantly bruised toddler...

Logans not quite a toddler, but he's at the 'letting go of furniture to stand alone' stage and is always falling down! Sometimes he crawls too fast and face plants the floor, other times he's sitting playing with a toy and gets over excited and falls backwards and bangs his head! He's so accident prone i have to keep a constant eye on him!!
Im scared of a walking/running Logan!! I keep joking to my OH that we'll have to buy him a helmet...half joking :haha:
You'd be amazed how hard they can whack themselves without causing damage lol.
I feel bad today because Flynn didnt want to get in his car seat this morning (its a frequent tantrum) he was fighting so much not to be strapped in that he tipped himself head first over the side of the seat, I just managed to grab his forearm to stop him ending up face first into the car park, later on at lunch with mil I pulled his sleeves up for him to eat (he won't eat without his sleeves pulled up lol) and he has a finger shaped bruise on his arm. I know it happened in the prevention o an accident but anyone looking at us would think I'm hurting him, a&e for a head injury when he already had some bruises on him and now a bruised arm. It makes me feel awful.
Micah drank from the cat bowl today!!! OH saw him do it too, and instead of stopping him he just called me over to watch! (It was quite funny lol) can it do any harm? (obviously I won't let him do it again!!)

This made me laugh :haha:
I was really frustrated with Ani two days ago. She was on a food strike. I tried making her several different things and she just wouldn't eat. I tried jamming the food in her mouth with the spoon. I felt HORRIBLE for trying to force feed her. :cry:
I'm such a horrible mum, I have no patience in the middle of the night :( I'm fine initially going to her and feeding/settling her, it's when she continually wakes up as soon as I set her down in her cot, that's when I start getting dare i say it: annoyed. After the third time of having to re-settle her, I thought she was asleep but nope! So I shouted at her to sleep, with a few swear words added to make it worse :( as if it was some how going to work:dohh:

I feel terrible, I really really cannot wait for her to finally sttn, not just for my sake but hers as well, it's not fair that she should have to feel my wrath. But sometimes I can't help it, I've always been such a grump when my sleep gets interrupted. I have the patience if a saint most of the time during the day but the opposite at night. Oh came running in but he just can't settle her he's crap at it and I'm not willing to let him try at 3am so he's now back in bed whilst I try and settle her AGAIN.

Horrible awful mummy shouting at her poor innocent baby again:cry:
i am probably the worst mother there is, i hope this is guilt free
summer rose is not sleeping, she hasnt been sleeping for over a month now, its every hour and through the day she might sleep one or two hours but thats all. So i did the unthinkable, well what was done in my parents day and their parents day, i gave her a small teaspoon of brandy to help her sleep, needless to say it had the REVERSE effect and she was up and about smiling, giggling and playing until 6am :( :blush: so yeah no more EVER again. I guess its back to paracetamol and the odd bit of doctor prescribed baby phenergen which seems to work IF she chooses to comply and swallow it otherwise i give up

This is a guilt free thread but this behaviour is concerning, children shouldn't be drugged to sleep, with alcohol or medication. It's different if they're unwell or in pain with teething etc, and you need to give them painkillers to soothe them. Please get some help, OP. talk to your doctor, midwife, health visitor, friends, family, heck even post on here, there are some serious sleep experts on this forum. It's not easy, but there are other ways to do it.

I lurk on this thread from time to time but felt the need to say from what I read, this thread is not meant to tell parents what to do and what not to do. Simply for somewhere they can write down their regrets. If you REALLY had a problem with it, maybe move it to PM so this thread can keep it's good intention. And I think it's really rude to tell someone to "get some help" There are better ways to say that..

Thank you :)
i did feel guilty enough as it was, but i thought this was a guilt free forum so for that person to say GET HELP or talk to your doctor which i have done. I know women who have given their children brandy, whisky and all sorts not in high amounts just tid bits but it was a once off. the suggestion to crush a sleeping pill was something i talked to the doc about but she said its safer to give her a liquid antihistamine so i get that on prescription and its SAFE or else the doc would not prescribe it for me to give to her. so yeah it works well but its not every night, anyway thank you for standing up for me. and all those who agree this is GUILT FREE thank you ladies especially kissesandhugs
Nathan keeps dozing off and waking up moaning and grumping (i think he is teething) but he HATES bojela, so a couple of times ive dipped his dummy into a munch bunch yoghurt and he sucks away on that and dozes off :dohh:
i am probably the worst mother there is, i hope this is guilt free
summer rose is not sleeping, she hasnt been sleeping for over a month now, its every hour and through the day she might sleep one or two hours but thats all. So i did the unthinkable, well what was done in my parents day and their parents day, i gave her a small teaspoon of brandy to help her sleep, needless to say it had the REVERSE effect and she was up and about smiling, giggling and playing until 6am :( :blush: so yeah no more EVER again. I guess its back to paracetamol and the odd bit of doctor prescribed baby phenergen which seems to work IF she chooses to comply and swallow it otherwise i give up

This is a guilt free thread but this behaviour is concerning, children shouldn't be drugged to sleep, with alcohol or medication. It's different if they're unwell or in pain with teething etc, and you need to give them painkillers to soothe them. Please get some help, OP. talk to your doctor, midwife, health visitor, friends, family, heck even post on here, there are some serious sleep experts on this forum. It's not easy, but there are other ways to do it.

I lurk on this thread from time to time but felt the need to say from what I read, this thread is not meant to tell parents what to do and what not to do. Simply for somewhere they can write down their regrets. If you REALLY had a problem with it, maybe move it to PM so this thread can keep it's good intention. And I think it's really rude to tell someone to "get some help" There are better ways to say that..

Thank you :)
i did feel guilty enough as it was, but i thought this was a guilt free forum so for that person to say GET HELP or talk to your doctor which i have done. I know women who have given their children brandy, whisky and all sorts not in high amounts just tid bits but it was a once off. the suggestion to crush a sleeping pill was something i talked to the doc about but she said its safer to give her a liquid antihistamine so i get that on prescription and its SAFE or else the doc would not prescribe it for me to give to her. so yeah it works well but its not every night, anyway thank you for standing up for me. and all those who agree this is GUILT FREE thank you ladies especially kissesandhugs

My MIL keeps telling me to rub whisky on her gums when LO is teething. Haven't done it but it's good to know that other people consider it a means to an end.

None of us are perfect moms...we are all doing our best I think. The hardest times are when we are sleep deprived :hugs: Hang in there!!
Last night I turned off the monitor while I tended to the babies so it wouldn't wake my husband (they woke up in the middle of the night with earth shattering screams!!). When I got back in bed I was sure I turned the monitor back on... but when my husband woke up this morning he came in and said the babies were screaming!! I must have gotten back in bed and forgotten to turn the monitor back on!! I feel awful... I have NO idea how much they cried or fussed last night after I nursed them. :( Thankfully now that they're fed and changed they seem no worse for the wear, but I sure feel like an awful mom!
I didn't change Logans nappy until about 11am today!! So he'd been in it for about 15 hours!!!
I normally change him after his first bottle around 8ish but for some reason I forgot today :(
It was really heavy and just started leaking through his vest :(
Worst mummy ever :(
Ages ago Chloe dropped one of her toys in carpark when we were out and about. I put it away to wash it, and forgot all about it. Fast forward 2 months, we have moved house and I found the toy in a box and without thinking i gave it to her to play with. It wasn't till I saw her chewing on it that I realised I had never washed it...eww!!! Bad Mum!
so the other day. i tried for an hour to get babes down for a nappy. one thing after the other, kids making noise and our paper walls, he just wouldnt nap. so I went and prepared some breast milk in a bottle. when I brought it up babes was whining me figuring he wasnt really tired, I flicked on the vaccume. (it always helps him to calm down when he is awake) so I went into our room after vaccuming my sons room and there is babes. passed out facing towards the door as if he was looking for me. i felt aweful, I hadnt even gotten him his bottle. he slept for an hour tho. I feel so guilty cause im not sure if he cried himself to sleep or not. I presume not but theres a chance he continued to whine while i vaccumed and he fell asleep that way.
i am probably the worst mother there is, i hope this is guilt free
summer rose is not sleeping, she hasnt been sleeping for over a month now, its every hour and through the day she might sleep one or two hours but thats all. So i did the unthinkable, well what was done in my parents day and their parents day, i gave her a small teaspoon of brandy to help her sleep, needless to say it had the REVERSE effect and she was up and about smiling, giggling and playing until 6am :( :blush: so yeah no more EVER again. I guess its back to paracetamol and the odd bit of doctor prescribed baby phenergen which seems to work IF she chooses to comply and swallow it otherwise i give up

This is a guilt free thread but this behaviour is concerning, children shouldn't be drugged to sleep, with alcohol or medication. It's different if they're unwell or in pain with teething etc, and you need to give them painkillers to soothe them. Please get some help, OP. talk to your doctor, midwife, health visitor, friends, family, heck even post on here, there are some serious sleep experts on this forum. It's not easy, but there are other ways to do it.

I lurk on this thread from time to time but felt the need to say from what I read, this thread is not meant to tell parents what to do and what not to do. Simply for somewhere they can write down their regrets. If you REALLY had a problem with it, maybe move it to PM so this thread can keep it's good intention. And I think it's really rude to tell someone to "get some help" There are better ways to say that..

Thank you :)
i did feel guilty enough as it was, but i thought this was a guilt free forum so for that person to say GET HELP or talk to your doctor which i have done. I know women who have given their children brandy, whisky and all sorts not in high amounts just tid bits but it was a once off. the suggestion to crush a sleeping pill was something i talked to the doc about but she said its safer to give her a liquid antihistamine so i get that on prescription and its SAFE or else the doc would not prescribe it for me to give to her. so yeah it works well but its not every night, anyway thank you for standing up for me. and all those who agree this is GUILT FREE thank you ladies especially kissesandhugs

try meletonin drops, they are herbal safe and are good for starting a new sleep pattern/calms the nerves during the day. some ppl dont understand the over active bees. my daughter is one of them. I used meletonin for about 7-10 days at bed time and it realy curbed things for about 3 months then we do another 7-10 days. but not consistantly. the first time we used it was 2 years ago and ive used this method 3 times. it was just enough to gather my self in order to be the best mom i could be and helped her sleep a better, not more, better.
i am probably the worst mother there is, i hope this is guilt free
summer rose is not sleeping, she hasnt been sleeping for over a month now, its every hour and through the day she might sleep one or two hours but thats all. So i did the unthinkable, well what was done in my parents day and their parents day, i gave her a small teaspoon of brandy to help her sleep, needless to say it had the REVERSE effect and she was up and about smiling, giggling and playing until 6am :( :blush: so yeah no more EVER again. I guess its back to paracetamol and the odd bit of doctor prescribed baby phenergen which seems to work IF she chooses to comply and swallow it otherwise i give up

This is a guilt free thread but this behaviour is concerning, children shouldn't be drugged to sleep, with alcohol or medication. It's different if they're unwell or in pain with teething etc, and you need to give them painkillers to soothe them. Please get some help, OP. talk to your doctor, midwife, health visitor, friends, family, heck even post on here, there are some serious sleep experts on this forum. It's not easy, but there are other ways to do it.

I lurk on this thread from time to time but felt the need to say from what I read, this thread is not meant to tell parents what to do and what not to do. Simply for somewhere they can write down their regrets. If you REALLY had a problem with it, maybe move it to PM so this thread can keep it's good intention. And I think it's really rude to tell someone to "get some help" There are better ways to say that..

Thank you :)
i did feel guilty enough as it was, but i thought this was a guilt free forum so for that person to say GET HELP or talk to your doctor which i have done. I know women who have given their children brandy, whisky and all sorts not in high amounts just tid bits but it was a once off. the suggestion to crush a sleeping pill was something i talked to the doc about but she said its safer to give her a liquid antihistamine so i get that on prescription and its SAFE or else the doc would not prescribe it for me to give to her. so yeah it works well but its not every night, anyway thank you for standing up for me. and all those who agree this is GUILT FREE thank you ladies especially kissesandhugs

try meletonin drops, they are herbal safe and are good for starting a new sleep pattern/calms the nerves during the day. some ppl dont understand the over active bees. my daughter is one of them. I used meletonin for about 7-10 days at bed time and it realy curbed things for about 3 months then we do another 7-10 days. but not consistantly. the first time we used it was 2 years ago and ive used this method 3 times. it was just enough to gather my self in order to be the best mom i could be and helped her sleep a better, not more, better.

Oh, that's a good idea! Melatonin is actually the natural hormone the body produces to induce sleep, so nothing bad about it!
I was using the baby nail clipper to cut LO's kitten claws and I accidentally clipped the corner of her thumb. I didn't even realized I had done it as she didn't cry, but then I saw a little blood and that's how I knew.

Also, I think the bath we had the other night was warmer than usual as after a short while LO was going red all over. I quickly turned the cold on the shower head and had it going underneath her to quickly cool the water, but again she didn't complain. I think I could break this baby's arm and she'd just look up and coo at me :/
We had our first A&E trip last night, Micah fell off the cot top changer. It was actually OH who was with him as I was at work but I still feel guilty that I wasn't there. He's absolutely fine :) even last night he was happily chatting away in the waiting room, but he has a red mark on his forehead :-(
Yesterday Owen pooed and I left it till oh came downstairs from the computer and pretended I didnt know so oh changed it!

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