The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Here's my first post here, I was on the laptop with Jessie climbing over me frantically trying to grab the wires and pull them. She was stood on her good leg with both hands on the table. I don't know if her leg or arm gave way and she smacked her face on the edge of the table and now has a lovely bruise appearing from the outer corner of her eye down past her nose :( Bad, bad mummy, I felt blooming terrible!
So glad I found this today! What a giggle I've had! :rofl:
Confession time though...Megan was only a couple of weeks old. I had put the hot water bottle in her moses basket to keep it warm, while I was feeding her in bed. After about half an hour trying to get her to sleep she was finally out. I was holding her in one arm and lifted the hot water bottle with the other. I leaned the bottle up against the side of the basket so i could have both hands free to EVER SO GENTLY lay her down without waking her. But when I put her down the hot water bottle flopped down and smacked her on her HEAD! Needless to say I was awake for another hour trying to comfort her back to sleep! Still makes me cringe now. :dohh:
I just gave Harry a good telling off and sent him to his room because he climbed out of his highchair.

About 10 minutes later I realised that I'd not actually put him IN the highchair in the first place and the poor sod was waiting for his breakfast... BAD mummy!!!!
This is the BEST thread! I've got something to confess...

Two days ago Darwin was happily playing on his activity mat, and I was across the room. Our 14 year-old labrador retriever was standing between us. I started to walk toward kiddo and the dog started to back up rather than move to the side like he usually would. The activity mat has two flexible bars that form an X (to hang toys over the baby's head) and the dog's leg hit one - he got scared, yelped, jumped, and one of his back feet landed square in the middle of Darwin's belly. It all happened in the blink of an eye before I could stop it. My hubby came into the room because he heard the dog yelp, just in time to see me launch myself at the dog and throw him across the room (all I could think of was 'GET OFF MY BABY!')

Darwin was screaming, my hubby was running around trying to figure out what the hell had just happened, I was cranked up on adrenaline and the poor arthritic old dog just lay there wondering what the heck he'd done.

Kiddo cried for about 10 minutes while we hugged him gently and held a cold cloth on his poor red belly, but in the end he was none the worse for wear. We watched him very closely for the rest of the day just in case but he showed no signs of pain and once the redness went away there was no sign it had ever happened - we were sure he'd get a bruise and have a scratch mark (from Shadow's nail), but I guess it wasn't as hard a stomp as I thought at the time.

Now any time the dog gets within about ten feet of the baby I shoo him away - he's just too clumsy for us to allow him free rein when Darwin's playing on the floor.
Ohh i've gotta join in here as i still feel guilty about what i'm about to confess ..

*stands* " forgive me mums for i have sinned " ... Well few wks ago was having one of those extremely stressful days & josh just seemed to be winding me up with every little thing he did, & i'd told him over & over to behave , sit down , shut up etc etc well trying to get a little happyness back & cheer josh up somewhat i said lets have chippy for tea .. anyway whilst in the chippy i'm just wanting to go home & sit down ..josh was climbing all over the bench with people there ( quite busy can i add ) & this bench actually leads to a low window sill next to the hot counter so i'd repeatedly told him to sit down on the bench & stop climbing on the window anyway enough was enough & i went to grab him off the bench with his arm ( as you do ) & as i lifted him off the bench i just lost all grip & dropped him he fell straight onto a corner skirting board thing smacking his head full whack onto it, Everyone in the chippy was looking at me like " sheesh " , I was just stood there wanting to cry & give in, His eyes were rolling & he didn't even cry so i knew somert was wrong..he'd cut his head open at the back & he was bleeding ... I cant begin to describe how much i wanted the earth to swallow me whole.. He screamed & screamed , so i ended up getting a friend to give us & our now cold chippy a lift home.
The lump on the back of his head lasted a week & was sooooo bruised . I haven't been back into that chippy since :( I'm to embarrassed :(
Luckily he's ok but i still feel so bad for losing my cool so badly that if ever i feel that way now i just stop & give him a cuddle & then i seem ok * phew *
Amelie woke this morning at 6.30. She had her breakfast and stuff and it wasn't until I picked her up to clean the sticky jam off her hands that I remembered I hadn't changed her nappy yet! My poor LO had the same nappy on for 13 and a half hours! Bad mummy.
I feel so bad today, i went all the way to mothercare this morning to buy some baby nail clippers as our normal set seem massive!! I hate cutting Tillys nails anyway as they are so soft and bendy it takes ages. Well i got all the way to her last little finger with no probs then yep you've got it i clipped some of her skin. There was blood and everything!!
I felt so bad i thought i was going to cry. Didn't help that the minute my husband stepped in the door my 7 year old proceeded in telling him that i 'nearly cut Tillys finger off'!! There was 'blood everywhere' and she 'screamed for ages'!! aren't kids great at totally blowing everything out of proportion and makeing you feel worse then ever!!!
At least now she has just a little red mark at the tip of her nail.(and still has her finger lol)
I have another one already :(

This morning Amelie woke up realllly early (5.45) and I refuse to wake up at that time so make her lie in her cot until 6.30am then we get up and go downstairs. So anyway I put her in her crib and grabbed a few toys from her toy box (a few soft toys and a rattle thing) and off to bed I went. She was babbling for awhile and then was quiet and I heard her wake again at about 6.50ish. So I woke myself up a bit and went through to get her and when I looked at her she had bits of grey stuff all in her mouth and over her crib wtf?

I had left a lable on a winnie the pooh teddy and she had ate 50% of it :shock: I had to fish it all out of her mouth. Keep forgetting that she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth these days.
my worst 'bad mother' moment so far, was it was a really sunny hot day was out at an outdoor pool having a great time, once we were all dressed went for a short walk around stanely park... i didnt do up his harness in the car seat cos we were all hot and thought i would give him a bit more movenment.... needless to say i forgot to do up the harness when i put him in the car, were half way home when he was crying loads, way more than usual in the car (had been driving for about 20 minutes) i looked in the back seat and noticed that my son who was only 3 months old then was totally hanging out his car seat about to flop into the normal car seat.... i stopped so fast (and i was on the highway) to strap him in. I never leave him in his stroller now without his harness on.

2nd bad moment... went into the kitchen to get a drink of water and left him unsupervised for like 10 seconds and this was when as i thought pre mobile.... he flipped and fell off the sofa.. i think thats it so far. Am sure there will be more to come.

I felt so guilty about the car one and really thought so badly of myself as a mother.
I did the nail clipper thing yesterday. :blush: Ben just moved slightly and I made his finger bleed. How much blood???:cry: It was bleeding everywhere, so I very carefully stuck a tiny plaster on it. I then left him on the bed while I put the bloody muslin in the laundrey, and heard Ben scream. I ran back in to see plaster was gone and his hand was wet. Oh no, he's eaten and swallowed the plaster!! :shock: I was in bits!!! I picked Ben up and was cuddling him wondering what to do when Kayleigh came in and started laughing. The tiny plaster was stuck to Bens back!! :blush:
God ive got far far to many Bad mummy moments.

I left em on the sofa before i thought she was pre-mobile and she rolled off and i called an ambulance! i went downstairs to get the post we lived in a first floor flat and she crawled off the top stair and came down all the way.... I called an ambulance again!!

I left her in the bath a few weeks ago and she got hold of my house mates razor and cut both her hands open in the 2 mins i wasnt there! That was horrible!

And at the moment she is climbing on the coffee table under the window to attack the new kittens, and ive told her off so many times already this morning that im about to give up and just wait untill she falls off it! ( i wont really)
Strapping paige in at the zoo today while someone was putting suncream on her face she started crying, took me a couple of seconds to realise that it was her usual wingy cry because someone was putting suncream on her, but the fact that when i had strapped her in, the strap had caught and was still pinching her belly skin!! :cry:

She still had a mark at bath time, 10hrs later :(
Ahhh excellent thread! I will feel at home in here i think!

Some recent bloopers have been ...

I left a pot of Vicks vapor Rub on my bedside table. DH thought I was watching our daughter (2) and I thought he was. We found her in our bedroom with the Vicks smeared all over the bedside table, alarm clock, LO's clothes and worst of all her hair. It took three days and a lot of googling to get the grease out of her hair (if anyone wants to know how to do it, pm me! LOL!)

I let LO play with a shoe box not realising that there was a packet of silicone in the box. Everything went quiet and I found her chewing away. Forced open her mouth to find the remains of the packet but the inside part had been swallowed already. Thank god for google! I thought it was time to call an ambulance but it turns out the stuff is harmless. Didn't stop me feeling very guilty though!

LO also got hold of a souvenir vial of perfume - some nasty rose scented stuff, and drank it. She was immediatlely sick on the floor and then happy as larry within 5 minutes...

I'm sure I'll have a lot to add here! :blush:
i have loads oops
the silicone thing in the shoe box n my daughter
my oldest fell out of her highchair because i forgot to strap her in
n this ones bad
ok there was me n some mates n all our kids n i left my son on a bus n had to phone 999 the police caught up with the bus n let it go once without seeing him he was sitting at the back n was only small we had got off with the kids n hadnt realized he was still on it i was terrified hed get off when the bus stopped at next stop but he didnt as i said the police stopped it once n didnt see him they called me back n said he wasnt on it i nearly died!!! but they stopped it again n searched properly he was still sitting there at the back oblivious id gone atall he did cry when the police brought him back to me but not untill he actually could see me poor little boy i felt so bad n still do even thinking about it
I'm probably too new to dare to contribute to this thread, but...

When I was playing with T on our high double bed when he was 7 months or so, he slid off on his front and fell 2 foot onto his face and arm. Poor lad.

He is now 2 almost and i've done so many shameful things it would take me for ever to list them all I think. I've driven off without him strapped in once, I've forgotten to give him his tea, billions of them. Oh the shame!
I just went to answer the front door holding molly and banged her head on the door.
oops first time ive posted here..
only started using bibs recently as just started weaning and today i took one off while she was lying down and she just screamed at me! looked at the back of her neck and shes got an awful red mark like someone has had a noose round her neck!!
think i'll not be whipping it off so quickly in future... :blush:
I'm SO SO embarassed to admit this....
Dh and I left a half-bottle of formula in the baby's room for a couple days. I really meant to pick it up and wash it several times, but always got distracted and forgot. This morning when the baby cried, I went into the room and started feeding her the bottle that my DH had been feeding her at her last waking, about 2 hours before. Then DH walked in and said "OMG...what bottle is that? I have the freshest bottle in our bedroom!!"
I had been feeding the baby the two-day old bottle. DH opened it and sniffed it and almost puked. He grabbed the baby, brought her to the sink and stuck his finger down her throat. Oddly, though, she didn't gag or throw up. I finally said "OK, look...if she's sick she'll throw up herself". She honestly seemed totally fine...but I've never felt SO SO SO guilty. What kind of mother am I?!?!?!?!
I'm SO SO embarassed to admit this....
Dh and I left a half-bottle of formula in the baby's room for a couple days. I really meant to pick it up and wash it several times, but always got distracted and forgot. This morning when the baby cried, I went into the room and started feeding her the bottle that my DH had been feeding her at her last waking, about 2 hours before. Then DH walked in and said "OMG...what bottle is that? I have the freshest bottle in our bedroom!!"
I had been feeding the baby the two-day old bottle. DH opened it and sniffed it and almost puked. He grabbed the baby, brought her to the sink and stuck his finger down her throat. Oddly, though, she didn't gag or throw up. I finally said "OK, look...if she's sick she'll throw up herself". She honestly seemed totally fine...but I've never felt SO SO SO guilty. What kind of mother am I?!?!?!?!

A normal one! I gave my LO a bottle made up of sour milk - hadn't bothered to check it was fresh (she was on cow's milk by then) and when I warmed it up it all separated and looked well manky, but I still didn't really notice.... She cried when she tasted it and refused it, so I reckon either yours wasn't too massively sour, or by that time it had turned into a camembert or something and she probably enjoyed it :rofl:

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