The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Last night while I was bfing Nadia I was trying to multi-task by adding a flavor packet to my water bottle. I opened the packet and stuck it in my mouth to hold so I could open my water and when I grabbed the packet out of my mouth I grabbed it the wrong way and it dumped all over Nadia (who was jusssst falling asleep finally) it went all over her face and my boob so I'm sure she got to drink some of it and while I was trying to wipe it off of her it flew up into my eye. Today I was cleaning her boogers out of her nose and they were green (color of the flavoring) she also has green dots all over her body from where it temporarily dyed her skin :/ mommy for the fail!!!!
I burnt DD2 on the vacuum cleaner :( She chases me around like a puppy and I went behind the door to vacuum the hall and heard a squeak and went in to check her. She was flapping sitting up and I thought maybe her sister had done something to her and then I noticed she was sitting with her back to the output which is like a fan heater!! Got a strip of red skin above her nappy. Feel absolutely awful!
I just spent ages getting Micah to sleep, he usually self settles now but he's got a cold and needed a lot of soothing and cuddles. I lay him into his cot asleep.. when I noticed that there are a couple of little stains on his sheet which I suspect are from a leaky nappy this morning.

I know I should have changed the sheet.. but I left him sleeping. Bad mummy! I just couldn't face waking him after all the time it took him to settle! The stains aren't near his face or anything and he'll wake in an hour or so, I'll change it then.
One of my sons ate a magic grow capsule today without my even noticing. I sat them down to eat a snack of puffs and he kept coughing until he finally coughed up a dolphin. He coughed up a small sponge DOLPHIN. He seemed completely unbothered by it, too (meanwhile, I'm trying not to get hysterical in front of them)
Before that, I left one of my sons to play in the bathroom while I filled the dog's water bowl with my dolphin-eating son and my other one got his fingers caught in the door jam on the hinge side. I had to try to push his bitty fingers out with a book from the other side because I was afraid of smashing them more and he just wouldn't take them out for what seemed like forever! Finally he got his fingers out and I took them outside (which seems to cure all cries for some reason). His fingers are still fully functional, thank heavens.
Both these things happened before 8am. Lots of time yet for the day to go downhill still or, hopefully uphill! Had to get it off my chest because I'm not sure I want to tell anyone in my day-to-day life that one of my boys ate a dolphin and I let the other smash his fingers in a door... aurgh

I know it shouldn't but this makes me chuckle more and more everytime I read it!! :blush:
I know what you mean. It's that last bit that makes me giggle! OP don't worry. My son regularly goes to do things and I think 'that is not something I want to be explaining to a paramedic!' Honestly if I take my eye of my son for one minute he could get himself into no end of trouble! He gets it from his Dad. Another 'incident prone' individual. If it's funny or silly he's going to do it!
This is more a temper post than an accident post..
My eldest LO has been naughty foe the last couple of days doing things she shouldn't.. and today albeit I am hormonal still I completely snapped and shouted at the top of my voice.. we have 2 dogs so their bowl is kept near the back door.. Olivia thinks the water bowl is for playing with so knocks it over quite regularly.. well this time I'd just got her dressed.. we were in a rush and she tipped it ALL over herself.. I was very angry and shouted at her very loudly.. she jumped and got upset.. so I felt guilty..still do but I had to get her re dressed and we were late for our appt grrr toddlers lol xx
I just hit my son on the back of his head with his own turd. He had a formed-looking one and I wanted to show it to DH to ask if he thought it was constipation. I turned around with it in the diaper and it tumbled out... and hit him in the back of the head on the way down. He turned to look at what hit him, looked at the turd, and then looked up at me like I was crazy. Then had a tantrum when I picked it up before he could and I had to call my husband in for help, baby in one hand, turd in the other.
I just hit my son on the back of his head with his own turd. He had a formed-looking one and I wanted to show it to DH to ask if he thought it was constipation. I turned around with it in the diaper and it tumbled out... and hit him in the back of the head on the way down. He turned to look at what hit him, looked at the turd, and then looked up at me like I was crazy. Then had a tantrum when I picked it up before he could and I had to call my husband in for help, baby in one hand, turd in the other.

:rofl: this is hilarious!!
Ok so here is my confession a little late but still haunts me lol

When LO was a week old I was sat on the sofa and we have one of those very large (dwell) lamps with the lamp part arched over our sofa. If you have one you will know what I mean. lol
Well I was sat there with my lo having lovely cuddles when I thought oh what's that smell. I then lifted LO's bottom to my nose lifting her above my head as you do to smell there bum and I heard the clonk. At that moment I knew what I had done. I had lifted her up into the lamp above my head (thankfully it wasnt on). As I bought her back down I was faced with the silent cry. She was fine after a second and a cuddle but I felt sooo bad. I had only had her a week and banged her head, Ohhh the guilt. The lamp has now moved.Lesson learnt Posh lamps and small babies do not mix oh and also crazy tired mums! ahhh feel better now xx
I just hit my son on the back of his head with his own turd. He had a formed-looking one and I wanted to show it to DH to ask if he thought it was constipation. I turned around with it in the diaper and it tumbled out... and hit him in the back of the head on the way down. He turned to look at what hit him, looked at the turd, and then looked up at me like I was crazy. Then had a tantrum when I picked it up before he could and I had to call my husband in for help, baby in one hand, turd in the other.

Sorry for laughing but reading that was hilarious. I'm sure it wasn't as funny at the time though :haha:
I went to work yesterday and got a message off hubby saying he needed bonjlea and there was none in the house I and forgotten to buy to and bubs was in pain.
This morning our 10 week old pup was excited to see us coming downstairs and I had Nathan in his bouncer and Cassie suddenly jumps up on him (she loves him) and starts licking his face but when I shout her to get down she gets a fright and accidentally cuffs Nathan's head with her paw, and now he has a lovely scratch visable on top of his head in his hair :-( and the health visitor is coming out tomorrow, I wonder what she will think :-/
Hahahaha this is sooo funny! I can just imagine the look my daughter would have on her face if I'd do that to her lol!!!

I just hit my son on the back of his head with his own turd. He had a formed-looking one and I wanted to show it to DH to ask if he thought it was constipation. I turned around with it in the diaper and it tumbled out... and hit him in the back of the head on the way down. He turned to look at what hit him, looked at the turd, and then looked up at me like I was crazy. Then had a tantrum when I picked it up before he could and I had to call my husband in for help, baby in one hand, turd in the other.
My mom left to be with my sister for an emergency and my dad took her to the airport. So I was alone last night with dd. I needed to take a diaper out to the trash and the dog needed out as well, I happened to be skyping with her dad so I turned the computer put her in her walker and told him he was baby sitting.... And I might have taken a little longer relaxing outside alone knowing he would call me if something bad happened it was the best 5 minutes ever!!!
My mom left to be with my sister for an emergency and my dad took her to the airport. So I was alone last night with dd. I needed to take a diaper out to the trash and the dog needed out as well, I happened to be skyping with her dad so I turned the computer put her in her walker and told him he was baby sitting.... And I might have taken a little longer relaxing outside alone knowing he would call me if something bad happened it was the best 5 minutes ever!!!

That's not bad! That's so clever!
I'm going on strike tonight :winkwink: ANYTIME we visit the in laws my LO does NOT sleep. And I mean does NOT sleep not one bit. So instead of ME crying and getting upset about losing my sleep I'm going on strike as her mother. And have decided my DH and MIL can deal with her. if they're bothered by her crying THEY can tend to her.
hi all,

i have a bad daddy confession for you all,

we live in a 1st floor flat which has a fire door so its very heavy and as soon as you let it go it swings shut fast. we had been shopping and come back.. we always get ds1 to go in the door first so we can lift the pram together up the last few stairs.... well DH pushed the door open really hard so hed be able to get in it before it shut..... DS1 was stood right behind it and got a door straight to the face. poor boy stil has a scar now where it hit him!

Bad mummy confession....

since friday ds1 and ds2 have been ill and complete nightmares... hardly any naps from ds2 and when he does get to sleep ds1 wakes him, constant tantrums from them both.... i ended up loosing my temper yesterday and shouting at the both at the top of my voice to "just give me 5 bloody minutes to myself" .... feel real bad as i was in such a foul mood! x
After a super rough night of hardly any sleep, around 7am LO wanted to nurse. I popped him on and sort of dozed in and out of sleep, and vaguely remember him tooting. I thought to myself, I'll check to see if it's dirty after he's done eating. Well, I wake up to him just cooing away really loudly, not upset, but trying to get my attention obviously. It was 7:45!!! and he had poop alllll over his onesie, up his back, oh my god! And the mortifying part, when he was cooing, I just patted his back - that's when I realised it was poopy! So we both went for a bath! lol Poor thing sat in poo for about 35 minutes.

Don't worry! One night when my son was about 12 weeks old I had a rubbish night's sleep. Around 4am I get up to see to him again and can smell him. Through barely opened eyes I change his big, dirty nappy wipe him over, nappy on and then put him back to bed. OH gets him up in the morning, brings him in to me to nurse. And while I'm feeding him OH complains that he smells. When he takes him to change his nappy, he discovers that his nappy is clean, but his back is not! The poo was absorbed on his vest and is now all over his back and I'd put him to sleep like that!

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