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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I was dressing LO and tried to pull her arm through the sleeve of her baby grow by holding onto her hand....but she wriggled and I ended up with just a finger which suddenly made a 'click' sound as I pulled her hand through. I felt sick to my stomach and spent the next hour testing her hand for a broken finger despite the fact she didn't blink an eyelid when it happened.
TTCBean, my LO wears the same diaper all night, as long as it's just pee! DH's sleep gets interrupted enough as it is and he really needs it for work so I just try to limit nights to feedings if possible!
I don't know why, but I am exceptionally tired this morning and struggling to keep my eyes open so I've been falling in and out of sleep all morning on the sofa while LO watches TV and plays with her toys. I feel awful for it.
We had mcdonalds the other day and I let LO eat a cheeseburger!! And she ate it all! Not quite the healthy start I intended for her!
We had mcdonalds the other day and I let LO eat a cheeseburger!! And she ate it all! Not quite the healthy start I intended for her!

My daughter had chicken nuggets and some fries from mcdonalds today.
I dropped a full 4oz bottle of milk on my LOs head this morning :'( it slippee out from under my arm as I went to pick him out his cot. I feel awful as its the first time hes ever been hurt and he just kept looking at me with such a sad face whilst he was crying as if to say 'why did you do that to me, mummy? Do you not love me?' I was crying and everything and felt so bad as we had an awful night where I was getting so frustrated at him not sleepinhg and for the first time I had let him whine for 5 minutes before picking him up and then I go and stot a bottle of him too :( he must hate me now!
I don't know why, but I am exceptionally tired this morning and struggling to keep my eyes open so I've been falling in and out of sleep all morning on the sofa while LO watches TV and plays with her toys. I feel awful for it.

I did that the other day too! :blush:
OMG this thread is still going! I posted in here 3yrs ago when I had DD just popping into baby club from 1st tri again, and saw this was still here! I have plenty more Ooopsies to add from the last 3yrs but I haven't got enough room! lol x
I just have to confess dropping my baby when he was only 2 months old. :( We were staying the night at my mother's, so I was sleeping on the couch and he was in his little rocker. There were tons of GIANT bugs all near her porch door, and I fell asleep terrified that I'd wake up with one on me. When Samson woke up to eat at 6am, I fumbled for my glasses with him in one arm. When I put my glasses on, something really slimey was on the lense and was pressing against my eyelid. I thought BUG!!! And threw the glasses, and accidentally dropped my son from the couch to the floor (about a foot). He started crying really loudly and woke my mum up. I was so embarrassed. :(
Baby was having a screaming fit and one of the only ways to get her out of it is by distracting her, usually with white noise or a tv or twinkly lights. My sister put Little Bear on the ipad and was holding it in front of the baby, which stopped her crying and she'd started to settle - only the ipad slipped off its case (one of those magnetic ones) and fell forward, hitting the baby on her forehead :nope: She didn't cry at first for a few seconds so we thought it hadn't hit her that hard (as it only fell a few inches) but then she started screaming - that kind of scream that tells everyone she's hurt and she's not happy! She had a little red mark on her forehead for the night but is fine now, thankfully. My sister however is still feeling the guilt!
It's been a while since I've been in here so I'll post my big oops so far.

I was exercising in my living room so I had my LO on the sofa behind me. I finished exercising and knew my Lo would be waking up soon so I started making her a bottle in the kitchen. Well I heard a BOOM and my LO started screaming. She rolled off the couch in her dead sleep :cry:

She's fine now as that was months ago, but man did I get the bad mommy plaque that night. At least I now she still loves me no matter how bad I mess up LOL :wacko:
My LO was sucking on a penny she found on the living room carpet the other day (obviously if i'd seen it i'd have picked it up). And it wasn't even me who noticed. Good job my sister was there. Feel hideous that I wasn't watching her properly :nope:
I don't have any stories at the moment so I wasn't sure whether to say anything but I just wanted to say that I love this thread it always makes me smile. I'm sure I'll have something to add soon xx
In the past week Micah has scratched his nose and ear falling off a slide, and managed to grab a bread knife off of the table! He'd never been able to reach the table top before so that one really scared me! Luckily I was right there and took it straight off him.
and managed to grab a bread knife off of the table! He'd never been able to reach the table top before so that one really scared me! Luckily I was right there and took it straight off him.

Strange how they always always always go for knives, isn't it? You really have to have eyes in the back of your head (or stay in a baby-proofed room 100% of the time).
Dexter was having a nice snuggly breastfeed this morning dozing off for a last little kip before waking up, so I went on FB on my phone and dropped the phone on his head :-/ oops. He was so shocked and sleepy poor babe :-(
We were at a soft play area with LO and she was bouncing on a bouncy thing having a great time. All good until it tipped forward and she face planted onto the soft mat...and I started laughing hysterically! I could hardly pick her up I was laughing so much :( and my sister got it on video! She only cried a little bit, but I still feel awful. Mummy fail!!!
Today it was pointed out that it is not usual behaviour to eat food off my daughters head. I was breast feeding whilst eating a croissant and at the best of times using both hands its a messy procedure.
Today it was pointed out that it is not usual behaviour to eat food off my daughters head. I was breast feeding whilst eating a croissant and at the best of times using both hands its a messy procedure.

Similar thing happened to us today....df was eating a sausage roll and Emilia was sat in front of him in her bouncer drinking her milk. She dropped her bottle so df leant forward to get it and the sausage roll slipped from the plate and hit her in the head! Pastry flakes everywhere and she just looked a bit stunned but then giggled lol!

The sausage roll was cold not hot so don't worry lol!

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