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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Elodie fell off the settee yesterday :( I put her on there to put her changing mat away, I had my back to her and heard a thump, so shot round and she was led on the floor :( I felt so awful! She sobbed but was smiling 5 mins layer thank god
Ill prob be on this thread alot since my daughtets going thru the terrible twos......BIG TIME!!!!!!!!
Every morning when Micah naps I plan to do a load of housework.

In reality I clear up the disaster zone that is breakfast, get myself showered and dressed, stick on the mountain of washing and put away the previous day's load, and then sit down for a cup of tea. Then I'll hear him over the monitor and panic that I've not hoovered or anything so I quickly hoover /dust/clean then at super speed while he plays in his cot until he starts really calling. I know if I didn't sit down for a cup of tea I'd probably get it done before he wakes but I need that me time to function!
Terrible 3s here, I spend a lot of my time at the moment wishing I worked full time and not part time. DD told me she hated me last week after I made her get dressed after giving her umpteen chances and then we were late. After the millionth no and pouted lips, I just grabbed her and got her dressed. I cried all the way to work..

I feel like she's harder work than most as she just seems so highly strung and emotional over everything. I'm worried she's turning in to a brat and I don't know what to do to stop it as nothing seems to work anymore.
I here ya! My two yo refuzes to wear her coat right now, and puts up a complete fight always before leaving the house. I literally have to wrestle her coat on and drag her to the van:-( im near tears practically everytime we leave the house:-(
My little girl hates bathing and screams every time. It breaks my heart to see her cry but nothing I do seems to help. I sing, pull funny faces, chat nonsense to try and distract her but to no avail. :(
My eight yo wont sleep without me:-( i feel like i have failed her.....
Today I realized that DD wasn't drinking her milk like she normally would so I tried some of it myself and nearly puked the poor thing had sour milk in her cup and the carton of milk isn't even supposed to be expired yet. To make it even worse now she's afraid to drink out of any of her cups with straws she just cries. I feel so terrible.
We just moved to a new house with laminate floors. DD was playing on the sofa next to me and quick as a flash rolled over and was sliding head first off the sofa. Thankfully the dog was next to the sofa so broke her fall slightly but she did bump her head and she cried for a good 5 mins!! I felt so bad as I was sat right next to her and yet couldnt stop her!
Yesterday, Max was having such a fussy day. I was at the end of my rope. When my husband came home from work, he was busy with school work so he couldn't exactly help. So I struggle with calming him down for a few more hours, finally take him to bed and he wants no part of it. So I just put him in his crib, told him I loved him and came downstairs with the baby monitor off while he screamed. I told my husband he could go up and settle him if he wanted but I give up. He fussed for about 6 minutes before my husband went up to get him. Without him to finally get max to sleep he probably would have screamed all night.

Most evenings have gone like this since dd was born! She is getting better but dh ends up walking her down most nights otherwise I would throw her out the window! Last night she burst a blood vessel because I put her in her cot to clean my teeth my word she screamed sohard I felt aweful she ended up I my bed :wacko:
So pregnancy insomnia has allowed me to read all 368 pages over the last week! There are some truely funny moments our little ones have given us, also some complete nightmares.
The amount of times they get nipped having nails cut, fall off beds and sofas, knocked heads on door frames, eat things they shouldn't or aren't strapped in to car seats has made me feel better as I'm guilty of all the above at some point.
Our worst one was having DD in her pushchair while me and DH were gardening, having strapped her in and given her a bottle of milk we thought she was safe. Concentrating on a particularly bad patch of weeds I turned just in time to see her tip forward landing in the floor face first with the pushchair on top of her. Screaming to DH we managed to pick her, still attached at waist in her pushchair, unbuckle her and rush inside. She had wriggled out of her shoulder harness to try to grab her bottle that she had dropped when she toppled. It took a boob feed to calm her down enough to check her over. Thankfully she was fine but had the most horrible concrete burns on her forehead, nose and chin which scabbed over, she looked awful for 2 weeks, healed just in time for her 1st birthday. I now put the straps on a cross over her front so no wriggling out of them now.
On a lighter note, felt v bad this evening, we were watching the Children in Need highlights and One Direction came on, DD started doing her version of dancing and was merrily clapping away. I said to her " you can't like one direction!" She turned and looked at me, her bottom lip started to quiver then she went into full blown hysteria, it took DH a good 10 mins to calm her down, I couldnt do it as I couldn't stop laughing.
Now why does she normally just laugh at me when I say she can't do or have something? She must be a heck of a 1D fan!
Aw shelbie that made me giggle, 1D do have some young fans don't they?

As for the pram incident my dd has almost toppled doing the very same thing! They can make any benign situation dangerous can't they?!

Our latest mishap was the trusty fall off the sofa. We have laminate floors though and I think she full belly flopped onto the floor and banged her head! I felt so bad, I only turned away for a few seconds but we all know how quickly they can manoeuvre! Thankfully after taking her to the window to look outside (favourite pastime) she calmed down pretty quickly, but she does have a lump and a nice yellow looking bruise now. And typically it happened on the day the health visitor was coming to do her developmental checks!!
This is going to sound awful and its probably my post natal depression that STILL hasn't left yet, but as cute and sweet and adorable as my DD is, i just cannot stand to be around her and i am having mini breakdowns, i cannot stop crying and just sit in my room shaking. I am seeing a psychiatrist but its still making me feel like rotten selfish mother who wants to sleep and do the things she did before getting pregnant.
YES I regret having my daughter right now, not HER but i regret not waiting a year or two. I hate what pregnancy has done to my body and i am physically ill now too with liver inflammation and my pelvis is out of alignment from post pregnancy stuff

so yes i blame my little girl AND regret it
sometimes I do not want her, and wish i could get away for a couple of weeks just for a break.

is this horrible?
Not at all. Hope you are getting the support you need. It sounds like pregnancy dealt you a raw deal. Hope you start to improve soon. :hugs:
My daughter just picked up a bottle of deodorant and sprayed it in her mouth! ! From thr look on her face she wont try that again!
When I was little- about 2 or 3, my mum left the front door open and unattended- so i took myself off down the road to the shops as I fancied some crisps. Just as i was helping myself to a bag of skips in the post office I was discovered by a neighbour who kindly paid for my crisps and took me home- my mum didnt even know id been missing!

My bad mommy thing is that i cant help popping the little spots that my baby gets on his face- my DH tells me off for it but i cant help myself.

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