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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Was not he computer doing work and bubs was on his baby bean bag they I'd put on the sofa next to me, he was babbling away and I kept checking on him, next thing I know he's inches away from falling off onto the floor! Thank god I checked, he's such a wriggle bum now I really need to leave him on the floor!
I scratched Millie's eye lid just under her brow with my thumb nail and she's got a small graze :cry: :cry:

I've since cut off all my nails :cry:
I went to pull LO's car seat blanket out from behind his head and grabbed his earlobe instead by mistake and gave it a yank before I noticed. Poor little fella screamed for about 5 mins. Bad mummy!
My LG was screaming and screaming for 2 solid hours yesterday and I knew it was because she was tired but she wouldn't sleep, so I went in the other room and left her in her cot and yelled "what do you want child?? Why won't you just go to sleep??".
It didn't help either of us because then I started crying coz I had yelled and she continued screaming :cry:
My LG was screaming and screaming for 2 solid hours yesterday and I knew it was because she was tired but she wouldn't sleep, so I went in the other room and left her in her cot and yelled "what do you want child?? Why won't you just go to sleep??".
It didn't help either of us because then I started crying coz I had yelled and she continued screaming :cry:

i can relate
I left the room to take a bar of soap to Daddy in the bathroom and left little one on the bed. I was gone about a minute and walked back in the room just in time to see little guy go superman style off the side of the bed, right on his face :'( I felt like such a bad mommy...
No i did not breastfeed, yes i was induced and then had an emcs at 38 weeks, no this is not why my baby has severe reflux so please stop blaming me!!!!!:cry:
I didn't notice my little boy playing with the packet of ibuprophen, he had eaten two of them. Thankfully the poisons hotline said he would be fine but I felt like such a bad mummy
Was stressed out this morning trying to get my family around (for the first time with a newborn) to take my 4 year old to preschool. He missed yesterday because we were all so tired (bad mommy). Him & DH were arguing (b/c DH brushes his teeth differently than I do) & making us late. I was becoming so anxious. I first was very comforting but he kept getting mad & crying (I refuse to start my child's day off badly & send him to school). DH kept yelling at him & he kept crying & not listening. I finally lost it & yelled at him....loudly. I yell, but not very often like that. It scared him & he wouldn't stop crying & saying I hurt his feelings. 10 min later he still kept crying off & on for no reason & I yelled at him again & said I wasn't sending him. He cried more b/c he loves school. Uggghhhh....it was horrible. Neither of us ever behave that way. It got to the point where I was just yelling about him not going & I threw his coat. It's obvious that it's hormones (& his is lack of sleep), but he doesn't know that. DH took him to school & I cried for an hour. I cannot believe I started my child's day off in that manner. I'm sitting here watching the clock until I can go get him!
Was taking the little one out for a drive with the DH, walked into a spiders web, didn't see any spider on me, phew. Until I got in the car that is. My Daughter was still crying at this point, over tired I think. So we started driving, felt something on my arm. There was a big massive black spider walking up my arm. I screamed, was also crying, was telling the DH to stop the car. I jumped out running round like a loony. This distressed my poor little girl, I think she thinks I was screaming at her, but nope it was the spider :( No idea where it went but was practically screaming/crying all the way back home. Gosh I feel so bad :(
I pulled a mashed up cat turd out of my boys mouth the other day... the litter boxes are at the back door at the bottom of the stairs blocked by a baby gate waaaay out of his reach..where the heck did it come from! I cried for about a half hour then got really angry with the cats. Terrible terrible mommy i am..i should have been watching..but he eats everything he finds!!! Uugghhh...
Originally Posted by mercedybear View Post
Originally Posted by baileybubs View Post
My LG was screaming and screaming for 2 solid hours yesterday and I knew it was because she was tired but she wouldn't sleep, so I went in the other room and left her in her cot and yelled "what do you want child?? Why won't you just go to sleep??".
It didn't help either of us because then I started crying coz I had yelled and she continued screaming

have done the same thing......I put her on the couch briefly and yelled "what the f is wrong!?".....it was after a late night feed and after a few hrs I was very frustrated......I did pick her up and snuggle her as I felt bad and she was startled.
My LG was screaming and screaming for 2 solid hours yesterday and I knew it was because she was tired but she wouldn't sleep, so I went in the other room and left her in her cot and yelled "what do you want child?? Why won't you just go to sleep??".
It didn't help either of us because then I started crying coz I had yelled and she continued screaming :cry:

have done the same thing......I put her on the couch briefly and yelled "what the f is wrong!?".....it was after a late night feed and after a few hrs I was very frustrated......I did pick her up and snuggle her as I felt bad and she was startled.

From what I gather this happens at least once to most mums, it's the frustration of hearing your precious baba screaming in such a way and not being able to comfort them, whilst knowing that if they would just go to sleep it would make it all ok lol! I still felt terrible when I did it though!
I pulled a mashed up cat turd out of my boys mouth the other day... the litter boxes are at the back door at the bottom of the stairs blocked by a baby gate waaaay out of his reach..where the heck did it come from! I cried for about a half hour then got really angry with the cats. Terrible terrible mommy i am..i should have been watching..but he eats everything he finds!!! Uugghhh...

Try making a top entry litter box! It is baby-proof and helps with litter getting all over the floor. ;)

I pulled a mashed up cat turd out of my boys mouth the other day... the litter boxes are at the back door at the bottom of the stairs blocked by a baby gate waaaay out of his reach..where the heck did it come from! I cried for about a half hour then got really angry with the cats. Terrible terrible mommy i am..i should have been watching..but he eats everything he finds!!! Uugghhh...

Try making a top entry litter box! It is baby-proof and helps with litter getting all over the floor. ;)


I have those!! :) im thinking it was a cling on and came up in the fur or something. Terrible just terrible!!
My LG was screaming and screaming for 2 solid hours yesterday and I knew it was because she was tired but she wouldn't sleep, so I went in the other room and left her in her cot and yelled "what do you want child?? Why won't you just go to sleep??".
It didn't help either of us because then I started crying coz I had yelled and she continued screaming :cry:

Dont feel bad, you left the room and de-stressed, I do exactly the same :hugs:
Today my two yo had a complete meltdown. We had to leave the house and she wouldnt budge so i basically dragged her to the van:-( i strapped her in and got in the van, and shouted "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" i felt soooooooo guilty after, but i was stressed to the max:cry:
Yesterday, Max was having such a fussy day. I was at the end of my rope. When my husband came home from work, he was busy with school work so he couldn't exactly help. So I struggle with calming him down for a few more hours, finally take him to bed and he wants no part of it. So I just put him in his crib, told him I loved him and came downstairs with the baby monitor off while he screamed. I told my husband he could go up and settle him if he wanted but I give up. He fussed for about 6 minutes before my husband went up to get him. Without him to finally get max to sleep he probably would have screamed all night.
DD launched herself off the cot-top changer a few weeks ago. Luckily she did a sort of roll onto the carpet as escaped unharmed. My heart stopped for a minute though and I cried more than she did I think. :(

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