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The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

I know this thread is meant to be guilt free, but i am feeling so damn guilty right now! I have to get this out and i have no other place to put it!

So this afternoon emily and nathan were in their bedroom playing together while OH and i were downstairs tidying up and 'chilling' afterwards. We had the baby monitor on and we could hear both of them laughing and talking away. Next minute nathan starts crying really loudly as if he'd been hurt and emily ran to her bedroom gate and started screaming for us (trying to shout for help) so OH casually goes upstairs thinking its probably just a bump on the head or something but when i shout up 'Is he alright?' He tells me he needs my help so of course I run upstairs to see what the fuss was about. Turns out emily had left one of her pennies on her bedroom floor and nathan was trying to eat it. OH told me it must have been lodged in his throat so he was choking and he also vomited afterwards, the poor souls face was all hot, red and bothered! OH kept telling me before to stop giving emily pennies (she loves being able to feel that she has money like everyone else and gives her pennies to the cashiers at the shops, usually keeps her pennies in her jacket pocket) but i kept telling him she is clever and is using her pennies responsibly. She usually keeps them in her jacket pocket or somewhere high, but she must not have seen the one on the floor and neither me or OH saw it either! So nathan ended up choking on one of her pennies... I feel terrible, and i think i will stop giving emily money :dohh:
But i am proud of her because she saw her brother was in trouble and she immediately ran to her bedroom door and started shouting for us so at least i know she is looking out for her little brother xx

Wow! What a relief that your daughter knew to scream for help. Don't beat yourself up, these things happen. Don't stop her money because she may feel like she's being punished. how about buying her a little piggy bank and giving her money to put in there. that way no pennies will be accidentally left lying around. keep the piggy bank somewhere you can keep an eye on it so you know neither kids will be going in it and leaving money on the floor/choking on said money. x

It really is a relief knowing she will shout for help if he is in some sort of trouble! Luckily she has came off wanting pennies and has found new things to want xx
This is actually a confession on behalf of my DH...he was changing our 1 year old son yesterday, and turned his back for a moment to get a change of clothes. DS was strapped in, but he somehow used that exact moment to wiggle free and dive off the changing table!! :wacko:

Luckily, we have a thick rug next to it, and he wasn't hurt, but it took 10 years off my life when I heard the thump and screams (he was scared, but calmed down as soon as DH picked him up). I was seeing visions of broken limbs and worse for hours afterward. So scary!

We've installed a second strap on the table, and we won't be turning away for even a second from now on!
I dropped my phone on my LO while reading this thread! Sorry baba x
I bought the no cry sleep solution book and have tossed it out the window and done controlled crying. I let my 7 month old cry for 10 mins at a time and then I try and rock her to almost-sleep for 5-10 mins. It's working but I feel bad about letting her cry!!
I forgot to make my daughter dinner last night. I was so busy making dinner for me and my husband that we all say down to eat when I realised I hadn't made her anything!
When I was taking LO's bib off I grabbed his ear by mistake and yanked really hard. He screamed the place down for 10 mins, he looked at me like he couldn't believe I would do that to him. What's worse is it's the second time I've done it :(
My dd ate some dog food today (dry biscuits thankfully not meaty dog food!). Then she went and fell backwards banging her head and must have bitten her lip as she started bleeding from her mouth and now has a fat lip! Feel like I need eyes in the back of my head and ten pairs of hands!
On behalf of DH - I put a bib that snaps in the back around LOs neck so DH could give her a bottle...when she had finished and was so sweetly asleep he tried to pull the bib off with one swift tug thinking it was the Velcro ones we usually just drape over her! Poor thing woke up and screamed for a good 10 minutes. Startled her so bad! And poor DH went totally white , got all teary eyed and was in a decline for the rest of the night lol

My bad mommy self has already accidentally:
-tried to feed her a day old breast milk bottle that I thought was the one I had just made. She made the worst face and GAGGED -bless her!
-screamed and jumped nearly tossing her off me when the UPS man knocked at the door as I was feeding her! He knocked so loud and the dogs went beserk - scared the daylights out of me and poor baby was so startled and spooked she wouldn't go to sleep for hours :-/
-forgot to put a new diaper on her during a middle of the night changing

Bad daddy and mommy!
I just let DS swallow some bath water by accident! He started coughing so I bf for a while and then he smiled at me... I know it sounds silly but my heart stopped for a second, or rather like a minute
I just let DS swallow some bath water by accident! He started coughing so I bf for a while and then he smiled at me... I know it sounds silly but my heart stopped for a second, or rather like a minute

I wouldn't worry too much, my 2 year old son drinks the bath water every time I look away lol! He only has plain water or occasionally a little bit of john sons baby bath in there and I don't use chemicals to clean the bath so its highly unlikely to harm him xx
I just let DS swallow some bath water by accident! He started coughing so I bf for a while and then he smiled at me... I know it sounds silly but my heart stopped for a second, or rather like a minute

I wouldn't worry too much, my 2 year old son drinks the bath water every time I look away lol! He only has plain water or occasionally a little bit of john sons baby bath in there and I don't use chemicals to clean the bath so its highly unlikely to harm him xx

:hugs: Thanks!!!
I have so many bad mummy moments luckily im very laid back and dont worry too much :p heres a few recent mishaps ha

.got the shampoo cup and drunk bath water that was full of shampoo and bubbles.

.picked up a handful of bubbles and ate them

.turned around to see a nappy less child picking up a turd off the floor presumably to eat!! (Theres a theme here ha)

.pretty much everything she eats is off the floor because she empties any food onto the floor then eats it. Also loves to eat paper and hairs im kinda raising a puppy/baby

.I have the narrowest stairs ever and bang her head going up or down probably every other day she never cries tho but still!

.let my child hoover her own body (it was making her happy) untill she proceded to get the hoover suctioned to her forehead :p

So yes im a terrible parent but my motto is if its keeping her happy and isnt going to harm her then let her get on with it! Ha
My guilty confession right now is that i wish i could just get away for a while. I am 12 weeks pregnant and all i want to do is sleep. I keep loosing my temper with everyone, even my babies :nope:
It isnt fair to them so i tend to just keep my mouth shut tight and not talk unless necessary. I find that i have put all the work onto OH because all i do is sleep right now. I cant keep my eyes open for a full day, its driving me crazy! :growlmad: xx
So yes im a terrible parent but my motto is if its keeping her happy and isnt going to harm her then let her get on with it! Ha

Here here!! :haha: and if you're a terrible parent then 95% of us are! Or at least I am too!! But my child is happy ad healthy so I really couldn't give a toss!
So yes im a terrible parent but my motto is if its keeping her happy and isnt going to harm her then let her get on with it! Ha

Here here!! :haha: and if you're a terrible parent then 95% of us are! Or at least I am too!! But my child is happy ad healthy so I really couldn't give a toss!

Ha exactly I dont wanna be one of those parents hovering over their child with antibacterial spray haha eating dirt never hurt me :p let them be kids ha
im sure this happens to people whos babies are learning to sit every day..
but today Rio was sitting on his own for about 5 minutes and I was SO proud o forgot that I should stay behind him, I got up to grab my phone and take a picture and in that time he threw his self backwards and wacked the side of his head off the metal bar on his jumperoo... he found it HILARIOUS and everytime I sat him up afterwards he would throw himself back again.. but I wanted to cry! I felt terrible!! x
Loving this thread!!

My confession :

for the last whole week, I'e been leting my 3 year-old fall asleep in front of the TV, no story, no nothing... Just in front of some dumm show while I'm working on my computer.

The hell with it....
Both my little ones are ridden with colds and I feel so guilty about not taking them out to their usual activities. :( I am having to rely on the TV a fair bit as I only have one pair of hands. :( Seeing them so miserable and exhausted is horrible. I wish I could make them better. :hugs:
Currently feeling like a horrible mom.
over the past couple days ive put it together that neither OH or I have ever installed the carseat properly and that im so very lucky we hadnt gotten into any wrecks.
he did it the first time it was used.so i just always assumed he knew what he was doing and would do it the same.i just got a new car yesturday and when i installed the car seat i realized how horribley loose it was.
all morning ive been looking at videos on how to install graco carseats (i dont know where OH put the book) and crying because i feel like such a stupid and awful mommy.
no more trusting OH to know what hes doing.im always going to refer to books from now on,
Awh, we did the same thing. Our 1st seat was in wrong for FOUR MONTHS!!! I almost sh*t. FTM, I had no idea. Oh also thought he had it perfect, and according to the booklet he read, it was....but my older car needed it's belt locked no matter what the instructions said, to be tight.

You might find the booklet IN the seat under the padding, that's where our's is permanently attached (different brand) Don't feel bad, nothing happened and now you know. I am super cautious about installation now (2nd seat went in last week) Live and learn. The youtube videos are very helpful!

My bad mom confession for the day is my LO LICKED THE TOILET earlier. I was washing my hands with my back to her for a minute. It should be clean-ish. Blarf.

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