The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

lol i love this thread i have a 10and a half month old son Tyler and im very clumsy ooops, when he was little i was cutting his nails after changing his nappy and al of a suden he started screaming i scooped him up and couldn understand why he was crying my dad said perhaps you cut him and i was like no i cant have,I took him upsatirs where my oh was and checked his finger and i had taken a huge chunk out.It was pouring with dad said it wld stop in 10mins but no half hour later it was still pouring.I got my oh to phone nhs direct and the said for us to take Tyler to a and e when we got in to the car park i checked his finger and it stopped so we went home....he had blood over his babygro i hated it made me feel really bad.

Also Tyler has fallen off the sofa and our bed i had such a fright. and once i stoot tyler up in his high chair and was gonna pull his legs thro but he jus went forward and cut his lip i felt so bad.
Im sure iv got loads more lol
I did something really stupid today. I had fed JJ and he was lying on his side and fell asleep so I left him there like that but puffed the duvet beside him to stop him rolling over and I put the monitor on and came downstairs. About 20minutes later we heard a scream on the monitor so OH ran up and he'd flipped over onto his tummy and had a red face so obviously he couldn't breathe

I'm such a dumb bitch - if the monitor hadn't been on we might not have heard him and he could have smothered. I feel really guilty:nope::cry:
my baby is 6 months so far i have clipped his finger while cutting his nails (havent cut them since!) layed him down on a duvet and there must have been a thin thread he pushed his foot through it and it cut his toe and between his toe and he was screaming, banged his head because i wasnt holding him tight enough, and las but not least gave him water for months without boiling t because no one told me!! and for 4-6 days he had tummy ache and we even took him to get an ultrasound of his tummy to see what was wrong with him... im not sure if that was the problem but it must have been!
The inevitable happened today. I locked myself out of the car with Keagan in it. I knew it was coming at some point, but I was still so scared!!

I know not to leave my kids in the car, but there is that mommy side of me that wins. Keagan is getting over a cold and has had many sleepless nights. He was sleeping in his car seat and i had to just run into the store to get a tube of biscuits for dinner. So I cracked the window a bit (thank god) and ran inside. I came back two minutes later and tugged on the car door. Locked. I had my cell phone, but I was so scared. I calmed myself down...Keagan was still sleeping, the window was cracked open and he could get some air. It was a chilly day here, so it wasn't like it was 100 degrees.

So I called home and my husband wasn't home. So I called my parents and had them go to my house, get the spare key, and drive down to the grocery store. The whole ordeal only took like 20 minutes, but it was totally the scariest!

I also broke his favorite toy today :(. I stepped on it...

It was a bad mommy day!
Byron fell off the settee today. Well at least now he knows what happens if he reaches too far over it! Not sure if I should feel more guilty that he fell or that I consider it a lesson learned! lol
What a brilliant thread. Im not a mummy yet but looked after my 5 yr old nephew alot over the summer as his mum went back to work and i had just finished.
Anyway he used to get really excited about hearing the icecream van go up the road until i told him "when the ice cream man has his music on it means hes run out of ice cream!" he then started sitting in the window for hours watching the cars go up the road incase the van drove up and he missed the ice cream! The look of excitement on his little face when the van turned the corner into the cul-de-sac only to turn his music on half way up the road as my nephew was pulling his shoes on! Bless him!

Also my younger brother had gone away on holiday for a week and when my nephew asked me where he'd gone i told him my brother had got out of bed one night when he shouldnt have and the monster pulled him under the bed, ate him and spat out his bones. To this day i dont think hes ever got out of his bed at night!
Crueeel! Haha :rofl: bless his heart. I might have to adopt the ice cream man one though ;)
Byron fell off the settee today. Well at least now he knows what happens if he reaches too far over it! Not sure if I should feel more guilty that he fell or that I consider it a lesson learned! lol

Nothing broken = lesson learned:thumbup::happydance:
I'm not a mummy yet, but when i was with my ex, he had a little girl, and i was strapping her into the car seat to take her out for the day, and i must have caught some skin on her leg as she let out an almighty scream! Felt so quilty - don't think i would have minded so much if it was my own child as it was only an accident, but because it was my OH's little one was so worried! Lol.

And i will tell you one from my sister who was babysitting our nephew, playing with him and pretending to do his hair with her hair straighteners. Then when she actually needed to do her hair, she switched on the hair straighteners, turned around to grab some hair gribs, turned back to see our newphew grabbing the hair straighteners! He burnt all his little fingers, poor thing!
I would like to go away for a relaxation weekend with a couple girlfriends but that means i would have to leave my 9 month old at home. My husband is great with the new baby but I just plain feel guilty
Ok this one beats all the previous stories - it's not mine, it was on the news today. OMFG. Makes us all look like saint mommies! Thank God the baby was unhurt.

If you're a sensitive type, don't watch it.
gosh im feeling quite guilty atm..

Im really not listening to these "guidelines" about making a babys bottle up every time. Its too much hard work with a toddler and newborn:blush: So im making 8bottles up at a time to last most of the day, then again at night to last till night time. Feel really guilty, as he has it at room temp aswell.. Please tell me im not an awful mum! he seems to drink it okay and hasnt made him ill.. :thumbup:
im guilty because my baby had a fever and i didnt notice....
oh God its me again!
i was awful sick could hardly move and i had to feed baby and give him his medicine i was so out of it i didnt strap him in his pram then i put his pram in my bedroom and layed down and thought to myself did i strap him in? and i said of course i did and had some memory of doing so (obviously an old memory) then i hear a crash and muffled cries i jump up and he is on the floor! thank goodness he landed on my quilt that was half on the floor, i picked him up and he was fine and put him on my bed and he started playing. so he wasnt hurt but I AM STUPID and still too sick to care for him :(
I dropped a knife on Max's head today.... it wasn't as dramatic as it sounds though! lol
He screams through dinner every night, guaranteed. The second you sit down to eat he starts, so tonight I left the table, carrying my dinner and decided to eat in the lounge with him in his bouncer so he'd settle. Only when I went to sit the knife fell off my plate and the handle of it bounced off his head. Luckily it's a pretty cheap knife with a plastic handle, so no real damage. He did a little cry, but I think it was more shock than anything as he was quiet a second later, although I did have to wipe some mashed potatoes out of his hair! Feel very guilty though!
omg the other day Harriet was crying when i was eating my dinner so i got her and sat her on my knee...
next thing she put her hand right in my boiling hot dinner :( she cried a lot!! and i felt soo so bad!! xx
I ended up accidentally clipping a bit of my little one's skin (twice) when trying to clip his nails. He howled and I felt awful.

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