The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

i just could not believe it myself! his trousers and tshirt were tucked behind him and his nappy was half hanging off his leg.

absolutely mortified...
Oh god! the stripping naked thing is hilarious! :rofl:

Earlier today Alex was watching tv quite happily so i thought it would be okay to just let him sit there while i turned to go put some washing on the line (my next door neighbours kid was there with him, shes 12).

Well I heard a scream, came back in to find he had pulled himself up onto his feet using the coffee table and had fallen back and cracked his head off the harth on the fire, he was screaming and i was hysterical...and sophie (the kid) was just lyign on the sofa watching the telly. I could have killed her for not watching him....but then again, its my fault for leaving him.

lmao, funny stories:rofl::rofl:

I feel like such a BAD mum recently. Today, I went to shut the window (sash windows) and shut Bethanie's fingers in there a little bit! Luckily, I wasn't shutting them full force, because as I was closing them I got a feeling that something wasn't right and stopped.. would have been terrible if I closed them with full force!:dohh:

Last week, Bethanie was running to the bathroom. On the way, she shouted up to the loft (conversion) as her "gandad" (lol) sometimes works from home. So she shouts "gandad, gandad" and starts climbing the stairs quickly, so quick that I can't get to her fast enough. He walks downstairs and goes to grab her, shes up to the 5th step and suddenly loses her footing.. falling backwards down the stairs. I reached for her and broke her fall (I supported her head too luckily), but she still fell on her back and looked shocked. Anyway, we said "uh oh" and she was fine.. but still! BAD BAD mummy!:blush:

This morning, Sonny put the side of Bethanie's cot down, forgot to put it back up! and got back into bed for 5 more minutes. I was just waking and noticed she sounded a bit uncomfortable. We sat up and saw that she was bent over the cot rail, trying to get out! Im so glad that I heard her and noticed something was up, because a few seconds later she could have flipped out and been badly injured.
Oh and yesterday, lol she had a tantrum and rolled off the bed.

Typing all this makes me feel terrible - lots of silly accidents recently!!
Mine for this week
Went to Bridlington on Wednesday absolutely glorious weather, lathered them both in suncream as we got out of the car

We are sat on the beach as happy as you like with Em running back and forth to the sea, kept reapplying suncream

except I missed Emilys neck as i was literlly trying to catch her to do it

Hence 1 9yr old with a very red front side and back of neck :blush:

I do actually feel really bad as with her being a ginger i really do know to be more careful
i have one i tried cutting jacks nails and knicked his finger i nibble his nails now xx
Ooo I did this y'day and felt SO guilty as it started to bleed a little! Not doing it n e more!!!
I put Seth on his changing station yesterday and nipped across the room to get some shorts out the cupboard. Of course, this is the first time he decides to roll over onto his side. He did it so quickly though I was convinced he was going to go all the way over onto his front! I dived across the room knocking over about 30 things on the way and caught him. The worst thing is that one of the drawers doesn't quite shut properly on the station, so had he rolled off he would have smacked his head off one of the drawers on the way down.

I felt so awful afterwards (even though nothing had happened!) but I had NO idea he would decide to roll over. I didn't think he could even do that. Im never leaving him up there again lol

The shame - Im posting in here and he's only 8 weeks old lol

rhys just came running in from the garden soaking wet, he was sat by the pond watching the fishies and he fell in the pond! luckily we have a net over it so he didnt go right in as the net cought him.

i was watching him from my computer out the window but theres washing on the line and couldnt see him properly... its a good job we have a net!
Aww! We arent allowed a pond because my mum knows a kid who drowned in a pond once :(
We just got back from camping in this scorching heat. When I was packing to go I missed the high factor suncream and then forgot to but some from the supermarket as well. :dohh: Luckily I always keep some in the camps firstaid kit. Then when we got back to site after shopping I noticed he'd kicked his little deck shoes off, so they were lost and later the same day we couldn't find his sun hat! I spent the whole weekend chasing the kids around the campsite trying to slather them in suncream AND THEN I GOT BURNT!!! :hissy:
I havnt had any bad moments with Charlie yet except a slight one today when i was feeding him i had the laptop on the arm of the chair i was too busy typing it slipped and bumped him on his head! it didnt bother him and it was only a tap so im not too worryed!
When i was a few weeks old my mum left me in my pram in a shop, got all the way home with her shopping bags and thought she was missing somthing, only to relise she'd left me asleep in my pram at the nafi!! luckly i was still sound asleep when she got there to pick me up!! whenever she takes Charlie out now i remind her to rembember to bring him home!
My Auntie regularly leaves the baby gate open, feels a draft then relises her LO has the front door open and hes half way down the street!!

I put Kyle in his walker, he loves it, to got make some tea and toast and left mickey on, as he usually just stands in the middle of the floor and watches it. So I was pouring out the tea when I here THUD..I ran in to find he had pulled the curtains so much that the pole and curtains had fell on top and were covering him. He didnt cry and when I peaked under the curtain to find him he had big huge smiles :rofl: was soo cute. But really need to pull those cutains back when we get up!
I co-sleep with my daughter. When she was 3 months, I fell and dislocated my shoulder, so feeding her at night was really awkward. I rolled over with her so it was more comfortable, but in my drowsiness, I forgot she wasn't on the right side of the bed. About 10 minutes later I heard a massive thump! She had come off the boob, and rolled off the bed on to the hard floor! I felt awful...but she was still fast asleep!!
I feel bad at the minuite .
I snapped at the kids twice yesterday , In the heat and with the pregnancy hormones raging , I just coudlnt help it . When they got in my way when hoovering i just shouted then screamed then cried .
Laylas been so good she said when i finsihed shouting and cried " Its ok Mummy ill look after you " .
Hopefully they will feel better tommorrow , I have a suprise trip to a local farm planned to let them know im sorry for being a snappy pregnant mess . x .
Omg have been in hysterics!!! well this actually scared me so much i cried when it happened, my OH and I live with his nephew, his mum was over and i was dying her hair in the bathroom, I thought OH was looking after him and he thought the same about us, so the stairgate is shut and we're thinking he's safe then i hear the highest scream ever, i came running out of the bathroom to see that Kyle has got my black nail polish not only eveywhere on his body but IN HIS EYES!!!!! know that cuticle remover etc can blind you if it gets in ur eyes and thats why i panicked and cried!!! then OH says get ur nail polish remover on him! i was like are you out of ur mind!!! so had to soak him with baby oil to try n ub it off, he was laughing within minutes and no damage done,mind you he did look like he'd had an eyelash tint and perm for the rest of the week!!!
Actually a bad father confession. I was in bed sleeping and OH was with Grace in the lounge. I was woken by a huuuge scream. OH ran on carrying her. Apparently she was asleep so he lay her on the couch then lay on the other couch and fell asleep too. And she rolled off! And we have a wooden floor! She was fine though, just a bit shocked lol
Hmmm....actually I'm embaressed to type this. I was eating a hot cinnabun with icing on and one drop fell off onto Skyler's arm! He gave one loud scream and I immediately ran his arm under cold water. He had a small blister afterwards that healed within 4 days but I felt like the worst mother ever.
I must join in with your ladies lol

Max is 3 months old and today while giving hm his bath (which im in with him)
I put him on his belly so he could swim as he loves the water ..well lets just say he dosent hold his head quite well so he swallowed water !!!

and boy was he upset poor thing didnt breath for a half second became all red and after he let out a big scream in anger took me 10 min to calm him down poor baby

Oh and the door frame thing well i should have padded all of mine lol
Ive banged my lo's head on the bannister coming down stairs.
My eldest son was once being extremely naughty one summer, he was about 3 yrs, i plonked him down on a patio chair for time out but it collapsed and he went flying, i felt so bad. He didn't hurt himself and was really well behaved afterwards lol

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