The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

Small confession but Molly's been quite ill since Weds and has been so off her food so she's been really enjoying croissants, brioche and homemade cake with bananas... At least it's something, even if not very diverse! Although she did have an entire bowl of brocolli for dinner today, haha.
I feel awful and I cried for ages!!
Flynn has a bouncer chair that has a toy bar over it that you can't take off so basically you have to slide him in from the top, I was putting him in it earlier and didn't realise his foot had caught on the way in and I bent his leg right back! I thought I'd broken it or dislocated his hip! Took about 3mins to stop him crying once he was calm I (very carefully) put him in his bouncer and had a cry, he must have realised I was upset and decided that maybe he should have been more scared etc and 10 min later started screaming and took a while to calm down! I feel soo bad about it! He rarely cries and when he does it's almost never proper screaming crying (except if his bottle is taking far too long) so th most upset I've ever seen him was my fault and his first experience of pain was my fault!
I live with a social worker (child protection) and I was so upset I called her in and reported myself immediately! She just laughed, said it was just an accident and he wAs fine lol
Ahhh hun, big hugs. He's fine I'm sure, they're very bendy and I doubt any damage is done. Bless you for reporting yourself, gosh I should have done a 1000times over by now if that's the case ;) xxx
Social worker is my sister in law ad we are always joking that she will be sent to take Flynn away and will just take him to their lounge (across the hall from ours lol) he seems fine now.
I had a moment like that. I fell asleep while nursing DS one night and he rolled out of bed hit the space heater next to my bed and got a huge gash on his head. I felt so terrible I cried for like an hour.
Brayden has been very brave today and he kept trying to stand/kneel then let go he fell every time he has sooo many red marks on his head :(
I'm such a rubbish mummy! :cry: :cry:
Erin has been pulling herself up and trying to take a few steps for the last week or so and so far has been fine but today, she was crawling around in the living room while I packed the changing bag to go out. I turned around for a minute to put some more nappies in and she crawled over to the tv, fell and caught her face on the glass shelf :-(
She grazed all the bridge of her nose and has two black eyes.
I took her to the minor injuries unit at the hospital (next door) where they treated me like a complete idiot but I just paniced-I think I cried more than she did. I feel like the world's worst mum for not protecting her.
Yesterday we went out with dh, when we got home we realised that we both thought the other had secured the carseat, poor baby was just resting on the front seat with no seatbelt!
We found mouse droppings in one of our cupbords and I'm the only one small enough to get to it so even though I'd walked too far in the day an my hip was aching I got down to bleaching the whole cupboard and cleaning all the pans etc in there, took well over an hour (all while listening to the three other adults who live here playing with the baby and not offering to help) long story short I completely put m hip out, can hardly put any weight on it so I'm being a bad mother today coz it's a lovely day and there's no
Chance we can go out for our usual walk, and I'm in too much pain to drive either.
Also I didn't have the energy to fill the bowl and collect all the stuff to top and tail Flynn this morning so just gave him a wipe down with a baby wipe, bad mummy!
DVD day and painkillers today!
I'm also still in my bedroom at 9:15 as everyone has gone to work and I can't figure out how to get Flynn downstairs as I'm not very stable on my legs today... I should have not been lazy and got up when dh did for work.
Might put Flynn in his carrier and bum shuffle down the stairs, it'll prob hurt but not many other opitons that don't involve falling and I've run out of bottles and they are all downstairs.
Yesterday I put Izzie in her bassinet and was getting the diaper bag ready to go. I heard my son struggling and saying "I can't do it! I can't get her!" I looked up and he's holding her about 4-6 inches above the bottom of the bassinet and I freaked. I should have stayed calm but I shouted, which made him drop her back into the bassinet. I rushed over to her and she was just looking at me like "What's going on?" Didn't even realize what had happened. Poor thing. I should have been paying attention and shouldn't have shouted. I've def learned my lesson!
I had a moment like that. I fell asleep while nursing DS one night and he rolled out of bed hit the space heater next to my bed and got a huge gash on his head. I felt so terrible I cried for like an hour.

Oooops! can happen so easily!

PS, loving your photo!
Xavier was having a mini freak out the other day. He was feed, fresh diaper, and had just taken a 2 hour nap. There was no need for him to be crying. Instead he kept on, over and over and over. I tried everything to calm him down. Finally, I put a pacifier in his mouth, laid him in the middle of the bed, and went to the bathroom to pee. As I sat in the bathroom I can hear him screaming.
He calmed down and put himself to sleep after 5 mins....I still feel bad though. Bad mommy. I really had to go though!
Xavier was having a mini freak out the other day. He was feed, fresh diaper, and had just taken a 2 hour nap. There was no need for him to be crying. Instead he kept on, over and over and over. I tried everything to calm him down. Finally, I put a pacifier in his mouth, laid him in the middle of the bed, and went to the bathroom to pee. As I sat in the bathroom I can hear him screaming.
He calmed down and put himself to sleep after 5 mins....I still feel bad though. Bad mommy. I really had to go though!

Flynn was like that once and it had been going on so long and I was getting really frustrated so input him down in the middle of the bed and walked out and left him, I locked myself in the bathroom for 10min and de-stressed when i went back he'd gone to sleep and I felt a lot calmer, when he woke up he was fine and I wouldn't hesitate o leave him and walk away for a min if I'm really overwhelmed again, rather leave him a few mins and calm down than get really upset and frustrated, besides sometimes I'm holding him and rocking him trying to calm him down and he's getting upset coz he just wants to be left alone so putting him down and walking away works.
Lily was taking ages to get to sleep tonight and I was getting frustrated with her - I had a light fleecy sleeping bag on her and she kept kicking her legs against it. I thought she was just annoyed at them being confined, but when I took it off her to change her into a sleepsuit, she was clammy with sweat. Bad mum here hadn't realised how warm that sleeping bag was and got annoyed with her, instead of realising how uncomfortable she was.
I had a moment like that. I fell asleep while nursing DS one night and he rolled out of bed hit the space heater next to my bed and got a huge gash on his head. I felt so terrible I cried for like an hour.

Oooops! can happen so easily!

PS, loving your photo!

I felt horrible, I think I was more upset than he was! Lol, and thanks!!
I can't believe I need to be on here already! LO is only just 6 weeks and I have had 3 things already!

One night I was taking him to another bedroom to change him, got disorientated and walked in to a wall, baby first! (only lived here 8 years!)

Yesterday I was going upstairs, got through the living room door and turned round to see where the dog was and knocked LO's head against the door frame.

Tonight, I was winding LO and he thrust back when I wasn't ready and he went back head first in to the drawers at the side of the chair I was sitting on.

Not really a great start to motherhood!
Since u read on here about everyone cutting the tip of lo's fingers with the clippers I bought a nail file and was doing them with that, flynn suddenly decided the other day that this is not ok anymore an he won't tolerate it, today I bought clippers, I thought about you ladies and was really careful. Cut 9 nails no problem, he cried a bit on the tenth but I saw nothing wrong and just left him to finish his nap in peace he evinced for a bit but went back to sleep when he woke up mil said, whats he got on his trousers and shirt? When we looked it was blood! I'd cut the tip of his finger and the poor baby had been bleeding on his clothes and I'd not even noticed! I read the paper and finished m coffee while my poor baby was bleeding!
I cried for a bit and felt terrible for ages!
Me again.... I was eating some chocolate while holding Flynn, he was fascinated and everytime I picked it up he was opening his mouth to take it, he looked like a baby bird lol, he's only six weeks but I let him have a taste, he literally just touched it with his tounge a couple of times, seemed to like it and had a big grin, he didn't actually eat any just tasted it but I feel doubly bad, he shouldn't be having anything but milk for months yet and I didn't want him to be eating chocolate and sweets etc for as long as possible, his first taste of food was chocolate!
Im a bad momma ... took me 6 months to get here.. with my daughter anyways... my son is another story :rofl:

she was playing on the floor, I got up off the couch, had the remote on my lap and it dropped right on her!! I felt sooo bad she was screaming, probably from the shock more-so than she was hurt but still.. ughh.. Poor baby!!!

I am such an idiot for not checking if anything was on my lap geeze!!
I have a few to add -

Last week OH was drinking a bottle of beer and LO kept going to grab it. So I put it between her knees and took a photo :blush:

I turned my back for a minute the other day and found LO guddling in the cat litter tray. Lots of panic from me, even Milton-gel'd her hands haha.

Today she threw a paddy in Tesco as I picked up a packet of carrot sticks and she wanted them. I opened them and gave her one much to the disappointment and tutting of all the people around me.

I was walking LO along the path today with her hands holding mine. She loosened her hands and I wasn't expecting it so she fell face first. I quickly picked her up and brushed her off and then looked around to make sure no-one seen :haha::haha:

Ahh feel better getting those out now!

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