The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

i feel so guilty every time i prepare a bottle for my baby :(
i wanted so bad to breastfeed her but i couldn't
since almost every day i go for the whole day with only one cheese sandwich to eat and sleep for only 2 hours a day
i used to pump once a day to ease my guilt a bit but i cant find the energy to continue no more

:hugs: don't feel bad Lahma, so many of us tried and failed, I know how deeply disappointing it is. Are you taking multivitamins? It's not always possible to eat healthy all the time I know, but the multivits I take have ginseng as well which takes the edge off tiredness.
cookies are all i had since this morning :wacko:
i don't know how other moms manege the housework with cooking + taking care of their baby
i bought multivitamins today and forgot all about them :dohh:
i feel so guilty every time i prepare a bottle for my baby :(
i wanted so bad to breastfeed her but i couldn't
since almost every day i go for the whole day with only one cheese sandwich to eat and sleep for only 2 hours a day
i used to pump once a day to ease my guilt a bit but i cant find the energy to continue no more

:hugs: don't feel bad Lahma, so many of us tried and failed, I know how deeply disappointing it is. Are you taking multivitamins? It's not always possible to eat healthy all the time I know, but the multivits I take have ginseng as well which takes the edge off tiredness.
cookies are all i had since this morning :wacko:
i don't know how other moms manege the housework with cooking + taking care of their baby
i bought multivitamins today and forgot all about them :dohh:

:hugs: I had to let the housework slide in the early weeks, to make LO and myself the priority. All I did was laundry, which often sat in the machine after it was finished cos I couldn't get round to hanging it out. I ate microwave meals and microwaved tinned soup for lunch, sometimes eating with one hand while I fed LO with the other! That was tricky, esp when I was trying to eat with LO in my arms screaming. OH and I take turns cooking, but when I cook it's mostly pasta and pesto, and I didn't eat a hot dinner for months cos LO always started crying just as it was ready. As LO got older I realised sometimes I just had to let her cry for a while so I could eat, as long as she was in her bouncer seat and she could see me and I was talking to her, it wasn't doing her any harm for mummy to eat. Think of it as taking care of the both of you. Oh, and I forgot to take my vits when I started, then I put them next to the kettle so I'd see them more often.:thumbup:
I was getting ready to feed Flynn his bedtime bottle and was laid back on the sofa with him on my chest, for somereason I got really paranoid that my hands were dirty and insisted on rubbin alcohol gel on them, I was really careful to hold my hands away from Flynn so it wouldn't drip on him, so intent intact that I forgot I wasn't holding onto him an he slid off landing face down on the sofa, I felt sooo bad and now dh keeps taking the Mick saying "well at least I didn't drop the baby" whenever I say anything :cry: Flynn was fine and only cried for a min till he got his bottle but I still feel awful!
I really must stop posing in this thread or ss are goon to be hunting me down lol
i accidentally hurt my baby for the first time. oh i felt so bad. i smashed her little pinkie finger in her carseat buckle and i left it buckled for a few seconds and wondered why she was screaming thinking she was just getting tired, then i realized she had her hand in a weird position and her pinkie finger was smushed flat and bright red/purply bruise appearing at the nail. poor baby. she was totally fine after about 2 minutes of crying, once i popped her on the magic booby she stopped crying and was smiling etc...oh but i felt like a bad mommy. :( the finger is totally fine today--just a small bruise on the end...thankfully.
I clicked DD thigh in the car seat buckle.... :cry: oh dear lord I'm still wincing about it now! :(
I locked my baby in my car on a really hot day :(

I felt so bad I was in asda came out put lo in the car and threw my keys onto the passanger seat, closed the door and then couldnt get back in again I grabed the nearest person I cud find and burst into tears. Lo is only 3 months and he was due a feed and was hungry. I was so upset. But I didnt have my phone on me so borrowed the ladies iphone to search on google for my oh's work number. And thankfully got through. . Mil has a spare house key so she brought me my spare set of car keys that were in the house. But mean while the car was getting hotter and hotter, two police men were pulling into the car park and suggested smashing my new car windows in I was like erm no i'm not having broken glass all over my baby and they wernt much help and wernt even fit lol anyways lo started crying and it broke my heart and I was talking to him through the window crying too it was horrible. Wen I eventually got him out the car he was so sweaty and hot I felt like the worst mum in the whole world. I fed him his bottle and he was fine with the air con blasting at him: I still feel horrible! Wen we got home I felt his fontenelle and it was so sucken I spent most of the afternoon with a bottle of milk in my hand encoraging him to drink lots which he did happily smilling at me. I felt like I didnt deserve smiles from him after what I put him threw who else has done this? I'm still not happy with the police men that were only getting sandwiches and then buggered off x
just gave Leo a bath, put him in the middle of the bed and turned around and he somehow leapt 4-5 feet and landed about 1 foot off the bed:dohh: In the 2 secs it took for me to pic the nappy up to dress him hed flung himself onto the floor facedown. Feel so bad but he was quiet til I picked him up then he went and had a quick cry then settled down again. No idea how he managed to get that far that quickly :wacko:
Babies are like ninjas.

Mine hasn't done that yet. Thankfully. Glad Leo is okay!
Hes learning to push himself along on his knees so he needs to be watched 24/7 now. We usually put him on the floor to have a little crawl and he moves quite a bit now. He loves stroking the rug and trying to pull pieces out :haha:
Mines quite bad! This was after a very whingy day and lots of moaning and tantrums. i rang my mother in law this morning and it went straight to voice mail but couldnt hear properly because my LO was screaming, so i just said, William, for gods sake SHUT UP!! but thinking id hung up, later on my mother in law plays the message to me! as if i need any more ammunition!

Disclaimer - i dont tell my son to shut up regularly but every woman has a limit, i still feel bad now!
don't know how to love my baby : (
im treating this mother thing like a project
i try to do every thing right i don't even trust the maid to do her laundry or wash her bottles, but i also don't feel any thing when she smiles
i don't play with her
i am so tired and exhausted all the time that i don't know how to enjoy her & she is a lovely baby she doesn't cry that much but it seems i spend the whole day ether trying to feed her or washing her bottles
i have no time for my self at all and i maybe resenting her for it
there is no more traveling or even going out of the house since it takes an hour to feed her and she feeds every 2 hours
I'm a monster and she deserves a better mom
:hugs: i'm sure you do love your baby. you sound like you just need a break. can you catch a break for a few hours once in a while or can someone watch her so you can have a day to regroup? i think when you get so down and out from being overwhelmed and tired, and feel like you can't leave the house, you feel trapped, and you don't find the joy in the simple smiles etc...sounds like you need to find someone to help you out so you can get out and about. :hugs:
Mines quite bad! This was after a very whingy day and lots of moaning and tantrums. i rang my mother in law this morning and it went straight to voice mail but couldnt hear properly because my LO was screaming, so i just said, William, for gods sake SHUT UP!! but thinking id hung up, later on my mother in law plays the message to me! as if i need any more ammunition!

Disclaimer - i dont tell my son to shut up regularly but every woman has a limit, i still feel bad now!

Saturday night, about 2AM O was not settling into any sleep and I was exhausted after several LONG nights and I had just gone back to work 2 days before...and I got so frustrated I put her in the middle of the bed (so she was somewhere safe) and I went into the kitchen and cursed up a storm...I was saying go the F to sleep (well she wasn't in the room and wasn't hearing me) but I was definitely talking to her, whether she could hear or not...I was so frustrated and crying and almost yelling/talking loudly in the kitchen. DH took over the rest of the night except for feeds...he did the settling and I slept as far away on the bed that I could.

You are right--everyone has a limit.
I would like to report that my baby rolled off my lap and onto the carpet while breastfeeding this morning. She has a carpet burn mark between her eyes. The sound she made when she hit the carpet seems like it will never leave my head. :(
when i was cutting ds nails a couple of days ago he wa being super wriggly and when i trimmed his thumb nail i accidently caught the top of his thumb...! as if that wasn't bad enough i managed to do the same thing on the other hand...!
don't know how to love my baby : (
im treating this mother thing like a project
i try to do every thing right i don't even trust the maid to do her laundry or wash her bottles, but i also don't feel any thing when she smiles
i don't play with her
i am so tired and exhausted all the time that i don't know how to enjoy her & she is a lovely baby she doesn't cry that much but it seems i spend the whole day ether trying to feed her or washing her bottles
i have no time for my self at all and i maybe resenting her for it
there is no more traveling or even going out of the house since it takes an hour to feed her and she feeds every 2 hours
I'm a monster and she deserves a better mom

You're not a monster your just overwhelmed! you seem to care alot about her or you wouldnt worry about her laundry. Its total BS that you love your kid right away (for some of us maybe), its been taking me months to fall head over heels for my baby, and I still dont feel like a mother. I feel like I was given an assignment!!! its normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure you play with her but I only play with mine a few minutes --- you cant just ignore your needs - I sometimes let her whine (not cry) and watch tv or whatever or I would go nuts - and I dont feel bad about it. Neither should you. Message me if you want to talk.
I was feeding Charlie when he was 3 weeks old whilst eating a sausage roll, i looked down as he had unlatched himself and somehow he'd got hold of a tiny bit of pastry and was sucking on it. He'd swallowed it whilst i was trying to get it out. He was fine :D
I was wearing Flynn while we were out the otherday and dh bought me a hot dog, I said when he bought it "I probably shouldn't have onions or I'll drop them all over his head" I laughed and got onions anyway, first bite, onions dropping on his head! I fished them all out and had to put a napkin over him while I ate lol! Inmates one day I'll get the hang of baby wearing and not surprise people either, I use a stiff carrier from mothercare and I dont like the straps so after it's on i wear a cardi over it, from behind you can't see any sign of baby so standing next to the toy shelves jigging up and down while mock squealing at the toys I looked like a mental person from behind!!
I'm glad to read I'm not the only one that has shouted at her baby! Lucas was just really getting on my nerves earlier - not even too sure why! :blush: And I just shouted at him to stop it! I was so frustrated that I put him in his cot put his dummy in his mouth, turned his mobile on (quite surprised I did that actually) and went downstairs so I wouldn't hear him as much! About 10 minutes later he was asleep!!
I feel really bad for being so horrible to him though!! :cry: He's gonna get a nice cuddle when he wakes up, poor boy!! :blush:

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