I am in shock! After over a year of trying, tons of tests, a gazillion appointments and follow-ups, IUIs and finally IVF - it worked!
I`m 40 years young, I was making myself sick with worry that it wouldn`t happen. Despite being told by my FS that my numbers were very good, I kept getting obsessed with stats, test results, etc. We got 22 ovules (!), 9 fertilized, 6 developed. The best two were implanted at 3 days.
when I saw the second line I just cried and cried. I was zen for the whole 2ww but the last few days I had strong period cramps so I was 100% convinced it was over. The only reason I took a home test the morning of the clinic`s blood test was not to have a mental breakdown at work when they would call with the results
it`s still very early of course, 3 weeks to the dreaded viability scan (ugh how I hate that term). But still this feels like a victory. I'm enjoying the few days so far of being a little bit pregnant, no matter how it will go. IVF is covered here cost-wise but still the emotional investment, the hope, dreams etc. we place in these things is sooooo huge.
My first son was a micro preemie, I was/am 100% determined not to put us/ a precious baby through that hell again. What I`ve been doing the last year:
-lost 40 lbs
-got my blood pressure under control (cause of premature birth last time)
-eating well, exercising
-getting work stress under control (ie I developed a serious 'i couldn`t care less' attitude haha)
-600mg of coq10 per day
-acupuncture in a clinic specializing in fertility. This I only started during the (2 month long) ivf cycle. They said typically you should begin 3 months before your cycle. I find it soooo relaxing.
-trying to keep warm, eating warm foods
I`m sorry I haven`t been posting much in the monthly threads, I just couldn`t face having a few buddies, sharing all the exciting details only to finish with bad news. But I`ve been following the stories here for well over a year.
Thank you all you fab ladies for your help and encouragements. It will happen for all of us

Oh and congrats Anorak!!