Morning ladies!
I've been off of the site for a while. It all started to get a little overwhelming. I was really struggling with not conceiving especially as every Tom, Dick and Harry around me seemed to be able to get pregant 'by accident'
After going on to our 9th cycle of TTC #1 we decided to go back to the doctors.This time I requested to see a female doc.
After asking us questions about whether I'm ovulating (which I am) and whether we BD at the correct time (we do) she said that she would refer us for fertilty treatment once we'd had some tests done as there was no point in waiting as the tests were easy to take and would get things moving.
So I had my CD21 tests...or so I thought! As FF moved my cross hairs for OV date (never happened before) so now I was possibly going for CD21 tests at 3dpo... however I thought FF was wrong so kept the appointment.
The tests came back normal. Prolactin 400 (whatever the hell that means) but the doc didn't and wouldn't tell me what my progesterone level was, which annoyed me! I also had a smear (which made me spot for 5 days and was quite scary) which also came back clear.
Hubby did his sperm sample on Monday and is expecting his results today.
So I've still been temping and noticed my temps have been staying up. Usually about 2 days before AF shows my temp dips. It hasn't yet, and FF seems confused as to when ov'd so I thought I could be late to start AF, or not ...
I thought it best to leave it for a couple of days. I felt as if AF was coming and was cramping and still slightly spotting.
So this morning while hubby is in the shower I get up to do a test downstairs as I'm CD18 or CD14 depending on when I ovulated.... I'm expecting the usual BFN.
Well blow me. This showed up!
B to-the F to-the P!

So naturally I burst into tears, then pulled myself back together and got back into bed. When hubby came back into the bedroom i said, you kow you get your sperm sample results today, I think they're going to be OK. He said 'Why?' I said, because I'm pregnant! So we had a big cuddle!
So I'm cautiously happy here. I know its very early days and anything can happen, but after 9 months, just getting to this point seems to be a massive achievement. We're keeping to between oursleves till/if I get to the 8 week mark then we'll tell our parents and brothers/sisters.