The BFP Annoucement Sticky - Guidelines

I've finally decided to post my BFP. For a while I didn't think anyone would care but a plea from a TTCer on the pregnancy boards reminded me how much I would have cared when I was TTC!

I'm 38 with discouraging numbers (AMH essential zero) so I decided to be aggressive. After trying for 6 months with a fussy 43 year old boyfriend (who avoided all things sex related so I had to be creative with softcups, etc), I decided to ditch his drama and get a donor. I was first time lucky with injectibles and an IUI with donor sperm! I had taken the supplements all the lovely ladies in here suggested (CoQ10, DHEA, Vitamin D3, and prenatals) as well.

I'm grateful to all the lovely ladies on these boards with their support and advice. I worry that I'll lose my little monkey on a near daily basis but know that I'm very lucky so far. Hope to see you all soon on the pregnancy boards!!

ooh congratulations Caloneis! Hurray!! Only two months?! that`s what we all hope for, a short stay on the ttc forum ;) Wishing you a happy, wonder filled 9 months.

Congrats Suzy Q! Best feeling in the world huh. I`m currently 9 weeks and still over the moon. Still too chicken to put up a ticker though :haha: CONGRATS!!
Thanks for the kind words Vermeil. I've finally stopped worrying, since nothing positive will come from it regardless. Just taking it as it comes. I just read the post about your little boy - my cousin just gave birth two weeks ago to a little girl at 27 weeks - and I just can't imagine the mix of emotions. Your little boy, not so little anymore I suppose, looks so happy and healthy, just gorgeous. Best wishes to your family this time around.
Congrats SuzyQ! :flower: And you are almost at 12wks too! I also had very low AMH & took all the supps (called it the 4-month Egg Plan) & got BFP (a while back)

Congrats Vermeil! Wow, what a siggie you have 27wks & 1lb 4oz delivery? That must have been so terribly rough. :nope: I'm so glad he survived & is thriving well today & he looks like a perfectly healthy, happy boy. (I have Total Placenta Previa myself, so I'm thankful to get to 28wks so far - big pre-term delivery & bleeding risk though.)
Hello all,

First time posting, but I have been lurking around these parts for a couple months, soaking up information and experience. Many thanks. My husband and I are trying for our first (my first and his first). Me 37, him almost 42. I've a tendency toward anxiety and once we made the decision to TTC, all the things I've heard about declining fertility after 35 really started to do a number on my head. I feel incredibly lucky to announce that I got two positive results this morning. It's early, AF expected 16-18th, but I believe I am 13DPO. I was a bit shocked by the first one, clear but faint on a cheap dip stick, so I immediately pulled out the FRER that I bought but never used last month. Waiting for my husband to wake so I can share the news.

This was our 2nd cycle TTC, first time using OPK. Got a positive for LH surge on CD12, earlier than predicted based on my cycle length. I'm going to try my best to stay positive, and hope for a viable, healthy pregnancy going forward. And I'll probably continue to lurk and occasionally post here if you don't mind.

Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner.
Congratulations! In the middle of my 2nd cycle right now. Hope I can follow in your footsteps :)

Apparently I did! 2nd cycle and got my BFB. Currently very early days only in my 5th week. Very grateful and trying to appreciate all the aches and pains...after all it is for a good cause!
Apparently I did! 2nd cycle and got my BFB. Currently very early days only in my 5th week. Very grateful and trying to appreciate all the aches and pains...after all it is for a good cause!

Fabulous news, Mapleroo. Congratulations!

My first appointment is on Wednesday. I don't expect an ultrasound (only 7 weeks), but hopefully it will still make things feel more real for me. I've been feeling rather yucky for the last 4-5 days. I would have to describe the nausea as mild, I never actually feel like I am in danger of being sick, but it is near constant and very tiresome. And the sore boobs - OMG! I literally have to carry them in my hands when I wake up in the morning.
Sore boobs! oh dear...I don't have that, just the nausea. I have had HG with my other pregnancies so I am being very proactive this time and already on meds for it. Still get nauseas, but compared to the HG, I will take it! As long as I don't start puking, I should be fine lol. I just wish I could fast forward to say the 12th week or so! Good luck with your appointment. Let me know how it all goes :)
Congratulations to all of you!!! :baby:

Send some of that stickly, sparkly dust this way!

image.jpg. Sending positive thoughts your way. Got my Bfp on Friday 9/10 dpo!! Shocked !! It will happen!! Good luck to everyone!!
Okay since no one has posted here for a month, thought I'd add my news :)

Got my bfp last week and today Im 4+5 weeks!!!!

Of course Ive been here before (2mc) but right now Im just taking things one day at a time.

I wanted to share my news in case it gives any one hope.

Im 40, have very low AMH and very high FSH and have had 2 ivf/icsi cycles (one bfn and one only a couple of mnths ago cancelled as I didnt respond). Oh and We've been ttc for 3+ years... So there you go, against the odds I am 'up the duff'

Hoping so much that this is a healthy pregnancy.

Good luck girls.

Congratulations on being up the duff!!!! I too wish you a long and healthy pregnancy :hugs:
Congratulations threebirds! Hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months :hugs:
Hello everyone

So here goes, I'm going to be 42 on the 31st August and this morning, lunchtime and just now got my BFP at 9DPO.

I am a mum of 3, age 6, 4 and 3 - started later in life.

What have I done to help my body prepare:

I have a duodenal ulcer, duodenitis and inflammation of the bowel. So I took serrapeptase high dose and adjusted it down over 6 weeks along with following anti inflammatory diet. I have also been on PPI since December last year but weaning myself off it. I have suffered for 2.5 years with this so done all the cabbage juice, pine nut oil, literally tried anything I came across on google to calm my body down.

Then back in May I had it in my head that I wanted baby 4. I started drinking Red Raspberry leaf tea every day right through to July when we tried for number 4. I then stopped drinking it when I ovulated.

I use Persona monitor for contraception and get my 0 so know when I ovulate. I back this up with an ovulation pee stick, temping and this cycle tried that saliva test kit.

1st try end of June cycle no luck and we BD all over ovulation. So this cycle did the same with the tea drinking until I had my first 0 on persona and I also started taking Ovaboost fertility supplement 4 tablets a day spread throughout the day, started these 29th July and my period started 27 July. Oh and have been taking pregnacare conception since December 2012.

I started the saliva testing after my period stopped and no ferning, we practiced anyway that weekend not even thinking I was going to ovulate and going by previous months I was about 7-8 days out - then 2 days later had full ferning on saliva test, 0 on persona and positive on pee stick. So we BD that night and 3 nights later then abstained.

I would also like to add that my CM was not really noticeable before ovulation, don't recall the egg white at all, in fact I was thinking how can I be fertile and ovulating when I have no CM and practically dry since ovulation ( I do not internal test only observe external )

And here we are now.


1DPO tired and can't sleep properly. Dry CM
2DPO Weird dreams, bit grumpy. Dry CM
3DPO mild cramping but nothing to say ouch about. Sore boobs. Dry CM
4DPO Temp dip, mild cramping, sore boobs dry CM
5DPO Want to eat but junk like crisps no appetite, less cramping, less sore boobs
6DPO Same as day 5 but bit more moody than normal. Negative test.
7DPO Same as day 5 - Negative test
8DPO Little bit more sore, tired, only very mild pressure, Bit bloated. Didn't test
9DPO Boobs bit more sore, only mild pressure and got my BFP. Still dry cm. Bit light headed and heady but been busy day and active

When I had my daughter at 39 I also did not have the usual CM to show fertility and definitely dry post ovulation and I tested with her 10DPO.

With my boys lots of CM pre ovulation and post and through pregnancy so maybe it's another girl! Tested with boys at 10DPO.

I still have all my pregnancy test sticks dated for all my pregnancies and crazy as it sounds, dug them out to compare.

I hope this one sticks, it's still early days,

Good luck to all you ladies TTC and desiring those little people in your life.


baby dust to you all
Need some support!! AF is 1-1.5 weeks late (depending on which cycle length you choose), my temp is still high (over 37 C). I'm 13 dpo and got my BFP this morning (!!) but when I went to the dr this aft to confirm pg, one test was BFN and the other was super faint pos. So we did my blood work which will come back tomorrow - just freaking out now!!
Anyone have this happen? I do drink a *lot* of water and I'm peeing like a racehorse. Dr said that can definitely affect the intensity of the lines. HELP!!! Thoughts??
We have been trying for 2½ years, and today got a bfp. I am now 42, this is baby #7

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