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The BFP Before The 'Would Of Been' Due Date Thread - Any Joiners?

Thanks, me too. Kinda scary. It only took us 2 months to conceive my daughter and 3 months to conceive when it was ectopic. If it takes longer than 6 months I will be quite discouraged. :(
I seem to have no problem conceiving it's making it sticky that seems to be the problem right now but as I have 3 daughters already I know I can do it xxx baby dust all round oh and some sticky dust xxxx
Hi everyone, I'm thinking I might take this month off give my body time to recover but other half of me saying don't be silly this might be your month x any opinions??? xxxxjessxxxx I know you have now had 4 losses did you take any month off in between? Xxx

I'm seeing my regular spiritualist medium on the 9th but I will have ov by then so that's not going to help me out for this month but the reading I got from mesina says I do need to recover an dec will be my month although she never mentioned my chemical mcs I've had the past 2 months I'm just so unsure what's the best thing to do x I know none of you can tell me what to do I just want your opinions on what you might do if in my position x thanks x

Hey hunny, It's such a hard decision to make.
When you miscarry your body has contractions, hence the reasons sometimes it is rather painful. My first miscarriage at 9weeks I was in agony! The others I had a few cramps and not so severe.
But after a miscarriage, like as if you had given birth - your uterus muscles are soft. That's why it's sometimes common to have numerous miscarriages all in close range sometimes. I researched it before and wasn't sure about my decision. At the end of it though I figured what if I miss a month and that was going to be *my* month. I also thought, if my body isn't ready to be pregnant yet it simply wont get pregnant.
Here's how my months went.Started NTNP in January. In March I began TTC and caught the egg that month :) In May I miscarried :sadangel: AF arrived 10 days late, we we're having sex that month but didn't catch that egg. My next cycle I caught baby no.2, but miscarried in July. In August I decided no TTC and to give my body a rest. Come September and October I continued trying, but had a miscarriage with them two too.
This month I really had to re-think everything out - could I go through with this pain again? Should I give my body a rest? But I decided, I shall try again. I know if I had another one that would relly crack me, then I would consider waiting until January - a new year, a new start. BUT the due date for my first miscarriage is coming up too soon, and I know I could not call it off as even though it's cracked my heart into pieces at times, even though I get so down and depressed with it all - it would help heal some of that if I got a :bfp: So, the want for a bfp overruns the pain with it all. However come the end of this month bfp or bfn, I shall be going to my Dr's. Have yours looked into anything yet? x x x
Please keep strong though hun, please please do. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment but there is that light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to take one step at a time, keep your head high and you'll find that light :flower: ... x x x ... :hugs:
Thanks, me too. Kinda scary. It only took us 2 months to conceive my daughter and 3 months to conceive when it was ectopic. If it takes longer than 6 months I will be quite discouraged. :(

Just remember that the time average time for someone with no fertility problems is a year. I know my GP wouldn't refer me to the FS before then and I did have known problems (PCOS and endometriosis). I hope it happens for you soon, as I know how soul destroying it can be trying month after month.
Goood Morning Ladies :hi:
Anyone got any fancy plans today??
How are you all feeling?
I am going to town today as I have 2 interviews :) But Im going to buy some tests while Im there as waiting until 12dpo is amazing for me :) So yeah, I am going to give in!
Anyone know what Answer tests are like? I've heard and seen they are like First Response, but I can get Answer ones in town for 4.99 for a 2 pack xx
Sorry I've never used Answer ones before, I usually just use my £10 for 50 IC's lol! Though I did use a Boots digital to confirm my BFP cos I couldn't believe my eyes and I have the second one put aside for next time.
I chose not to get IC's this month but wish I had now :dohh:
Thanks for answering though hun. maybe I'll give them a go and see what they are like :thumbup: x
I've got the 10(whatever the unit is) ones which are the most sensitive you can buy and so far so good. I get them from Amazon usually :)
Hiya I think asda tesco and superdrugs own tests are great and price good as well I have went through 50 one step ic's at 10miu an not one have came up positive even when digi did xxx
Really? That's crazy. You'd think in this day and age they could develop something more reliable. Mind you, we wouldn't buy as many if they were more reliable and didn't give us evaps!
Well I think I am 1dpo today (praying I am actually :)) I had a temp spike today, but it could either be from O or from the progesterone I am taking :( but I took the meds on Tuesday and I didn't have a temp spike yesterday morning, so hopefully the temp is really from O. It is going to be a long 2WW!
FX'd it stays up!! I'm CD8 today. I'm going away to a conference until Saturday so I think I'm going to start my OPKs when I get back on Saturday (CD10), I'm so excited! I didn't O until CD16 or 17 last month so I'm thinking that will be early enough to start using them. I am going to bring them just in case I get too antsy (or get CM) so I don't miss it! Although I'll be away from DH anyway but it will still be good to know that we're not missing it.

yay :)
hi to the new ladies :flower: sorry for your losses, you'l have a great support on here all these ladies are fabby.

Mrskg - I hope your keeping well and each day becomes a little better :hugs: i hope you are able to make the decision on that is best for you about ttc straight away or to take a break :flower: as you said no one here can tell you what to choose but we are all here to support you every step of the way whatever you do decide :hugs::hugs:

Twinkie210 - I hope you ovulated and catch that egg!! :hugs: have everything crossed for you. We are the same i think i also ov yesterday or poss tuesday :happydance:.

xxxjessxxx - Goodluck with the testing :happydance::happydance: really hope u get ur bfp xx

AFM - Iam cd 19 and 1 possibly 2dpo, having an emotional day today, my best friend who lives next door is in hospital having her baby boy today, so excited for her and to finally get to see him but iam so nervous and anxious about going in to the hospital 2moro. I went out this morning and bought newborn outfits, pj's , hats and mits for him and it felt nice but i had waves of sadness as i would have been 30weeks on sun :cry: Iam trying to stay positive though and concentrate on making our rainbow it would be sooooo fantastic to get my bfp this cycle. We chose to do SMEP we dtd cd 8,10,12,13,14,15 and 18. We had to miss out cd16 and 17 because dh was overnights at work. Iam hoping this has been enough
So sorry about going to the hospital to visit your friends baby... I know how tough it can be! I realized earlier this week that I would have been 20 weeks on Sunday :( I had a bit of a cry and was able to move past it (although I might feel different on Sunday). I should have a little bump and be getting an U/S, not tracking O and waiting to test...

But I was able to make it through a whole support group meeting without crying! (First time for me!) It still breaks my heart to think about what I lost, but at least I feel in control of my emotions now.
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well today. Anyone close to testing? 6 DPO here and light cramps along with annoying CM (ew sorry TMI I know). My face has not broken out yet and it usually breaks out one week before AF is due. When I got pregnant in August my face was super clear, I knew something was up. If it's not broken out by the weekend my body is officially playing a cruel trick on me! Still super gassy too (fun for the DH)! lol I'm in my 1ww now... if no major AF signs/spotting I'll test Wednesday of next week, the day she is due. Getting a little nervous... kinda just waiting for my face to break out! The cramping could go either way. I guess I am close to what would be implantation time. A super miracle would be nice but I am not getting my hopes up! In fact I think a BFP this soon might terrify me at this point!
Hey ladies I do hope your all ok.
Did test with diluted urine and got super faint/barely there line :dohh: would try posting it if I had a better camera but it's extremely faint and my phone camera won't pick that up. Tempted to do another soon :blush:
Will definitely do one tomorrow morning though.
Has anyone else tested? :flower: x x
Hey ladies I do hope your all ok.
Did test with diluted urine and got super faint/barely there line :dohh: would try posting it if I had a better camera but it's extremely faint and my phone camera won't pick that up. Tempted to do another soon :blush:
Will definitely do one tomorrow morning though.
Has anyone else tested? :flower: x x

OOOooo Jess! that is exciting! I hope it is darker using FMU!
Hey ladies I do hope your all ok.
Did test with diluted urine and got super faint/barely there line :dohh: would try posting it if I had a better camera but it's extremely faint and my phone camera won't pick that up. Tempted to do another soon :blush:
Will definitely do one tomorrow morning though.
Has anyone else tested? :flower: x x

OOOooo Jess! that is exciting! I hope it is darker using FMU!

Thanks hun :hugs:
It's sooooo light though, sometimes I think there's pink and other times I don't :nope:
Just an annoying waiting game now!
I was talking to OH last night tho, and I said I think I'm pregnant. He knows whenever I've said that I have been so yeah :wacko: I just feel it again, and my :holly: have gone huuuuge and soooo sore :blush: But anyway, while I was talking to OH I said, I'm excited because chances are Im right again, but then Im terrified because I really don't want to bleed again :nope: and it was at that point I started getting all teary and began crying :cry: But yeah, Im just so so scared :nope:
Hey ladies I do hope your all ok.
Did test with diluted urine and got super faint/barely there line :dohh: would try posting it if I had a better camera but it's extremely faint and my phone camera won't pick that up. Tempted to do another soon :blush:
Will definitely do one tomorrow morning though.
Has anyone else tested? :flower: x x

Praying it's your BFP! :flower:
Hey ladies I do hope your all ok.
Did test with diluted urine and got super faint/barely there line :dohh: would try posting it if I had a better camera but it's extremely faint and my phone camera won't pick that up. Tempted to do another soon :blush:
Will definitely do one tomorrow morning though.
Has anyone else tested? :flower: x x

OOOooo Jess! that is exciting! I hope it is darker using FMU!

Thanks hun :hugs:
It's sooooo light though, sometimes I think there's pink and other times I don't :nope:
Just an annoying waiting game now!
I was talking to OH last night tho, and I said I think I'm pregnant. He knows whenever I've said that I have been so yeah :wacko: I just feel it again, and my :holly: have gone huuuuge and soooo sore :blush: But anyway, while I was talking to OH I said, I'm excited because chances are Im right again, but then Im terrified because I really don't want to bleed again :nope: and it was at that point I started getting all teary and began crying :cry: But yeah, Im just so so scared :nope:

If you confirm you BFP tomorrow I would call your Dr. and see if they can do some blood tests. It seems like there has to be something they can do differently this time around!

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